Thursday, October 17, 2024

Unsupportive Wives Blamed For Lack Of Amway Success

Our sack of shit Amway Platinum says the girl you date is going to affect whether you grow in the company.

Just another chauvinistic comment from the Platinum. And what proof does he have that I’m cheating on my husband and dating a girl! Asshole!

The point of him saying that is because he’s too chickenshit to say “wife” in an Amway meeting where only one or 2 wives are present so he focuses on the younger single men in the audience that he assumes may be dating girls. Self righteous son of a bitch would be horrified to hear these guys are in same sex relationships and those he would really be trying hard to bust up because I heard him say enough homophobic comments in the meetings he ran.

Whatever. His ultimate goal is breaking up the relationship.

I get enough ambots showing up here leaving comments that I’m an unsupportive wife. Like I’ve never heard that one before. The fucking sack of shit Amway Platinum said those same words occasionally in my presence and 100% of the time to my husband when I was not present. He uses his position of authority as an Amway cult leader to destroy relationships because his job is to separate the IBO from anyone who might have the power to cut off his income supply.

So to any brainwashed ambot who accuses me of not supporting my husband I will agree with that statement only when it refers to Scamway. I did not support my husband in an Amway “business” because I don’t support him scamming other people out of their hard earned money. I don’t support him spending 30 or 40 hours a week wasting his time chasing an elusive dream. I don’t support him throwing away his hard earned money and going into credit card debt so he can make his upline’s dreams come true.

There are many things that I support him on and anyone who’s been in a long term committed relationship will understand. Its called living life’s journey together.

We don’t need a dangerous Amway cult leader interfering in our lives poisoning my husband’s mind.

I get some brainwashed ambots asking who am I to judge people involved in Amway. I mean, what the fuck? Pot calling the kettle black? Seeing as how I was the one who witnessed the upline abuse, watched my husband max out his credit, watched shitty overpriced Amway products coming into our house and watched his personality change from a nice sensitive human being into an ugly snarling, sneering Ambot I have all the ammunition I need to judge!

Some brainwashed ambots want to know what am I doing to make my life better? For starters I got my husband out of Amway! The profits from our real business that we don’t invest back into the business go into our house, our retirement savings, our hobbies, our vacations, etc. Can you ambots say the same thing? Our Platinum told us that he would tell us how we would invest any meager profit we made in Amway. Invest it back into Amway. Buy more Amway products and invest heavily in the tool scam.

Isn’t it interesting that all these ambots want answers but don’t say what they’re doing to make their lives better. And no being a fucking arrogant Amway scamming “business owner” doesn’t count. Ambots never say how much money they’re making in their Amway business or provide links to their tax returns. They throw in a bomb and run because they’re too chickenshit to come back and read the responses.

Sometimes I get told to mind my own business. Nope. My work is not done yet. There are a lot of people out there who need to know the horrors of what its like being married to an ambot.




Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Happiness = Bashing A Brainwashed Amway Ambot

This ambot from Spokane Washington left a comment on the Grand Opening Bust post.

There’s at least at least one searcher a day coming from Google asking about Amway Grand Opening. At least they’re all coming to the marriedtoanambot blog and learning that they shouldn’t waste their time.

This brainwashed ambot found his way to the Grand Opening post by searching for “Terry Brown WWDB”. I have no idea who that is but someone in the comments referenced that name which is why it shows on the search engines.

Now to the main event! Trashing a canned Amspeak response!


FreedomFighter said...

You know what's funny?? Idiots, who don't learn from their mistakes, are doomed to make the same stupid mistakes again.

Also did you know that one of the main reasons that men in the world fail is because they have unsupportive wives? Food for thought.

Oh, and the only reason that first downline quit is because they had a low self image, like most failures in the business.

His 'mutual friend' told him it was a scam and he valued that opinion more than his future and family. He allowed someone elses stupid opinion, that wasn't credible for squat, to shoot down his dream.

Which means YOU failed to do your part and invest in that person. And I don't mean financially invest. I mean take some of your precious time to mentor and show him how everything REALLY works.

But in order to teach how it all works, you must know how it all works. You need to study, a lot. Just like a test. You can't see the answers once or twice and expect to ace it. It takes determination, which we as Americans are cursed at having very little of.

Not to mention, nobody ever tells you to lie. So that was one of MANY mistakes made on your end.

If you really paid any attention you could've taken that $150 BBQ 'expense' and bought everything through one of Amway's hundreds of partner stores.

I don't know, let's say K-Mart for example. They have hamburgers, buns, condiments, salad, cake, ice cream, etc. And guess what? You would've gotten paid to do it!

You are right about one thing though. You could've held a million grand openings and the turnout would've been the same. You know why? Because you didn't make the selfish sacrifice necessary to make it happen.

You don't try and lure people in with free food and then pounce on them. That's just lazy. You're trying to get people to come to you.

Well it takes effort from you to find those who are determined. Effort that you obviously didn't exert.

But you can choose to ignore the truth and be angry. Or you can learn from your ignorance, mature and better your future.

I'm 20 years old, and I'll be retired by the time I'm 21. With nothing but free time and hard earned money to spend with my family and friends. And devoting maybe 20 hours a week, if I so choose, to building a future. A legacy that'll be passed on to financially support my grankids' grandkids.

But if that sounds like a scam to you, too bad. Because it sounds like freedom to me. It sounds like what the American dream was intended to be.

Getting paid to wipe my rear, clean my kitchen, do my laundry, be healthy, look good, be good and show those who are willing how to do the exact same. ':)



September 18,2011 8:09 PM


OK FreedomFighter are you ready for your punishment?

First off here’s the idiot rule: If you identify 10 unrelated persons as idiots within any one month period chances are you have overestimated the number of idiots by 9 and the guilty party is not one of the 10.

So WWDB is still doing the male chauvinist pig teachings that the only reason men fail in Amway is because of their unsupportive wives. Yawn. Like I’ve never heard that one before! You forgot to add that I’m a negative unchristian dream stealer loser.

If you had read some of my other posts you would know that the reason our one and only downline quit a couple of weeks after signing up with Amway was because our sack of shit Platinum’s henchman phoned him to bitch him out because he didn’t come to an Amway meeting. Adults don’t want some kid 20 30 years younger phoning to chastise them. He said fuck this I’m outta here and quit. You’re being a pompous self righteous son of a bitch and accusing us of not investing time in him and mentoring him and someone else shooting down his dream when the real reason he quit was because of the fucking upline henchman’s bitchfest. Not that I would expect some brainwashed ambot to accept the truth that Amway upline are a bunch of interfering troublemaking assholes.

There’s no Kmart in my area. Closest one is about 200 miles away. You want me to drive that far to get some burgers and ice cream when Costco is 5 miles away? How is that saving me money? That’s maybe $100 in gas to get to and from Kmart and a 10 hour or so round trip.

My husband spent countless hours studying everything Amway. As long as you’re a brainwashed ambot you’ll never understand that it doesn’t matter how many hours you invest in Amway, less than 1% will make any money at it. Look at your WWDB Amway literature. Its right there in the small print that your upline wants you to ignore.

Nobody teaches us to lie? The first thing we’re taught when prospecting if someone asks if this is Amway that we’re to deny it! Ha ha! Nice try! The only successful ambots are the good liars.

Yeah you’re a know it all 20 year old and someone has filled your head with dreams of being retired at 21 and you’ll have residual income rolling in for the rest of your life and your Amway business is willable to your children and grandchildren. Amway’s head office is supposedly trying to get the word out there that cult leaders are not to be teaching that because its a lie. Amway supporters deny that this bullshit residual income is still being taught today. Thanks for dropping by to confirm that these lies are still being taught!

So how much do you get paid to wipe your ass? Sounds like easy money if one can find a job with that qualification!

FreedomFighter? I have to wonder why Amway ambots are encouraged to use terms like warrior and fighter. Terms that can be used when describing war and violence. And then signing off “peace”.

You are one fucked up brainwashed little ambot. 




Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What Exactly Is Amway?

One of our talented readers came up with a poem that perfectly describes Amway. It deserves its own post. Thank you for your contribution! Loving it!

Who else wants to see the Goads put this to music and sing it at the next Amway WWDB brainwashing conference?



Amway seeks out brainless dopes
And fills them with imagined hopes.
They only sign up stupid folk,
‘Cause Amway is a fucking joke.

Look at helpless IBOs
Paying money through the nose--
These losers are all going broke
‘Cause Amway is a fucking joke.

Amway works you like a slave
And sends you to an early grave.
You’ll sweat, you’ll starve, you’ll cough and choke,
‘Cause Amway is a fucking joke.

You’ll slowly rack up massive debt
For purchases you’ll soon regret.
The tension will give you a stroke,
“Cause Amway is a fucking joke.

Go to functions, hear the crap
Spouting from some Diamond’s yap--
Those big-pin scum are blowing smoke,
“Cause Amway is a fucking joke,

You even have to take a class
On how to kiss your Platinum’s ass.
You’re shackled to your up-line’s yoke,
“Cause Amway is a fucking joke.

You’re hoping for a bonus check?
You think you’ll make a fortune? Heck--
Before you earn a dime, you’ll croak,
‘Cause Amway is a fucking joke.

What is left, when unpaid bills
Pile up in big paper hills?
Smoke some weed, or high-grade coke,
‘Cause Amway is a fucking joke.