Thursday, January 16, 2025

Amway Ambots Chant: Freedom Flush That Stinking Job!

Yes we actually had a searcher end up at the blog after doing a search for “Freedom! Flush That Stinkin Job!” In fact it took the searcher to the post about GetYour Wife Free.

Actually here I’m going to pretend I’m our Platinum and go off topic. The damnedest thing about that particular post is it gets tons of hits from (I assume) men looking for information on how they can get a free wife. Sure there are some countries where the groom buys a bride from the bride’s parents but some of the searchers are here in the USA! Boy did these guys end up in the wrong spot if they’re trying to go el cheapo when it comes to buying a bride!

The only time I’ve ever heard the phrase “Freedom! Flush That Stinking Job!” was during the NBC Dateline story about Amway. For anyone looking for those links, its on Youtube:

Part 1
Part 2

And don’t all those morons look like they’re in a trance while they’re chanting?

Even more disturbing is what legitimate business operates in this manner? Amway the corporation tries to convince themselves and everyone else that they’re a legitimate business and for sure their ambots try their damnedest to convince everyone that Amway is not a scam but then you see a video like this. It screams CULT! I’ve been to a few business meetings over the years and never have I witnessed anything like that with any legitimate company.

To the best of my recollection I never heard that chant at any Amway meetings I attended. Could be another line of sponsorship that gets the cult followers to scream out that chant or perhaps the cult leaders decided to lay off the chanting for awhile following the Dateline story.

Those Amway cult leaders stand on the stage and get their followers fired up leading them in the chant “Freedom! Flush That Stinking Job!”. The unfortunate reality for the cult followers are that they won’t find freedom and they won’t flush their stinking job. This is a scam! The only people in the arena who have the freedom to flush their stinking job are the cult leaders on the stage. They are ripping off their cult followers charging them big bucks to come into the arena and listen to their bullshit motivational speeches. The cult leaders are peddling dreams that won’t come true for their followers.

Don’t flush that stinking job! You need it to pay for functions like this and make your cult leaders rich!

“Freedom! Flush That Stinking Job!” That’s the battle cry of Amway warriors.

Those ambots need to stop chanting and get a clue.



Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Ambots Springing Amway On Prospects During Dinner

A searcher come to this blog after googling “people springing Amway on them at dinner”.

Man that has got to suck!

So I imagined up a scenario about this nasty dinner surprise.

You’re at home one day and friends give you a call and invite you to dinner. You have no reason to suspect anything other than what it is a fun evening get together. Spending a few hours visiting friends, enjoying a meal and their company and afterwards maybe watch a movie, go for a walk, or do some other activity.

You arrive at your friend’s house. Things seem a little different than the last time you were there but you can’t just quite put your finger on it. There are pictures cut out of magazines that are stuck to the fridge: sports cars, the late Aaron Spelling’s mansion, the Eiffel Tower, a cruise ship. Seems a little weird but whatever. There are little yellow sticky notes posted around the house with messages handwritten on them: dream, grow your business, become a millionaire in 2 to 5, jobs are for losers. Weirder and weirder. You go in to the bathroom to wash up for dinner and there’s a small soap dispenser called Body Series. You’ve never heard of the brand but soap is soap. You squirt some out on your hands and its a nasty yellow brown color that reminds you of diarrhea and it stinks. Yuck. But oh well. You wash your hands and dry them on a towel on the counter. Damned towel has fluffies that are coming off all over the place mostly on your wet hands. You stick your hands under the cold water to wash the fluffies off and wipe your hands off on your pants this time.

The host invites everyone to sit down at the dinner table and asks what you want to drink. Choices are water or energy drink. What the hell? Every time you get together with this couple the choices are usually wine or beer. You decide on water and the host produces a product called Perfect Water. He tells you about the health benefits of this miracle water: it cures blindness, it cures cancer, quadriplegics can walk again after drinking it. Host blabs about the powerfullness of this water stems from the fact that its been oxygenated 14 times. Seems bizarre. Surely once would suffice. You take a sip. Tastes like any water that might come out of the tap. Not bad but nothing exceptional about it either no matter how wonderful the host thinks it is.

And speaking of the host what has happened to your friends? They are being overly nice and polite tonight. She’s wearing a dress and he’s wearing a business suit. Uh what happened to a casual night out? They didn’t need to dress up on your account.

The hostess brings the dinner out of the kitchen. She’s a great cook and you wonder what it is tonight. Chicken and roast beef are her specialities served with little baby carrots on the side, asparagus, new potatoes, and cornbread  She’s carrying a serving bowl. Inside is ---- macaroni and cheese? Hunh? Not even the nice homemade kind like mom used to make in the casserole with cheese she’d freshly grated and bread crumbs on top. This just looks like the nasty quick dinners that come out of a box with the cheese powder.

You take a bite and it tastes like shit. The macaroni is bland and the cheese powder mix has a sickly sweet taste to it that does not resemble cheese at all. Nasty! You force some in all the while wondering where the cornbread is. Or any bread. Anything to help push this meal down the throat. You wonder what went wrong with your friends because this is so unlike them. Perhaps they were running late tonight and they stopped quickly at the bargain basement shop and bought some of those ten cent boxes of expired macaroni and cheese. Gross! Definitely have to stop at McDonald’s on the way home for a burger because you’re refusing seconds and you’re famished. You count the minutes until you can politely leave all the while thinking your buddies are just having a bad day.

Hmm, maybe you can make up for it at dessert time. The hostess makes a delicious red velvet cake. Unfortunately that’s not what’s up for dessert tonight. She brings out a platter with four individually wrapped bars on it - one for each of you. Granola bars perhaps picked up at the bargain shack? Nope. The package says Nutrilite chocolate protein bars. Whatever. You’re famished after that nasty macaroni and cheese. You can eat anything chocolate. You rip the wrapper off and take a bite. Oh fuck! Nasty! The host is beaming at you and asks how you like it. You tell him. “Tastes like shit.” Oops he doesn’t look too thrilled at that review. “No seriously,” you tell him. “Don’t buy this one again its fucking gross.” You finish off the rest of the Perfect Water washing down that shitty food bar and trying to get the nasty taste out of your mouth.

Normally now is the time when you’d head into the rec room and watch a DVD but instead you want to leave and go out for junk food. The hosts aren’t making any move to get up from the table even though they’ve cleared the dinner plates away. The host tells you they’ve started their own business, Internet sales, and announces that everything you ate for dinner tonight can be purchased through their online store. Moreover the soap and towels you used in the bathroom can also be purchased through their online store.

All you can think is holy shit you’re going out of business real soon with shitty products like that! Instead you nod politely and wish them luck. They’ll need it!

But the host ain’t done. He says he’s looking to add a few sharp people to his leadership team and he whips out a brochure. You glance at it and realize  you’ve seen this business plan before when you got tricked into going to a BBQ that was really an Amway event in disguise. “Hey that’s Amway!” The host covers his surprise. “No we’re World Wide Dream Builders but we do use Amway to move our products for us.”

You’re still suspicious but decide to play along. “Well I’m glad you’re not with Amway because its a pyramid scheme and you’re going to lose a lot of money.”

“You’re wrong,” says the host. “We’re going to retire in the next two to five years and have residual income rolling in for the rest of our lives. We’re going to be rich by working part time ten to fifteen hours a week in our spare time.”

“Well good luck with that,” you tell them again.

But the little devil is persistent and tries to show the plan again. “All you need to do is eat one food bar and drink one beverage each day and find 6 people who can do the same. Its easy.”

“If its so easy everyone would be doing it,” you point out. The host tries again to get you to look at his plan yapping about PV and BV and once again you tell him you’re not interested. He looks pissed. “You don’t want to be a loser working a job for the rest of your life do you? Don’t you want to get your wife free from her job so she never has a boss again?”

“Not interested in a pyramid scheme,” you tell him again while he argues that its not a scheme and some bullshit about a 1979 FTC ruling that you don’t care about it.

“Oh look at the time. We’ve got to leave.” You hustle out and go to McDonald’s for a better meal.

You try to invite your friends over for dinner a couple of weeks later but they turn you down. “Sorry we don’t associate with people who aren’t in Amway.”

And you don’t hear from your friends ever again.

The end.



Tuesday, January 14, 2025

When You Leave The Amway Cult A Big Weight Is Lifted Off Your Shoulders!

Part of the dishonesty and deception when you get recruited into the Amway cult is that the Ambots and cult leaders do not disclose all the costs ahead of time. A reader shares his story:


I love your blog it cracks me up. Recently 2 days ago I left my amway/wwdb cult. Those fuckers signed me up knowing I’m only 21 years old living in an apartment making only $1400 a month.

They never told me about the costs I would have to pay for the trash ass wwdb app and communikate. I was also NEVER told about how ever 3 fucking months I would have to spew out more money for a “major event”. I can’t fucking afford that every 3 months. But my cult members kept telling me “It’s a privilege to go”, “you can’t miss out on this it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE”.

Those shit heads manipulated me and used their cult tactics to make me believe I was spending money for a good reason.

Don’t even get me started on communikate. That shit was fucking trash. I HATED having to do my “daily kate”. Near the end of me leaving the cult I wouldn’t even know what to communikate anymore. It became so fucking redundant and my upline would always reply to my kate like I had just said the most profound thing in the world. He would hype me up beyond believe. Almost like he railed 6 lined of coke and chugged a mountain dew just so he could reply to my kate and get me FIRED UP!

When I left the cult 2 days ago I felt like a thousand pounds was lifted off my shoulders. I felt like I had control over my life again for once. I went and bought some fucking take out food for the first time in forever because I didn’t have to watch my money under a microscope and pay for those shit products ever again. Those fuckers almost took away the best years of my life. I’m 21 for god sakes I should be hanging out and having a good time with the VERY friends they told me to avoid. Cult cult cult cult!!!


Anna Banana responds:

Yes the blog is meant to crack up people who hate Amway and outrage Ambots all at the same time. Around here we aim to entertain as well as educate.

You are prime meat to be recruited by the Amway cult. The right age, not earning a huge income. They suck you in with dreams of owning your own business and after working 10 to 15 hours a week for the next 2 to 5 years you can sit back and do nothing for the rest of your life while bazillions of dollars from Amway rolls in every month in residual income forever. You’ll be debt free and pay for everything in cash.

Those are some of the fairy tales you heard, right?

Those fuckers tell you where else can you get started in your “own business” for $200 but conveniently forget to tell you about all the monthly expenses that you have to pay to belong to the Amway cult. Better known as the Amway tool scam. And if you don’t buy that “motivational” shit the Amway cult leaders will berate you and mock you and threaten not to work with you if you don’t buy the tools. Though somewhere in Amway’s brochures it does say those “motivational” tools are optional and the upline is still required to work with you whether or not you buy them. But I’ve never met anyone in Amway who didn’t break Amway’s rules! LOL!

Yeah Communikate is a bunch of shit. Smart phones and a good plan can do everything and more that Communikate does. At least one of Amway’s owners is invested in Communikate from when it was a start up. I read the article years ago so I’m a little foggy on whether they’re a part owner, an investor or gave them a loan to start up. Either way Amway has an interest in making sure Communikate is profitable so they can get their loan back or their share of the profits depending on the agreement. How else do they do this than push their cult leaders to force the downline to sign up for this piece of shit Communikate. And offer the cult leaders commission on each sucker that signs up. A couple of years ago some lying sack of shit Amway Ambot shows up here and tells us that Amway no longer uses Communikate and a wife of an Ambot called out the liar and says her husband subscribes to it and since then people like you stop by to say Communikate is still going strong in the Amway tool scam.

Every Amway major function will be exploited by the cult leaders as the not to be missed event of the year, a life changing event, and will put you 6 months ahead of those who didn’t attend. The bulk of income for Amway Diamonds is by selling tickets to these brainwashing functions.

People in Amway are a bunch of losers who love bomb the other cultists and hype them up with phony compliments. You had the normal experience.

And why are Ambots always FIRED UP!

I know what you mean when you get out of the Amway cult. It’s like a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders and you start to get your life back under control. Be prepared for those Amway fuckers to phone, text, email and insult you. Tell them you’re calling the cops on them for harrassment and that might stop them. Otherwise they’ll harrass you endlessly. Ambots are only your BFFs as long as you’re in the cult. When you leave Amway they’ll drop you. After they’ve finished their barrages of loser, quitter, etc.

Look at the bright side. You’re no longer losing fistfuls of money to a scam and no longer hanging out with a bunch of Amway losers. You’re young enough to bounce back financially and emotionally. All education costs you something and you’ve learned never to get involved again with a pyramid scheme or any other MLM.

Now take that money you were sinking into Amway every month and invest it instead. Find a broker and buy some stocks. Buy lottery tickets. Go to a casino. All of those activities have a better chance of you making money than Amway does. Good luck to you. Have a happy Amwayless life!