Thursday, March 20, 2025

What Is Amway Fast Track

Fast Track =  a bullshit WWDB/Amway program to whip the cult followers into a frenzy of making a few bucks fast.

I might get some ambots showing up to say I’ve got Fast Track all wrong and the criteria has changed but I’ll try to lay it out how our Emerald told us. I found this information courtesy of a cheat sheet that my Ambot wrote notes in about a meeting he attended that he also taped. I have the recording on our computer so I went in to see if I could make some sense of it.

Nope. Its the usual Amway fast talk double talk to excite the audience and confuse them with the facts. Or lack thereof.

Fast Track was always on the agenda at the Puryear Family Reunion and every other Scamway function too.

If they were calling it Fast Track a few years ago when we were involved in Amway then that tells you times ain’t changing much even though the upline tries to scam everyone by saying “exciting changes are just about to happen”.

So Fast Track ain’t new. It ain’t exciting. It ain’t a change. Its the same old bullshit they were teaching when we were in.

OK the Emerald talked real fast, all the better to confuse us. Seeing as how most of the cult followers in the room were already brainwashed they were able to accept what he said with their usual unconditional love and devotion.

Here is what I heard on the recording. It took me a couple of playbacks to make sure I had it right. Wouldn’t want some Amway motherfucker like IBOFB showing up to say I’ve got the facts wrong!

And I could have the facts wrong. Perhaps some Fast Track criteria has changed in the past couple of years.

Hang on to your hats while I try to dissect the mumbo jumbo.

The program called Fast Track has 2 phases. The first phase is referred to as 50/150. The IBO has to create volume, their own personal shopping, and get clients. (Ha ha! Yeah good luck with that!) If the IBO is at least 150 PV (and here the Emerald says $500 in Amway purchases) out of which at least $50 is from clients, the IBO gets an extra $50 bonus.

Wow! Whooppee! How exciting!

Then the Emerald drops the bomb. This Fast Track program is only available to new IBO’s in the first month of being in “the business”. Sucks for all the other IBO’s who have plugging along for months or years. Look around the room. There are no new IBO’s. Just the same cult followers I’ve seen for months.

But wait! The first phase ain’t over yet! In the second month the IBO has to keep the same suckers, err customers, and do the same thing over again for another check for $50. And do it again in the third month. Extra $50/month = $150 total for 3 months.

I’m sure everyone is sitting on the edges of their seats breathlessly waiting to hear about Phase 2 because after all the asshole Emerald said Fast Track has two phases.

OK. Wait for it. You don’t want to go home before this very important information is disclosed LOL!.

Phase 2: show 10 people the plan and sign up two of them. (Yeah right. We all know how easy it is to find 10 suckers to show the board plan presentation to let alone sign up 2 of them.) But forget two people. Go for three. Sponsor three people who can do the above 50/150 and the sponsoring IBO will earn an extra $200.

Then the asshole Emerald spends the next five minutes or so going over the numbers if you can find even more people than the three previously mentioned.

You’ll be an Amway gazillionaire by the end of the year! That’s right! Working part time ten to fifteen hours a week in your spare time! Then you’ll never have to work another day in your life! You’ll be walking the beaches of the world and the residual checks will just keep rolling on in forever! It gets even better!!! When you die you can will your Amway business to your spouse or your kids or whoever and they will have residual income for the rest of their lives too! Woo hoo!!! Riches for the descendents forever and ever!!!

Makes you wonder if the Emerald was smoking something funny before he showed up for the meeting!


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

When Trying Hard Enough In Amway Ain’t Hard Enough - Gone!

Its time to crank the speakers and enjoy this ditty about former Amway Diamonds who are gone gone gone. Guess they didn’t try hard hard hard enough. And to throw in more quotes from Amway Ambots: Losers! Failures! Quitters! Those are standard Amway ambot responses judging by how many times those bastards leave that message on the comments here. In Amway Diamonds ain’t forever! You won’t be able to get this tune out of your head for the rest of the day but its worth the laugh!


Tuesday, March 18, 2025

How To Earn An Extra $200 A Month

This topic could also be titled “More Bullshit Our Emerald Told Us”. I found a cheat sheet that Ambot used at an Amway meeting run by the asshole Emerald. That cheat sheet was inside one of my notebooks that I unearthed out of my nightstand.

On this cheat sheet Ambot wrote down a time and then jotted something about what was being said at that time. Ah ha! I put 2 and 2 together and figured out he recorded this meeting. Yup, it was downloaded on the computer. Rather than hit the delete button on those files I’m thinking they might be useful to someone one day when the shit really hits the Amway fan and some media outlet is looking for sources on the lies told to us.

So I hit the play button and forward to the time Ambot had noted. I want to make sure I’m accurate in reporting the bullshit I had to put up with. Can’t have IBOFB or some other Amway motherfucker showing up and saying I’m making it up!

We only saw the Emerald about once a month when he gave a board plan meeting at some privileged Platinum’s house. Usually not our Platinum so we might have had to drive an hour or two to get to this very important meeting. Like shit! You hear the fucking board plan once you hear it a fucking million times! Jesus! Nothing like pissing me off.

I had very little contact with the Emerald. He doesn’t know me from a hole in a wall. I’m not one of those ambots who crowded around him after he finished talking. I’m like let’s just get the hell out of here! He never personally interfered in our lives or personally caused me any distress. Whether that means somewhere deep down inside is an IBO who doesn’t believe in downline abuse or he just let the sack of shit Platinum do the dirty work I don’t know. He doesn’t piss me off like the Platinum. He comes across as a quiet, reasonable person - all the better to brainwash you. No hype from him. No rants.

About an hour into the meeting he asks how do you earn an extra $200 a month? Answer: 4 customers each spending $150 each month on Amway products.

A little background. A few minutes earlier he said you’ll earn 20% to 40% commission on every Amway product you sell and for every $100 in sales that’s about $35.

OK let’s go back to those 4 fictional buyers at $150/month = $600 in sales. So that would be about $200/month commission.

The IBO has to buy about $300 in Amway products to reach the minimum 100 PV to be eligible for a bonus check of about $10.

I’ll stay in even numbers because it easier for me to do the math and forget about that ten spot. IBO spends $300 to meet minimum PV requirements. Best case scenario earns $200 in commission thanks to those 4 suckers who each spent $150 on Amway shit. IBO spends $300 to earn $200. IBO has not made any money. IBO is in the hole $100.

Not bad in the greater scheme of things in Amway losses. Most IBO’s don’t have customers and only get $10 commission back on their own purchases so their loss will be much higher. Not to mention adding on the expenses of buying tools, gas to get to meetings, and admission to some Amway events.

Do you know how hard it is to find 4 customers? Let alone 4 customers who will religiously buy $150/month in overpriced Amway shit?

It would be easier for me to swim from Alcatraz to Fisherman’s Wharf!

It gets better. A few seconds later the asshole Emerald says “if you can’t find 4 customers its not because you aren’t good its because you didn’t try”.

Its the old going back to blaming the IBO for their lack of success. The upline has to come up with these lame ass excuses to justify why the IBO is not making money in a system designed for failure.

Didn’t try? How many potential customers reject buying Amway products because they’re too high priced and because they’re crap?

Its not for lack of trying. Its for lack of finding customers who don’t want to get ripped off.

So what do I have to say to all the Amway Emeralds out there?

Fuck you!