Monday, December 3, 2018

Amway WWDB Dream Night 2019

Amway and World Wide Dream Builders hold a major function at the beginning of each year called Dream Night. It is held in locations around the USA and Canada and according to our Amway upline everywhere else in the world too but I never saw any international cities listed. We were told even if we are on vacation in January that we’d have no excuse to miss Dream Night because its EVERYWHERE!!!!

People in Amway are just a bunch of fucking liars. I don’t recall seeing this Amway brainwashing convention listed in Aruba or St. Thomas or other hot spots that people who aren’t broke Amway losers can afford to vacation in.

So what is Dream Night? It includes dinner and listening to some motivational Diamonds if you believe the hype from WWDB. If you believe the hype from the assholes in your Amway upline Dream Night is a once in a lifetime opportunity, the must attend event of the year, not to be missed, puts you 6 months ahead of everyone else who didn’t go and blah blah blah bullshit.

So what is Amway WWDB Dream Night all about?

To paraphrase from World Wide Dream Builder’s propaganda (cause I wouldn’t wanna get accused of plagiarism!) this is an elegant night that will show the ambots how to turn their dreams into reality.

Ha ha! Yeah right! And if you believe that bullshit I have some prime swampland in the Amazon jungle I’d like to sell you!

The best part of the night - OK Wait for it!!!!! - is when the cult leaders share how their dreams came true and if they can do it then any of you dumb ass ambots can do it too!

I can sum it up how they got to be Diamonds. They ripped off thousands of unsuspecting ambots in their downline telling them to buy useless, overpriced Amway shit to self consume and if they can’t find any customers - make them up. They bullied those further down the pyramid into attending Amway functions. They told them to buy CD’s featuring Diamond speakers. They told them to buy motivational books that they received a hefty kickback from the publisher or author. They brainwashed their adoring ambots to buy, buy, buy. So preaches the Amway cult leader: “Hand over all your money to me so I can get rich. And here I sit on the top of the pyramid sneering at you lowly dumb ass ambots!”

Seeing as how those fucking assholes at WWDB head office changed their password to keep out spies I have no idea when or where those bastards are holding Amway Dream Night 2019. I do have the cities on Scamway’s 2016 list of destruction for WWDB World Wide Destructive Bastards Nightmare Night. Some of them had more than one Nightmare Night. Not sure if that means there’s more dumb fuck Ambots in these locations that they need more days, if the Ambots in those locations are being ass fucked to attend more than one night, or the venue is so small they need more than one night to accommodate the expected Amway cult worshippers. This 2016 list may or may not be where those WWDB fuckers are holding Amway Dream Night 2019 but what the hell. It’s close enough. What do we care if a bunch of fucking Amway losers go to the wrong town because of this list.

Ann Arbor
Colorado Springs
Fort Lauderdale
Las Vegas
New York
Salt Lake City
San Diego
San Jose

Whew! I think I got them all so I managed to get more keywords in there for IBO ambots frantically searching for information on Amway WWDB Dream Night 2019.

If you really need to know when and where go to the WWDB website and look them up but suffice it to say the Amway demons will be holding Dream Nights in most of these unsuspecting cities in January 2019.

And which cult leaders will Amway be sending in to bullshit the ambots? Damned if I know. Here’s the list from WWDB Dream Night 2016 and its always the same tired crew that show up for all these Amway functions cause that’s where they make the most money off the tool scam. Dead or alive I’m pretty sure they'll be showing up in some form like a memorial sermon but I’ll leave that years list as it is because it’ll really piss off those Amway losers.

Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear
Robert and Shelly Kummer
Dan and Sandy Yuen
Scott and Cris Harimoto
Terry and Linda Felber
Greg and Laurie Duncan
Samir and Theresa Atallah
Matt and Sandee Tsurada

Seeing as how Rotten Ronnie kicked the bucket I’d wager a good guess the scammers who are first on the above list won’t be there except in spirit or slide shows. Expect Kid Puryear and new wife to show up is my guess. Let’s see that motherfucker give a speech on how Amway saves marriages LOL!

Who’s seen all these bastards listed before on every Amway World Wide Dream Builders function. Where are all these new Diamonds that Ambots show up here screeching about that Amway is breaking out hundreds and hundreds of new Diamonds every week. Oh lets just send out a big old fuck you to every Amway asshole who shows up here bragging about all the new Diamonds Amway is busting out. That’s a bunch of bullshit. The Diamonds are the same ones who’ve been sitting at the top of the pyramid for years bullshitting the followers at every Amway function. They’re getting pretty long in the tooth. I just don’t understand. I have so many fucking Amway assholes showing up here bragging about how they’re retired at age 21 thanks to Amway. So how come they’re aren’t any youngsters on the Diamond speaking list? Its just the same old tired bastards.

Tickets were $70 for Amway WWDB Dream Night 2016 so its probably about the same price this year, anyone who’s seen the current ticket price let us know. And that $70 is a steal because when we were in Scamway the fucking assholes in our Amway upline charged us $75. The real ticket price was $65 but the fuckers in our upline demanded we pay them $75 directly instead of buying tickets on the World Wide Destructive Bastards website and for their trouble they charged everyone an extra $10. Yup the old Amway tool scam hard at work to rip you off. Not only did we get ripped off an extra $10 the assholes in our Amway upline managed to fuck up buying tickets too.

OK lets break down this $70. Hotel banquets charge around $15 per person and that covers the cheapest meal available plus the room rental and wait staff for a few hours. But its easier for me to work in round numbers so lets call the actual cost $20 per person. On a $70 ticket that means somebody – oh hell not somebody – an Amway cult leader is making $50 profit on each ticket sold. Let’s just say the banquet room holds 400 attendees. That’s a $20,000 profit for the night. But hang on there are usually two Diamond couples showing up to each Dream Night brainwashing function so that $20,000 is split. How evenly its split is unknown because there’s Diamond infighting on how they slice up greed pie. But just to make it easy lets split it down the middle and say $10,000 each couple per night.

There are 40 cities where Dream Night will be held and its unknown of the 8 couples how many cities each one gets. Some of the cities hold more than one dream night and its my guess it’ll be the same Diamond couples doing the multiple nights seeing as how they’re already there. For the ease of my numbers lets call it 48 Amway WWDB Dream Nights evenly split 8 ways for each Diamond couple. So each Diamond couple gets 6 nights to bullshit the Ambots at $10,000 per night. That’s $60,000. Not a bad profit for one month’s work of bullshitting.

Selling tickets to functions like these are how the people sitting at the top of Amway’s pyramid scheme make the bulk of their income.

Bottom line like every other Amway function Dream Night is a waste of time. You don’t learn nothing and you don’t hear nothing that you haven’t heard before if you’ve already attended another WWDB Amway function such as Spring Leadership, Family Reunion or Free Enterprise Days FED.

This post has served its purpose of throwing out lots of keywords to suck in ambots who can’t find the information they seek from the assholes in their Amway upline. And to the ambots who have been brainwashed to believe they have the power to turn back time I need to match up my keywords to recent searches and that includes Dream Night 2017 and Dream Night 2018. Oh let’s just throw in WWDB Amway Dream Night 2020 cause you gotta know some Ambots gonna come along looking for that.

Dream Night sucks!!!!

WWDB World Wide Dream Builders sucks!!!

Amway sucks!!!!!

All Amway WWDB functions suck!

Fuck Amway!


  1. WWDB Dream Night? It should be called WWDB Scheme Night, since all it is is a goddamend racket.

    1. You're right Anonymous. That's the perfect name! Amway WWDB Scheme Night!

  2. WWDB = World Wide Douche Bags

    WWDB = Wildly Whanging Dick Benders

    WWDB = Whimpering Weirdos Desiring Buttfucks

    WWDB = Witless Whackjobs Dealing Bullshit

    WWDB = Wasted Warmed-over Dead Brains

    WWDB = Wide-Waist Doofus Bastards

    1. Worthless Wonders Dreaming Bullshit

      There’s so many to choose from. Thanks for your contributions. That should outrage some Amway losers.

  3. My wife and I just bought tickets to see The Rolling Stones in Chicago this summer and I am sure that will be more fun than any Amway dream night.

    Paul McCartney is coming to Wisconsin this summer and am thinking about tickets for that to!

    Just another looser having fun without Amway!


    1. Hi KMB. Going to the dentist would be more fun than going to an Amway function! LOL!

      Those concerts definitely sound fun. I'm sure all those women who find you more attractive than a broke Amway loser will be disappointed to hear you're not available! LOL!

  4. WWDB= We Will Do Badly

    WWDB= We Will Die Broke

    WWDB= World Wide Debt Builders

    WWDB= Worthless Wasteful Dreaded Bastards

    1. Ha ha! So very true! Debt Builders! LOL!

      WWDB= Worthless Wasteful Dreaded Bastards nailed it!

  5. Anna, I'm sorry that someone hurt you so badly.

    1. Some “one”? Anonymous- you’re not paying attention to the reason this blog exists. Multiple Amway motherfuckers did their fucking best to hurt us financially and emotionally and that’s why we warn everyone to stay away from Amway and the people involved in Amway are the biggest pure shit evil bastards around.

    2. To Anonymous at 7:22 PM --

      Take your patronizing fake sympathy and shove it up your WWDB ass.

      We're sorry that you're a stupid Amway cultist.

    3. Anonymous- yeah he just had the usual arrogant Amway prick attitude pretending sympathy but at the same time conveying he’s better than everyone else. Ambots do a lot of pretending. They pretend to be business owners. They pretend to be nice. They dish out pretend compliments. They pretend to be sympathetic. Bunch of fakes.

  6. It's in Louisville, KY... I know because my idiot husband is there right now. He's already ass deep in this clusterfuck because he's going to "make it big" and "retire early", if we weren't already separated I'd kick his ass out.

    1. Anonymous - I feel your pain. You're better off without a broke Amway loser in your life anyway. And get this. Your husband and the fucking assholes in his Amway upline are terrified if you go through a divorce that you'll apply to get half his Amway "business" LOL! You should have your lawyer put that in anyway that you want half the proceeds but not the expenses and debt that go along with Amway.

  7. OBVIOUSLY someone failed in this business

    1. Well no shit Sherlock. If you read the small print on Amway's brochures over 99% fail at this "business". The Amway system is designed for failure. So you can either read and learn from other people who got fucked out of their money by Amway or you can be a dumb fuck and lose more money to this scam. It's no skin off my ass which way you choose.

    2. Who hurt you as a child?

    3. What kind of a fucktard asks something like that. True or not it would be none of your fucking business. Air of superiority? Can’t mind their own fucking business. All signs of someone in the Amway cult.

      So you REALLY want an answer who hurt me?

      Well when I was a kid this fucking Amway loser came up to me and said there’s no such thing as Santa Claus! Fucking dreamstealer!

    4. Where is this dream stealer word comes from and why do they use it?

    5. Anonymous I have no idea where dreamstealer originated from but I’m sure an Amway loser from decades ago will be bragging he coined the word. It’s probably been around for centuries. Maybe since Christopher Columbus days.

    6. Some person name Dante Le like to scam with a lot of bullshit whenever he's in Amway. I bet he's ripping off the character from Devil May Cry, because he's not original with faking his name on social media. I'm pretty sure that character wouldn't like it whenever an Ambot use it to promote Amway. Since it's not his true name.

    7. Anonymous - that's not unusual for Amway losers to use other names so no one knows they're an Amway loser! LOL! The Amway Masturbator has many names he tries to use when leaving comments but no one else from Charleston SC who leaves comments about jacking off into the SA8 so that's one pretty obvious.

    8. You got that shit right. Cultists like these are all too friendly to the point it is creepy. It's not normal behavior. Why the hell are they so god damn high like they're on drugs or something?

    9. Anonymous- it’s the over the top fake nicey nice act that Amway Ambots put on that is really creep. Fake compliments and fake interest all in the name of trying to scam others. They’re high from the love they’re expecting from their Amway cult leaders.

    10. OP was never meant to be an entrepreneur.

    11. Anonymous- an entrepreneur is a person who creates their own product or service that they sell to real clients. Not everyone has it in them to be an entrepreneur so why show up here with an arrogant prick attitude like that?

      I know a place it’s unlikely you’ll run into an entrepreneur and that’s at an Amway meeting. Oh sure you’ll run into a bunch of dumb fuck Ambots who have been brainwashed by Amway cult leaders to believe they’re entrepreneurs and hot shot businessmen when they’re just low paid commissioned sales reps.

      Did you create something you sell to real customers? If so you’re probably an entrepreneur. Do you sell something that was created by an entrepreneur? If so you’re probably a sales rep working for that entrepreneur.

      Are you an Amway loser? If so you’re probably brainwashed to believe a bunch of lies and bullshit.

  8. To Anonymous at 10:43 PM --

    Who let you out of the asylum for retards?

  9. Hello everyone on this website, I'm Aaron by name and I want to talk about the spell caster that help me to save my marriage after our wedding, few months later my husband happened to meet his old school friend from college from there things change with my husband, I find out he was having an affair with her and my husband hardly gives me attention so I began to find solution to get my husband to love me again that is how I got to know about Dr Ekpen the spell caster who cast a love spell for my husband to love me again. Contact him on ( or +2347050270218.

    1. Well Aaron if you’re happy living with a bisexual man who cheats on you that’s your business. Around here we treat Nigerian scammers with the same contempt we show Amway scammers and it ain’t got nothing to do with your sexual orientation. We just hate scammers around here who steal money by promising whatever the bullshit scam of the day is being promoted.

  10. A real eye opener! Thank God! I was searching for Artistry's claim which landed me here.
    It had been like after spending a fixed amount on the products, I was getting only 1/10th of that since last 3 months. I started seeing the pattern - in oder to get the invested amount back, there was only one option - only one - i.e., sponsor more people and make everyone stuck there.
    I have spent more than what they tell to invest. :(
    They really know how to pull money out from someone's pocket.
    Now, I am damn sure not to waste my hard earned money in this business which can literally make me broke.

    1. Hi Shu. Thanks for dropping by and glad we can help you not make a big or bigger mistake. At least you haven’t lost too much money after only a few months and can bounce back from it. There are stories online of seniors who’ve been scammed out of their life savings thanks to Amway.

      And LOL on searching for the bullshit claims on Artistry and ending up on this blog. We’re really high on the search engines and that pisses off Amway Ambots to no end. LOL!

      You see the pattern. The only chance you have of making any of the money back that you lost in Amway is by scamming others into signing up. Most people have a conscience and can’t scam someone else.

      You haven’t been brainwashed long enough and can see what’ll happen if you stay in Amway long enough. You’ll be another broke Amway loser. Amway will only bring you financial and emotional distress.

    2. Yes Anna!

      For those meetings - I had attended one (FED) in Jan 2019 where we had breakfast at 8 at the Platinum's down line place, stuck the whole day in that giant hall (And Yes I was lazy enough not to go all the way down, cross the hall, & go up to get out of there. That happens when you travel for more than 6 hours, get few hours to sleep & get ready to reach at the venue early! For what? Just to DANCE before the function starts? I could have done that at home.), and finally got to have something to fill our stomach after 7 as they didn't allow to bring anything inside the hall.

      All new Diamonds on the stage & people were crazy. I mean, one of the lady was so comical that I couldn't even digest what she was talking about. People were laughing on the jokes, which I had already heard in the audios, like they heard them for the first time!!!!!

      I was feeling more down than FIRED UP - one thought in my mind - I came all the way to this city for this shit.

      After that, I ceased attending any of those weekly, monthly, etcetera seminars/meetings. They were preaching the same thing & I didn't want to pay for that. My up line & sponsor were telling me to attend them as only those meetings would uplift my belief. Instead of belief I was seeing my pocket getting emptied.

      Other thing - After every meeting, product training, and online PASE through zoom video call, they always told to share the excitement in the WhatsApp group (One group for All IBO's). I was like why I needed to share every thing there. It was more like "Mark your attendance" everyday.

    3. Shu - you’re lucky you saw through this bullshit before losing any more money. Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s the same story for everyone who gets involved in Amway and all the cult tactics. Endless adoration. Obedience. Sleep deprivation.

      In Amway you lose your money, your friends and your brain cells.

    4. My cousin once told me he doesn't take shit from anybody. After 2-4 years later he's an Ambot and is sensitive towards any comment that bashed his cult. I believe he lost his mind already.

    5. LOL! He takes shit all the time from Amway cult leaders! LOL!

      Around here we don’t take shit from Amway losers and that makes them furious. At Amway cult meetings the Ambots are brainwashed to believe they’re better than everyone else and the rest of the world will be their servants. Amway cult leaders obviously using Hitler’s handbook.

    6. Yes....The Hitler's cult book that Ambots can also relate to become famous and so does any cults similar to it. As long they don't touch children to go in that far deep into brainwashing. As long they don't start a war from afar to hurt America from the outside it'll be "fine". Don't know since Ambots are like desperate for attention.

    7. Hey we give Ambots lots of attention around here. And do they appreciate it?

    8. Thank you for your service Anna and blog posters here.

    9. Glad to help Anonymous. Hope you’re enjoying the blog.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.