Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Amway Products Are Too Fucking Expensive!

Who remembers going to Amway meetings and hearing the cult leader brainwashing and bullshitting the followers who are having difficulty overcoming customer objections to buying Amway products because the price is too high.

And who remembers the lying scamming fucking Amway asshole who has the canned Amspeak response for everything saying something like: “Amway’s products are priced high to reflect their high quality.”

LOL! Bullshit!

Amway does NOT sell high quality products. Compare to similar stores sold in the retail stores Amway’s products are grossly overpriced, they’re usually substandard or generic at best compared with similar lower priced products sold everywhere else.

I never believed the bullshit from the fucking assholes in our Amway upline about how Amway’s high prices reflect their high quality. I know good quality and I know bad quality and I can tell the difference pretty damn quick by trying the product myself.

I mean I am scared shitless to try energy drinks because the fucking assholes in our Amway upline said XS is the best energy drink out there. XS tastes like cat piss or depending on the flavor maybe a combo of cat piss and the worst cough medicine out there. If that’s the best energy drink in the world then damn right I’m scared shitless to try any other brand because what if. I mean just what if this is the one rare time when those fucking assholes in our Amway upline weren’t lying and there are actually energy drinks out there that taste worst than Amway’s XS piss water.

Amway’s high quality LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL have got nothing to do with why their products are so high priced. It’s all got to do with profit and commission.

Let’s take the $20 lipstick Amway sells. It costs about $1 to make lipstick and that includes the packaging. Compare to Avon where I can buy a $3 lipstick and there are lots of color choices. Amway only offers about 5 shades. Maybe more now but I doubt it. So what’s the better deal. Avon of course. And Avon wins everytime when comparing their products to Amway’s. Avon has better prices, better quality, and better selection. The only people buying Amway’s lipstick are female Ambots or the wives of Ambots. They probably have poor decision making abilities too. When you only have 5 colors to choose from it shouldn’t take too long to make a decision.

But go back to Amway’s $20 lipstick and my hypothetical guess at how the dollars are distributed though I’m probably pretty close. After manufacturing that leaves $19 proceeds. Amway’s owners need to jack up the price so they can make a hefty profit plus every little thing they sale must have a portion going to their overall operating expenses. So out of that $19 let’s say Amway’s owners take $15. They put a bit of that back into their business operating expenses but mostly its split between the owners. There’s a reason why one of Amway’s owners is on Forbes top 100 richest families in America and making a good profit hiking up the price on budget products. That leaves $4. Is that the commission for the Ambot at the bottom of the pyramid who made the sale? Hell no! That’s communal commission split many ways. The guy doing all the hard work making the sale only makes pennies. Let’s say the Amway commissioned salesman makes 6 cents after busting his ass begging and pleading with some woman he knows to buy his overpriced shitty Amway lipstick. The rest of that $4 is split in commission in everyone in his Amway upline because that’s how this scam works. Ambots way high up in the pyramid that he’s never met are making money off his sale. And because they have a higher BV they’re making more commission that that loser ambot who made the sale! LOL! Surely those dumb fucks who want to be commissioned sales reps can find a better paying job than Scamway.

The high price does NOT reflect Amway’s high quality. It reflects how many people have to get a piece of the sale’s action.

The same scenario can be played out whether its Amway’s $40 laundry soap or $100 vitamins. Again products that don’t cost a whole lot to manufacture including the packaging. But Amway’s owners take a huge chunk of each sale for their profit and the balance is left over for commission for everyone in the upline of the jackass Ambot who made the sale.

So there you have it. The next time a lying scamming fucking Amway asshole tries to bullshit you that Amway’s products are priced so high to reflect their high quality tell the bastard the real reason. The products have to be so high priced so everyone can get a piece of the commission and Amway owners can make a huge profit of the sale. It ain’t got piss all to do with quality because the quality of Amway’s products is the shits and if they were really priced to reflect the quality Amway wouldn’t sell nothing that costs more than a buck..


  1. Tried their shampoo sanatique and soap. Felt like I had fleas on my head and body afterwards lol. Much worst than reg shampoos like pert,head n shoulders,and ivory soap.

    1. Anonymous - I was really itchy too. The hand cream made me want to scratch at it constantly, where I didn't have that problem before trying it. Amway flogs cheap shit that was probably rejected by dollar stores and brainwashes losers to pay overinflated prices for them.

  2. It's true -- Amway products are really crappy. They are basically generic material that has been repackaged to look fancy, and thereby justify the outrageous pricing.

    I recall that Amway freaks would make speeches to possible customers or recruits claiming that individual Amway products were wonderful, magnificent, great, superlative, and the very best buy despite the high price. And yet I knew very well that these Amway freaks HAD NEVER EVEN TRIED the products in question! All they were doing was parroting bullshit that had been fed to them by their up-line.

    Whenever I tried an Amway product, it either did an ordinary mediocre job, or it was utterly useless.

    As my brainwashed Ambot cousin used to repeat constantly: "Amway is not about the products. Amway is about THE PLAN!"

    I guess that's one time an Ambot wasn't lying.

    1. Anonymous - I wouldn't call Amway packaging fancy. LOL! M&Ms does a better job of packaging to appeal to real customers.

      Yup you know those Amway Ambots probably hadn't tried the majority of the products they'd gush about how wonderful they are because they're too fucking expensive to buy!

      As your brainwashed Ambot cousin proves Amway is a pyramid scheme that is more about recruitment rather than selling products.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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