Thursday, March 7, 2019

Amway Scamway And Facebook

I remember at Amway cult meetings our sack of shit Platinum would talk about Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. I’m a little foggy on what the Amway asshole was spouting off on because he often went off on rants for an hour or so getting distracted constantly and heading off on a new rant as something else to bitch about crossed his mind.

Facebook started trading on the stock market May 18 2012 at $38 except it shot up to an opening of $42. It hit a high of $45 before settling in around the $40 mark. Over the next few months it dropped to around $20. These days stock shares are around $170.

When Facebook first started many employees were offered stock options so today many of Facebook’s staff are now worth tens of millions of dollars. Many of them are now in their early thirties. Many of them could walk away and never work again for the rest of their lives.

A concept that is pretty much foreign when it comes to Amway no matter how the lying Ambot bastards are all bragging about retiring at age 22. The only Amway people who don’t have to work for the rest of their lives and have millions of dollars rolling in would be the heirs of the founders/owners.

Ambots go around bragging that Amway made $11 billion in sales last year. Or 12 or 13 or 15 billion. Whatever lies the Ambot is currently pitching. Amway’s sales are below 9 billion. That’s good for the owners of the company but not so much for employees. Well unless any employees are given profit sharing options. I doubt it because I’ve had employees show up here to say that Amway gives them fuck all in benefits.

Take that 8.8 billion in sales. That’s not profit. That’s sales. An Amway Ambot wouldn’t understand the difference. Now comes overhead - cost of production, cost of maintaining Amway buildings, payroll, taxes, etc. I’m not sure how much is leftover after all financial obligations are met for profit for the Amway owners but I do know that the owners ain’t splitting their profit with the lowly employees/IBOs. They donate some to charity so they can take less of a hit on their personal income taxes and they are living in mansions and jet setting around the world. The heirs are not showing up at Amway functions flogging their wares. Amway shut down two warehouses in 2018 so if those buildings are sold that’s extra profit for the company owners. You can be sure they ain’t splitting the equity with any Ambots.

The majority of IBO’s get a commission check of around $10/month from Amway if they bought the required quota of 100PV about $300 worth of Amway products that month. That’s how Amway makes that just under $8.8 billion in sales. An army of brainwashed ambots who will keep buying these overpriced products until they get tired of losing money and quit. Its bad enough losing all that money buying Amway products when the same products can be purchased at grocery and drug stores for less, therefore saving money. I might not be getting a $10 commission check from Walmart but if I spend $75 buying the same products that it costs me $300+ to buy from Amway then I’m coming out ahead. Especially since I’m buying better quality products from Walmart. I mean nothing pisses me off more than spending 3 to 4 times more money for Amway’s shitty dishwasher soap that doesn’t get my dishes clean when I can buy a better product at Walmart for a fraction of the price and I don’t have to wash dishes a second time around by hand.

I would say Facebook has probably created a lot more millionaires than Amway when it comes to people in their 20’s and 30’s who can now retire and never work again.

I would say that Facebook doesn’t get called a scam or a pyramid scheme. Or at least nowhere near as much as Amway does.

I would say that Facebook created a lot more people than Amway who were able to work for two to five years and then walk away and retire on their riches or have residual income rolling in for the rest of their lives.

I’d say Facebook doesn’t get accused of brainwashing and using mind control techniques as much as Amway does.

I’d say Facebook doesn’t get accused of followers losing tons of money the way Amway does. At least not yet! Who knows what the stock market will do!

I’d say Facebook doesn’t get accused of destroying marriages and causing as many divorces as Amway does. 

I’d say Facebook doesn’t get accused of causing as much emotional distress as Amway does.

I’d say Facebook doesn’t get accused of ripping people off like Amway does.

So just what did our sack of shit Platinum say about Facebook? Its starting to come back to me now! Mostly he bitched about the founder who at 22 years old is worth billions of dollars. The fucker was probably jealous! The typical WWDB doctrine of destroying what other people have because nothing makes those World Wide Destructive Bastards happier than when they’re destroying other people’s relationships and finances.

Mostly the sack of shit Platinum talked about using Facebook to snipe prospects into Amway. Not a good idea because Facebook will suspend your account if you’re spamming recruits into your scam MLM pyramid scheme.

It costs $300/month minimum to invest in “your own” Amway business. For that you get back a $10 commission check. Take that same $300 and buy shares of Facebook stock. Well, you’ll need to pull out an extra $40 these days to buy 2 shares, but Ambots are going way over $300 buying Amway shit anyway. If you’re a CORE ambot you spend closer to $700/month investing in “your business” and you can take that $700 and buy shares of Facebook stock. Even if Facebook drops in half overnight and you sell, you still get more money back than that $10 you get back from Amway for investing the same dollar amount! And you probably have a whole lot more fun losing that money than you do losing even more money in Amway! Because when you’re losing money in Amway you still have to put up with being abused from the fucking assholes in your Amway upline. At least when you lose money in Facebook nobody is abusing you and calling you a loser quitter negative unchristian dreamstealer when you decide to quit and sell your shares.

I know I’d rather go around bragging that I own shares in Facebook stock than bragging that I’m an Amway “business owner”. One of them gains respect in the eyes of the person you told that too. The other sinks you a few notches down the old shithole that you’re a dumb ass for putting your money into a pyramid scheme.


  1. Investing in technology is a far better way to enter the "BI" quadrants that Kiyosaki espoused (and Amway endorsed). Doing Amway is the perfect example of pretending to be there. Kiyosaki himself has filed for bankruptcy multiple times, so take his advice with a giant can of salt.

    Amway is the worst possible investment out there. I'd rather take that $300 and try my luck in Las Vegas. Even if I lost it all, I would still have a better time in the casino than at an Amway cult meeting.

    1. Anonymous- finding something to invest in- that’s going to increase in value. That’s the trick. A garage full of Amway laundry soap isn’t going to do it. But you won’t convince an Ambot who thinks he’s sitting on a gold mine.

      Yeah really gambling $300 in Las Vegas even if you lose it is more fun than going to an Amway cult meeting. Only one of these places serves free booze!

      And for those who can’t figure out which one - there ain’t nothing free in Amway.

    2. Remember what a couple of long posts in this blog about how Amway are like vampires and we need garlics? It's a laugh to bring back about Amway want to sheeps in their slaughter house.

    3. Amway Ambots are like vampires or vultures. They prey on the less fortunate. Pure shit evil.

    4. More like just desperate people fucking others, because they can't be happy with themselves to distract that small part of them being cheated. "If I can't be happy then nobody else can due to the fact I refuse to be cheated by the people I befriends with and I know they're liars for years!!". If that's the case then that's their shitty problem and not mine. Are they mental people that need attention that badly?

    5. Anonymous- it’s also got to do with being in the Amway cult and their sense of entitlement. Ambots hate it when others have things they don’t have. Especially their downline. Makes Ambots outraged.

  2. "Even if I lost it all, I would still have a better time in the casino than at an Amway cult meeting." LOL. Agreed.

    1. Hell I’d have a better time in a communal outhouse than an Amway cult meeting LOL!

    2. I would have a better time taking a dump and reading online with my device than going to an Ambot's meeting! LOL!

  3. WOW Anna Banana, I have to admit I enjoy reading your blog and or rant about these pieces of SHIT! Thank you! The only reason I ran into it is because my former friend and roommate is into Scamway bad, very bad. That's part of the reason he kicked me out of his house, because I refused to buy from "His Store"! That's how I see it, he won't say so, gonna use a poor excuse. Scamway is bad, but from stuff that I saw a fee years ago, they do well abroad, because people still didn't realize (a few years ago, maybe now it's different, I don't really give a flying FUCK!) it was a scam. Pretty FUCKING sad.
    Thank you for sharing, I believe it is very important for people to see the truth about this FUCKED UP company.
    I love how you use your Free Speech Rights... Shithole, fuckers, asshole... Way to go!

    1. Hi Unknown. I’m glad you found us! Yes this is the place to curse out Amway pieces of shit or live vicariously through those of us who do it.

      Amway Ambots have this snotty snobby attitude that they’re better than the rest of the world cause they’re in the Amway cult. Ambots think the rest of the world should worship them. LOL. The rest of the world laughs at those stupid Amway shits. This blog outrages followers of the Great Amway God.

      Not supporting your former roommate by refusing to buy shitty overpriced Amway products could be a reason he evicted you. On the other hand do you really want to live in the same house as an Amway loser who’s always sneering at you?

      I’m sure the fucking assholes in his Amway upline counseled with him to evict you so they could move a bunch of Ambots in. No shit these places turn into Ambot flop houses for Amway losers who like to live kibutz style with 15 other losers.

      Good for you for not being an enabler. Bonus you don’t have to put up with those fuckers spouting off canned Amspeak bullshit propaganda and blasting Amway recordings at top volume.

  4. Even in foreign countries, word is getting out about the Amway fraud. The cult is practically dead in England and France, and the Chinese (a highly intelligent race of people) are also beginning to see that the entire thing is a pathetic pyramid racket.

    There is still enthusiasm in India for Amway, but with the spread of computer technology in that nation it will soon be impossible to keep the truth hidden. Luckily for the Indians, English is still their official language, and everyone who goes to school in India must learn it. This means that blogs like Anna Banana's and Joe Cool's and David Brear's will become widely known. Once that happens, Amway will start spiralling down the toilet bowl.

    1. Anonymous- even though bloggers get the word out what Amway’s really like not all foreigners speak English. And those who do are so brainwashed they leave dumb fuck comments like George Bush signed up to Amway and is flogging their shit at the White House. In other countries they believe this shit and lies from Amway cult leaders.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.