Monday, April 22, 2019

Amway Ambots Getting Fired Up For WWDB Family Reunion 2019

Already getting sooooooo many Amway IBO’s doing searches looking for information on World Wide Dream Builders Amway Family Reunion 2019 after they just got home from Amway Spring Leadership 2019 so I thought I’d better get a post up stat!

Before Amway Ambots even leave WWDB Amway Spring Leadership the fucking assholes in their Amway upline have their hands out demanding they pay up NOW for Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2019. The reason for that is to take advantage that the ambots are FIRED UP after listening to the Amway cult leaders gushing on stage all weekend about how rich they are and if they can do it then so can any other Amway asshole out there. So now that the IBO’s are sure they’re gonna be RICH in 2 to 5 years and part of the agenda to getting rich in 2 to 5 years is to attend all Amway functions and the next one is coming up in 4 months so you fucking little Amway assholes better pay up NOW.

Translation: hand over a few hundred bucks for the next Amway conference now before you come down from the Amway WWDB Spring Leadership “fired up” high and change your mind about going to WWDB Amway Family Reunion or quit so its better to have your money in the Amway cult leaders pockets now.

And if you don’t hand over that money be prepared for the hell the assholes in your Amway upline will put you through until you do pay up. Threatening phone calls and texts and being humiliated in front of everyone at upcoming Amway cult meetings.

In the past Duncan Family Reunion has been held in Portland Oregon at the Oregon Convention Center but this year they’re not on the calendar. That means someone at WWDB fucked up and didn’t book in time before the slots got filled or due to declining attendance they’re holding it a smaller venue. This is one of the functions that WWDB World Wide Dream Builders and Amway put on in a year. The others are Spring Leadership, FED Free Enterprise Days and Dream Night. In 2016 Amway WWDB Family Reunion there was a conflict! Something called Bead Faire was held at the same time, same building but different meeting room. And look what I’ve just done. Created all sorts of keywords and because this blog is so high in the search engines probably gonna drag some beady visitors to this blog who don’t want piss all to do with ScAmway. Well join the club. Most people don’t want piss all to do with the Amway pyramid scheme.

Even though “Family Reunion” ain’t on the calendar World Wide Dream Buildings is holding something at the Oregon Convention Center on June 15 2019 called Second Look Meeting. For more information you’re directed to the WWDB website and we all know they got that locked down tight so people who aren’t inside the Amway cult can’t see anything. Cults are very secretive like that.

And this is too easy. I strongly recommend anyone who’s getting prospected by someone in the Amway cult to take a second look. Fuck take a third and fourth look! And then hit the REJECT button!!! Search online for people who’ve been financial and emotionally fucked by Amway and thank your lucky stars you hit that reject button escaped the evil shithole that is known as Amway!

I also want to say that the good old Bead Fair managed to book their event in July. WWDB has probably found a smaller less expensive arena to hold their Amway Family Reunion. Due to dwindling attendance at Amway functions and being banned from returning due to the bad antics of Amway Ambots, they’re probably having trouble finding places to hold their top secret WWDB Amway cult meetings.

Those Bead Faire people were in for hell and learned their lesson real fast after their people got sniped by Amway ambots so maybe they complained to the arena’s management about Scamway and that’s why WWDB have to find somewhere else to hold their Family Reunion cult meeting. Because Bead Faire is on the calendar this July. And not an Ambot in sight! Yahoo!

If any of you Bead Faire people got chased around by Amway ambots wanting to sign you up to their cult, feel free to leave a comment telling those Amway losers to fuck off.

Can you just imagine the confrontation between Amway Ambots and the Bead Fairers when they met in the hallways. The Amway ambots would be sneering at the Bead Fairers and saying why are you wasting all your money at Bead Faire instead of spending it at the Amway WWDB Family Reunion. Amway cult leaders say that education is a waste of time and money. Amway is the only thing out there so why are you losers going to Bead Faire.

An upcoming post will detail more about what WWDB Amway Duncan Family Reunion is all about. To sum it up, its how the Diamonds make the bulk of their income by selling tickets to this conference. One Ken and Barbie Ambot after another will stomp across the stage bragging about how rich they are thanks to Amway and the Amway tool scam. They’ll lead the audience in some cult chants and do some brainwashing damage and the next scammers will be up on stage.

Time for more keywords.

Duncan Family Reunion 2020

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2020

World Wide Dream Builders Amway Family Reunion 2020

Duncan Amway Family Reunion 2019

Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2019

Duncan Family Reunion 2019

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2019

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2018

WWDB Amway Spring leadership 2018

Fuck Amway!


  1. It's amazing that WWDB refuses to release publicly the date and place of their "Spring Leadership" function. What the hell are they afraid of?

    Every legitimate business wants to publicize its events and gatherings. They don't try to keep things secret! I guess WWDB is ashamed of its stupid functions.

    1. Anonymous- I don’t know. What is any cult afraid of? That their ugly secrets and how they lie and scam will get out there. Oops too late for Amway to worry about that thanks to the Internet!

      That if word gets out that a bunch of gate crashers who are frantic to get into the building so they can join the Amway cult. LOL!

      Legitimate companies absolutely want the public to know where they’re holding meetings especially if they’re making money be selling tickets or products they want people to come in and spend money.

      Cults are very secretive of when they’re holding brainwashing conferences.

  2. Well if that’s the best site you’ve found online then that’s just as fucked up as Amway Ambots who say XS is the best energy drink out there. That is if you’re a fucking Amway asshole!

  3. It’s a private meeting, period. You have to earn the spot to be in that room. It wouldn’t make sense to just let anyone go into that room. I’m sorry to hear what you think but it’s life. People don’t understand true facts ans It’s okay, it’s life. Not everyone will see the true facts of things so just move on.

    1. Anonymous using an iPhone in Hawaii- thanks for stopping by to let us know the Amway cult still uses cult keywords. You have to “earn a spot” to attend an Amway cult meeting! LOL! You conveniently forgot to say how much that spot costs LOL! Amway cult leaders let anyone in who pays the ticket price. Oh I think people do understand the true facts that me and many others share on the Internet about our real Amway experiences. How else do you explain Amway’s sales decreasing, shutting down warehouses and announcing mass layoffs. Our voices are being heard and Amway is having trouble scamming people. Those are the true facts. And we won’t move on until Amway shuts down for good. Until that day comes we will share our true stories of the financial and emotional distress Amway brought to our lives and warn others to stay away from Amway the Cult of Greed.

    2. Duncan reunion is July 19-21 in Portland.

    3. Thanks Anonymous. We know on July 29 there's Duncan Motivation at the convention center. LOL whatever the fuck that is. How to motivate a bunch of dumb fucks to keep coming to Amway brainwashing conferences is probably more like it. WWDB functions attendance is dwindling so they hold it in smaller venues that don't have online calendars like convention centers do so this top secret cult meeting isn't easily found. Judging by the amount of Ambots who show up here looking for more info!

  4. To Anonymous at 2:09 AM --

    How come you landed here at this website, on a thread dealing with the WWDB 2019 Family Reunion function? Were you on-line looking for information about it?

    Maybe they didn't even tell you where it was going to take place. That's real cultic secrecy.

    1. LOL Anonymous! We reel in another dumb ass Amway Ambot because this blog is high on the search engines and because Amway and WWDB are secretive about their cult meetings Ambots can’t find this info elsewhere.

      And then the Amway losers get furious that we share their dirty little cult secrets.

  5. By reading your words ~I can see why your mindset is not a good fit, for Amway and WWDB~ stay in the light and be the best version of yourself~Alohas!

    1. Hey what is this? An Ambot leaving a comment that's not spewing hate and negativity! Are you an imposter Ambot?

      Unknown - I have to throw your own words right back at you. Your mindset is not a good fit for Amway or WWDB. You have to be a nasty, evil, vicious motherfucking bastard who's a top knotch liar and scammer and has no morals about stealing other people's money. You sound way too nice to be a good fit for the evil Amway cult.

      Let the light and the spirit be with you too. Namaste and aloha!

  6. We had a solid, amicable email conversation a couple years ago, so I've already proven to you that not all Amway Distributors spew hate and negativity.

    I have read some of your discussions, and although, like I said then, the profanity is completely unnecessary, I have found your words well thought out and in many ways correct for many lines of sponsorship.

    I would like to ask that you do not fall into the trap of doing the same thing you accuse Amway and WWDB of doing..., that is misleading or spreading misinformation. True, many of the successful distributors are hateful, untruthful, immoral and selfish, but not all.

    Thank you, by the way. I have used some of the information you provided to avoid perpetuating the negativity that you obviously have experienced. I actually hope that others, rather than trying to fight you, might learn from you.

    Be well.

    1. Anonymous - I don't remember all the conversations I have with people who leave comments unless they have a specific name and sometimes not even then. I've had thousands of conversations with people who prefer to be Anonymous.

      So what do you want some kind of medal for being an Ambot who doesn't spew hate and negativity? You won't get that here.

      And I get it you're just a dimwit Amway Ambot but it does say right at the top of the page that this is the place to curse out the Amway upline and Amway cult leaders. So to show up here and bitch about the cursing - well STUPID!!!!

      Amway Ambots are prudes. They don't like cursing as you've validated that point for us. The profanity keeps Amway Ambots away. Well not always. I've had plenty of Ambots use profanity leaving comments on this blog and clearly they need to get more instructions from their Amway cult leaders on how not to say negative.

      How dare you show up here and accuse us of being misleading and spreading misinformation! How fucking dare you asshole! We are sharing our true life experiences in the Amway cult. The fact that you Amway losers HATE IT when people share their true Amway stories on the Internet is your fucking problem but then you try to say that our true stories are spreading misinformation. Well fuck you! We get the truth about Amway out there and hope that we can save others from making the same expensive mistake.

      Here's the thing. You don't like what you read. You don't like hearing our true stories and experiences when we were in Amway. Who's forcing you to come back here and read it? You'd have to be a dumb fuck to keep reading blogs that you don't like the content. I mean you don't see me going around reading blogs that I don't like. I'm not a dumb fuck like that. You come across something online that you don't like, you just move on and don't come back. Sounds simple but you're not the first Amway Ambot who has difficulty grasping that simple concept.

      The fact that you choose to be a commissioned sales rep for a company that is known to be a pyramid scheme and brings financial and emotional distress to others speaks volumes about your character. Amway has a bad reputation for selling substandard products at overinflated prices. The bad antics of Amway's lying scamming sales force are well documented all over the Internet. Amway's sales have been hitting the shitter for years. Last year Amway shut down two warehouses. This year Amway announced in the media massive lay offs. Do you think these are all signs of a company doing well or a company in trouble? Like I say the fact that you're a participant in the Amway scam speaks volumes about you. And the fact that you work hard not be hateful, untruthful, immoral and selfish tells us you don't have what it takes to claw yourself to the top of the Amway pyramid. You have to be the best lying scamming immoral evil motherfucker out there to be part of that tiny fraction of 1% of Amway's sales force who make money. You don't have it in you. Why don't you find a company with a better reputation to work for.

      The life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract and defend. Surely you can find a company where you don't have to work so hard doing those things!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.