Monday, April 15, 2019

Amway S.C.A.M.

Read this and thought – this is what Amway is all about!

S.C.A.M. – Seducing Creative Ambitious Minds

Amway has scammed millions of people by filling their heads with dreams. Dreams that involved spending thousands of dollars to tithe the Great Amway God. Dreams that carried them way past the point of reality. Dreams that made them ignore the warning signs of reality. The reality that there savings had been diminished and their credit card debt had skyrocketed. Maybe even a reality that involved foreclosure, bankruptcy, and divorce.

In attempting to get rich quick in Amway, and moving up the ranks to get some dumb fuck Amway ambot title like sack of shit Platinum, ambots allow their greed to get in the way of truth. Educated, creative, ambitious people get sucked into scams like Amway more often than we’ll know because too many are embarrassed to admit they weren’t smart enough to figure out they were being scammed. But the others want others to know so they don’t fall victim too and their stories are all over the Internet and sometimes on TV. “I never thought something like this could ever happen to me.” or “I thought I was too smart to fall for a scam like this.”

These creative ambitious people get seduced by the Amway scam because they want to believe in something – that in 2 to 5 years they’ll be gazillionaires with barrels of money rolling in every month while they sit back and do nothing for the rest of their lives except walk the beaches of the world. They want to feel that they belong somewhere and Amway is all about love bombing so they feel loved and wanted when Amway cult members shower them with compliments and love.

Creative ambitious minds want to do something with their lives that bring them joy. And hopefully a good income too. How many people when they were growing up thought that being a commissioned salesperson would be a career that brings them joy? I’m guessing none. Most kids when they’re growing up think about more traditional careers that will bring them happiness like a police officer or doctor or pilot. Most don’t grow up thinking they want to sell soap and get a few pennies commission on each sale.

When they become adults they dream about what career might bring them joy and start taking the steps to reach that goal. And that’s usually when a vicious blood sucking Amway ambot comes along to destroy their lives because that’s what Ambots do. Always on the lookout for their next victim. Always! At their J.O.B.s, at weddings, at funerals, at college, at the gas station, in the shopping mall, at Barnes & Noble, these fucked up Amway ambots will stalk you anywhere. Ambots are looking to seduce creative, ambitious minds because they know these people are eager.

But that doesn’t mean they want to get scammed by disreputable, unethical Amway ambots who have zero integrity and morals. Ambots will fuck over anyone who shows interest in being a “business owner”. Never mind that its only a pretend business in a system designed for failure.

These creative ambitious minds just want to earn a living doing something that brings them joy and instead they’ve run into dishonest Amway ambots trying to recruit new people into their cult.

We had a post on here that one reason Amway Ambots are attracted to the Amway scam is because they’re financially irresponsible. People who aren’t good with money and financial planning come from all walks of life. Certainly the disadvantaged and people in low paying jobs might be in that category. Though I’m sure there are people in that category who have the possibility of being financially savvy if they can get out of the lower income bracket. Maybe they’re already making progress with saving and investing with what little extra funds they have. People who have good paying jobs does not mean they are financially responsible. They can be professionals in their industry but suck when it comes to money management, running up debt, and financial planning for their future.

These could be the people who have creative, ambitious minds.

The people that Amway ambots want to capture into their cult. These are the people that Amway ambots use for bragging rights to attempt credibility inside their pyramid scheme. Well we signed up a dentist (lawyer, software CEO, owner of a chain of restaurants, etc) so obviously we’re a legitimate S.C.A.M.

Yup lets just send out another big old FUCK YOU to Amway.


  1. Many creative people are simply not good with money. Artists, poets, musicians, novelists, actors, dancers -- they frequently don't have a head for financial matters. If they're smart, they put their financial interests in the hands of a good accountant, investment advisor, or tax preparer. Or they marry someone who isn't creative, but who knows how to balance the books.

    The trouble with Amway freaks is that they won't take advice from anybody except another Amway freak (usually their up-line). And that's essentially suicidal.

    1. Anonymous - it's the same with real business owners. You hire competent professionals to handle your money or other issues that you aren't good with or don't have the necessary skills in.

      Smart people know when to take advice from others and often it involves it paying professional fees. It's no different than hiring employees. It's all the cost of doing business.

      As you noted, Amway freaks won't take advice from anyone except the fucking assholes in their Amway upline. These Amway bastards pretend to be experts in everything and demand the ambots in their downline counsel with them about everything. Like you said - suicidal. Dangerous. NEVER take advice from Amway losers. They're only out to fuck your lives up.

  2. Amway always said that they have no association or whatsoever with the so-called LOS. Yet, without these LOS, Amway would not have existed in the first place! The problem is that MLMs like Amway have too much lobbying power, not only from Direct Selling Association, but also from many of their lobbyists or advocates in Congress, Parliament, etc. The US Feds had already given MLMs green light by saying Herbalife is not determined not to be a pyramid scheme!

    1. Anonymous- Amway is all about lies. If you phone in to complain about the fucking assholes in the upline Amway tells you they’re not responsible for what is said at Amway meetings. Like what the fuck! Who is responsible then? LOL!

      That’s like McDonalds head office saying they’re not responsible for a bad Big Mac you bought at one of their franchises.

      I don’t know about HerbaLife but many MLMs are called pyramid schemes by most government organizations and watchdog groups. Some of these MLM scams like Amway are referred to as not being an illegal pyramid scheme but they’re still a pyramid scheme. Not an illegal one because they have an actual product or service their reps can sell. That is usually so high priced it won’t attract real customers outside their scheme. And yeah they got the money for lobbyists and buying their way out of trouble. It’s just a cost of doing business for them.

  3. The way to kill Amway is to cut off new recruitment. For Amway, new IBOs are like warm blood to a vampire. The business can't live without it.

    Saying that the products are crappy isn't enough. It's pretty well established that Amway products are lousy. Amway (like all MLM rackets) isn't about its generic products, but about "The Plan." That's what hooks new IBOs.

    To kill the Amway vampire, what is really needed are blogs like this one, that drive away potential Amway victims by showing them the truth. And what has to be made clear to readers is that the various LOS subsystems (WWDB, Network 21, BWW, and all the rest) are NOT SEPARATE FROM AMWAY! They are merely Amway in action.

    For years the LOS subsystems have worked hard to distance themselves from the Amway corporation of Ada, Michigan. They know that the name Amway is pure poison now, so recruiters answer questions about this by saying "Sure we sell some Amway products. But we're not associated with Amway!"

    That is A COMPLETE FUCKING LIE. It needs to be made crystal-clear to the public that the LOS subsystems are as much a part of Amway as sand is a part of the Sahara. The heart of Amway is the stinking system of up-line and down-line tyranny that funnels money upwards.

    1. Anonymous - you are so right. The way to kill Amway is to kill off their new recruits to their cult. We do this by sharing our stories of what it's really like in Amway. The lies, the bullshit Amspeak propaganda, the financial distress, the emotional distress and that you will never be abused by your boss at work the way you'll be abused by the Amway cult leaders.

      Word off mouth. The Internet has been Amway's worst enemy.

      And those fucking LOS groups WWDB, BWW, Network 21 etc do NOT operate separately from Amway. You think any cult leaders in these LOS cult sects are publishing brochures or "motivational" materials without it being approved by Amway's head office? Not a fucking chance!

      One of the lies we were taught in WWDB was to distance ourselves from Amway and tell people that Amway is just one of the companies we use to distribute our products. LOL! If it weren't for Amway none of those fucking cult sects would exist! But Amway has such a shitty reputation no one dares say the A word. Whether they call themselves Amway, Quixtar or Alticor however they try to fool people, the word it out all over the Internet about all the lies and scams these Amway fuckers pull off!

  4. Greetings. I am deeply grateful to have found this blog. A friend so close to me that I am nearly a part of his family has been turned into an Ambot, and it happened ridiculously fast! He offered me the opportunity to join 'the business'. I however did something (God bless him) he's not prone to doing - research. I could tell early on the core of this was sales, not being a business owner. Then thanks to more research I saw the truth. Amway isn't product sales at all, it's'dream' selling and cultic doctrine.

    But it was too late. I can be very subtle in how I communicate, and when I asked him questions about 'the business' to try to lead him towards drawing the obvious conclusion (he's being scammed), he responded with cult answers left and right. In only four months he's been taken from a reasonably skeptical person and changed into a cult-answer-spewing monstrosity.

    I love him as my own brother but I can see how this ends. If he pursues this it will destroy his already challenged finances. So, in several years when he wakes up and smells the reality of 'the dream' leaving him in worse debt than ever and having learned nothing about being a business owner, I will be there. Until then I've got to pray I reckon. It's all I can do.

    1. Hi Anonymous. I’m glad you found us! And what a nice person you are to say you’ll still be friends after Amway has financially devastated him. Most Ambots alienate people who don’t want nothing to do with them ever again. It’s that snotty snobby Amway attitude where Ambots go around sneering at people who aren’t in the Amway cult.

      If you haven’t already done so download a free ebook called Merchants of Deception to understand more about the cult your friend is in. There’s a link on the right side of this page under more info about Amway.

      The Amway cult only brings financial and emotional distress to Ambots. Not the million dollars they’ve been brainwashed to believe will roll in for life after 2 to 5 years.

  5. Once again, we see in the above post how an intelligent and skeptical person can be sucked into a robotic and mindless cult.

    What's happening here? Why are persons (who under other circumstances can think clearly and logically) caught up in something as patently stupid and fake as "the Amway plan"?

    There seems to be a deep, yawning emptiness in the souls of many persons -- an emptiness that yearns for some kind of fulfillment and hope. And cults like Amway are like catnip to these people.

    1. Anonymous if you could find the answers to those questions and sell them for a buck each to devastated friends and family of cult followers you’d be rich in no time!

      The crazy thing is Ambots deny they’re being brainwashed and think those of us who write about Amway cult leaders brainwashing the “business owners” are a bunch of dumb shits.

      And when some of these losers leave Amway they’re still somewhat brainwashed and deny they were brainwashed. Others realize holy fuck I never thought I could be brainwashed and scammed but that’s exactly what happened to me in Amway. Reprogramming needed!

  6. Greetings Anna, other Anonymouses. Thanks for the kind words. I do like to think I'm a nice person, but I'm also a stubborn one, and I have had my newly-minted Ambot friend as a friend for well over half my life. Met in high school, now in our 40s, brothers the whole time. I'm counting on several more decades of friendship/brotherhood and I'll be damned if a fucking scam takes that away! But I'm patient as well as stubborn, and I think that combo will work to help me ensure that I will be there when harsh reality crashes upon him. For now he still talks to me about non-business stuff, so the core hasn't been completely eroded yet.

    A couple thoughts on another aspect of why some people might get sucked into the scam. I must admit, that my friend and I share a less-desireable characteristic. Laziness! We have excellent work ethics that we pick up at the door to work and leave them there when it's time to leave. We've been in the past co-workers and roommates, so I have evidence to support this. At home it's all TV (him), books (me), and video games (both). My thought is that perhaps the idea of a lot of hard work now will lead quickly to passive income and easy opportunities to essentially be lazy could be a driving factor for why some people will drink from the poison well of Scamcult. It satisfies a fantasy of a lifetime of laziness buried deep within some people. I might be wrong about that, but I wonder. Cultic tendencies are designed to play on the fulfillment of basic emotional needs. Not just being loved in a family, but baser (lazy) needs as well. So pervasive is the mechanism of cultic thought that it needs only a tiny bit of soil in which to flourish, but like the most invasive of plant species, the flowering of Scamcult quickly overwhelmes the native species of rational thought, should it find any room to root itself.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Good to see you again! I have a couple of thoughts on your comments.

      Most Amway Ambots are a bunch of smart mouthed assholes in their early 20s. They’re young enough to bounce back financially and emotionally from the damage Amway brings them. It’s tougher on older people. Ambots in their 40s and up have more savings that Amway can wipe out and higher credit card limits for Amway to max out. When you’re reaching the end of your working life and trying to build up your savings again and pay off your debt it’s harder cause time isn’t on your side. There are stories online of seniors who’ve wiped out their life savings on the Amway scam and trying to find work in your 70s and 80s ain’t easy especially if you’re not mobile anymore. It’ll take your friend years to recover from being scammed by Amway.

      I can’t even begin to count the number of Amway losers who leave comments screeching that we’re lazy which prompted a post on that topic. I tell people if they’re being prospected by an Amway Ambot to say they won’t be a good fit for Amway cause they’re lazy. Ambots have a canned Amspeak response for everything and will ask if you don’t want to be lazy anymore and you respond nope I’m happy being lazy. Or if the Ambot demands to know more you answer that Amway losers hit every forum on the Internet accusing people who left the Amway cult of being lazy. So that’s how come you know Amway is a bad choice for you. If the Ambot keeps after you just ask who’s lying. The Ambot in front of you or the thousands of Ambots running their mouths all over the Internet. Somebody’s got to be lying here.

      Same as the Amway cult leaders at meetings that say Amway is so easy anyone can do it. Then I get Ambots showing up here screeching that we didn’t put in the hard work. I ask the loser who’s lying. Him or every Amway Diamond who’s told us how easy Amway is. They’re saying opposite things so one of them has to be lying.

      There are more 2 faced hypocrites in Amway than in any organization out there!

  7. Yes, this a major intellectual disconnect in Amway. On the one hand they say "It's very easy! Just duplicate your up-line!" But then they say "It's very hard! You have to work ferociously and endlessly in order to succeed!"

    Which is it, you Amway assholes? Is is easy, or is it hard? Let's see if any Ambot out there can give us a straight answer.

  8. Greetings Anna and other Anonymouses. As I read further back into the blog I come across details that continue to surprise me regarding Ambot behavior. What I find most disturbing is hearing some of these utterances from my newly-minted Ambot friend and his wife (who I'm also great friends with, but they joined the cult together). The more I learn about Ambots and see that behavior from them, it really scares me. Because how could two intelligent people change like this in such short order?

    1. Anonymous - all Ambots learn how to have a canned bullshit Amspeak answer for just about everything.

      The same bullshit Amway Ambots were saying 10, 20, 30 years ago they're still spouting off today.

      Probably your wife's friend is going to figure out pretty quick that Amway is a scam. She might already have figured that out but is being supportive of her husband because he's really enthusiastic about the Amway cult. But you know when you throw away hundreds of dollars a month at Scamway and can't trick someone into coming to an Amway cult meeting or to join up, and you know the only way you can make back some of the money you lost by scamming someone else, you start to realize this Amway scam isn't going to make you money.

      It is really frightening how fast the brainwashing process is in Amway. And the behavior you see in them will soon change. They'll become nasty, evil, negative sneering bastards who will find fault with everything about you because you're "too stupid" to sign up to their scam.

      Amway and their little scammer army of Ambots are pure shit evil.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.