Monday, May 20, 2019

Beware Amway Losers Slinging The “Are You Free” Bullshit

Here’s a reader who has an ambot relative. When a person is in the Amway cult they’re brainwashed to be egotisitical, arrogant, self centered bastards who don’t give a shit about anyone. Its all about them and their greedy ambition to be surrounded with materialistic things. This ambot uses the “are you free” bullshit that Amway encourages their employees to ask others. The thing with when I put this phrase on my blog such as get your wife free I end up getting potential husbands searching the Internet for free wives. Bizarre. So by putting out the are you free Amway ambot chant I might get a bunch of searchers looking for free prostitutes or something. Oh well. Yup whenever someone you haven’t heard from in years (friend or relative) calls and asks stuff like are you free instead of how are you, how’s the family, what have you been doing lately then they’re probably involved in an MLM scam. They have to make up a list of everyone they know and then if they how to contact these people start contacting them and trying to recruit them into the Amway cult. This reader’s relative is a perfect target for Amway and the ambots are probably love bombing her. She’s a student and will likely drop out because of the Amway teachings that education is a waste of time. No really. According to an Ambot, whatever you spend on education could be put to better use tithing the great Amway gods. A broke ambot won’t be in the scam too long. No money = no one in Amway wants to be friends with you.


Dear Anna,
I LOVE THIS BLOG. Recently a family member who I haven’t spoken to in years (despite living in the same city), reached out to me and ask me if I’m free several times after I kept saying that I’m not. No “hello, how are you doing?!” or any form of respect. It’s all about HER. I kept asking her why she wants to meet and she doesn’t give me an answer. I found out from other family members that she’s a part of Amway and I’m 99% sure that she’s trying to recruit me and my husband to build her downline. She never really had friends growing up and apparently, I’m the “big fish” she’s trying to catch in hopes that I’ll get all of my friends in. I’m glad I found this site to avoid her nonsense. Everything described her regarding these ambots describes her personality, exactly from the “keep negative people out of your life and if your friends don’t want to be a part of Amway get new friends” bullshit to the false Artistry claims. She does not know that I know all about scAmway and it’s nonsense so for the sake of not damaging our relationship even more than it already is, I’m just ignoring her messages! I’m worried she’s going to ruin her life, though because she seems to have lost interest in her education thinking she will get rich from this. She’s been in almost a year now and still a broke young gal. How much longer do you think she’ll last? She can do whatever she wants with her life but it bothers me that she is getting family into it, which is what tears family apart! Thanks and again-- great blog!!!


  1. No person on this planet is "free" in the absolute sense. We are all constrained by our circumstances, our inheritance, our personality type, our family situation, and dozens of other factors.

    When Amway freaks talk about "being free," all they mean is financial freedom -- the state of not having to worry about money.

    And yes -- financial freedom is a very good thing to have. Nobody denies that.

    But YOU AREN'T GOING TO GET IT IN AMWAY!!! All you're going to get if you join up in Amway or any of its goddamned corrupt subsystems (WWDB, Network, BWW, etc.) is trouble and pain and loss. That is a fact that cannot be denied.

    Even Amway's official literature admits that over 99% of Amway IBOs won't make a profit in the business.

    Does that sound like a good plan for being financially free?

    1. That’s a good point Anonymous. No person is ever really free of whatever circumstances are going on in their lives. Financial freedom is a excellent goal for people to have. But unless your last name is DeVos or VanAndel Amway will bring you financial distress not freedom.

  2. These Ambots are all the same. I have learned a lot about Scamway since following this blog over the last few months.

    I have an Ambot friend who talks about freedom and having the ability to retire in 2-5 years. Interestingly, he makes more money than I do at his job yet he is constantly hounded by credit card companies for not paying his bill and he is always going out of town on "business meetings" as he calls them. His car is absolutely full of XS Energy, vitamins and motivational literature. Meanwhile, although I make less money at my job, I don't have bill collectors calling me and I am able to invest in quality dividend paying stocks on a regular basis.

    I have followed this blog for a few months off and on as an Anonymous user. I am very thankful for the insight about the inner workings of Scamway. My friend frequently tries hiding things from me whenever he talks about his "business". For instance, he refers to his upline as a "mentor". He tells me this "mentor" is just someone he likes consulting for financial advice. One time he accidentally slipped and called him an upline, he quickly tried taking back the term. He also calls his cult meetings "business meetings". He goes out of town for these once a week.

    The kind of freedom Amway promises looks pretty oppressive to me. From what I have gathered from reading between the lines of what my friend says, and from what I have read here, it would be more profitable and provide more freedom getting a part-time job somewhere.

    1. Hi Lee. Thanks for reading the blog! I'm glad we're able to help you understand more about the hold the Amway cult has on their followers.

      And yes, Ambots are all the same. They have a canned Amspeak response for just about everything. They "duplicate" (parrot) what they hear the Amway cult leaders say. They have no outside interests. If you don't want to talk Amway with an Ambot - they don't want to talk to you.

      As you've watched with your Ambot friend Amway brings followers financial distress. Emotional distress too but lets talk about the financial distress thanks to Amway. Ambots drain their savings to buy overpriced shitty Amway products or buy tickets to Amway cult meetings or invest in the Amway tool scam. When the bank account is drained then its time for the Ambot to max out their credit cards. And the next step you're witnessing is the collection agents calling.

      Yes folks when you buy stuff on your credit card its not like free money. You got to pay off your credit card or you'll be dealing with collection agents next who will harrass you to pay up.

      Lee - you have the better plan when it comes to investing. Don't invest in the Amway tool scam. Invest in stocks that pay dividends. Yes! I am a dividend investor too. I want both dividends and growth but I rarely buy stocks without considering the dividends.

      Set it and forget it. Let the dividend dollars roll in every month.

      Sure as hell beats "investing" in Scamway.

      And you got it. The Amway kind of freedom is oppressive. Your boss at work doesn't control your life as much as your Amway upline. You could work one hour a month at McDonalds and make the same amount of money an Amway Ambots makes after spending hundreds of dollars in Amway every month to make back a $10 commission. And let's not forget the time the Ambot has to spend. Dozens of hours a month at Amway meetings just to make that $10.

    2. Dear Lee --

      You are right. Amway provides not freedom, but its opposite.

      Once you are in Amway and really committed (as when you are "Core"), you discover that your time and your energy and your finances are not your own. They are at the command of your up-line and your Platinum.

      Your phone rings off the hook endlessly, as you get pointless messages from your superiors. You cannot do anything that might conflict with an Amway event. Your purchases are scrutinized to make sure that you haven't bought any "negative" things (i.e. products that are in competition with Amway). You can't make major purchases of anything without the OK of your up-line. Even personal matters, like buying a house or getting married or having a baby, are subject to veto by your Platinum.

      This is a liberated existence? This is the freedom that Amway gives an IBO?

      Amway is a vicious, evil, sick, corrupt CULT.

    3. Anonymous - for the kind of "freedom" an Amway Ambot gets they'd be better off in Guantanamo Bay!

  3. I am free. Since leaving the WWDB/Amway cult.

    1. Yeah Anonymous! Freedom! Flush that stinking cult!

  4. I am again. My step daughter is still in Amway and we are still shaking our heads in despair, frustration, and anger. She has opted out of numerous family gatherings in favour of attending World Wide events & meetings. She received a large settlement for a past car accident and she's eating through that. Amway has convinced her that education is a waste so she's working 4 menial jobs to make ends meet and keep up her PV. Her baby sister is off to university but she insists she is the one who will have financial freedom. She's alienating her siblings and friends and boyfriends. She throws around the words "FINANCIAL FREEDOM" like she knows what that really means. She thinks I should throw away a career I have spend decades building in order to become an ambot. Not looking for advice, just venting.

    1. Hey Unknown. This is the place to vent your anger at the Amway cult. Sharing your experiences can help others know that they’re not alone in what they’re going through. So sad she is throwing away a settlement tithing the Great Amway God instead of getting in front of a real financial advisor who can help her come up with better investments.

  5. You know, the really interesting (and infuriating) thing that Unknown has described above is how someone who has been infected with Amway insanity INSISTS ON IMPOSING THAT INSANITY ON OTHERS.

    This young girl has basically screwed over her future. Soon she'll be a broke loser. But rather than simply living with her own bad choices, she's trying to get other family members to make the same choices.

    She's not going to college, but she makes fun of her kid sister who has decided to go. She doesn't have a career, but she wants her mother to throw away her career too. Her siblings, friends, and boyfriends don't want to be in Amway, so she's decided to alienate herself from them.

    Amway is like a contagious plague, an infectious disease, a transmittable sickness that wants to dominate the entire world. Why should this young girl insist that everyone around her do what she is doing? What gives her the moral authority to tell other persons that they can't make their own choices?

    Only one possible answer: Amway is a sick, perverted religion that wants total power over everyone and everything.

    1. Anonymous- sadly she’ll be another victim that Amway has screwed over financially and emotionally. Though she won’t see it until the money runs out and she’s hit rock bottom.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.