Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Amway Ambots Refuse To Believe In Real Business Owners

Over and over I’ll get some fucked up brainwashed Amway ambot showing up here telling me I have a job. You know in that snide sneering Amway asshole way they have like saying have fun working for someone else for the rest of your life. Just because they’re in Amway that means they’re (pretend) business owners and that means they’re better than everyone else and they’re card carrying assholes who go around insulting everyone they think is below them.

Well when you’re on the bottom of the Amway pyramid its not like there’s anyone below you so you have to come to the Internet and get outraged at people who share their true stories of how they got scammed by Amway and how they suffered financial losses and emotional distress. The outraged Amway ambot is pissed off because when people get their stories out there on the Internet of what its really like being in the Amway cult then that’s going to help others make the right decision not to have anything to do with Amway = less money for the scambots. They don’t dare insult the fucking assholes in their Amway upline so they come to a blog where we have no problem insulting Amway assholes and oddly enough insult us instead. Its like they want even more abuse and are craving to be cursed out and made to look like bigger Amway assholes than they already are. We are happy to oblige those masochists!

These fucking Amway assholes refuse to believe that there are people in this world who do not work a job. Or in Amspeak a J.O.B. and say that with the contempt that an Amway ambot uses. There are a lot of real business owners in this world. Not Amway pretend business owners. Walk down the main street of any town and there will be businesses owned by real people who have nothing to do with Scamway.

But Amway assholes insult these real business owners for that reason – because its not an Amway business.

An Amway “business” earns most “business owners” around $10/month after they’ve spent hundreds of dollars buying shitty overpriced Amway products and tools.

Real business owners probably see a profit way better than that or they wouldn’t continue operating their store.

Amway ambots refuse to believe that people do other things with their lives than work a job, though technically speaking most people have some kind of job they do whether or not they make any money at it. And ambots are experts in knowing what its like to work hundreds of hours and not get paid! In the real world people operate businesses. They hire locals who need jobs and help with the economy. No fucking Amway asshole can say they hire staff to work at their business and they’re doing their part to contribute to the local economy but then Amway IBO’s are pretend business owners who don’t make enough money to put gas in the car to get to their Amway meetings let alone pay wages. Other people are retired or semi-retired. Others are housewives or househusbands and their significant other is the breadwinner. But even these retired or homebodies aren’t sitting idle all day. They’ve got a household and maybe children to take care of. They’ve all got incomes of some sort – pension, savings, dividends from stock investments or maybe income from renting real estate holdings.

That makes me wonder if Amway assholes would walk up to an elderly person in the street who is in a wheelchair or walker and sneer at them. “You have a J.O.B. and I’m better than you because I’m an Amway business owner.”

That’s the attitude of fucking assholes in Amway. Can’t accept that not everyone has a job working for someone.

According to a brainwashed Amway ambot – if you’re not an Amway “business owner” then that means you work a J.O.B.

And let’s point out the obvious. Most Amway ambots have jobs too. They need them to afford their expensive Amway hobby.

Oh yeah. Let’s just send another big old FUCK YOU out to those Amway assholes and their refusal to accept that not everyone has a job.


  1. From what I have read so far in this site and associated sites one would not expect to find any intelligent comments or constructive support for anyone who happens to identify as an ordinary person deserving of respect and prepared to work hard while keeping within the life rules of honesty transparency and credible integrity.I was once in Amway and believe in the principles of the structure of the business and all its connections. There is nothing that anyone can find that will prove this structure to be less than those foundations and principles. As I note there are many attempts to undermine and defile good names and principles that cannot be destroyed because of the basic nature of all that is honest and good in the world. The only thing wrong with this business and the world it is successfully operating in is the ignorance and disrespect of fellow humans.The language you use shows no respect for yourselves or any other person so how could you possibly expect to be a successful part of anything with this attitude.There is a positive and honest side to the principles involved if you take the time to experience,listen without the need to criticise and curse each other and be prepared to work hard and sacrifice the useless pursuits that the majority of perceptions and attitudes like what you are peddling here,take part in.There are people who have successfully made a business and a life from this multinational marketing approach but it is not going to be true for ignorant people who just dont look for the positive in all things and help others to do the same. very few companies successfully last without most of the principles involved. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT PRINCIPLES i AM REFERRING TO THEN YOU LEAVE YOURSELF LOOKING AS UNINFORMED AND IGNORANT AS YOU SOUND. did you get educated? Are you constantly updating your education and learning?How are you paying for that? Are you waiting for a hand out or someone else to blame for all that you do not have and are not willing to pursue and put in what it takes to get?I dont blog and have no wish to take part in disrespectful slanging matches and i trust in the only principles there are to trust,those that all truth comes from . You can find them in the bible if you would like to invest in and live by such truth with the help of the only spirit there is that can provide this. I can testify to this and would highly recommend that you find a way to have the same power behind your life/lives. I Pray you will all find the truth mercy, love faith peace and hope that is there for us allas I write as I have a sense of compassion that you are trying to live in this world without this. Blessings to all . May the Lord keep you close .

    1. Oh great. Another Amway loser who loves violating Amway's Code of Ethics. Go back and read page 18 motherfucker!

      OK Anonymous you come here and bitch about the language. It says right at the top of this page the tagline for the blog that this is the place to curse out Amway and the Amway upline.

      Let me quote you: did you get educated? Are you constantly updating your education

      Because it seems like you're not educated enough to read the tagline of what this blog is all about! Dumb fuck!

      I'm not saying it's never happened - but why don't you show me one place in this blog where I'm disrespectful to "an ordinary person deserving of respect and prepared to work hard while keeping within the life rules of honesty transparency and credible integrity". Go on show me one place. People like you've described are not of any interest to mock on this blog because we're all about mocking Amway losers and letting the world know what it's like putting up with those lying cheats who worship the Great Amway God.

      Also could you define what you mean by "work hard" to make sure we're on the same page because that's a term that can be subjective.

      When I employ someone being a hard worker doesn't come in to play. I mean you ask anyone they probably say they're a hard worker. If I employe someone I want them to be a good worker who can get the job done in a timely manner. It's also important that they get along with the people they work with and to the customers and offer good service. It's also important to be a person of good character. Whether or not they're a hard worker is subjective to what a person's definition of that term is. We worked hard to get out business to where it is. I don't have to work so hard anymore but I damn well keep an eye out what's going on.

      So go ahead and define what you mean by someone who works hard.

      I also realize that being a person of good character is subjective and could have different definitions. My definition would be a person who is kind to others and doesn't do anything to cause harm to others. One way I can determine that is to ask someone if they've heard about Amway. Some people haven't. Others know it's a scam. If someone says they like Amway I know we'll never get along. How could I possibly like someone who likes a company that brings financial and emotional distress to so many people? That tells me I'm dealing with scum. Low character. Low morals. Thinks it's OK to steal and cheat others.

      Anyway this blog is all about cursing out fucking Amway losers and the pyramid scheme they worship. Don't like it? Then don't come back here and read you dumb fuck! It's simple. Do you have to get permission from some fucking asshole in your Amway upline not to come back here and read? Would you go to a blog where the tagline is they love cat and then bitch about all the gushy talk about cute little kittens? Why would anyone show up at a blog and leave a comment bitching that the blog's content when the content matches what the tagline at the top of the page says you can expect if you read here?

      I don't get it! You have to be a big dumb fuck to bitch about something that is expected. Do you go inside a haunted house and then bitch that you got scared? Do you go inside McDonald's and then bitch that hamburgers are for sale here? Do you go to the beach and then bitch about the sand?

      That's what Amway losers do. They bitch about everything! Around here we just bitch about all things Amway and bitch about Amway lovers. Scourge of the earth motherfuckers.

      And take your prayers and shove them up your ass. We don't need them! We don't need no condescending Amway motherfuckers who think they're better than us showing up here to bitch bitch bitch. So fuck off loser!

  2. My God, you really are a long-winded asshole.

  3. This sanctimonious buffoon says "I was once in Amway and believe in the principles of the structure of the business and all its connections."

    Oh yeah? Well then, why aren't you in it now, pal? Did you quit? Were you kicked out? Did you lose a bundle of money and have to get a job to survive?

    Once again, another defended of Amway comes here but manages to avoid explaining why he didn't make a fortune in the racket.

  4. Every Ambot that shows up on this blog to defend Amway always insists that those who post here are uneducated about Amway. As if the real experiences of former victims of Amway's scam have no clue what they are talking about? As if their real life experiences didn't happen? The brainwashing of Ambots is so complete that they profess to have read this blog but cannot be bothered to understand the very simple and obvious point; people wouldn't come here to post anything or read anything unless they had some experience, and thus 'ejucashion', about the Amway scam. It's pathetic to dismiss the glut of horror stories and suggest these victims are ignorant of their own experiences. Given Amway is a blame the victim scam, I guess we couldn't expect anything less.

    1. Anonymous - we run this blog to give others a place to curse out Amway assholes or live vicariously through us doing so and to share our experiences to prevent others from making the same mistake.

      Amway is a blame the victim scam and their army of Ambot losers show up and tell us to do our research or educate ourselves or whatever. Like our real life experiences inside Amway aren't good enough. If some of those Amway losers took some of their own advice and researched Amway and how its brought misery to so many people maybe they wouldn't get brainwashed into the cult of greed.

      Its called follow the money trail. There is no money happening on this blog. We receive no payment for sharing our experiences. We receive no payment for every person we save from joining the Amway cult. It's really no skin off my ass if some Amway loser wants to keep throwing their money at the Amway scam to show their love and adoration for the Great Amway God. The only people making money are Amway's owners and their top cult leaders. There's a difference between people who volunteer their time to help others and greedy bastards who want to scam you out of your money.

      Follow the money trail.

  5. Here's a new take-off on the Goads' song about going Diamond in Amway:

    One, two three -- four, five six --
    Whether from the city or out in the sticks
    People who join Amway are as dumb as bricks.

    One two, three -- four, five six --
    As long as you're in Amway you'll be suckin' dicks
    'Cause Amway's just a racket for your up-line pricks.

    One, two, three -- four, five, six --
    When Ambots try to sign you up, just tell 'em "Nix!"
    Amway up-line screws your life up, just for kicks.

    One, two, three -- four, five, six --
    You've got a better chance to join the New York Knicks
    Than ever making cash from Amway's bag of tricks.

    1. LOL Anonymous! That's so funny and so true at the same time! This should be sung at every Amway cult meeting where new prospects have been brought in.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.