Thursday, September 19, 2019

Amway Is As Scammy As Fuck With A Capital F!

Amway Ambots are furious that people get online to share their true stories of losing money and being abused by the fucking assholes in the Amway upline. And those outraged ambots in typical Amway “blame the victim” scam say only our upline was bad – the only bad upline in all of Amway history LOL - but everyone else in Amway is roses and sunshine. Except for the lying scheming motherfuckers in our Amway upline that is. According to Amway losers that is.

LOL! One of the reasons that Amway is as scammy as Fuck with a Capital F!

Not everyone who was in Amway are scared to tell the truth about their time in the Amway cult.

People have been scammed by Amway and abused by the fucking assholes in their Amway upline going back decades. With the Internet we can share our stories with a larger crowd instead of in person smaller groups.

The only truth Amway Ambots know is what they've been brainwashed by their cult leaders to believe and accept as the truth. Everyone else who has a different version of their true experiences of being in Amway can't possibly be right according to those brainwashed Amway losers. Ambots fail to realize there are a lot of people who have bad experiences in Amway. With similar stories about being scammed. Brainwashed Amway Ambots don’t get it that we can’t all be wrong when our stories are all so similar and from people all over the world who have never met each other.

And Ambots need to look at the bottom line. Who has more to gain financially by getting the word out that Amway is as scammy as Fuck with a Capital F?  No one that we know of who are sharing their Amway experiences online is getting paid. We don’t have generous benefactors funding our blogs. We don't charge people to read marriedtoanambot and no other blogger that we know about charges to read their Amway experiences. We do this to help others stay away from Amway because it only brings financial and emotional distress. We don’t want others to get scammed out of their money and be abused by the fucking assholes in the Amway upline. It's a public service. For free.

Compare this free service of people who have real life horror stories of being in Amway against Ambots who are only out to scam you out of as much money as they can get and when the money flow stops Ambots get vicious in their attacks. Follow the money trail. Who has more to gain? Or lose?

That is something which Amway freaks simply can't comprehend. Nobody at these anti-Amway blogs gets paid for writing. There is no profit or payoff for posting here, or sharing experiences, or for writing these blog entries. NONE WHATSOEVER. It is done as a public service. For free!

That's why so many of the Ambots who dare to come here express bafflement that we continue. "Why are you doing this?" they whine. "Why don't you get a life?" they scream. "Why aren't you putting all your energy into something useful?" they complain.

In other words, these Amway assholes can't fathom why anyone would do anything as a public service, without a chance for profit. They are dyed-in-the-wool materialists, despite all their fake religion.

Amway the Cult of Greed.

Ambots are only out to make a buck off people in their scam. They fail to realize that people volunteer their time for worthy causes and sure cursing out Amway ambots and talking about how we got scammed and lost money and were abused by the fucking assholes in our Amway upline might not be a worthy way to volunteer according to an Amway Ambot. But at Amway meetings we were told the reason we're in Amway is so we can help others. This blog is all about helping others not get sucked into ScAmway and providing support to those who need it. This blog might not be what Ambots had in mind but it's here to help others, just as preached at Amway cult meetings.

So yup one more time from marriedtoanambot let’s just send another big old FUCK YOU out to Amway Scamway and their scammer army of Ambots. Because Amway is as scammy as Fuck with a Capital F!


  1. OMG! Reading these posts and replies brings me deep shame remembering my stint (about 3 years before wising up) in Scamway/WWDB, back in the mid'90's.

    Shame for shunning my good friends who trying to warn me.

    Shame for convincing acquaintances to join with me, even those with severe financial difficulties.

    Shame for approaching strangers, not to be a friend, but as a potential source of income.

    It's so cathartic to read about everyone's experiences, knowing I'm not alone. Keep up the good fight Anna. Hopefully, someone about to be roped-in by WWDB will see your blog and come to their senses.

    1. Hi Anonymous. I think it's good that you feel shame about being in Amway and recognize how you treated others and tried to scam others. This is what Amway calls "becoming a nicer person".

      We get comments from people who said they went to an Amway meeting and are looking online for more information. Even after being told not to search for Amway on the Internet and especially stay away from marriedtoanambot! What are those Amway cult leaders so scared about? That recruits will read the true life experiences of others who were in Amway and stay the hell away! So yes we get people thanking us for warning them not to get involved with Amway and very few people leave comments so there's probably many more we've helped not get roped into this pyramid scheme.

  2. OMG! Reading these posts and replies brings me deep shame remembering my stint (about 3 years before wising up) in Scamway/WWDB, back in the mid'90's.

    Shame for shunning my good friends who trying to warn me.

    Shame for convincing acquaintances to join with me, even those with severe financial difficulties.

    Shame for approaching strangers, not to be a friend, but as a potential source of income.

    It's so cathartic to read about everyone's experiences, knowing I'm not alone. Keep up the good fight Anna. Hopefully, someone about to be roped-in by WWDB will see your blog and come to their senses.

  3. All these anti-Amway and anti-MLM blogs are having a big effect. They are hitting the scams in the place where it hurts most -- their bottom line.

    And yes -- when Amway freaks come here they simply cannot comprehend why people like Anna Banana and Joe Cool and Dr. Doe and all the rest of us maintain our blogs. We DON'T CARE ABOUT MONEY, guys! We simply want to get the truth about about this evil racket called Amway, and all of its clones.

    And we're accomplishing it, little by little, gradually. It's now next to impossible for anyone to recruit new IBOs in North America, and word is getting out in other countries too. A general consensus is building that MLMs are seriously flawed and fraudulent.

    People like Anna Banana should get a medal for that.

    1. Anonymous - yup we're a part of Amway and other MLMs not being able to scam so many people any more. Hitting their bottom line. Profits down. Warehouses closing. Massive lay offs. Brainwashed Ambots all think that's a sign of "business is going good".

      We lost thousands of dollars in the Amway pyramid scheme and were abused by the fucking assholes in the Amway upline. We share our experiences so others don't make the same mistake. We want the evil Amway to shut down for good.

      We don't need medals! It feels good to help others not to get involved with Amway and their pure shit evil Ambots and their overpriced shitty products. Amway the Cult of Greed isn't as profitable as they'd like to be thanks to blogs like this.

    2. First I hope you contacted your friends and apologised to them, and I hope they forgive you for how you treated them during your time in amway,
      Second , I agree that the post are making a difference , annas post come up quite close to the top of any. Google for " is amway a scam/pyramid/ponzi/good deal etc "

      I've been thinking about going rouge and attending amway meetings to tell others this is a destructive scam

    3. OK. This is really crazy. I posted a response but now it's gone! Must have hit the wrong button. All I was saying is that it really pisses off Amway losers that this blog is so high in the search engines because it decreases the pool they're fishing in for recruits seeing as how prospects get online to do further research. Look up Amway and read horror stories about financial and emotional loss and people know not to get involved with ScAmway.

  4. Yes, I have to agree with all of the above. Thank YOU and every one else who has called them out FOR YEARS. You kept on with the fight and are now seeing the fruit of this labor. You, Joe Cool, and many others warned us for years but it's finally sinking in!

    I too feel soooo much shame but I am not going down with out a fight. I reported my entire upline to the FTC with their home address, phone, and e-mail! I am sharing my story on reddit, here, and started a Instagram account exposing the lies.

    I am here to join you. I have been posting as an Anonymous but here we go. Let's take them down!

    1. Hi Red Rose. Thanks for stopping by. And good for you to report Amway and all the assholes in your Amway upline! Somebody needs to shut down those lying scamming Amway bastards. If you have a link you want to mention in your comment that's fine. It'll help drive more traffic to your Instagram or blog.

  5. BTW, are west coast ambots still required to wear a coat and tie to EVERY function and walk around with a tape recorder, in case you miss "valuable information"?

    Being from Hawaii, I would also feel ridiculous wearing a coat and tie to eat at some crappy diner.

    Looking at you Scott Harimoto...may you eat a bucket of AIDS!

    1. Anonymous - I don't think location matters where you are. All Amway Ambots are required to wear business attire to Amway cult meetings. And yes to that tape recorder though I'm guessing these days many Ambots have a phone with a recording app on it. LOL on missing that "valuable information". Ambots weren't even allowed to leave to go to the can because for sure that's when the Amway cult leader would be divulging that nugget of valuable information LOL!

  6. When I finally did some searching on the internet, after my gradual process of leaving The Cult, I was struck by how similar my experiences were to others.

    1. You're right Anonymous. All of us have the same stories, maybe some details are different, but what we saw, heard, and how we were abused - all the same stories.

  7. Out of sheer curiosity, I Googled some of my upline from when I was in Amway years and years ago (promoted as Christian gospel). My sister and I (both single and sharing an apartment) had David Shores come speak in our meager apartment one time - we were thrilled, but now I'm laughing as I see what a scam this was and how they're getting their just desserts. I got out early but definitely drank the Kool Aid there for a while. I worked my tail off in college and now have an awesome job at a Fortune 200 Company. No more Quixtar or WWDB for me!

    1. Hi MicroGal - thanks for stopping by. Amway is such a scam and the cult leader you brought up has dropped out of sight to the best of my knowledge because only in Amway Diamonds are not forever! Anyway Shores is an interesting one because other bloggers were posting court documents a few years ago. You know how Ambots go around bragging that Amway Diamonds pay for everything in cash? Shores was in foreclosure. And no Ambot can explain this one how someone who pays for everything in cash can get foreclosed on. In order for a bank to foreclose on your house that means you missed paying quite a few mortgage payments. But hold on here. If someone went to the bank to borrow money - in this case a mortgage - then the house buyer obviously did not pay for the house in cash. Otherwise he wouldn't have had to borrow money. No Amway loser will show up to explain how this could be. If Amway Diamonds pay for everything in cash, like is preached at every Amway cult meeting, then why would a Diamond need to borrow money? Because only people who borrow money from the bank or other lenders end up in trouble when they don't pay the money back. Amway publishes a Diamond makes about $150,000/year. A nice income but you can hardly live a millionaire lifestyle on it. Now let's add in the Amway tool scam that Diamonds share in the profits. I don't know his share of greed pie but lets say about the same amount and double that to about $300,000/year. Again a nice income but you can hardly live a millionaire or billionaire lifestyle on low 6 figures. In Amway you have to fake it till you make it. Give the illusion to the the Amway losers in your downline how rich you are so that means running up credit cards and taking out loans whatever to fool others into thinking you're rich. The other thing I remember from the papers filed against Shores in the foreclosure was that all the appliances in the house were missing! LOL! Those Amway fuckers are the biggest fucking thieves around. It's ingrained. Anyway he's hardly the first Amway loser to end up in foreclosure or bankruptcy thanks to ScAmway.

  8. My brother is in Amway. We use to be able to talk about everything. It was fun. But now it’s all about Amway or WWG/WWDB. I miss my brother and the way things used to be. I dislike how the whole organization is manipulative. He’s not allowed to mention the name Amway. That should give you a clue that if you have to hide it it’s a scam. Any real business doesn’t hide their name or what they do. Also he never use to have this prowling attitude before where everyone is a dollar sign and an opportunity to sell this dream to. I really dislike it. I want my brother back. Now everything is centered around Amway. Visiting me or the rest of the family is only because he is on the way to a meeting. Not because he wants to visit. Just another opportunity to try to get us to go to a meeting. I hope he wakes up soon and gets out of this. I miss my brother and the way things were before. Thanks everyone for letting me share.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by with your story. Amway the Cult of Greed where all followers must worship and tithe the Great Amway God. We don't call WWDB World Wide Destructive Bastards for nothing. Or World Wide Douche Bags or any number of names those initials stand for. That's why they've gone back to calling themselves World Wide Group. Your brother will be taught to deny involvement with Amway and instead say he's with the WWG/WWDB but they use Amway to move their products. Or some similar bullshit. Yeah it's really fucking embarrassing to admit you're involved with Amway. If you're so embarrassed by the company you work for that you can't say its name - find a new job!

      As for your brother the odds are that he'll quit ScAmway. Most Ambots quit after a few months when they realize they got scammed. 95% of participants quit Amway within 2 years. That's why recruitment is so hard hitting aggressive to replace the drop outs. If your brother stays inside the Amway cult for longer than 2 years he will most likely become a lifer and chase this pipe dream forever.

  9. It's horrible to watch a family member get sucked into a business cult, and grow into a new and vicious personality -- one driven by greed, arrogance, contempt for non-members, and an utter lack of interest in anything except the cult.

    There have been countless stories told here and at other anti-Amway websites that basically describe the same thing: a perfectly normal and friendly human being joins Amway, and turns into a nasty, unpleasant creep. Are all these stories lies? Is the similarity in them a pure coincidence? Are they all the result of having "a bad up-line"?

    What's really infuriating is the way in which Amway freaks refuse to take any of these stories seriously, and also refuse to even question whether the structure and culture of Amway are responsible for the tragedies. No -- for them, Amway CAN DO NO WRONG. This kind of pig-headed prejudice is what keep the Amway racket going, and it is specifically cultivated by up-line as a way to keep IBOs from examining reality.

    The detailed accounts given by thousands of persons who have had their lives ruined or harmed by Amway are REAL. They aren't made up. Amway is pure poison.

    1. So true Anonymous. We all have very similar Amway stories. We watch the participants change from nice, kind human beings to egotistical, nasty, evil, condescending Ambots. Complete personality change. Their boss at work doesn't rule their lives the way the Amway upline does. The abuse from the fucking assholes in the Amway upline is well documented here and other places online. Amway is a real life horror story.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.