Monday, March 2, 2020

Amway Is The Kingpin Of All Things Negative

I can’t tell you how many times I heard Ambot parrot his upline “Don’t say negative!” This was usually after I commented on how expensive an Amway product is or how shitty it tastes. I was telling the truth. Truth. An evil word to ambots who can’t grasp the concept that just because something is true does not make it negative. Like any other criticism one takes in life one must grow a thick skin and accept it civilly and if its constructive criticism instead of mean criticism become better or make changes because of it. However things are beyond an ambot’s control such as lowering the high price tag Amway puts on their products or quality control and actually make shit and piss taste better.

The upline cult leaders usually the pompous sack of shit Platinum and occasionally the Emerald would jabber on about don’t let negative influences into your life.

What a sheltered life that is for an ambot. Unable to tell the difference between the truth and the negative. Believing their cult leaders that they are the only people in the world who speak the truth and everyone else is a negative liar. The Amway cult leaders don’t want their downline to be influenced by outside forces who can reason, tell them the truth, and show the IBO’s that they’re wasting their time and more importantly wasting their money on trying to build an Amway business.

The upline bastards would say don’t read newspapers, don’t watch TV, don’t listen to the radio. Most of all they’d say don’t listen to people who aren’t in Amway.

Yet these same cult leaders all seemed to know what’s going on in the world. How can that be unless they’re being negative and watching TV or reading a newspaper?

These Amway bastards are the most negative people around despite all their sermons about not being negative. At every Amway meeting they’d preach fire and brimstone sermons about Starbucks locations closing down or other businesses closing their doors. They’d spout off tons of doom and gloom about the recession and people losing their jobs. The fucking assholes in our Amway upline are the most negative people I’ve ever met in my life!

Since starting this blog hundreds of negative ambots show up here who all say the same thing. Some canned amspeak response they’ve duplicated from their Amway cult leaders. They all accuse me of being a broke loser. They all accuse me of working a job. They all predict I’ll be dead or broke by the time I’m 65. They all call me a negative unchristian dream stealer. I mean talk about NEGATIVE! Its the old Amway cult influence. Spread negativity around the world courtesy of being an Amway IBO.

Those fucked up brainwashed ambots think they’re better than everyone else and here they are violating their upline cult leader’s rules by coming to this blog and spreading their Amway negativity. Holy shit! I remember at every Amway meeting the cult leader would forbid the Ambots to look online for stuff about Amway and bitch about the Internet being a bathroom wall. And seeing as how that canned Amspeak is still being spouted off by brainwashed Ambots who drop by this blog to leave negative comments that tells me they’re giving Amway the big old fuck you by being disobedient and looking around the Internet.

Becoming an Amway “independent business owner” running a fake business, putting on a business suit, carrying a cell phone, lying to people that the business is not Amway, making false product claims, marching off to 8pm Amway cult meetings, and sneering at people who are not in Amway does not make an ambot a positive role model.

Amway makes for a hell of a lot of misery and negativity in one’s life.

Drop out of Amway and that’s a big load of negative you’ll also be dropping.


  1. The Amway insistence on never saying anything "negative" is based on a few general business principles, such as these:

    1. Never tell the truth if it will hurt your business.

    2. Always be upbeat and enthusiastic, and never pessimistic.

    3. Make sure your publicity is always good, and never negative.

    4. Keep your customer base and your employees in a good frame of mind.

    5. Never admit mistakes, but either cover them up or give them some kind of positive spin.

    These five policies are not limited to Amway, but are pretty much universally accepted as standard in all businesses. The difference in Amway is that, because IBOs are always losing money, you have to keep them highly motivated and charged up with energy. So, you cannot allow the tiniest bit of skepticism or uncertainty to enter their minds. Therefore the slightest hint of something "negative" has to be stamped out immediately by the Amway up-line.

    In a real business, problems and shortcomings can be discussed openly, and suggestions can be made about improvements or changes. A good boss listens to his employees if they can tell him when something in the business is not working properly, or how things could be improved.

    But that can't happen in Amway. The entire fragile structure of the MLM system means that up-line cannot tolerate the slightest doubts, or hesitations, or questioning. You have to scream "DON'T SAY NEGATIVE!" if anybody dares to criticize anything at all.

    That's why Amway is basically a cult, and not a real business.

    1. Good insight Anonymous! Though #1 and #5 on your list are pretty much interchangeable. For a real business.

      When it comes to pretending to own an Amway business those pretty much fly out the window, because as you pointed out Amway is a cult not a real business.

      Amway loves bad publicity. We know that because of the Ambots who show up here spouting off lies and bullshit and negativity to make themselves and their beloved employer all look like a bunch of assholes.

  2. What's really amazing is how Amway freaks come her to bitch and moan about the "negative" things we say, but they are extremely nasty and vicious (not to mention barely literate) when they post comments.

    I think we're really getting under their skin.

    1. Anonymous - Amway freaks don't show up here to bitch and spread negativity the way they used to. They still show up because this blog is so high in the search engines for just about anything Amway but their Amway cult leaders forbid them from viewing blogs like this and leaving comments. So we just have to rely on the Ambots who like to tell their Amway bosses to fuck off and they'll do whatever they want and then leave their angry bullshit Amspeak propaganda here.

  3. It's not possible to stop a person from reading this blog if he wants to. There isn't any mechanism that prevents people from coming here to read the posts.

    This is why I believe thousands of Amway IBOs visit this website, regardless of what they are told by their up-line. They are bound to be curious, since they are signed up in Amway, and they naturally want to read anything at all that's said about the business.

    The slow but steady decline in Amway sales and in Amway recruitment is directly related to the growth of anti-MLM websites like this, and to the spread of the horror stories about life in the Amway cult. Since what we say here is true, and what our readers post is believable, it corresponds to the experiences of the Amway IBOs who come here. They read the stuff, and they are immediately struck with the truth of what we say, because they have experienced it as well.

    You can't hide or disguise the truth forever. Eventually it gets out. That's what Amway is starting to discover, and get panicky about.

    1. Anonymous - yeah it's pretty hard to stop people from doing searches online. We've even had people leave comments while sitting in an Amway meeting and wondering what the fuck is all this bullshit I'm listening to. They arrive here and say thanks and nothing's changed since you wrote about it!

      Amway Ambots are outraged when they see websites like this that expose their dirty little cult secrets. And then those who are curious because they're having doubts that Amway is as great as the cult leaders are bragging it is so they come back to read. And then they realize everything they're reading here or on other websites is exactly what they're experiencing. It's the truth. And what Ambots hate is if we're telling the truth then that means they got scammed and they're not going to be making the big bucks that Amway cult leaders promised them.

      I can see why Amway and their Ambots are panicking because there are too many true Amway horror stories all over the Internet and that makes it hard to sucker more people in to the Amway cult.

      Here are Amway's top 10 markets according to sales information released last month on the drop in their 2019 sales.

      "Amway’s top ten markets include China, the U.S., Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, India, Russia, Malaysia and Hong Kong."

      How many of those countries is English the official language? Those foreign Ambots aren't getting the truth because they don't understand English and there's not enough blogs with true Amway horror stories in their own language.

    2. This is true about foreign attention to some degree. Here in Taiwan there is a common joke when someone starts talking to you in a pleasant way they will say "have you heard of Amway?" as if all that kindness was a way of roping you into their pyramid scheme.

      People seem to be aware, but because of the deep roots of filial piety, a general position that family supports one another regardless of business affiliation, and a misguided belief that imported products from america or Europe are of superior quality (despite substantial advancements in manufacturing here), the problem persists without much public criticism.

    3. madave - it's like Ambots think they're letting you in on a prosperous secret when they whisper "have you heard of Amway?"

      Yes I have! They sell overpriced shitty products and scam people out of their life savings and bring financial and emotional distress to their victims.

      It's not an act of kindness to sign up to someone in Amway. Never! But as you noted that's how Ambots perceive it when they rope in a sucker to their pyramid scheme.

  4. Madave in Taiwan brings up an important point. In countries where there is a strong tradition of filial respect and family loyalty, it is easier to sign up relatives into Amway, and to sell Amway products to family members. This gives a new IBO a temporary advantage.

    What we really need are anti-Amway blogs written in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, and other languages. This will get the truth out about the Amway racket.

    1. Anonymous - hopefully some of Amway's victims in these other countries will start up blogs in their native language and help warn others of the Amway pyramid scheme and the suffering this evil company brings to many.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.