Saturday, March 21, 2020

Amway Products Will NOT Cure Or Prevent Covid-19 Coronavirus

Coming to you with an emergency weekend post.

Seeing as how this blog is very high in the search engines for just about everything whether or not its Amway related. It is time to get the word out there that Amway products will NOT cure or prevent Covid-19 coronavirus.

Amway sales reps -IBO's aka Ambots - are the biggest lying scumsucking evil bastards you'll ever meet in your life. They will lie to you that Amway sells products that will cure you if you have Covid-19. Amway Ambots will lie to you that Amway sells products that will prevent you from being infected with Covid-19 coronavirus. Amway Ambots will lie to you that Amway sells a home test so you can check if you have Covid-19 coronavirus.

SNAKE OIL!!!! Do not believe anything Amway losers tell you!

Amway Ambots will lie to you about anything to make a buck. Except these Amway losers don't really make a buck. They only make pennies commission on every Amway product they sell. The price has been worked out so that everyone in the Ambot's upline will also make a few pennies commission on every product they sell and Amway's owners make a huge profit on their heavily marked up items. Amway is a scam!

We have people showing up here to research after an Amway liar told them that an Amway product like Double X are another Nutrilite vitamin will cure cancer or another terminal disease.

Lying Amway losers have no shame. They will lie to you about everything if they think they can make a sale.

If you have showed up her because an Amway Ambot has made an outrageous claim that an Amway product like XS energy drinks, Perfect Water, Nutrilite vitamins like Double X will cure or prevent you coming down with Covid-19 or Coronavirus - it is a LIE. That's what Amway Ambots do. They lie lie LIE! They're the biggest fucking liars I've ever met in my life.

The same goes with Amway cleaning products. Amway Ambots are probably out there lying to customers that Amway LOC or SA8 or whatever Amway cleaning product is the only cleaner out there that will kill Covid-19 coronavirus. More LIES!

Listen to your federal and state health professionals. You want to maintain a clean, sanitary home. Just use whatever cleaning products you have in your house. Wash your hands. Keep a six foot distance from other people.

The other thing is for people unfamiliar with Amway they might think Amway is price gouging and marking up their cleaning products and Nutrilite vitamins. Well that might be going on because Amway Ambots are unethical and could be marking up the prices. Amway is known for overinflated prices on generic and substandard products. So what you might think of as price gouging is actually Amway's regular price.

We say it all the time around here. Amway sell shitty overpriced products.

Life as we know it seems to be changing every hour because of Covid-19 Coronavirus. The bananas on this blog felt it was very important to get this message out to everyone.


Do not get sucked in by a lying scamming evil Amway IBO. Those motherfuckers have no morals and no shame when they lie to you about how Amway products will cure whatever ails you.

We're under a stay at home order right now. We're fine, the other bananas are healthy too.

What hits close to home for me is one of my friends has a son who lives in another state that I won't name. He travels by plane for work several times a month to New York. Earlier this month he wasn't feeling well, some of the symptoms of Covid-19. He went to the hospital but seeing as how he was improving they said he didn't have coronavirus, he had the flu and wouldn't give him a test. And he got better. His wife wasn't feeling well and she got better. Then this past week his wife is sick again and got tested. On Friday the results came back positive for coronavirus. Their sons are quarantined for 14 days. You just never know who is going to get sick.

I'm not here to talk about the symptoms and the precautions to take with Covid-19. Those are well published everywhere online and on your evening news.

Here's the thing with Amway Ambots. They're inside the Amway cult and to their way of thinking that means they're better than everyone else in the world and immune to the coronavirus. Amway Ambots all have pretend medical degrees from the pretend Amway University and will dispense medical advice which goes along the lines of consuming shitty overpriced useless Amway products. Do NOT believe anything those lying scumbag Amway assholes tell you because they're trying to make a few pennies commission.

Do not believe any lies that Amway Ambots tell you that they took a coronavirus test and came back negative. As seen by my friend's son our health care system isn't testing everyone that has symptoms and they sure aren't testing people who don't have symptoms just so they can know one way or the other if they're infected with the virus. Amway assholes will probably also try to bullshit you that Amway has invented a coronavirus test. There are no end to the lies these Amway motherfuckers will tell.

You can be pretty sure that Amway cult leaders are still holding meetings. Complete with love bombing because that's part of how cults operate. Don't hug me you fucking Amway loser. You can be pretty sure that social distancing is out the window with the Amway cult. That's probably because of their belief in the Great Amway God and that no one in the Amway cult will get sick from the virus.

I can not say it enough times. Amway does not sell products that will cure you if you have Covid-19. Amway does not sell products that will prevent you from being infected with Covid-19 coronavirus. Amway does not sell cleaning products that are the only products in the world that are capable of disinfecting the coronavirus. Amway does not sell a home test so you can check if you have Covid-19 coronavirus. Amway's commissioned sales reps - Amway IBO's aka Amway Ambots - will lie to you that Amway does all these things and more. Amway losers will lie to you about everything.

Stay away from Amway snake oil products that provide these supposed miracle cures. Don't get scammed by Amway. Don't waste your money and be disappointed that the product doesn't give the results the Amway Ambot lied about.

You might think that Amway is price gouging in this pandemic crisis. But no those are Amway's regular prices! Amway sells shitty overpriced products! It's possible that there are Amway losers who have stockpiled Amway cleaning products and Nutrilite vitamins because that's what you do in the Amway pyramid scheme and those Amway losers might be jacking up the prices even more.

How can you tell when an Amway Ambot is lying? His mouth is moving! Or in the case of the Internet he's typing something. And I know I shouldn't be sexist because there are some female Amway losers out there but Amway is mostly a good old boy's club. Amway's commissioned sales reps are primarily male.

If you or someone you know has been infected with Covid-19 we wish you good luck and a speedy recovery. Stay healthy. Wash your hands. Use disinfectant and sanitizers. Keep your distance from others. Listen to the advice of health professionals, and not the whacko advice from quacks like Amway Ambots.

And remember Amway Ambots aren't the only scammers out there trying to take advantage of people during the Covid-19 coronavirus scare. A lot of people are hurting right now. Don't get scammed out of your money with a bottle of snake oil that promises a miracle cure.


  1. Any Amway asshole who claims that Amway products can cure or prevent the Wuhan virus (Covid-19) should be arrested and charged with a serious crime.

    1. Anonymous - I agree. It's no different than when Amway assholes claim Amway products will cure all terminal illnesses. Ambots are evil.

  2. If you are part of Ze and Melody's facebook page someone posted how Amway has to cut back. The e-mail they sent was basically stating that because the Dominican Republic closed its borders, they wont have much production. If Canada closes it's borders I think this will really be the downfall of WWDB at least. I hope this is a HUGE wake up call to the IBO's.

    1. Hi Red Rose. Thanks for the update. I'm not up on things. Is the DR where Amway/Alticor makes a lot of their "organic" LOL products? Could be why Amway closed some US warehouses because of cheaper labor in other countries. A lot of travel bans right now and planes not flying. So yeah that could be a huge problem for Amway cult leaders getting cult followers to show up and pay for tickets to hear them bullshit and brainwash the audience. I heard some cult leaders are doing a Spring Leadership webinar at full price. LOL! Scammers! A lot of people aren't working right now and avoiding unnecessary spending. It remains to be seen whether unemployed Ambots will still buy Amway products to tithe the Great Amway God. One can only hope this will be the collapse of the Amway cult.

  3. At least one Diamond will tell his downline he CAN'T get corona virus because he takes Amway vitamins. They will believe him and continue recruiting and close contact with others. Also, do you think top-tier Ambots will do the right thing and cancel rallies? Probably only when required by law. That is their cash cow. They will move the rallies to other states where they can hold them, then instruct their downline to do whatever it takes to get there. With all these people not having to go to work, do you think they will let this rally opportunity go to waste? I doubt it.

    1. Hi TomB. Thanks for stopping by! You can be very sure that Amway cult leaders are telling their brainwashed downline that they're all immune from the coronavirus because they take Amway Nutrilite vitamins.

      I doubt Amway cult leaders would willingly cancel rallies and functions. They're only being forced to do so because the businesses that hire out arenas and conference rooms have already made the decision for them by shutting down.

      Even though many states have a stay at home law going on Ambots have always believed they're above the law because they're in Amway and that rules that apply to others don't apply to followers of the Great Amway God. You can be pretty sure that Amway cults are still holding meetings but in people's basements or other places where they can't be seen violating the 6 foot social distancing rules.

      There's no way Amway cult leaders would let this opportunity go to waste seeing as how many people are off work. Right now they're out there preaching that Amway is a recession proof business and now is the time to "grow your business". Keep an eye on Craigslist as these Amway scammers put up ads.

      I think it's time to rerun that post about Amway being a recession proof business.

  4. Hi Anna. I thought you'd like to see this.

    A news team caught an Amway scammer claiming that Atmosphere Sky will prevent you from getting Covid-19.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Thanks for providing the link!

      There's a lot to say about this. Almost thought about doing a new post but my impressions here will have to do.

      The reporter starts off by saying price gouging and product misrepresentation. LOL! That screams Amway doesn't it!

      An Amway scammer does up a brochure claiming an Amway product thats an air filter system called Atmosphere Sky will remove 99.99% of the germs floating around in the air that cause Covid-19.

      Isn't 99.9% also the number of Amway IBOs who will lose money in Amway! LOL!

      So you get to see an Amway Ambot in action. Remember they're experts in everything because they went to Amway University so that makes them scientists who know everything about the coronavirus. The life of an Ambot is to lie, deny, distract and defend. And then disappear. Which is what this Ambot does when asked to provide documentation this Amway miracle cure does what he claims. LOL when the camera crew follows him out to the parking lot and he's screeching about how his rights have been violated. LOL! That's normal behavior for Amway losers when asked to back up their outrageous claims. Answering "because my Amway cult leader says so" doesn't cut it.

      I hit the pause button on this Amway loser's brochure. Ambots are still peddling the same bullshit about being entrepreneurs in a mentorship program.

      Here its important to note that real business owners have email addresses that go something like their name @ the company name dot com. Any "business owner" using a free email account like Gmail or Yahoo is suspicious right there. Don't do business with people with losers who aren't set up properly as a company.

      The reporter contacts Amway's head office. You know - the place that doesn't give a flying fuck what their Ambots do. Amway issues a statement that Atmosphere Sky doesn't prevent Covid-19 and says none of their products prevent or cure it. Amway says they sent a memo out that Ambots aren't allowed to make those claims. Read that to mean Amway sent out a memo to their cult leaders and told them to inform their downline. LOL. Yeah that'll happen if a chance to make a buck off someone by peddling Amway snake oil! Amway also bullshits that their sales reps can be terminated if they make false claims.

      Fucking liars! If Amway terminated every Ambot who makes false claims about Amway snake oil - there'd be no sales reps left to flog their overpriced shit! LOL!

      And brings to another point. Where else but Amway can you get fired from "your own business". Real business owners who own real businesses can't get fired. Commissioned sales reps who sell products manufactured by another company can get fired. Something those fucking Amway losers can't understand. If your last name aint' DeVos or VanAndel then you don't own an Amway business.

      And $2300 for a fucking air filtration system! Yup Amway is all about price gouging! We bought an air filtration years ago for much cheaper. I don't even think we paid $100 for it.

      And who really thinks Amway is going to do fuck all about this sales rep? Seeing as how his name, phone number and email address is out there cause his brochure is in that news story I hope that fucking Amway loser gets flooded with calls by angry people.

      Yup there's a special place in hell for Amway Ambots.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.