Monday, June 8, 2020

Higher Chance Of Falling Off A Cruise Ship Than Making Money In Amway

I read an article about passengers who fell off cruise ships and lived.

In the article it says that there is a .000085% chance of a passenger falling off a cruise ship. Seeing as how I don’t have Amway literature hanging around the house anymore I don’t recall what the exact fraction of 1% of IBO’s will make money at Scamway. It was something like .00000367%. Doesn’t really matter what the exact teensy fraction is.

It seems more likely to me that a person has a greater chance of falling off a cruise ship than they do of making money in Amway!

First off people in Amway couldn’t afford to go on a cruise. And even if they did have money to put towards a vacation they’d have to get permission from their sack of shit Platinum or some other fucking asshole in their Amway upline and it would be denied. Why spend that money on a vacation when you could be investing it in your Scamway business (according to the fucking upline Amway assholes) or they’ll be dozens of Amway meetings that week and you don’t want to miss them.

Now I really can’t see how someone can fall off a cruise ship unless they’re drunk and goofing around or otherwise put some effort into it. Like drag a chair over to the railing and hop up and oops over you go. If it was that easy to fall off a cruise ship it would be a lot higher than a fraction of 1%.

Kind of like if it was that easy to make money in Amway the percentage would also be a lot higher than a fraction of 1%.

An Amway ambot spends about $700/month in Amway once they add up the minimum 100PV of shitty overpriced Amway products they buy for personal use though most ambots spend more than that, plus add in monthly membership to WWDB, monthly membership to Communikate, buying books and CDs to help the Diamonds get richer off their tool scam, and tickets to various Amway meetings or functions if its Dream Night, Family Reunion, Spring Leadership or Free Enterprise Days FED going on that month.

I’ve seen cruises advertised for around $700 for a week. Actually I’ve seen them cheaper but lets say a $700 cruise because that’s the average amount an Amway ambot spends in a month. What does that get the cruise passenger? A place to sleep for a week, meals, entertainment, and visiting a couple of Mexican ports.

If I’m gonna waste $700 that cruise sounds like a better deal to me! And more fun!

I can stick around at home throwing away money at the Amway scam and take my chances I’ll be one of a teensy fraction of 1% who make money. Or I can take a vacation and take my chances I’ll be one of a teensy fraction of 1% who will fall off the cruise ship.

You’re spending that money anyway. Go with the one that’s got better odds!

It is very rare for a person to fall off a cruise ship just like its very rare for a person to become a Diamond in Amway. The news story said that last year 22 people fell off cruise ships. Did 22 people become Diamonds in Amway last year? No? So it appears we have our answer. You have a better chance of falling off a cruise ship than you have of becoming an Amway Diamond.



  1. You're right, Anna -- your up-line would never give permission for a cruise, or for any kind of vacation. Amway is unalterably opposed to its IBOs spending any money at all if it is not in some way connected with the Amway fake "business."

    You can't buy a new car. You can't use non-Amway products. You can't get new furniture. You can't make an improvement on your house. You can't give expensive gifts on holidays. You can't go to college.

    You can't even have children if your fat-assed fuck of a Platinum says No.

    What other business on earth except Amway demands this kind of totalitarian control over your life? And when you think of what kind of stupid, uncultured scum your up-line actually is, how can anyone obey orders from them?

    1. Exactly Anonymous - what other business out there demands full control of their staff like Amway does. Have to ask permission for everything? Fuck you Amway and fuck the sack of shit Platinum too.

      When you go to Amway cult meetings and some suck dick on the stage is standing there saying there's no other business out there like Amway - that's very true. Your Amway boss has more control of your life over your boss at work.


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If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
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4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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