Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Amway WWDB Dream Night 2021

As one of our readers pointed out - Amway WWDB Dream Night should be renamed Amway Scheme Night!

Amway and World Wide Dream Builders hold a major function at the beginning of each year called Dream Night. It is held in locations around the USA and Canada and according to our Amway upline everywhere else in the world too but I never saw any international cities listed. We were told even if we are on vacation in January that we’d have no excuse to miss Dream Night because its EVERYWHERE!!!!

People in Amway are just a bunch of fucking liars. I don’t recall seeing this Amway brainwashing convention listed in Aruba or St. Thomas or other hot spots that people who aren’t broke Amway losers can afford to vacation in.

Due to all cults being very secretive, we don’t know how Amway WWDB will be holding Dream Night 2021. It could be through an online webinar thing or maybe in person. I can see the Amway cult flouting the laws against large gatherings. Not so certain banquet halls and arenas would risk opening their doors for a cult get together. Top dollar will be paid by Ambots whether or not a meal is included and if they watch a webinar from home.

So what is Dream Night? It includes dinner and listening to some motivational Diamonds if you believe the hype from WWDB. If you believe the hype from the assholes in your Amway upline Dream Night is a once in a lifetime opportunity, the must attend event of the year, not to be missed, puts you 6 months ahead of everyone else who didn’t go and blah blah blah bullshit.

So what is Amway WWDB Dream Night all about?

To paraphrase from World Wide Dream Builder’s propaganda (cause I wouldn’t wanna get accused of plagiarism!) this is an elegant night that will show the ambots how to turn their dreams into reality.

Ha ha! Yeah right! And if you believe that bullshit I have some prime swampland in the Amazon jungle I’d like to sell you!

The best part of the night - OK Wait for it!!!!! - is when the cult leaders share how their dreams came true and if they can do it then any of you dumb ass ambots can do it too!

I can sum it up how they got to be Diamonds. They ripped off thousands of unsuspecting ambots in their downline telling them to buy useless, overpriced Amway shit to self consume and if they can’t find any customers - make them up. They bullied those further down the pyramid into attending Amway functions. They told them to buy CD’s featuring Diamond speakers. They told them to buy motivational books that they received a hefty kickback from the publisher or author. They brainwashed their adoring ambots to buy, buy, buy. So preaches the Amway cult leader: “Hand over all your money to me so I can get rich. And here I sit on the top of the pyramid sneering at you lowly dumb ass ambots!”

Seeing as how those fucking assholes at WWDB head office changed their password to keep out spies I have no idea when or where those bastards are holding Amway Dream Night 2021. One of our readers mentioned that the Amway cult leaders are no longer planning to do “live” Dream Nights but instead have it by video to be held in someone’s house or auditorium or wherever. Not sure when the Amway cult leaders plan to start doing that but 2021 seems a good time to start. Wonder how much they’ll charge the suckers to watch them.

I do have the cities on Scamway’s 2016 list of destruction for WWDB World Wide Destructive Bastards Nightmare Night. Some of them had more than one Nightmare Night. Not sure if that means there’s more dumb fuck Ambots in these locations that they need more days, if the Ambots in those locations are being ass fucked to attend more than one night, or the venue is so small they need more than one night to accommodate the expected Amway cult worshippers. This 2016 list may or may not be where those WWDB fuckers are holding Amway Dream Night 2021 but what the hell. It’s close enough. What do we care if a bunch of fucking Amway losers go to the wrong town because of this list.

Ann Arbor
Colorado Springs
Fort Lauderdale
Las Vegas
New York
Salt Lake City
San Diego
San Jose

Whew! I think I got them all so I managed to get more keywords in there for IBO ambots frantically searching for information on Amway WWDB Dream Night 2021.

If you really need to know when and where go to the WWDB website and look them up but suffice it to say the Amway demons will be holding Dream Nights in most of these unsuspecting cities in January 2021 whether or not its through a webinar.

And which cult leaders will Amway be sending in to bullshit the ambots? Damned if I know. Here’s the list from WWDB Dream Night 2016 and its always the same tired crew that show up for all these Amway functions cause that’s where they make the most money off the tool scam. Dead or alive I’m pretty sure they'll be showing up in some form like a memorial sermon but I’ll leave that years list as it is because it’ll really piss off those Amway losers.

Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear
Robert and Shelly Kummer
Dan and Sandy Yuen
Scott and Cris Harimoto
Terry and Linda Felber
Greg and Laurie Duncan
Samir and Theresa Atallah
Matt and Sandee Tsurada

Seeing as how Rotten Ronnie kicked the bucket I’d wager a good guess the scammers who are first on the above list won’t be there except in spirit or slide shows. Expect Kid Puryear and latest wife to show up is my guess. Let’s see that motherfucker give a speech on how Amway saves marriages LOL!

Who’s seen all these bastards listed before on every Amway World Wide Dream Builders function. Where are all these new Diamonds that Ambots show up here screeching about that Amway is breaking out hundreds and hundreds of new Diamonds every week. Oh lets just send out a big old fuck you to every Amway asshole who shows up here bragging about all the new Diamonds Amway is busting out. That’s a bunch of bullshit. The Diamonds are the same ones who’ve been sitting at the top of the pyramid for years bullshitting the followers at every Amway function. They’re getting pretty long in the tooth. I just don’t understand. I have so many fucking Amway assholes showing up here bragging about how they’re retired at age 21 thanks to Amway. So how come they’re aren’t any youngsters on the Diamond speaking list? Its just the same old tired bastards.

Tickets were $70 for Amway WWDB Dream Night 2016 so its probably about the same price this year, anyone who’s seen the current ticket price let us know. And that $70 is a steal because when we were in Scamway the fucking assholes in our Amway upline charged us $75. The real ticket price was $65 but the fuckers in our upline demanded we pay them $75 directly instead of buying tickets on the World Wide Destructive Bastards website and for their trouble they charged everyone an extra $10. Yup the old Amway tool scam hard at work to rip you off. Not only did we get ripped off an extra $10 the assholes in our Amway upline managed to fuck up buying tickets too.

OK lets break down this $70. Hotel banquets charge around $15 per person and that covers the cheapest meal available plus the room rental and wait staff for a few hours. But its easier for me to work in round numbers so lets call the actual cost $20 per person. On a $70 ticket that means somebody – oh hell not somebody – an Amway cult leader is making $50 profit on each ticket sold. Let’s just say the banquet room holds 400 attendees. That’s a $20,000 profit for the night. But hang on there are usually two Diamond couples showing up to each Dream Night brainwashing function so that $20,000 is split. How evenly its split is unknown because there’s Diamond infighting on how they slice up greed pie. But just to make it easy lets split it down the middle and say $10,000 each couple per night.

There are 40 cities where Dream Night will be held and its unknown of the 8 couples how many cities each one gets. Some of the cities hold more than one dream night and its my guess it’ll be the same Diamond couples doing the multiple nights seeing as how they’re already there. For the ease of my numbers lets call it 48 Amway WWDB Dream Nights evenly split 8 ways for each Diamond couple. So each Diamond couple gets 6 nights to bullshit the Ambots at $10,000 per night. That’s $60,000. Not a bad profit for one month’s work of bullshitting.

Selling tickets to functions like these are how the people sitting at the top of Amway’s pyramid scheme make the bulk of their income.

Bottom line like every other Amway function Dream Night is a waste of time. You don’t learn nothing and you don’t hear nothing that you haven’t heard before if you’ve already attended another WWDB Amway function such as Spring Leadership, Family Reunion or Free Enterprise Days FED.

This post has served its purpose of throwing out lots of keywords to suck in ambots who can’t find the information they seek from the assholes in their Amway upline. And to the ambots who have been brainwashed to believe they have the power to turn back time I need to match up my keywords to recent searches and that includes Dream Night 2020 and Dream Night 2019. Oh let’s just throw in WWDB Amway Dream Night 2022 cause you gotta know some Ambots gonna come along looking for that.

Dream Night sucks!!!!

WWDB World Wide Dream Builders sucks!!!

Amway sucks!!!!!

All Amway WWDB functions suck!

Fuck Amway!



  1. I suggest we stop calling it WWDB Dream Night. Since it's all about absurd and unreal fantasy, here's a better name for it:

    Wet Dream Cream-In-Your-Pants Night 2021

    Since all the IBOs present will be creaming in their pants over the Diamond couples, and having wet dreams about how rich they'll all be in two years, this new name seems more appropriate.

    1. LOL Anonymous. Now try convincing an Amway cult leader a name change is needed!

  2. Wow. They got dinner? We never got that in URA. And when we had functions in Pittsburgh and Baltimore, we couldn't have any food in the event hall.

    1. Anonymous - WWDB mostly held Dream Night in a hotel ballroom or meeting room that was catered by the hotel and probably the cheapest meal on the menu would be chosen like rubber chicken or pasta. Whatever to keep the Amway cult's costs down while charging top dollar to the ambots.

  3. Amway itself is a load of shit, but the AMO known as "World-Wide Dream Builders" is a particularly nasty subsystem of the racket. Being in WWDB is a torment, and you are even put on a mandatory budget by the WWDB up-line to make sure that you always have enough money on hand to pay for a wide range of stupid "tools" and "board meetings" and "CommuniKate" and endless official "functions" and unofficial smaller meetings. And that's not counting the monthly money (at least $300) you have to pay out for buying Amway crap that you don't want and don't need and can't sell.

    And you know what WWDB's single and main goal is? These three things: RECRUITMENT, RECRUITMENT, RECRUITMENT. And they specifically target persons who have just turned 18, and have finished high school. They immediately try to suck them into the racket, and convince them NOT to go to college, NOT to get a regular job, and NOT to pay attention to any family or friends who warn them against the Amway con-game.

    In short, WWDB is totally predatory on young and gullible people.

    There's a huge alphabet-soup of these various AMO subsystems: BWW, LTD, URA, TEAM, and many others. But WWDB has to be one of the very worst and most vicious.

    1. Anonymous - you have described the WWDB cult sect accurately.

      Bringing back memories of how those fucking assholes in the Amway upline wanted to see our budget for the sole reason of finding out how much money they could steal off us.

      I mean does you boss at work want to see your budget? Probably not.

      Your Amway boss controls more of your life than you boss at work does.

  4. "World-Wide Dream Builders" now calls itself WWG ("World-Wide Group").

    This change happened because so many persons were picking up the names that we here at the anti-Amway blogs were giving as the meaning of WWDB:

    World-Wide Destructive Bastards
    World-Wide Douche Bags
    Word-Wide Demented Buffoons
    World-Wide Dipshit Braggarts
    World-Wide Dumb Boobs

    It got so bad that the big shots at WWDB insisted that the letters "WWDB" had to be scrapped. They figured that "WWG" wouldn't be so vulnerable to satire.

    1. Anonymous - they can try to change the name to get rid of the stink like the Amway Quixtar fiasco but World Wide Group aka World Wide Dream Builders is still going to be one of the worst Amway cult sects out there.

      Yup those are all good versions of what WWDB really stands for!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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