Monday, March 1, 2021

Upcoming Loser Convention: Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2021

Yup its getting close to that time of the year again when Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2021 function is coming up. Another stupid Amway fantasy function. If anyone has information about it for 2021 feel free to load up the comments.

Last year we got word that World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2020 was held as a webinar. Due to most stadiums, arenas, hotel rooms have max capacity due to emergency Covid-19 laws the Amway cult leaders will be forced to webinar Spring Leadership 2021. It makes good financial sense. Charge the same high price for tickets and less overhead than renting a facility. Downfall for cult leaders is its tougher to brainwash the masses when it’s not done in person and building excitement with screaming Ambots in attendance.

This blog is getting inundated from Amway ambots searching for information about Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2021 and other years too because Ambots seem to think they have the power to turn back time just by the virtue of the fact that they’re in Amway. And yes they’ve come to the right place. Spring Leadership is yet another Amway WWDB function that is top secret and the Amway cult leaders won’t tell the IBO’s what its about so Ambots frantically search online.

World Wide Dream Builders and Amway holds 4 brainwashing conferences through the year: Dream Night, Spring Leadership, Family Reunion and Free Enterprise Days FED. The Amway cult followers go ballistic crazy in their love and devotion and shower their leaders with $125 each or more to buy a ticket. WWDB Spring Leadership is usually held in April but so far the Amway cult leaders haven’t put the actual dates anywhere that I can find them so too bad for those Ambots desparately trying to find out cause so far I don’t know. And bottom line I don’t really give a shit either. The dates are more to help the search engine ranks. I will say there are lots of search hits by Ambots looking for Amway Spring Leadership in Spokane. Yeah look that one up on the map. Its in Washington out in the boonies. Not where you’d think would be a prime convention area like Las Vegas, Los Angeles and other big cities. Apparently Amway cult leaders live in that area. Anyway all I know is those Amway motherfuckers at World Wide Dream Builders changed their guest log in and password in keeping with their deep cult secrets so outsiders can’t see where and when and how much. That’s cult behavior. Cult secrets and brainwashing sermons not to be breached.

So for those of you who are wondering what the fuck is Amway WWDB Spring Leadership its just another expensive social Amway gathering where ambots go to worship their Amway cult leaders and hand over their money. The ambots coming from out of town and that’s just about everyone, add in the travel expenses plus hotels and meals.

In past years for some cities this agonizing Amway convention drags on for 3 days and other cities its 2 days. I guess the 3 day events are in cities with dumber than average Amway ambots if such a thing could exist because the jury is in that everyone in Amway is dumber than shit!

According to the Amway propaganda the Amway cult leaders will be preaching to the Ambots how leadership plays a role in building “the business”. I’m not going to debate whether or not that’s true in the real business world but just LOL that they’re peddling that bullshit at an Amway brainwashing conference. Too many leaders and not enough Ambots based on the old too many Chiefs and not enough Braves syndrome comes to mind. And how does that work out? There will always only be a small number of Amway cult leaders. All the other lowly ambots are only being bullshitted with the leadership mumbo jumbo because the bastards at the top of the pyramid don’t want to share too many slices of greed pie. Apparently mostly the Amway cult leaders will be preaching how important it is to have a dream and how having a dream makes someone successful. Again just a bunch of bullshit Amspeak propaganda. Amway is all about dreaming. The Amway scheme is to dream yourself into riches. Motivational and promotional videos will be shown all weekend. Let me break that down. The motivational videos will be about the Amway Diamond’s material possessions and how they aspire to be featured on the TV show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. The promotional videos will have to do with the Amway tool scam. Sign up for Communikate, buy more books and CD’s. That sort of shit. In the past John Maxwell has been a speaker so maybe he’ll be back again for another bullshitting session and the Amway cult leaders make a point of saying he’s sold over 16 million books. I bet we can all guess what some of those promotional videos will be showing –  LOL! - buy some of his books.

Here let me break it down to what really happens at Amway WWDB Spring Leadership. At Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership the Diamonds are bullshitting and lying about how to build a business but mostly focusing on having a dream to believe in is the secret to success in Amway. Supposedly the Diamonds are teaching how leadership builds an Amway business and they’ll be yapping about dream building and believing in your dream and the usual mumbo jumbo brainwashing bullshit you can expect at any Amway function. They’ll be teaching leadership and business methods (Yeah right. That would be a first) and showing motivational and promotion videos all weekend.

And now for what really happens during past years when it’s been a live event…. There will be a never ending parade of Ken and Barbie Diamonds stomping across the stage. Brainwashed ambots will shriek and rush the stage to get closer to their beloved cult leaders. The arena’s security staff will beat them off. “Get back to your seats motherfuckers!!!!” Ambot Barbie will talk first. She’ll say something like I was working a minimum wage job as a waitress in a biker bar and had to flash my boobs to make tips. Ambot Ken was working for the man cleaning porta potties. Do you know what its like coming home to a man who smells like shit every night???? Then one day a dear friend showed us “the business” plan. We borrowed $20 for gas to make it to the Amway conference. And now we are rich rich rich and we pay for everything in cash. I love Ken so much for giving me the lifestyle of the rich and greedy. He’s my warrior…… Then some lowly piece of shit Amway ambot brings a chair onstage and Barbie sits there and stares down warrior Ken while he brags about their mansion, their fleet of cars, their private jet, the vacations they take and then shows a slide show of all their material possessions. Or maybe the ones they rented for the day for the staged photo shoot. They finish by mocking the adoring ambots that if they can do it “then so can you”. Meanwhile the only thing on Ken and Barbie’s minds is how much of the ticket sales proceeds are they going home with for showing up today to bullshit the Amway cult followers.

In the past the jokers showing up on the World Wide Destructive Bastards website were being called “difference makers”. I got two words for all you fucking Amway “difference makers”. FUCK YOU!!!! The only difference you bastards are making is making your cult followers poorer and even further in debt. The only difference between last year’s brainwashing conference and this year’s brainwashing conference is that the majority of faces in the crowd will be different. I’m not going to list the Amway bastards raking in the ticket sales mainly cause I don’t know for sure. But one thing I know it’s probably the same old tired crew who always show up to bore the Ambots. We don’t call WWDB World Wide Destructive BASTARDS for nothing!

Tickets used to cost $125 but 2 years ago they were $150 and that sounds about right. Sales dwindling and commission down the Amway cult leaders got to jack up the prices on the Amway tool scam. Although its unknown where World Wide Destructive Bastards are holding Amway Spring Leadership 2021 here’s where WWDB Amway Spring Leadership 2016 was held so maybe the same places. No foreign locations. Guess these bastards aren’t as “Worldwide” as they’re bullshitting you to believe! LOL!

Las Vegas
Fort Lauderdale

Washington DC has been missing from the line up for a few years but I had to put it in this post to help with search results!

Spring Leadership will drag on for 2 or 3 days this year beginning on Friday night, depends on which city you’re going to. The Friday night brainwashing session is mostly a show of Amway products and there might not be any Diamonds brainwashing their cult followers that night in the arena but they’ll probably have a top secret meeting somewhere else for “serious business builders”.

This boring Amway Spring Leadership bullshit goes on all weekend. There is no training how to increase Amway sales, how to find prospects to recruit into the cult, there are no leadership skills taught. Just a bunch of Ken and Barbie Ambots figuring out how to entertain their cult followers and keep them up all night. Sleep deprivation is a common cult tactic for brainwashing.

And there you have it. Ambots wasted lots of $$$ just to hear the same bullshit they hear at every Amway function. But by going to the function that puts them 6 months ahead of the ambots who didn’t go. Yeah 6 months closer to bankruptcy.

And now all Amway ambots can save their money and not make the assholes in their upline richer by buying tickets to go to Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2021 because I’ve already covered the highlights.

And now for a little assistance on the search results including years gone and still to come because Amway ambots are so fucked up they don’t know what year it is. Seriously. They’re searching backwards and forwards. That’s what getting brainwashed into the Amway cult does to a person.

World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2021
Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2021
World Wide Dream Builders Amway Spring Leadership 2021
Amway Spring Leadership 2021
WWDB Amway Spring Leadership 2021

World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2020
Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2020
World Wide Dream Builders Amway Spring Leadership 2020
Amway Spring Leadership 2020
WWDB Amway Spring Leadership 2020
World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2022
Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2022
World Wide Dream Builders Amway Spring Leadership 2022
Amway Spring Leadership 2022
WWDB Amway Spring Leadership 2022

And as always let’s send out a big old FUCK YOU to the assholes in the Amway upline!

Amway sucks!

WWDB sucks!

Spring Leadership sucks!

All Amway functions suck!





  1. Amway and its various AMO subsystems have been using the word "leadership" since the 1980s, when it was becoming increasingly clear that people were getting wise to the fact that you really didn't have much of a chance to make money in the Amway racket.

    Cute-sounding but meaningless phrases like "helping others" or "fulfilling dreams" or "prosuming" or "leadership" were then used as a way to stop IBOs from thinking about how much cash they were losing. You could spout these dopey words, and pretend that you were doing something really important and earthshaking.

    In Amway, "leadership" means nothing at all. When you boil it down, at best the word just means "getting your down-line to follow your orders without question."

    The idea is that, when you slavishly obey your up-line, he is being a "leader." And when you recruit your own down-line (highly unlikely anymore), you will be a leader when they slavishly obey you.

    You knw what Adolf Hitler's title was? DER FUHRER. It means "the leader" in German. That's what your Amway up-line is: a bunch of little Hitlers. And WWDB's "Spring Leadership" is just a propaganda rally.

    1. Anonymous - you nailed it. From everything with stupid little "cutesy" meaningless Amspeak phrases that make the Amway Ambot sound important to being a bunch of little Hitlers.

      Amway is a pyramid of lies funded by a bunch of losers.

    2. “Anna Banana” — you have a lot to learn…


      But WOW.. you literally could not be more misinformed. YES, Amway attracts ALOT of people that naively try to start their own business without a clue..

      But if Amway’s the “Plane”, Business Partners are the “Pilots”, WWDB is “Flight School”.. one NEEDS direction to build this business. But WWDB is an incredible, holistic, hands-on Mentorship Organization that teaches you step-by-step how to build the business (from people who have already done it!), but also only sews into people and teaches them character & integrity and how to be a better human being, and ONLY to those who go through a screening process for their & their Mentor’s sake. Oh yea, and my Mentor also got me out of a toxic relationship & off drugs.. nbd.

      I’ve mentored business partners who were homeless with 3 kids when I found them and are now making six figures, and are sewing amazing values into others and teaching them to do the same.. Do they sound like “Losers” to you ??

      Oh yes, and of course you used the Classic term of any misinformed hater, “Pyramid Scheme” .. which if you actually knew the definition, you’d know that ALL of Corporate America falls under that definition.. 1 person up Top (CEO), 2/3 Below (Execs), 3/4 Below (VP’s), 5/6 Below (Sr Mgmt), 7/8 Below (Mgmt) 10/100 Below (Employees).. DRAW IT OUT, and tell me what it looks like ??

      Maybe do a little more homework before slandering an entire (AMAZING) group of 20,000 people, especially those who are most likely more positive, lucrative & successful than you.

      Good day.

      Bill B. (WWDB IBO)

    3. Bill - why do you Amway losers who up here and make fucking assholes out of yourselves?

      So all the many hours I spent attending Amway cult meetings and going to fucking WWDB functions means fuck all to you? And that I still have more to learn? Because I didn't learn enough Amway shit firsthand?

      And where have I ever said Amway and WWDB are the same thing? WWDB is one of Amway's cult sects which has how it has been referred to countless times around here.

      So Amway is still pushing itself as a "mentorship" and "leadership" training program LOL! Why are Amway losers so fucking obsessed with "mentors"? Yeah who wants to go around bragging they're mentored by a fucking Amway loser LOL! Normal people choose normal mentors, business leaders, professional business people. Not everyone wants to be mentored by a low paid commissioned sales rep.

      And I see you Amway losers are still using "your job is a pyramid scheme" bullshit. Amway cult leaders have slinging that bullshit since the seventies. Yawn. You also forgot to say that schools are pyramid schemes.

      And Bill it's not slander when people share their real life experiences and its not slander to have an opinion. 1st Amendment meet Bill. Bill meet 1st Amendment. Amways losers HATE the 1st Amendment. My opinion is that Amway losers are a bunch of lying scamming fucking assholes. Now you want to know more about Amway losers being on the wrong end of a slander lawsuit and not getting any help from Amway's corporate headquarters who they counted on to pay their legal fees look up Proctor & Gamble and how Amway Ambots linked their company to satanism. Oh wait. That would be those Amazing group of people who are positive and lucrative and successful LOL!

      Now why don't you run along and find someone in your upline who wants his dick sucked off and take care of it for him.

  2. This is to Bill Blowhard, the Amway/WWDB asshole who posted on September 19:

    Bill, you're a lying piece of shit. You know very well that WWDB is part and parcel of the entire Amway MLM racket. You are just a "Line of Support" or an "Amway Motivational Organization" that makes money by pretending to teach IBOs how to run the Amway fake business. You're "not connected" with Amway? Yeah, sure. That's like saying your rectum isn't connected with your large intestine.

    This crap you're spouting about "character and integrity and being a better human being" is pure propagandistic drivel. Nobody goes into business for moralistic reasons. You go into a business to make money. Do you think you're running a goddamned church?

    You say your mentor "got you out of a toxic relationship and off drugs." Really? What was he? A marriage counselor, and therapist, and a social worker all rolled into one? Too bad he didn't cure you of your naive idiocy -- that would have been helpful too.

    Also, where the hell did you learn English? The verb "to sew" means to stitch material with needle and thread. What is this insanity about "sewing into people" and "sewing amazing values into others"? Is this another one of those meaningless Amway coinages, like "prosuming" and "buying from your own store"?

    I suggest you sew your lips shut so that you stop spouting mindless bullshit about WWDB. You say that your groups is (AMAZING). Oh yeah. A racket with a few greedy Diamonds and big pins at the top, and thousands of helpless IBOs at the bottom, sending money up to them. Let's put it this way: it's truly (AMAZING) that anyone could be so stupid as to believe the lies of Amway and its little WWDB dependency. That's what really (AMAZING) about your group.

    And Bill, one final question. Why did you come here to an anti-Amway website? We eat jerks like you alive in this place.

    1. LOL Anonymous!

      One of the lines we were taught by our Amway cult leaders to say was "No we're not in Amway. We're in WWDB."

      Because of course it's really fucking embarrassing to admit any relationship with Amway. And its to throw off potential recruits that they're not signing up to Amway with its bad reputation. People have left comments here that they signed up and it was a month later that they found out they were really in Amway. Guess they just signed their IBO agreement without reading it LOL!

      Another line the Amway cult leaders want us to use is : "No we're not in Amway but we do use Amway to move our products."

      LOL. Amway scammers have an answer for everything.

  3. "No, we're not in Amway but we do use Amway to move our products."

    Here's a parallel statement: "No I don't have sex with my wife, but I do explore her vaginal passage with a rigid part of my anatomy."

    It's amazing how stupid these Amway freaks are.

    1. LOL Anonymous! That's too funny. But that's exactly how brainwashed Amway Ambots justify everything.

  4. Around 2 decades ago, I got duped into an IBO by "Quixstar," which was just Amway, but too ashamed to call themselves that lol. Thankfully I was creeped out quickly by my "mentor," and got out quick (he signed my name to a contract! It was to "help" me, but ummm, no... no one gets to sign for me lol)

    1. Anonymous - Amway was trying to get away from the bad reputation or the heirs changed the name for awhile to avoid taxes and other theories. But everyone still knew it was ScAmway. An Amway loser forging your name doesn't surprise me. Amway Ambots have no problem breaking the law all under the name of the Great Amway God. The problem is when they land in legal hot water and expect Amway's head office to bail them out they're in for a big surprise. Not going to happen. So much for your devotion to Amway. It ain't a 2 way street LOL!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.