Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Who Cares? Not Fucking Amway Assholes!

There’s a Diamond couple whose names I don’t remember and the only time I saw them was at a rally - one of those all day events that ends in the evening with new pins crossing the stage.

A couple of things stood out about this couple more than any other Diamonds I heard. These were the only speakers who didn’t bring religion into the Amway meeting. I’ve been to business meetings over the years and religion was never brought up. It was always uncomfortable at Amway meetings when the speakers brought up religion but since I’ve left Amway and understand its a cult and skewed religious puking are part of cult teaching it makes sense. But at least good on these Diamonds for doing the right thing and keeping religion out of a business meeting.

I wasn’t impressed with the wife. She’d brag about all the things they had and how they’d take off and go skiing at Aspen at the drop of a hat or take their kids out of school just to have fun with them and fly to Disneyland for the day. Greedy, greedy, greedy. The main thing I remember about listening to her talk is she punctuated a lot of sentences with “Who cares?”

So the kids are missing a day of school. Who cares?

So I’m here to scam you out of your money. Who cares?

I think they both had Hummers as part of their fleet. Who cares?

Or maybe only one Hummer and another big gas guzzling SUV too. Who cares?

She was talking about the price of gas going up. Who cares?

She can afford it. Who cares?

Here’s the thing about the price of gas. I’ve done a lot of travelling and the price of gas in the USA is cheaper than everywhere I’ve been in Europe. The last time I was in England the price of gas there was about double what we pay. So what are we doing bitching about the price of gas anyway when for the past 30 years its been higher in other countries?

Or as the Diamond wife would say - who cares?

What was disturbing had less to do with the price of gas and more with her shitty attitude to the environment. I make an effort to be environmentally friendly. I don’t have an electric car or hybrid yet but that’s something I’ll probably consider the next time I’m in the market. In the meantime I drive a car that gets 40mpg. I don’t drive it all that much either. If I can walk or ride my bike I’ll take those options. I try not to use my car any more than I need to and it has less to do with the price of gas than being environmentally friendly.

Look at the last royal wedding in England. Prince William and the wedding party were being environmentally friendly using horse drawn carriages.

Last week I went to buy some books at Barnes & Noble about 45 minutes away. I noticed the price of gas was $4.15 or so, but about a mile from B & N I saw a station selling gas at $3.89/gallon. I almost thought about pulling in to fill up except I was meeting a friend at B & N and didn’t want to be late so I kept going. I headed home and filled up near the house. $4.05/gallon except I paid cash and got .05 cents off = $4/gallon. So yeah I notice the prices especially when they’re different 10 miles apart.

Lets quote the Diamond. Who cares?

What a fucking lousy attitude she has. There are people out there who do care about the price of gas and worry that they might have to choose between filling up the tank or buying groceries. But she doesn’t give a shit about anyone but herself, typical of most Amway IBO’s greedy bastards that they are.

When you’re creating cash flow by scamming people I can see why you’d have a who cares attitude.

That doesn’t mean that you go around flaunting a 100K gas guzzler and don’t economize. Just because a person has no trouble paying for natural commodities doesn’t mean they should be abused. Ever hear of conservation? Ever hear of being environmentally friendly? Ever hear about leaving your ecological footprint?

Do your part to save our planet!

I’m sure she’d just look at me and sneer.

Who cares?

I wonder how many IBO’s out there have the same shitty attitude they duplicate from their upline about the gas price is going up and then go around bragging about how they don’t care. After all they’re Amway IBO’s = they have no problem affording anything. That’s the lie they have to project to everyone else.

Who cares?

Its the same thing with electricity. I am always turning out lights if they don’t need to be on. I’m always shutting off TV sets when I walk into a room and see no one is watching it. Though sometimes I’ll get a yell of outrage from a room down the hall where someone claims they’re watching it. I try not to turn on the air conditioning unless its unbearably hot in the house. Its not that I can’t afford the electrical - its just conserving energy and powering down and off unless I need something to be on.

From what I observed in meetings and what was taught to us by the cult leaders Amway IBO’s are brainwashed into thinking they are superior to everyone else because they own their own Amway business. Just by virtue of owning an Amway business means the money is plentiful and they no longer have to worry about money or paying the bills. Ha! What a laugh! Using the same philosophy IBO’s probably say they can afford electricity (whether or not they can or can not) so they're damn well going to use it to the max. If the rest of you want to conserve electricity - who cares!

In the Amway scheme of not caring about anything except the almighty dollar I can see why they are taught not to care about leaving an environmental impact. Just because you can afford something is no excuse for not conserving. Just because you give the impression to everyone else that you can afford everything is also no excuse for not conserving. What about about future generations? Just because Amway IBO’s are taught not to care about conservation and environmental impact means the rest of us have to work a little harder at keeping our earth clean and green. Fortunately the majority of the world don’t have the brainwashed attitude of IBO’s.

I can hear the collective IBO’s now on my position of being environmentally friendly.

Who cares?



  1. If this Diamond bitch really doesn't care, then what they hell is she doing speaking at an Amway function? Why doesn't she just take her money and go to Aspen for a ski weekend?

    1. Amway - the Cult of Greed. The cult leaders sell tickets to brainwashed Ambots to make traveling money to get to Aspen. Yeah I wanna go to Aspen this weekend so I need to sell tickets to a bunch of losers and then entertain them with a who cares show.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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