Wednesday, February 16, 2022

How Dare You Park Your Car In MY Spot

I already covered in a previous post that I knew when we were getting close to that night’s Amway meeting by the clunker cars - circa 70’s and 80’s BMW’s and Cadillacs - parked on the street.

The meetings took place at different houses - whichever IBO that the Platinum decided had earned the privilege of his presence. A lot of the newer neighborhoods where IBO’s were renting have small driveways - fit two cars - and if the garage is full of storage stuff stockpiling overpriced shitty Amway products the residents park in the driveway and visitors/tenants have to park on the street. In these neighborhoods both sides of the streets are packed with cars. Multi car families or social butterflies with lots of visitors, who knows but sometimes we had to drive over a block away to find a spot. I live in an older neighborhood where the houses are on good sized lots and good sized driveways. I have one of the smaller driveways in the neighborhood because the house is closer to the street and I have a backyard, whereas most of the other houses are set further back from the road and they have huge front yards. I can park four cars in my driveway. Hardly anyone parks cars on our street unless there’s a big party going on somewhere, and even then our boulevards are wide enough that cars can park off the street without affecting traffic.

We had three Amway meetings at our house until the Platinum refused to do any more meetings here because none of our prospects ever showed up. For those three times Ambot made a huge deal that one parking spot in our driveway was reserved for the Platinum sack of shit or whoever was driving him because he didn’t always drive his own car. One time our arrogant prick sponsor got the last spot in our driveway. Ambot asked him to move his car out on the street so the Platinum could park there. Man was that fucker MAD! He screeched his piece of shit car out of our drive and put it on the street. Then he stomped back inside and glared at everyone. Ugly ass son of a bitch looked ANGRY for the next three hours that he was stuck at our house while the sack of shit Platinum droned out another bored plan.

At every house where an Amway meeting was being held the IBO held space in their driveway for the Platinum or his driver. Even when it was street parking only one IBO would get there early enough to get a parking spot near the house and when the Platinum arrived the IBO would move his car so the Platinum could park.

Our Platinum was often late for 8pm meetings. Not overly late, probably never more than 20 minutes. One time Ambot got the “privilege” of driving the sack of shit to a meeting and he told me what was up. Ambot arrived at the house on time but there was nobody outside waiting to greet the Platinum so he told Ambot to keep driving. Hunh? He needs a greeter? What does he think he is? The King of England? Yeah, probably! So Ambot is driving him around the neighborhood listening to the sack of shit rant about how nobody was outside waiting for him to arrive. Ambot made three passes in ten minutes and said the Platinum was just about to ask him to drive him home when somebody finally showed up in the driveway waiting for them.

So that was the main topic of the Platinum’s rant that evening. Its not so much that he wanted “anyone” out there waiting for him to drive up, it had to be at least a thousand pin or higher. Hmm. That would be kind of scarce in our group!

And if it was raining? An IBO had to be standing out there with a big umbrella waiting for the Platinum. I mean God help him if he got wet. I’m a little tougher. I can take the rain!

As I see it? Fucking Amway Platinums might melt in the rain but nothing stops Anna Banana!



  1. Anna, its easy to see from this post that Platinums in Amway have an absurdly inflated sense of their own importance. Who the hell do they think they are?

    Is it such a big deal that the IBOs at the meeting were waiting inside for him, rather than outside? Why should he care one way or another? Why does this fat-assed schmuck need an official greeting and welcoming when he comes to a meeting?

    All of this shows how utterly pathetic the entire mindset and culture of the Amway racket is. People in it (no matter how big a pin they might be) are still childishly defensive and as status-conscious as adolescents. People have to stand outside and greet you when you show up? HUH? Is this asshole Platinum for real? Does he think he's a celebrity showing up for a photo op?

    Amway is for unimportant people who desperately want to seem important.

    1. Anonymous- this is why this blog is so important to get this kind of information out there. Amway is a cult and the cult leaders demand complete obedience and to be treated like a god. It’s the whole absurdity of the Amway cult and how this fucking asshole is outraged that no Ambots are outside to greet him and kiss his ass. It’s bad enough having Amway scam you out of your money but putting up with the fucking assholes in the Amway upline is a horror show.

    2. It is arrogance all around. I remember that my Upline Emerald in URA had just bought a house not long after I got out. Remember that Amway is supposed to save people time and money? Well, that's another BS line with the amount of events that you have to attend.

      So I remember that they bought this rundown house in Northern Virginia that was way over their budget and in much need of renovation. Hmm...I thought they were Emeralds and could afford some of the best of the best! (They've since sold their house which they probably couldn't afford and moved to Georgia from what I hear because a) they had to get jobs again and b) they ran out of people to stalk and harass in Northern Virginia.)

      But anyways, they would always get a prime parking spot during Sunday Night Phone Team at their then-Upline Emerald's place. But when they hosted events (you know...those day long events where you're stuck with the team when you'd rather be elsewhere) at their place, they would get Port-a-Pottys and nobody would be allowed in the house. How is that for hospitality?

      Typical arrogance and entitlement.

    3. Anonymous - that's a new one for me. Renting port a potties to keep the Amway downline riff raff out of the house LOL!

      Here's the thing with the rundown house. Why didn't those asshole Amway Emeralds take advantage of free Ambot slave labor from their downline to fix it up. After all Ambots are professionals in everything because they got their degrees from Amway University. Seems to me there'd be no shortage of plumbers, roofers, electricians, cleaners and carpenters in the downline who'd provide free services in exchange for the privilege of spending time with those asshole Emeralds. If the house is already run down what more damage can a bunch of Amway losers do to it LOL!

      And aren't Amway Emeralds paying cash for everything including that house like we're told at every Amway cult meeting they pay for everything in cash? That's another Amway lie out there.

    4. Maybe they need the port-a-potties because everyone in Amway is so full of shit.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
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