Monday, March 7, 2022

Have Coffee With Your Amway Makeup?

Here’s another example of dumb fuck things you’re ordered to do when you’re inside the Amway cult.

Someone in Ambot’s upline decided he had to hold a coffee klatch at our house and then whip out the Artistry cosmetics.

Ambotta, one of the women in our upline - I think she was Eagle or had been at one time - was planning to come over with her makeup kit and assist our coffee klatchers with their makeup applications.

Ambot got busy inviting all women he came across in his daily activities visiting stores, filling up the gas tank, etc. He actually had a fair amount of women - like about 6 or 7 - agree to come over for coffee and makeup.

We picked up some gourmet coffee beans, bought biscotti and cookies and were ready to go. Ambotta said she’d be over at 6:30 to set up, half an hour before our guests were scheduled to arrive.

At 6:30 Ambotta hadn’t arrived. Ambot phoned her. Her cell phone went to voice mail and he left her a message asking where she was and if her car had broken down again and if she needed a ride. She lived in a nearby apartment and Ambot started panicking that she was out in the parking lot and her car wouldn’t start and her husband wasn’t home and unable to drive her. Ambot phoned 3 times all going to voice mail. It looks like Ambot’s blood pressure is about to go through the roof!

A couple of things happened at 7pm. First no one showed up. Now there’s a big surprise. Deja vu. Just like what always happens whenever we host an Amway event. Second Ambotta finally phones back and asks if anyone had shown up. Answer is no. Surprise, surprise. Ambotta is relieved because she didn’t really want to come out to our coffee klatch anyway and so she cancelled.

Ambot is freaking out. All his guests - every single one of them! - is running late. They’ll all be here any minute and he won’t have any makeup for them to try on. I don’t wear Artistry makeup so its not like I had anything in the makeup drawer. Well I had Avon products but that’s probably not what Ambot had in mind.

I tell him not to sweat it. If anyone shows up we’ll enjoy coffee and conversation with our guests. About ten after seven Ambot is starting to accept that no one is going to show up and after another ten minutes passed he started cleaning up the kitchen.

Fortunately our losses were rather minimal this time probably less than $20. The coffee we’d be able to consume ourselves, likewise with the cookies and biscotti.

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