Monday, March 10, 2025

Ambots Brag About Amway IBO’s Low Divorce Rate

One of the bullshit things I remember hearing from the assholes in my Amway upline is that people in Amway have a low divorce rate. Like it’s a 1% divorce rate. Or 5% divorce rate or whatever number the liar throws out compared to the rest of the world’s divorce rate.

I know this bullshit lie is still being taught years after I heard it because some brainwashed ambot left a comment that the divorce rate in Amway is 1%.

These brainwashed ambots have to give this some more thought than just parroting the lies they hear from the assholes in their Amway upline.

Who keeps these kinds of statistics? More importantly who’d want to?!!! Everyone in Amway line up on one side of the country. All normal people line up on the other side of the country. Who’s divorced? Then someone from the statistics dept. who keeps track of marriages write down the number and figures out the percentage.

There’s just no way no one keeps track of divorce statistics in Amway or probably any other organization either.

If an official was actually keeping divorce rate statistics of people in the world belonging to different organizations and if there really was 1% divorce rate in Amway then Amway’s head office would be bragging about this all over their web page and in magazine and TV ads with some kind of a slogan that Amway saves marriages and there’s a 1% divorce rate in Amway compared to the divorce rate in the rest of the world. So sign up now before its too late for your marriage!!!!

Any of you ambots find that information on Amway’s web page? No? There’s a reason for that. Nobody keeps track of that kind of shit and nobody officially on behalf of Amway is going to make an outrageous claim like that. The only liars who say things like that are the upline assholes like the Platinum, Emerald, or Diamond that stand on the stage and lie to their cult followers and expect them to duplicate their lies.

Belonging to any cult is stressful on a marriage, more so if only one half of a couple belongs to the cult and the other half wants their partner OUT. The demands Amway makes on a marriage cause a lot of stress: financial, emotional, no time together. Any marriage where there is money problems, emotional and verbal abuse, and no time to spend together as a couple is going to have trouble. These are all reasons why people get divorced. People in Amway probably face a higher possibility of getting divorced than everyone else because on top of there is no time together and the financial and emotional stress there is the added stress of a cult.

Any time someone gets married there is a 50% chance they’ll get divorced. Add the Amway factor with all the stress it brings to a marriage and maybe there’s an even higher chance of divorce.

Any ambot who can show official statistics that Amway has a 1% divorce rate is welcome to post a link to the US Census Bureau. Any ambot who says “because my beloved Amway leader says so” will be laughed out of town.




  1. The divorce rate for the country as a whole is already pretty high, and there is no mechanism at all for measuring how frequently persons in Amway get divorced. The claim that only 1% of Amway members get divorced is absolutely impossible to prove, and smells of the typical lying that over-enthused up-line assholes push on their down-line recruits.

    Only 1% of Amway IBOs get divorced? Yeah, sure. That's like a girl claiming that she's a 99% virgin. You're either a 100% virgin or you aren't.

    Also, how could you possibly measure the divorce rate among ex-Amway members, who split up after they left the business? Maybe they split up because of the awful and rotten experiences that they had while chasing the stupid Amway "dream."

    People in Amway get divorced frequently, mostly because some vicious up-line scumbag is constantly pushing his down-line IBOs to "get rid of" their unsupportive wives," or to "dump their girlfriends" because they needed to concentrate more on their Amway business. (This in fact was the reason Joe Cool quit Amway -- his arrogant up-line tried to order him to break up with the girl he loved).

    There are some really stupid Bible-thumping types in Amway who loudly preach that divorce is "un-Biblical." Meanwhile some big pins and Platinums are urging IBO husbands to dump their wives if the wives aren't pro-Amway.

    What fucking hypocrisy.

    1. Anonymous - Amway Ambots are huge hypocrites who talk out of both sides of their mouth. Spewing off lies and bullshit in the moment and could be 180 the next time if it suits the current purpose.

      There are many couples who get divorced because of involvement in Amway. Those could be current Ambots or it could have have happened afterwards. The financial distress that Amway brings to people has long lingering effects. Ambots can spend years trying to pay off the debt accumulated in Amway. And debt snowballs. Not only is Amway debt in there but the debt that happened before and after Amway. Money problems are a huge reason why couples get divorced and Amway for sure brings them money problems that can take years to pay off. That's total bullshit that Amway saves marriages. The reality is Amway destroys marriages.


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1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
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4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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