Search criteria used by an Amway ambot to find his way to this blog: eat drink duplicate Amway.
That tells me the same bullshit I heard at Scamway meetings is still being taught today.
At every Amway cult meeting I attended we were told it was soooooo easy to make money in Amway. All we had to do was:
eat one Amway food bar a day
drink one Amway beverage a day
duplicate – find other people who could do what we do
That last part meant finding at least 2 people every month who could do what we do in terms of eating one Amway food bar and drinking one Amway beverage a day.
Easy right?
Just looks easy on paper.
In reality its very hard to find people willing to spend the big bucks to buy overpriced shitty Amway food bars. You get 5 or 6 food bars of one type of another in a box that costs around $30. Do the math. That’s over $120/month invested in nasty tasting food bars. People can go to the grocery store and buy a box of granola bars 6 to 8 bars in a box for about $2. That’s less than $10/month for bars that actually taste good.
What about the Amway beverages? There’s a few to choose from. Let’s take the not Perfect Water. About $50 for a case of 24 bottles water. Compared to less than $5 for a 24 case of water at the grocery store? What about energy drinks. Amway sells them and encourages the ambots to drink them. I can’t remember how many came in a case. 8 cans of piss water? Around $30 depending on the flavor. That’s another $100/month.
Those are just the basics. Most ambots can’t find 2 people to eat one shitty food bar and drink a can of piss water so they over compensate by self consuming for the missing people who are supposed to be duplicating them which means the ambot is single handedly increasing Amway’s bottom line buying their overpriced products. All under the false impression that if they eat and drink what the missing 2 people they couldn’t find to duplicate them that they will make money by eating and drinking Amway products.
Figure it out ambots! Its an Amway marketing plan to get ambots to buy this shit! Not for an ambot to make money.
The way the business plan works is a few months down the road with the ambot bringing in 2 people each month to duplicate them eating and drinking Amway products and the equation supposed to be that those 2 people find 2 people and so on and so forth that the ambot will be a Diamond in 2 to 5 years and making bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway and will be able to quit their job and spend the rest of their life walking the beaches of the world with the other Amway Diamonds.
That’s how the fairy tale goes.
Most ambots can’t get over the hurdle of finding ONE person who will eat, drink, duplicate shitty overpriced products with the stinky stigma of the Amway name attached to them.
All the ambot ends up doing is eat, drink, and duplicate their way into the poorhouse.
Eat, drink, and duplicate? It's a dream that exists only theoretically, on paper. You will never make any money from this utterly half-assed, unworkable idea.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - yup once the Amway Ambot finishes drawing circles and all the fast talk bragging about all the money to be made in this pyramid scheme - it looks good on paper but it's a system designed for failure.