husband is married to Amway!” Those could be my words but instead someone found
their way to the blog by Googling my husband is married to Amway.
Been there done that. The resulting baby is a blog called Married to an Ambot!
Its a horrible helpless feeling when your husband is married to Amway which
also means he’s married to the assholes in his upline. There was a time when
your husband vowed to love honor and cherish his wife. Unfortunately when he
signed up with the Amway cult he stopped loving honoring and cherishing his
wife and instead he now loves honors and cherishes Amway and the Amway assholes
in his upline.
The Amway cult group we were part of WWDB is better referred to as World Wide
Destructive Bastards because all the assholes in this cult want to do is
destroy other people’s lives.
The first thing the assholes in your husband’s Amway upline want to do is drag
the wife into the cult. If the wife is also brainwashed then its easier to
convince both of them to spend hundreds of dollars each month buying shitty
overpriced Amway products, buy CD’s and books, and attend every Amway meeting
and function.
If the wife is like me they probably attend some so they’ve got some idea of
the creepy brainwashing worshipping shit that goes on at Amway cult meetings.
If the wife is like me and can’t stand the fucking asshole that sponsored them
into Amway she’s not too likely to show up anywhere - whether it be an Amway
meeting or a Rolling Stones concert – if that son of a bitch is going to be
If the wife is like me and can’t stand the sack of shit Platinum Amway cult
leader then she’s also going to avoid being anywhere that fucker is.
If the wife is like me and can’t stand none of those fucked up piece of shit
assholes in the Amway upline she is going to avoid being anywhere those fuckers
If the wife is like me and doesn’t want overpriced shitty useless substandard
Amway products in the house she is going to go out to normal stores and buy
reasonably priced products that she actually needs and wants that taste good or
get the cleaning job done and face the doom and gloom and hell from the
assholes in the Amway cult for not supporting their business.
If the wife is like me she’s going to say if the only customers your business
has is yourself then you’re a fucking moron!!!!
The wife is not going to be at all impressed by the amount of money that is
being sucked out of them thanks to her husband being married to Amway.
The wife is not going to be too happy at all the time her husband is forced to
spend with the assholes in his Amway upline thanks to her husband being married
to Amway.
The wife is going to hate the personality change that comes over her husband
thanks to being brainwashed by the Amway cult and being married to Amway. The
nice man she married has now become a condescending sneering Amway asshole who
has the attitude that he is better than everyone else simply because he is in
Amway and they’re not.
The husband also becomes paranoid of all things that he deems to be “negative”.
This would be everyone and anything that has a different opinion than his sack
of shit Platinum or any other Amway cult leaders. Yup, the wife can thank her
husband being married to Amway for the brainwashed demon ambot he has become.
The Amway assholes in her husband’s upline are now brainwashing the ambot that
his wife is an unsupportive, negative, unchristian dream stealer and that he
would be better off without her. That’s all part of the ulterior motive of WWDB
World Wide Destructive Bastards to separate their cult followers from anything
that has the potential to cut off the money supply flowing upwards to them. The
only thing that brings Amway assholes happiness is destroying other people’s
lives. Yet another joy that comes to the wife thanks to her husband being
married to Amway.
The husband has now become a bigamist because he is also married to Amway. Cult
brainwashing complete: Amway is the only thing that all ambots must truly love
over and above everything else.
In this day and age most women will not tolerate a husband who has a love
interest relationship outside their marriage. Well maybe not some of those
Nigerian scammers that show up on the Amway sex pages of this blog! Some women
might try to hold their marriage together and give the husband an ultimatim -
your mistress or me - forgive him, go for counselling, and rebuild their
marriage. Other women will kick the bastard to the curb and file for divorce.
And I’m talking about Amway here not a real live woman girlfriend. Hard to tell
the difference isn’t it?
Most women who say “my husband is married to Amway” - one way or another won’t
be saying it for a whole lot longer.
On behalf of all women whose husbands are married to Amway I want to send a big
old fuck you to the Amway assholes in the upline!
If a woman's husband is in Amway, it's not just the loss of money that is going to anger her. It's also going to be his absence from the home for long stretches of time! He'll be off on a stupid weekend "function" in a different city four times a year; he'll be at meetings and night-owl gatherings a few day every week; he'll be driving miles to talk to some possible recruit to the business; and he'll miss important family occasions all the time. In short, she'll have an absentee husband.
ReplyDeleteHe won't have time to do anything around the house; he won't play with the children; he won't visit relatives; he won't be present at meals; and he won't even have any strength to make love! He will be nothing but an empty shell of what once was a man.
Amway bleeds men dry.
Anonymous - yup those things pissed me off to no end. No money because of ScAmway. Ambot heading out to Amway cult meetings and spending too much time with those Amway losers. The unnatural over the top devotion to the fucking assholes in the Amway upline. Amway is all about destroying people's lives. What a fucked up cult.