Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Things To Do In Calgary Instead Of Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2019

Marriedtoanambot is featuring some older posts of cities where Amway WWDB Spring Leadership used to be held. We don’t know if all the cities featured over the next few days are still on the World Wide Dream Builders agenda. We suspect not but what the hell we’ll rerun them anywhere for the search criteria. WWDB changed the guest password on their website so the cities for Amway functions can’t be viewed. This is what cults do. It’s all very secretive.

So if you’re an Amway loser and you know that Amway isn’t holding Spring Leadership 2019 in one of the cities that’s being featured in an upcoming post, don’t show up here bitching about it. Tell us when and where the Amway cult meetings are being held.

Last we knew Amway World Wide Dream Builders held WWDB Amway Spring Leadership in Calgary, Canada April 2016. Actual date and location unknown unless you belong to the Amway secret knowledge club. I reviewed a previous post and its also known as Cowtown. I might not have grown up around cows but I know where there’s a bunch of cows you gotta watch what you might be stepping in! Pretty typical of any Amway meetings they’re all full of shit so it seems like a fitting place.

Keeping with my theme of finding better things to do than spend $125 for a ticket to World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2019 going to an Amway function to get brainwashed I have to say Calgary was nearly as tough a town to find things to do as Spokane was. Not too many attractions that aren’t seasonal or out of town. It looks like Calgary has parks and festivals and rodeos but with time constraints, none that are happening at the same time as WWDB Amway Spring Leadership 2019. Unsure how many days WWDB Amway needs, 2 or 3, but in the past Calgary is one of those Spring Leadership cities that Amway expects a bunch of really fucking dumb asses to show up so they hold it over 3 days instead of 2.

Calgary Tower - Its open daily 9am to 9pm. The description says from the top you can see the city, the Rockies, and the prairies. Sounds a little dull to me. Tickets cost $18.00, slightly less for other age groups. You get on an elevator ride up and look at the city and the prairie?

The Calgary Zoo.  Yup, I have found yet another zoo in a city where Amway WWDB is holding Spring Leadership! The zoo here costs a few bucks more than other city zoos at $29.95. Maybe it costs more to feed animals in Canada? They could lower the feed bill and feed some Amway assholes to the lions and tigers!

Glenbow Museum.  Some people on Trip Advisor say its a nice museum. Costs $18, slightly less for other age groups. I’d still go to the zoo over the museum especially if the menu was Ambots.

Big Rock Brewery - Seeing as how I’ve found other beer breweries in other towns offering free tours and tasting I decided to check this one out. First thing I found out is they want you to cough up $25 for tour and tasting! $35 if you do the night tour. Holy shit! Did they hear a bunch of ambots were going to be in town and decide to rip them off seeing as how they’re already used to being ripped off by Amway? So I’d say stick with the cities where you can get the freebie beer tours and tasting. But the name intrigued me. Did this Albertan have a big rock in his yard he had to figure out what to do with? The website gave a little more info and apparently there’s this big rock out in a field a few miles south of Calgary that was deposited there by a glacier and people go out there and look at it. Yup. Life doesn’t get much more exciting in Calgary than driving around looking for rocks out in fields!

No offense to anyone from Calgary but it looks like the biggest hit with tourists would be the highway heading out of town!

If you’re married to an ambot and haven’t gone to Spring Leadership yet try to steer him to Fort Lauderdale where at least you’ll have stuff to do while he’s out being brainwashed by the cult leaders. You’ll get to walk one of those beaches of the world that Amway cult leaders are always preaching about.

Here’s some more key words to help Amway IBO’s find their way because the assholes in their upline don’t help out with this top secret information. And because there are a bunch of dumb ass Amway ambots that think they have the power to turn back time and put this into their Google searches: Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2018! And one more for the Amway asshole who is thinking ahead to next year! Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2020. Yup ambots are so fucking brainwashed by their Amway cult leaders they have no clue what year it is!

Las Vegas
Calgary, Canada
Fort Lauderdale

Amway sucks!

WWDB sucks!

Spring Leadership sucks!

And one more time from marriedtoanambot let’s just send another big old FUCK YOU out to Amway Scamway and their scammer army of Ambots.


  1. Calgary sounds like a pretty boring one-horse town. Was the Amway function held there because there are so many Canadian IBOs?

    1. Who knows? They’re broke Amway losers. Maybe can’t afford to buy a passport. Is Calgary a big convention city? Someone might know and can fill us in. About 10% of our readers are from Canada and most of them are in Alberta. Amway appeals to small town schmucks so that might have more to do with why Amway chose Calgary. Easy scamming grounds.

  2. Hey there. I know this comment is kind of late and sorry if this isn't where it belongs but I'm in Toronto Ontario Canada and just recently ran into a school mate who asked me if I was interested in "joining his business". With the cultish vibes I picked up from him, I kindly refused of course. Although I didn’t ask for further specifics (which I was too afraid to) I already knew that it was some kind of MLM and I also know Amway happens to be popular in Toronto too.

    It's quite refreshing to stumble onto this blog because frankly it saddens me that such a young mind who graduated from engineering with tens of thousands of dollars debt would not only just throw his entire education away but think that he can pay off his loans in two months yet alone retire young with this scam.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard from other anti-MLMers that the reason why Amway (and other MLMs) continues to operate is because politicians/the government are pretty much "in bed" with the asshole fat cats/platinum’s etc. Meanwhile screw the rest of the people.

    Sadly the same thing is happening north of the 49th where our good ole (useless) Canadian government actually plays spin doctors about giving a shit in which they don’t obviously. Also, it’s rather disappointing but kind of unsurprising to learn that only 10% of viewers here are from Canada (and mostly Alberta) given the complacency of the people up here.

    That said, I wish we can clone you. We need more of you up here. And by the way, no need to "apologize" for criticizing Calgary because it really is boring though I’m still not sure about the convention city part though. Haha! But even Toronto (Canada’s biggest city) only has slightly more to do in comparison. Hell, Canada is pretty much one giant snooze fest. I can go on and on about that but that’s another separate discussion altogether. Please keep up the good work as they are great reads and keep exposing Scamway. Your entire website gives me some hope in this world.

    1. Hi Dave. Thanks for stopping by with your story.

      I also want to note that it's very important not to "kindly" refuse an Amway Ambot. Those bastards will still take that as encouragement and will continue to bug you to come to a ScAmway cult meeting or buy their overpriced shitty products. Ambots are persistent little bastards. About the only way you can get rid of them is to tell them to fuck off. But find a less polite way to tell those Amway losers to fuck off! LOL!

      Your friend is a prime target for lapping up the lies Amway Ambots tell recruits. He's young and he has debt. Amway cult leaders tell the Ambots that Amway is their way our of debt but nothing can be farther from the truth. Amway puts you further into debt. Your friend is going to max out his credit cards buying useless Amway shit and be encouraged to sign up for more credit cards. Eventually he's going to reach a point where he has no more room on his credit cards to buy more Amway shit and no money in his savings. If he's already tens of thousands in debt from student loans he's going to go worse into debt and probably declare bankruptcy.

      I don't know how it is up your way but here student loan debt can't be included in bankruptcy unless there's an extreme hardship case it might be considered. Like maybe someone got maimed in a car accident and ended up with severe brain damage and is incapacitated for the rest of their life and unable to work. It's really hard to get out of student loan debt if you're filing bankruptcy. Some people are paying student loan debt for the rest of their lives. That's why scams like Amway are attractive to them.

      Nobody has ever retired young from Amway. That's just another selling point Ambots lie about. If you go to Amway cult meetings to their major brainwashing conferences its always the same old geezers who got into the pyramid scheme early enough or started up one of Amway's cult sects. The real money to be made is in the Amway tool scam especially selling tickets to Ambots so they can hear the Amway cult leaders put on a dog and pony show.

      Yes I'd say many governments turn a blind eye to Amway especially when they're getting "donations". Amway's owners got in big trouble in Canada I think back in the seventies. You'd have to check some of the websites that go more into the Amway business shady end of things. Amway's owners were set to go to jail in Canada and they paid something like $25 million to avoid going to jail.

      Doesn't stop their scam from operating there apparently.

      LOL on Calgary being boring! Thanks for the confirmation! It's just really weird because you'd think of a more well known city like Toronto or Vancouver but it's my guess that most of the Ambots in Canada are small town schmucks from Alberta so the cult leaders hold the brainwashing conference where they have most of the suckers signed up.

  3. Hello :) this is a super late comment! But I wanted to chime in. I am from Edmonton, Alberta Canada! Edmonton is a 3 hour drive from Calgary AB! My best guess for why these functions are held in Calgary is because Edmonton is the capital city in Alberta. Here in Edmonton we often have concerts going on and are pretty booked up once Christmas is over. I would assume they would want to choose the next close big city which is Calgary Alberta! In between Calgary and Edmonton there is abit smaller of a city called Red deer Alberta. It seems that WWDB has a lot of ambots between Edmonton, RedDeer and Calgary! So the best choice of those three is Calgary. Only because Edmonton is just to busy to hold WWDB cult gathering and red deer does not any big concert halls that I know off…

    1. Hi Stephey. Thanks for the feedback. It sounds like Calgary has more available and probably cheaper arenas where Amway WWDB can hold their brainwashing functions. And a lot of Ambots are small town schmucks who don't seem to get that there is only a limited pool of victims and suckers to sell their shitty overpriced Amway products too. I'd say less than 10% of the people reading this blog are in Canada but almost all of them are from Alberta. That tells you a lot!

  4. Hello :) this is a super late comment! But I wanted to chime in. I am from Edmonton, Alberta Canada! Edmonton is a 3 hour drive from Calgary AB! My best guess for why these functions are held in Calgary is because Edmonton is the capital city in Alberta. Here in Edmonton we often have concerts going on and are pretty booked up once Christmas is over. I would assume they would want to choose the next close big city which is Calgary Alberta! In between Calgary and Edmonton there is abit smaller of a city called Red deer Alberta. It seems that WWDB has a lot of ambots between Edmonton, RedDeer and Calgary! So the best choice of those three is Calgary. Only because Edmonton is just to busy to hold WWDB cult gathering and red deer does not any big concert halls that I know off…

  5. Hello :) this is a super late comment! But I wanted to chime in. I am from Edmonton, Alberta Canada! Edmonton is a 3 hour drive from Calgary AB! My best guess for why these functions are held in Calgary is because Edmonton is the capital city in Alberta. Here in Edmonton we often have concerts going on and are pretty booked up once Christmas is over. I would assume they would want to choose the next close big city which is Calgary Alberta! In between Calgary and Edmonton there is abit smaller of a city called Red deer Alberta. It seems that WWDB has a lot of ambots between Edmonton, RedDeer and Calgary! So the best choice of those three is Calgary. Only because Edmonton is just to busy to hold WWDB cult gathering and red deer does not any big concert halls that I know off…


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!