Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Getting Duped By Amway

Here’s a visitor comment left by Cali on Amthrax’s site - Commentof the Week Witty describes Ohio Leadership Convention  

I can relate to this only I left not knowing I had actually been duped. I was so naive I really thought it was my fault I didn’t make any money. I am glad I came upon this site. knowing the extent of the truth years ago could have helped me out greatly, although it would have hurt worse because at the time I felt “close” to people. I thought they actually cared. This is the real scam for me. Reading these posts have helped me see how those guilty feelings of not being good enough for the team has carried over into other parts of my life. Guilt about not having the same values or lifestyle dreams for example, or automatically thinking I don’t have what it takes to be a “leader” at any job I have had since. I thought I have moved on but I see not as well as I would have liked to be believe. What a process this has been. Thanks for sharing everyone.

This could have been written by my husband. Maybe it was! No. I think this was written by someone formerly involved in Monavie. Thankfully that’s one MLM scam that Ambot did not get prospected and signed up on.

My Ambot was all about pleasing his upline. Why he would put pleasing them over and above pleasing me I’ll never understand. To get my revenge against those upline fuckers I write this blog and curse them out. No names mentioned so the reality is I am cursing out all IBO upline out there.

How did Ambot please his upline? Mostly by spending money buying Amway products and investing in the Amway tool scam. The more money he spent the more his upline liked him.

I didn’t spend any money though the upline failed to recognize that the money Ambot spent was really our money. Our upline did not like me because I tried to stop Ambot from buying overpriced substandard Amway products and spending money on functions. So because of any influence I had over our funds and stopping their flow to the upline that is why those fuckers didn’t like me. I can’t tell you how much that breaks my heart! A bunch of phony ass, nasty, greedy IBO bastards don’t like me. Boo hoo!

Ambot thought it was his fault he wasn’t making money in Amway even though he was doing everything his upline told him to. Like we need any further proof that CORE doesn’t work! Well he didn’t do everything upline told him to do. He didn’t leave me no matter how hard his upline bitched at him that I was the reason he wasn’t successful in Amway and he would never make money in Amway because I was a negative unsupportive unchristian dream stealer. Nice label to give someone who is trying to prevent the family from going bankrupt and losing their house because of the Amway scam. Keep the money in our bank account instead of lining the upline’s bank account. And those fucking Amway assholes wonder why I don’t like them because everyone else loves them. Sorry I have no unnatural worship and devotion for any bastards who are dumb enough to be in the Amway cult longer than I have.

It took Ambot awhile to figure out he was being duped. He started asking his upline, namely the sack of shit Platinum, about Amway’s compensation plan. He was brushed off with a curt “Never question upline.” He began having doubts that the Amway business was an honest way to make money. He was also troubled by the upline’s hate on toward me. He stopped going to meetings unless they really bitched at him. He stopped buying hundreds of dollars of Amway products each month. I saw my opportunity. I told him about Merchants of Deception and asked him to read it. He read the book and realized he’d been duped. Eric Scheibeler answered all his questions he had about the compensation that his upline had refused to disclose. I showed him the NBC Dateline expose on Amway that’s available for viewing on Youtube. Ambot was finally seeing the light! Amway = scam.

Ambot knew he’d been duped but he still liked the people in his upline and wanted to stay friends with them. I guess after blabbing to the upline about his dreams and counselling with them so they got to know private information about our lives he felt these people who knew his most secret innermost thoughts were his true best friends. He honestly felt close to them and loved spending time with them. And he thought they cared about him. Boy was he wrong!

I did not have this same sick fascination toward the fucking Amway upline as I’m sure most of the regular readers have long since figured out!

The problem was once Ambot stopped spending money on Amway products and tools and stopped going to meetings the upline he felt close to dropped him like a hot coal. That’s the reality of hanging out with greedy Amway friends. They will be your best friend only when you’re handing over your money. Phony Amway relationships. No matter how much you like them or how close you feel to these fakers they want NOTHING to do with you if you don’t hand over your money to them.

Gee I think I learned from my parents when I was about 5 years old that if friends only like you for your money then they are not real friends at all.

Yup, that age old advice is definitely true when it comes to Amway friends.

There’s more emotional damage. Amway IBO’s are trained to tell everyone not involved in Amway that they are losers. They are trained to tell everyone in their downline if they don’t make money at Amway - the easiest job in the world - that they’re a loser. Ambot genuinely felt like a loser after he left Amway. He was a loser at not making money no matter how hard he tried and the 100 plus hours he invested in Amway each month. Not to mention spending an average of $700/month on the Amway scheme.

Its funny how people look at things. I’m opposite of Ambot. I look at Amway IBO’s as the real losers, not the rest of the population.

I definitely think there was guilt on Ambot’s side after leaving Amway. Guilt at not making his new best friends happy by handing over his money for Amway products and tools. Guilt that he wasn’t good enough to be their friend any more. Sadness that they didn’t care about him anymore.

News flash! They never cared about Ambot. They only cared about getting his money!

The emotional carnage that Amway and their cult leaders leave in their wake is disgusting. I know karma will bite those bastards on the ass one day. Already has in some cases!

So whose fault is it? Those rotten lying upline bastards fucked with the wrong person and became stars of this blog. They’ve got no one to blame but themselves that a blog called Married To An Ambot showed up online. But they’ll never see nothing as their fault. They are blameless. They are the chosen few who are better than everyone else because they’re in Amway.

Pompous arrogant bastards.



  1. After reading this account of Ambot and his enslavement to his up-line, I began to wonder just what it is that drives ordinarily intelligent people to become irrational androids who are desperate to please Amway assholes.

    From what you describe, it sounds to me like Ambot was deeply in need of three things: praise, friendship, and self-esteem. He must have felt extremely lonely, unappreciated, and insignificant. And all of a sudden these Amway scumbags show up, telling him "how sharp" he looks, and "how smart" he must be. They shake his hand, pat him on the back, call him "a winner," and above all, TALK TO HIM, making him feel important and wanted.

    This must have been a tremendous psychological high for him. Finally he's recognized as SOMEBODY! Finally his worth is appreciated! Finally he's part of a major business enterprise! Quite naturally he becomes addicted to the love-bombing, and can't do without it. Money? He doesn't care. What's money in comparison to the ecstatic high he's on?

    That's why he simply wouldn't listen to you when you pointed out that the family finances were in big trouble. You finally had to rub his face in the facts. You had to show him -- forcefully -- that his up-line were simply greedy scum who didn't give a shit about him except for what he was paying them every month. Luckily for both of you, he saw the light.

    Enslavement to a destructive fake friendship, or to an abusive relationship that holds you in a state of illusions, is just as hard to break away from as from heroin or cocaine. The pleasure is JUST TOO GREAT! An Ambot develops a raging need for the psychological stroking that he receives from Amway up-line (as long as you are paying your dues).

    This is the real secret of Amway, which is hidden behind jargony bullshit about "leadership" and "helping others." Amway is about enslaving emotionally needy people and keeping them hooked on praise and "edification." And once they are hooked, it becomes easy to drain money from their pockets in a regular manner.

    1. Anonymous - good points. But ... did my Ambot and other Ambots NEED those things or were they brainwashed into believing they NEEDED those things?

      And then they drink it all up getting love bombed by other members of the Amway cult.

      Yes you're right about the real secret of Amway and all the bullshit Amspeak and helping others. Ironically around here we help others to make a better informed decision before getting involved with these scum or the earth greedy Amway bastards.

  2. There's something important to see here. Amway up-line worships money and success. Therefore if anyone in their down-line is NOT making money or NOT being successful, such a person is considered less than human. He's a loser, a non-winner, a wash-out. And therefore his only purpose in Amway is to send money to up-line regularly, for as long as you can convince him to do so. Up-line has contempt for him, but will disguise that contempt will all kinds of canned Amspeak bullshit about "helping others" and "leadership" and how much they "love" their down-line.

    This is why their only response to any doubt or uncertainty in down-line is to scream "Buy more tools! Listen to more CDs! Go to every function! Stock up on Amway products! Become CORE!" It's the carrot dangled in front of the horse, to keep him pulling the wagon. It dangles forever, but the horse never gets it.

    1. Anonymous - that's right. Inside Amway the Cult of Greed all followers worship money and success - and of course they all worship the Great Amway God! Anyone not making the promised money in Amway is berated for being a loser. There's a lot of contempt in Amway. From the upline. From the crossline. There are more angry negative people sitting in a room during an Amway cult meeting than just about anywhere else you'll meet in your life. Ambots are angry because they're losing money and because they're humiliated by Amway cult leaders. Being inside the Amway cult is watching love/hate in action.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.