Thursday, October 21, 2021

Snobby Snotty Asshole Amway Loser Of The Week

It’s been awhile since we’ve done an Amway asshole of the week. Like its been a long time. The main reason we stopped was the banana writing those posts moved on but the Amway assholes keep showing up here leaving their bullshit canned Amspeak propaganda, same old, same old, there’s only so many ways to insult the fuckers. So I got this one. And got another one coming up but we’ll start with this fucking Amway asshole. And how do you know when someone in Amway is lying? When their mouth is moving. Or in the case of the Internet when they’re typing something. For fuck’s sake someone who is NOT in Amway is NOT doing searches for more information on Amway Spring Leadership. Someone who is NOT in Amway but has a loved one who is in the Amway cult might be doing searches to find out more about the brainwashing conference their loved one is about to get sucked into and sometimes they leave a comment telling us about how Amway has made their life hell. Most random people aren’t doing Amway searches and leaving comments that they ain’t in Scamway and then spout off a bunch of canned Amspeak they heard at the last Amway cult meeting.

Y’all really crack me up. I’m neither in the business but I am not against it either. Honestly, there’s no right or wrong way to live. Some people lack self confidence and can’t hold onto the business because it does structure an entrepreneurial mind set. I have gone to some of their functions and they are being honest and realistic EVEN if the business doesn’t run taht way. It’s not the business that shapes greedy people. That’s the people. Because you work 8-5 job does not mean you’re selfless either. Do you think homeless people are selfless? I honestly think they’re the most greediest people in the world. They don’t do anything to society yet they expect people to help them by giving to them. And who knows what they do with that money? All business has its purpose. A regular pyramid job also has greedy people, WWDB also has greedy people. We are greedy creatures regardless if you like it or not. So it’s not the job that shapes how a person is. It’s the person themselves as how their parents raised them.

Let’s start with the obvious. Only people in Amway avoid saying the dreaded A word and refer to their scam as “the business”. For someone who’s not in “the business” you shouldn’t be a dumb fuck and mention WWDB. Like holy shit. We really believe you’re not in the Amway cult you fucking lying Amway asshole. Only fucked up crazy brainwashed Amway assholes know what WWDB is or formerly fucked up brainwashed Amway assholes or their long suffering friends and relatives. The rest of the world doesn’t know what WWDB is and doesn’t give a shit either.

And nowhere else but from Amway cult followers do you ever hear assholes screeching about how your job is a pyramid. Nowhere! Nowhere but in Amway cult meetings so go somewhere else and spout off your canned Amspeak bullshit.

Most Amway ambots have this sanctimonious self righteous attitude like they’re better than everyone who isn’t a follower of the Amway cult. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a fucking Amway asshole put something in their comment about how we crack them up or this is so funny or whatever translated: I’m better than all of you and I laugh down at all of you in that snotty snobby Amway way I’ve been trained to do so with my Amway Ambot chuckle HUA HUA HUA.

But do you know what really pisses me off about this self righteous snotty snobby fucking Amway asshole? His shitty, ignorant, cruel attitude to the homeless. I mean what a miserable cocksucking jerk this fucking Amway asshole is. Homeless people are greedy? In what way? That they’re looking for a safe place to sleep tonight? That they’re looking for a meal? That they’re looking for a place to clean up? The type of things that most of us take for granted and this Amway shithead thinks that homeless people wanting these things or getting themselves out of their current situation makes them greedy. I live in a part of the world where there are lots of homeless people, shelters, soup kitchens, and lots of advocates to assist these unfortunate souls. Fucking Amway Ambots might sneer at the homeless but fortunately there are kind hearted people in the world who treat the homeless respectfully and want to see them get into a better situation. There’s all kinds of reasons people become homeless. Maybe they were even a former Amway IBO and some fucking asshole in their upline counselled with them to skip paying their mortgage and use that money to attend an Amway function and they got foreclosed and evicted and due to Amway ruining their credit rating and losing their real job they have no money and no home. Some homeless people had medical issues that wiped them out financially and left them living on the street. There are people with mental illnesses and addictions who are homeless. There are people who got off the bus expecting to make it big in the entertainment business and find themselves with no money and nowhere to stay. At least this is a part of the world the year round temperature make it not so difficult on the homeless. Beats being homeless in the winter in a northeastern Atlantic state! Homeless people from other parts of the country drift this way. Then there’s our friends from south of the border who aren’t supposed to be here but found a way to sneak in and find themselves without money and a place to sleep. There’s a lot of sad hard luck stories. I’m a good hearted person and donate money to an organization that provides meals to the homeless and will give a couple of bucks to a homeless person on the street or buy them a sandwich. That’s called being a kindhearted caring person, something that greedy Amway cult followers know nothing about with their shitty attitudes about how the homeless are greedy. It’s devastating the way some people’s lives have turned out many times through a series of bad luck. Its traumatic seeing these people on the sidewalks. These people have little hope in their lives and Amway cult leaders running Amway brainwashing meetings and bitch bitch bitch are preaching that the homeless are greedy, and then fucking Amway Ambots are repeating that message. Like we need further proof that people in Amway are sick sorry uncaring motherfucking bastards picking on the disadvantaged.

Here’s a story of a generous family who fed the homeless instead of grieving over an unfortunate situation. You’d never find a greedy fucking Amway asshole doing something nice like this for the less fortunate.

It just pisses me off that this fucking Amway asshole shows up here to bitch that homeless people are greedy and that motherfucker sure chose the wrong spot on the Internet for that rant. That’s what they teach at Amway meetings? To be insensitive and condescending and uncompassionate to those less fortunate? FUCK YOU Amway!

That snotty snobby Amway asshole who left that comment and lied that he’s not in “the business” and pulls WWDB out of his ass is quoting what some fucking Amway cult leader preached to them at the last Amway brainwashing session.

So FUCK YOU to snobby snotty Amway asshole of the week and your fucking shitty attitude to the homeless. I’m surprised you’re not hanging out at skid row trying to sign up the disadvantaged to your Amway cult because that’s what you Amway bastards do – prey on the disadvantaged and scam them out of money they can’t afford to lose. FUCK YOU AMWAY!

And you know who the REAL greedy people are? It ain’t the homeless. It’s Ambots with their over the top  devotion to Amway – the cult of greed. Devout worshippers of the Great Amway God.

Fuck all of you fucking Amway losers and your shitty snotty snobby Amway Ambot attitudes.

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Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
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