Seeing as how someone from the IRS is searching for “Amway
and federal tax” and reading the relevant posts on this blog about Amway tax
cheaters and tax time is upon us I thought I’d revisit this whole
get-a-tax-refund-if-you’re-in-Amway that is widely promoted by the Amway cult
This was the type of tax advice our Amway upline gave us that everything in
Amway is a tax deduction and they consider Amway tax returns as part of an IBO
income. What the upline really means is the only way an IBO can make money in
Amway is to deduct Amway expenses from the income they earn in their real J.O.B
and the only Amway income comes in the form of a tax refund. Our upline told us
we’d get a big tax refund deducting all our Amway expenses legitimate or not.
At Amway meetings I attended the Platinum and pretty much everyone else in the
room would be bragging how things couldn’t be better and their Amway business
is growing. Then these same IBO’s claim they’re getting a large refund after filing
their income taxes.
My Ambot was fascinated. He had no idea the secret to getting a tax refund -
according to our upline - was to become an Amway IBO. Free money from the
Refund? Ha, that’s a laugh when your business is doing good.
Ambots can not grasp this concept.
If your business makes too much money (income) and you don’t have enough
deductions (expenses) you owe money at tax time. Yay! Business is going great!
If you do not make much money and your expenses are higher that your income
then the government issues you a refund. Boo! Business is the shits!
In other words it is pretty much impossible for an IBO to claim business is
going great and they’re making lots of money in Scamway and then talk out of
the other side of their mouth about how they’re getting a big tax refund. Or as
ambots refer to it: tax return income for running an Amway business.
Most Amway IBO’s in addition to being fake business owners work a dreaded
J.O.B. and are employed by a company and receive regular paychecks. When tax
time comes around those sneaky Amway bastards deduct all their Amway expenses
(XS, Perfect Water, vitamins, food bars, hotels, function tickets, meals,
travel, etc) against their job’s income.
That is the only way most IBO’s make money in Amway. By declaring everything
they spend on Amway as a business expense and deducting it off their job’s
Lying little ambot bastards that they are! Tax cheaters!
Here is a big clue ambots! Unless you own a grocery store, items that you eat
(groceries!) and items you use for cleaning up around your house can not be
deducted as business expenses in order to get a tax refund. When you’re an
Amway IBO if you’re declaring travel and restaurant expenses on your taxes you
better be showing some kind of Amway income profit on selling Amway products.
If Uncle Sam catches up with you you’ll be up shit creek!
What about people who run a legitimate business that’s got nothing to do with
Amway. Legitimate business owners have tax numbers, business licenses,
insurance, and accounting software where all monies received from customers and
all monies paid out in the course of running our business are entered.
Legitimate business expenses that can be used as deductions. We back it all up
and give it to our accountants at tax time. This is because we’re smart enough
to hire the services of a professional who checks we entered everything
correctly and aren’t missing information and ensures we are not leaving
ourselves exposed and who also does their damnedest to make sure they write off
as many expenses as they legitimately can so that we have less money to pay
back to the government in what we owe in taxes.
Sure the hell beats “counselling with upline” and being told everything
in Amway (XS, Perfect Water, vitamins, laundry soap, cleaning products, etc) is
a legitimate business deduction!
For the record - our accountant disagreed with the assholes in our Amway
upline! Refused to handle anything Amway related. Accountants prefer to deal
with legitimate businesses not pyramid schemes.
So much for “never question upline”!
If you are running a pretend Amway business and are taking your upline’s advice
on filling out your taxes so that you can earn your money in Amway courtesy of
a government tax refund check be prepared to end up in big shit in an audit.
When we were in Amway we were told if nothing else Amway is a good tax shelter.
The taxman might disagree. Here is some more interesting reading:
IRS to Amway: The Party’s Over!
And one more link if you're an Amway loser and you don't have a REAL business
plan and your ass gets hauled into tax court because the IRS decided you're a
tax cheat - you're pretty much fucked!
The whole idea is a delusion. Even if you can claim Amway expenses as a "Loss" on your tax form, it is STILL AN ACTUAL LOSS! You spent money that did not produce any income for you.
ReplyDeleteThat's right Anonymous. When you're running a business and claiming losses, that means you're not earning income. Your expenses exceeded income and the business was not profitable. Real business owners know they can't continue running losses year after year and keep losing money. Amway Ambots playing games of make belief business owners can keep losing money year after year and still think they're big shot hot shit successful businessmen. Because that's what Amway cult leaders brainwash them into believing.