Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Night Of Hell At An Amway Cult Meeting

Here’s what a night of hell was for me when we were in the Amway cult.

Our organization was WWDB - World Wide Destructive Bastards. Our upline held meetings at least 3 times a week to tell lies about the Amway business and work on destroying marriages and families. Our cult leader started the Amway meetings around 8pm sometimes at his house or mostly at another IBO's house usually someone in our direct line though occasionally crossline.

Even though the cult meetings started at 8pm the Platinum told everyone that “serious business builders” always arrived at least an hour early, therefore my ambot had us arriving closer to 7pm. And how the hell would the Platinum know which cult followers showed up at 7 anyway because he wasn’t there? That would be because he has little ambot spies. Not always the person who lived at the residence where the meeting was held. You never knew who the spy was. Usually the Platinum’s henchman is the spy but not always if he wasn’t there. Sometimes the cult leader had him running other errands. So I’d say the spy was usually the fucking asshole who sponsored our sponsor - little slimy cocksucking son of a bitch that he is.

Prior to the main cult meeting, the Platinum usually held private meetings with ambots at a coffee shop where he goes over their budget, their phone list, or just generally ride their asses about how they could be doing better in “the business”. If the man was married the Platinum would convince them the reason they aren’t going anywhere in the Amway business is because of their wife and tell them the only way to succeed in Amway is if they leave their wife.

At the coffee shop counselling sessions the sack of shit Platinum expected one of the cult followers to purchase something for him to eat and drink and then drive him to the Amway meeting. However if they arrived at the house and no one of at least 1000 pin level was standing on the street to greet him, the driver had to circle the block a few times until someone who appreciated the motherfucker showed up on the street. Need to show the cult leader a little more love! Fucking arrogant prick.

So 8ish start. There are usually 10 to 15 IBOs at each meeting always the same people hearing the same bullshit they heard the night before at the last Amway cult meeting. Occasionally an ambot has hijacked a prospect to attend. The Platinum spends an hour talking about himself and his life - pompous sack of shit loves the sound of his own voice.

After an hour of bullshit the cult leader might say what he does for a business - ecommerce, runs an online business - but mostly a bunch of double talk for a good 15 minutes to half an hour because he gets distracted and goes off in a tangent. After the double talk he finally mentions the dreaded “A” word. Its like a swear word that can’t be said too often in front of this pack of goody 2 shoes. AMWAY! He starts using flash cards to present the Amway business plan. Basically eat, drink, and duplicate. Find enough people who do this and you can earn $300,000 a year.

This drags on for around 3 hours because the Platinum keeps getting sidetracked and goes off on various rants usually something negative happening in the news. The sack of shit loves spreading negativity thinking he can scare his ambots into compliance.

Its now 11pm and I want to go home, go to a bar, go to an all night folk music festival, anywhere but listening to the sack of shit Amway cult leader.

But it ain’t over yet! The “teaching” portion of the Amway cult leading begins after a short break so any guests or anyone who’s not a “serious business builder” can go home. If I can convince someone to give Ambot a ride home, I am outta there!

Unfortunately I’ve stayed for more than my share of Amway cult teachings. These meetings last another hour or two. Very typical for Amway cult meetings to last well past Midnight. The more tired the cult followers are the easier it is for the cult leader to brainwash their minds. Usually now is when the sack of shit Platinum rips into people about what changes they plan to make in their lives. “Oh yeah. I’m going to get divorced because you told me that’s the only way to succeed in the Amway business.” The sack of shit will criticize how the ambots dress, the car they drive, their haircut, the people they hang out with, etc. Mostly he criticizes the group for not sponsoring anyone or bringing prospects to meetings. He’ll talk about the movers and shakers in his downline and sing their praises for the rest of the meeting gabbing on about how those are the people going Platinum, going Diamond. Next month! Within 3 months for sure! Including him. Bypass Emerald and go Diamond!

Not so far! Mainly because they all defected to Monavie and its unknown what the latest MLM scam is they’re currently flogging. The main point is most ambots are stuck at the same level or dropped. Its hard to motivate people to keep buying Amway products and investing in the tool scam once the credit card is maxed out.

No “teaching”. Lots of rants. That pretty much sums up the Amway meetings.


  1. Holy shit, what a waste of time.

    Amway is a cult, and a cult is simply a degraded form of religion.

    Everything that you describe here is a red flag for some kind of irrational cult. The Platinum obviously considers himself the High Priest, to whom all the lowly cult members (the IBOs) owe obedience and honor. He shows up late. He has a spy to make sure everyone else is early. He will not enter the scene unless somebody important is there to greet him and usher him inside. Who the hell does he think he is? The Dalai Lama? And like all cult-leaders, he focuses on himself and his life and his opinions, since he (of course!) is the High Priest of this religion.

    He talks endlessly, saying the same basic things at every gathering. He insists that his IBOs do things that are uncomfortable or unpleasant. He says that their pain and discomfort are unimportant, because this is what pleases the Great Amway God (of which he is an important High Priest).

    He has the arrogance to tell individual IBOs to get divorced, or quit their jobs, or sell their house, or anything else that is purely a private matter that is none of his business. This is what cult leaders do all the time.

    1. Anonymous- this is how it goes at every ScAmway meeting. We get the word out and by doing so we find grateful wives of Ambots going through this shit, potential prospects who are grateful we shared and now they’ll run for the hills, or angry Ambots that we share what happens at Amway cult meetings.

      Yeah I wish no one of any PV level didn’t go outside to Heil Hitler the High Priest sack of shit Amway Platinum and then he’d have ordered his driver to take him home so then the meeting would be canceled. I wish!

  2. You mentioned staying late...I'm not sure if you've mentioned it before or someone else has, but apparently, all of these tactics are intentional.

    The "night owls" or "attitude sessions" until 1 or 2am during the weekly business meetings while cramming people standing room only into small conference rooms.

    The (almost) non-stop Saturdays of conferences which go for 15, 16 hours where you might be lucky to have time to choose between getting some real food to eat or changing for the night session.

    The four hour long seminars followed by being forced to do warmups and play dodge ball at rec centers and then having to drive three and a half hours home. This is what happened when I was in URA / URAssociation / UR Association.

    It's all intentional to tire out people to where they are robots and nod and agree with everything. It's quite psychotic actually.

    1. Hi Anonymous- yup all cult tactics. Amway cult leaders know if the audience of Ambots is tired then they’re easier to brainwash.

      Warm ups and dodge ball? LOL “dodged” the bullet on those. But we were forced to play other stupid games. Like make belief games of pretending to be a business owner.

      Driving home 4 hours when you’re tired? Some Ambots fell asleep at the wheel and crashed and died. There used to be a couple of websites that reported things like that but they have gone.

    2. All the AMOs (Amway subsystems) are into exhausting and tiring their members with useless activities and compulsory meetings. This is especially true for WWG, URA, Network 21, and BWW. These groups want members to be uncomfortable and physically drained.

      It is exactly what the Marine Corps does with its new recruits on Parris Island. You make the men run, jump, climb, crawl, and do endless pushups, in an atmosphere of total obedience and regimentation.

      In the Marine Corps it serves a purpose, because you are trying to build good soldiers with strength and endurance. But in these Amway rackets the purpose is to brainwash IBOs, and make them lose the ability to judge and decide and think.

      Amway doesn't want you to have a brain. It doesn't like it if you are an independent thinker. It hates questions and criticism. That's why they are terrified of the internet, and the truth that people can learn about what a rotten scam Amway is.

    3. Anonymous- the Marines want recruits who are mentally and physically strong. Amway wants recruits who are weak in these areas. They’re easier to brainwash and less likely to punch out Amway cult leaders once they realize they got scammed.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.