Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Amway Dream Night Is A Financial Orgy

 Yep you read that title right so go ahead and have a good laugh!

Someone asks the sack of shit Amway Platinum what Dream Night is. Here’s the direct quote:

“It’s the boot to kick off the year to make financial resolutions for the group. It’s the financial orgy of the year.”

What the hell kind of answer is that? I can see the orgy thing capturing the attention of the mostly male audience in their twenties. Boy were they going to be disappointed when they showed up at the function!

It was held in a hotel’s banquet room and tickets cost $66 each. I heard that amount on the portion of the recording I listened to and then I heard the sack of shit Platinum requesting $75 each from the downline to cover their expenses at organizing and purchasing tickets for everyone. No one asked for clarification how come an extra $9 each went to the upline for typing a few more tickets into the WWDB website to order them and then all the trouble they had to go through to pass them out to the IBO’s. Scalpers!

The overpriced ticket gave the IBO a meal and forced them to listen to a couple of Diamond speakers and watch their videos. Mostly it was about the Diamond’s lifestyle or what they hoped to portray to IBO’s was their lifestyle, showing mansions, private airplanes, sports cars, exotic vacations, etc. And apparently they buy all these things with cash only - never incurring debt. Amway’s figures of an average Diamond’s annual income at around $150,000 don’t seem to realistically conclude that mansions, luxury cars, exotic vacations, etc – all paid for in cash by the way - are sustainable on that income.

Smoke and mirrors. Lies and more lies. That’s doing the Amway shuffle.

The Platinum tells the cult followers his pitch to get people to come to Dream Night is:

“Are you currently with this economic crisis getting everything you can by what you’re currently doing or do you think you need to shift and do some more?”

If anyone said that to me I think I would go “Huh?” and then the IBO thinking he had a live one would repeat it and then I’d go “What the fuck are you trying to say?”

The Platinum said he was hosting a table for ten and then he asks around the room to see how many suckers the IBO’s have found to attend. What he finds out is that everyone’s guest lists consist mostly of family and not potential IBO’s which outrages the Platinum. He starts to ride the eagle’s ass to get after the people in his downline who don’t have the numbers of invited guests to buck up and do the work.

Ambot pipes up and says he’s bringing 8 guests. When Dream Night arrived there were no guests. Fortunately he didn’t buy extra tickets. Bottom line is everyone had lofty numbers but few, if any, brought new prospects.

For all the good the extra $9 per ticket the upline wanted for their trouble at purchasing tickets they fucked up anyway and the whole thing turned into a fiasco. There were people in our group who were vegetarians. When purchasing the tickets from the WWDB website there was a meal option for meat or vegetarian. The asshole scalper who was collecting the cash took everyone’s meal preferences at the time they forked over the money but didn’t necessarily tally the meal types when making his mass Dream Night tickets purchase. The tickets were handed out to the IBO’s when they arrived at the hotel all part of the control thing.

In case you haven’t figured it out by now just about everyone ended up with the opposite meal choice than what they wanted. Pissed off IBO’s stood in the hallway where there was a lot of ticket and table swapping going on while people tried to get a ticket and a table with their preferred food choice on it. This took a long time to sort out because the asshole allocating the tickets kept running off to find the sack of shit platinum and get more tickets.

Big surprise these useless bastards couldn’t get their act together.

And before we go let’s get some key words in.

Amway WWDB Dream Night 2025
Amway WWDB Dream Night 2022
Amway WWDB Dream Night 2024
Amway WWDB Dream Night 2023
World Wide Dream Builders Dream Night 2024
World Wide Dream Builders Dream Night 2023
World Wide Dream Builders Dream Night 2025

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Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

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1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
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