Part of the dishonesty and deception when you get recruited into the Amway cult is that the Ambots and cult leaders do not disclose all the costs ahead of time. A reader shares his story:
I love your blog it cracks me up. Recently 2 days ago I left my amway/wwdb cult. Those fuckers signed me up knowing I’m only 21 years old living in an apartment making only $1400 a month.
They never told me about the costs I would have to pay for the trash ass wwdb app and communikate. I was also NEVER told about how ever 3 fucking months I would have to spew out more money for a “major event”. I can’t fucking afford that every 3 months. But my cult members kept telling me “It’s a privilege to go”, “you can’t miss out on this it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE”.
Those shit heads manipulated me and used their cult tactics to make me believe I was spending money for a good reason.
Don’t even get me started on communikate. That shit was fucking trash. I HATED having to do my “daily kate”. Near the end of me leaving the cult I wouldn’t even know what to communikate anymore. It became so fucking redundant and my upline would always reply to my kate like I had just said the most profound thing in the world. He would hype me up beyond believe. Almost like he railed 6 lined of coke and chugged a mountain dew just so he could reply to my kate and get me FIRED UP!
When I left the cult 2 days ago I felt like a thousand pounds was lifted off my shoulders. I felt like I had control over my life again for once. I went and bought some fucking take out food for the first time in forever because I didn’t have to watch my money under a microscope and pay for those shit products ever again. Those fuckers almost took away the best years of my life. I’m 21 for god sakes I should be hanging out and having a good time with the VERY friends they told me to avoid. Cult cult cult cult!!!
Anna Banana responds:
Yes the blog is meant to crack up people who hate Amway and
outrage Ambots all at the same time. Around here we aim to entertain as well as
You are prime meat to be recruited by the Amway cult. The right age, not
earning a huge income. They suck you in with dreams of owning your own business
and after working 10 to 15 hours a week for the next 2 to 5 years you can sit
back and do nothing for the rest of your life while bazillions of dollars from
Amway rolls in every month in residual income forever. You’ll be debt free and
pay for everything in cash.
Those are some of the fairy tales you heard, right?
Those fuckers tell you where else can you get started in your “own business”
for $200 but conveniently forget to tell you about all the monthly expenses
that you have to pay to belong to the Amway cult. Better known as the Amway
tool scam. And if you don’t buy that “motivational” shit the Amway cult leaders
will berate you and mock you and threaten not to work with you if you don’t buy
the tools. Though somewhere in Amway’s brochures it does say those
“motivational” tools are optional and the upline is still required to work with
you whether or not you buy them. But I’ve never met anyone in Amway who didn’t
break Amway’s rules! LOL!
Yeah Communikate is a bunch of shit. Smart phones and a good plan can do
everything and more that Communikate does. At least one of Amway’s owners is
invested in Communikate from when it was a start up. I read the article years
ago so I’m a little foggy on whether they’re a part owner, an investor or gave
them a loan to start up. Either way Amway has an interest in making sure
Communikate is profitable so they can get their loan back or their share of the
profits depending on the agreement. How else do they do this than push their
cult leaders to force the downline to sign up for this piece of shit
Communikate. And offer the cult leaders commission on each sucker that signs
up. A couple of years ago some lying sack of shit Amway Ambot shows up here and
tells us that Amway no longer uses Communikate and a wife of an Ambot called
out the liar and says her husband subscribes to it and since then people like
you stop by to say Communikate is still going strong in the Amway tool scam.
Every Amway major function will be exploited by the cult leaders as the not to
be missed event of the year, a life changing event, and will put you 6 months
ahead of those who didn’t attend. The bulk of income for Amway Diamonds is by
selling tickets to these brainwashing functions.
People in Amway are a bunch of losers who love bomb the other cultists and hype
them up with phony compliments. You had the normal experience.
And why are Ambots always FIRED UP!
I know what you mean when you get out of the Amway cult. It’s like a huge
weight is lifted off your shoulders and you start to get your life back under
control. Be prepared for those Amway fuckers to phone, text, email and insult
you. Tell them you’re calling the cops on them for harrassment and that might
stop them. Otherwise they’ll harrass you endlessly. Ambots are only your BFFs
as long as you’re in the cult. When you leave Amway they’ll drop you. After
they’ve finished their barrages of loser, quitter, etc.
Look at the bright side. You’re no longer losing fistfuls of money to a scam
and no longer hanging out with a bunch of Amway losers. You’re young enough to
bounce back financially and emotionally. All education costs you something and
you’ve learned never to get involved again with a pyramid scheme or any other
Now take that money you were sinking into Amway every month and invest it
instead. Find a broker and buy some stocks. Buy lottery tickets. Go to a
casino. All of those activities have a better chance of you making money than
Amway does. Good luck to you. Have a happy Amwayless life!
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