You know the old bullshit
peddled by the Amway cult leaders at every Amway cult meeting that in 2 to 5
years you’ll be an Amway millionaire and bazillions of dollars in residual
income will be rolling in from Amway every month while you sit back and do nothing
for the rest of your life.
First off how do we know when someone in Amway is lying. - - - Their mouth is
The fuckers who pretend to be Amway millionaires are probably lying. Well the
fuckers whose last name is DeVos or VanAndel are probably telling the truth
they have millions and sure some of the Amway cult leaders who formed their own
sects probably are too because they make the bulk of their income from the
Amway tool scam. Any way you look at it all the above motherfuckers are getting
rich from scamming people who in most cases can’t afford to lose money and
probably going into debt to tithe the Great Amway God.
Another way to look at it is a million dollars really a big deal any more? If
you get to be a millionaire how long is that money going to last? People are
easily living into their 80s and 90s these days. If you have a million bucks by
the time you retire when you’re 60 or 65 is that money going to last another 20
or 30 years? And what does constitute a millionaire these days? The way I look
at it the person has $1,000,000 in financial assets that does not include real
estate or government programs or pensions.
An Amway loser is brainwashed by the cult leaders to believe it’s easy to
become an Amway millionaire even though the odds are just a smidgeon of a
smidgeon shy of 100% against that
happening. And even if you do become a millionaire you have to still keep
working and abusing the Ambots in the downline to keep buying shitty overpriced
Amway products and “investing” in the Amway tool scam. Who do you see standing
on the stage at Amway functions bullshitting the crowd? Do you see all these
young guys in their early 20s who show up here bragging they’ve retired thanks
to Amway at age 21? Or do you see the same old tired crew who should be retired
by now if they were working a regular type job? Amway cult leaders can’t stop
working or their income will dry up. The income that affords them the lifestyle
they want to live or at least the lifestyle that they bullshit the Ambots
they’re living.
There’s other ways that people can become millionaires because as I pointed out
above a million dollars isn’t what it used to be. You can’t just reach a
million and stop working and live on that the rest of your life. Well maybe you
can if you move to a country with a very low cost of living or if you’re around
retirement age and you’re not a big spender.
Instead of spending between $500 and $1000 a month buying shitty overpriced
Amway products and making Amway’s owners even bigger millionaires, take that
money and invest it. And people are different investors depending on their risk
tolerance. I’d say that anyone who signs up to Amway with its less than a tiny
fraction of 1% success rate then these are people have high risk tolerance and
should be going hog wild crazy buying high risk stocks that might incredibly
inflate their investment. Or could lose all their money. But these Ambots are
the same people who are going to lose all their money anyway at the Amway scam
without realistically expecting to get rich in a pyramid scheme designed for
Investors fall into a few categories. Some buy a stock and look at it as a long
term investment that’s going to grow over the years. Others look at stocks that
will generate them an income with nice dividend payments and they’re not too
concerned whether the stock has much growth over the years. Of course the nice
balance is finding a stock that has both growth and income. And then you got
your day traders. Man oh man I don’t have the nerves for that one. Stocks can
fluctuate wildly – and that might just be in the course of one hour! And I’m
not talking necessarily going up. You gotta know when to buy and when to sell
and if I had that crystal ball I’d
be the one rolling in millions by now.
And here it is with buying stocks. I’m one of those people who do what they
tell you not to do and that’s dicker on buying a stock like I’m buying
huaraches in Tijuana. LOL! Yup who just guessed I choose limit price instead of
market price and lowball it.
At some point in your life you do have to make a switch in your mindset to how
much your portfolio is worth to how much your portfolio will generate.
Just like how Amway Ambots have to make a switch in their mindset to how much
money they’re losing in this scam to how likely it is they’ll make money as
opposed to how much money they’ll keep losing. The fairy tale of being an Amway
millionaire is slipping away.
An Amway Ambot spends at least $1000/month if it’s a month where one of the 4
major Amway brainwashing conferences is on. And how much money can the Ambot
expect to receive back in commission? Around $10/month. And let’s use the word
“commission” loosely because they’re really just getting a rebate back based on
how much money they spent buying shitty overpriced Amway products. It’s
unlikely most Ambots sold shit to other customers to make more commission. You
want a rebate on the amount of groceries you buy – get a Costco card! Or get
another type of credit card that gives you cash back.
You ain’t going to become a millionaire going into debt buying $500 to $700 of
shitty Amway products every month to get back $10.
This post is too long.
It should have started out with the question – will you be an Amway millionaire?
Quick answer: NO!
A one word post. Doesn’t do too good on the search engines.
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