sack of shit Amway Platinum ordered all “serious business builders” to buy a
Premier Membership to World Wide Dream Builders. Cost is $49.95/month.
What does an IBO get from WWDB for this awesome “business” investment?
Mostly they get a portal web page. You have your own link and this is the web
address you give to any suckers to entice them to shop online at “your” store.
You can also slightly customize your web page. If you’re one of these weirdos
who likes XS Energy Drinks you can promote that on your portal page. I think
you can also put your name and phone number. And of course that would be hooked
up to Communikate. Add another $35/month for that messaging program which the
Platinum will also demand you purchase.
With this monthly membership you also got a discount on buying Amway books and
CDs from the recommended list. Now don’t get all excited its not a big
discount. Maybe a dollar or two off. Its cheaper to buy them used off
Craigslist or Ebay or even new from Amazon except you would be a very bad
little IBO trying to save money instead of buying from WWDB/Amway so your
upline can profit from these tools you’ve purchased.
At a meeting we attended our Emerald was talking about buying a website. I
believe he was skirting the issue of saying buying WWDB Premier membership
because he did say the website cost $50/month which coincidentally is a nickel
off the WWDB premier monthly membership and is the only tool that is flogged at
Amway meetings that includes a web page portal.
Then the Emerald said if you buy a website the money goes to Amway and World
Wide, not him.
He is probably partially correct and the money does not go to him. After all he
is only an Emerald. If you’ve read Eric Scheibeler’s book Merchants of
Deception he talks about income sharing from the profits of the Amway tool
scam. The Diamonds get the bulk of the profits from the tool scam. As an
Emerald he received around $900 for speaking at a seminar or function but they
were few and far between. I’m a little foggy on the details since its been a
couple of years since I read the book but I think he got a small discount on
the tools which he was able to sell to his downline at retail cost and he got
the profits.
I think it also came to light both in his book and from other Emeralds who’ve
written about their experiences on the Internet that they occasionally get a
piece of the pie from the Amway tool scam but that depends on the generosity of
their upline Diamond. Being the greedy bastards those Diamonds are, most do not
share in the profits from the tool scam with a lowly Emerald.
Scheibeler also said in his book that he was earning just over $35k/year from
Amway and that certainly was not the money he was expecting to earn at this
level with about 1000 downline beneath him. I watched a video on Youtube a
couple of years ago and a former Emerald said he earned about $2000 to
$3000/month from his Amway income. He also came to the realization that the
money just wasn’t there and there were more honest ways to make better money
than that and he also quit.
Around the time that Ambot finally agreed to leave Amway and was reading Merchants
of Deception - unknown to his upline of course they’d have been horrified!
- the sack of shit Platinum had sent out a message that the Emerald required a
fence built. He was asking who in the group knew someone who provided those
services. Ambot actually knows someone who owns a fencing company. Then Ambot
laughed and said the asshole only earns an Emerald income so he can’t afford to
hire someone to build a fence!
I think the Emerald managed to coerce an army of IBO slaves to come out and do
the work for free for the privilege of “being around the Emerald”. To add on to
his statement that the money doesn’t go to him, it doesn’t go to his downline
Yeah! That’s a bargain! Free labor. You get what you pay for. I’m sure that
fence blew over in the first strong wind!
If a premiere membership in WWDB (WWG) costs $50 per month, and then $35 per month for the useless CommuniKate system, then an Amway IBO is already $85 in the red every single month before he even sells a single Amway product!
ReplyDeleteThen he has to pay a standard weekly fee for whatever tools (CDs and books) his up-line insists he has to buy, along with the PV purchases of products for his own use that he must buy to be in good standing for a refund.
Then he has to pay a fee for attending whatever asinine weekly meetings or night owls his up-line expects him to attend, and then four times a year he has to shell out several hundreds of dollars to attend some stupid "function" in a far-off city.
I calculate that this comes to between $7000 and $10,000 per year, before you have even lined up a single paying customer.
Who could possibly think that this is a sane business idea?
Anonymous - what we do and Amway Ambots do not do is add up how much money it costs every month to be in the Amway cult. $10,000/year is about average. Some Ambots will be more money. You know the keeners who have more room on their credit cards and want to impress their Amway cult leaders with how much Amway shit they can buy and store in their closets. And some Ambots will be much less. Depends how fast they figured out they got scammed and quit Amway.
DeleteOnly brainwashed Amway losers think spending thousands of dollars a year to make back about $100 in commissions think this is a good idea and a sustainable business. And Ambots wonder why the rest of the world laughs at them.