Friday, November 19, 2010

Held Hostage

I had long since stopped attending cult meetings. Ambot told me this after the fact.

One night at an Amway meeting the Platinum told everyone in the room that no one was leaving until they gave him a check for the next function.

Ambot was pissed off enough to challenge the pompous sack of shit Platinum. That is a major no-no for an IBO.


He angrily told the sack of shit he’d write him a check and then he’d pull all the money out of his account so the check would bounce. The Platinum started yelling at him: “You’re writing a check that will bounce and you call yourself a business owner?” Ambot stood up to him and pointed out it was against the law to refuse to allow people to leave of their own free will. Telling people they can not leave until they pay him money? Essentially the sack of shit was holding everyone hostage until they paid him the ransom money for the function.

Perhaps Ambot wouldn’t have reacted this way if that Amway meeting had gone another way but this was the night the cult leader led his flock in a prayerfest that I would find another man and leave Ambot.

Ambot never wrote that check, pushed past the bouncer downline flunkie who was guarding the door and stormed out of the meeting. The cult followers followed their leader’s example and yelled jeers after him. Apparently they dutifully stayed and wrote their checks before being allowed to go home.

Dealing with a demented cult leader who tried to force his personal views on the cult followers and being held hostage was finally too much for Ambot.

That was the last meeting he attended.


  1. Was he told to make the check out to "cash?"

  2. I wonder what Amway corporation would say if a few people complained about this illegal and unethical behavior. My guess is that he would get a slap on the wrist at the very most. This is another example of Ambots "Drinking the Kool-Aid" . Organizations like this are cults meant to suck you dry of money and dignity. I wish more people would wake up and realize that this is not a business, it is a carefully crafted scheme preying on good people that are looking for financial freedom.

    **** Former WWDB Lemming ****

  3. Tex not only did the upline want the check made out to cash but they wanted a few extra bucks tacked on to cover their time and trouble for organizing and buying tickets for the event. Cheaper to go to the WWDB website and buy them than go through the upline scalpers.

  4. Anonymous Lemming - Amway doesn't care and doesn't take action. Instead people like me get on the Internet and tell about the bullying and brainwashing that goes on so that we can tell the truth and warn potential IBO's to stay away. If Amway took action against the upline and fired them they would likely tell their downline to quit and thats a huge loss of income for Amway.

  5. Anon,

    I wonder what Amway would do if those people contacted me and joined my existing lawsuit.


    Stand by for Amway being FORCED to take action. Either get on the bus or watch, your choice, but being ON the bus pays better.

  6. Thank goodness your husband finally saw the light and no longer allowed himself to be subjected to the bullshit. The whole thing is both fascinating and scary at the same time. The subtle coercion and tactics are obviously tried and true. Amway has a process that works and for every guy that drops out of the pyramid, there is another dreamer waiting in the wings. I have always been a big believer in "if it seems to good to be probably is".

  7. Tex very soon you'll be all over the Internet telling us how you made your millions for Amway and they'll be a lot of sorry people who didn't hop on your bus.

    Just out of curiosity how many people are party to suing Amway for the tool scam on your lawuit?

  8. Anonymous, yes it was a very good day when Ambot told me he'd had enough and about what happened that night. I've said for 10 years that the numbers Amway shows for their compensation plan look good on paper but in reality they're too good to be true. There's a 1% shot at making money in Amway. First you have to find enough suckers in your downline. Then you have to go through a lot of abuse, emotionally and financially. I think that changes a lot of people and makes them mean if they finally do get to an income generating level in Amway.

  9. Anna,

    I assumed you meant FROM Amway. The number of people who have joined us is obviously confidential information, we wouldn't want Amway, who obviously reads your blog, to find out, right?

  10. OK I get it that the numbers are confidential but doesn't your lawyer eventually have to file papers in court listing everyone? And then everyone will know. I don't really understand how class action lawsuits work but aren't the list of people named in the suit also suing on behalf of all former or current Amway (victims) distributors in the US - or is it worldwide? The ones whose names are on the papers get a bigger slice of the pie when Amway settles and everyone else in the world can come forward and get a token amount?

  11. A diamond told us he only takes cash for the smaller events cause the banks charge him 50cents to cash each cheque. Which everybody believed him and I thought was a better way than getting a cheque saying cash on it. Glad i was a broke student at that time and gotten the tools/seminars free before quitting.

  12. Good for your hubby and great story. In the same situation id threaten to call the police. I wished more spouses would post their experiences of dealing with their partner involved in this cult.

  13. Colin there's a lot of scary stuff that goes on in the world of Amway and the LOS some of it makes it to the Internet. I'd say at least 90% keep quiet about the abuse. Its embarrassing for some people to admit they allowed this to happen. As for the checks that seems a little high and don't most banks have a monthly service fee $10 or $20 and its unlimited transactions. Still you'd think a diamond could afford the 50 cents each.

  14. There's even a larger % of people who sign up go to 1 event or less figuring it's all bullshit. My friends and I gotten involved during trade school days and nobody wanted to spend a dime on this scam. No the diamond was just making that stuff up about the 50cents transation fee. It's alot easier to see through his nonsense when we're not brainwashed. They use to do the product price comparison on us..the per use nonsense. Also how much better their vitamins where compared to name brand ones. But most people dont continue to buy amway products after quitting. Even as a distributor i thought their products where junk especially the soap,shampoo,and the doublex vitamins. They where part of our wwdb kit when we signed up.

  15. Im sitting here right now trying to imagine your asshole platinum and the prayer fest. Atleast my diamond rod jao and dan yuen werent that religious compared to others. There where never any talks about religion with them.

  16. Our upline were quite religious. Before every function they'd get their little group together who all went to the same church and say a prayer out in the parking lot before going inside.

  17. Anna,

    Yes, eventually. But we haven't made the decision to sue as several individuals, as a class action, or settle out of court. Keeping the options open is what we're doing. Class actions usually apply to your country, not other countries, as far as I know. As far as the named people getting more than the others, it probably depends on the state you live in, and I don't know the answer to that question for our situation, we're not that far along yet, and may never get to that point, given the other 2 options available mentioned above.

    Regarding your "1% shot at making money in Amway," your logic is severely flawed.

  18. My bank doesn't charge anything to cash checks. Why would people believe him, unless they have never cashed a check in their lives?

  19. colin,

    I wish more former IBOs would answer the question whether they will provide details of tax evasion to the IRS, such as Anna.

  20. colin,

    You were probably lucky that you were broke in college and couldn't afford the Amway Tool Scam.


    Your upline PRETENDED they were quite religious. They are going straight to hell, to join Amway co-founder Jay Van Andel, along with Rich DeVos and the rest of the LCKs. You can't claim to follow Christ, behave in this manner and expect to fool God.

  21. The cult leader seem to have better success signing up religious types and young people. Maybe cause these groups of peop are more trusting and dont question as much. Had a ambot tell me his cult leader is a good person and he trust him cause he goes to church with good morals lol.

  22. Tex, thanks for clarifying that.

    I already said in a previous topic that I have reported several of my upline to the tax cheaters hotline. Since the topic of checks payable to cash I plan to contact with the names of Diamonds and give the dates that I have they were in our town. Also the Emerald. I know for sure that the Emerald and Platinum have an accountant and probably able to find loopholes. Probably the Diamonds too. I know for sure that others in my upline that I reported do not have accountants so I can only wish them the worst and that they get audited.

  23. Our upline all claimed to be good Christians even to the extent of not doing any Amway business on Sunday. If that's what Christianity is all about (lying, fraud, destroying relationships, etc) then I don't want nothing to do with it.

  24. Anna,

    I missed the earlier statement.

    No, that is NOT what Christianity is all about, and Rich and Jay's church denomination even discussed whether they wanted to accept money from them after the Canadian tax cheating conviction:

  25. I heard wwdb theresa danzik tell us that if the church doesnt support the amway and are negative then flush them. They can always find a church which will. Christians are no different than anyone else in terms of morals...some are good and some arent. Actually, with wwdb most people are taught to call prospects up on sundays.

  26. In a real business there shouldnt even be religion involved. Im sure you never had a job where people all huddled together having a prayerfest.

  27. colin,

    REAL churches are MUCH different than anyone else, you don't have a hint of a clue. I belonged to a prayer group when I worked for a large utility company. It wasn't "all" people, it was voluntary.

  28. The Rick Ross article was interesting. It made better business sense for Amway to pay the heavy fine so they could keep doing business in Canada rather than lose all the profits from sales in that country.

  29. Colin, you're right. In no other business I've worked for has there been any religion involved. Nowhere else do you go to business meetings and hear people bringing up their religious views as part of their speeches or presentations. Years ago I sat in on plenty of meetings where vendors tried to get our corporation to purchase their wares and not once do I remember anyone saying they were praying that we would go with their company!

  30. I was a church goer for a good 10 yrs so i know what im talking about. Christians might think they have better morals. Most business dont have employees having prayer fest....maybe your utility company is different. The other might be the arm forces ...i know many in the arm forces can be very religious. You can be a christian and still do horrible things ...the perfect example is a amway system diamond. Many murderers,rapist,etc who are christian. They are no different than non believers...which some are good and some are bad. Of course the religious believers would claim the bad people arent real christians. Major difference is believers believe they are going to heaven when it's all said and done. But we're probably getting off topic here. But i believe if youre not involved in religion you'd be more critical of the amway cult/business even if you're still a ibo.

  31. Anna,

    Canada could have sentenced Rich and Jay to jail if they didn't pay the fine as well.


    One person going to church for a few years does NOT make you an expert. Real Christians KNOW it takes perfection to get to heaven, AND they KNOW they are unable to be perfect, which is what makes Jesus' grace mandatory. I doubt my utility company was unique. There are religious people in every walk of life, military (and I was in the military), companies, etc. The people you refer to, such as murderers, rapists, etc., are NOT Christians, although they can be forgiven for their sins and become Christians. I am a Christian and I am not aware of anybody on the planet who is more critical of Amway, and more accurately, the Amway Tool Scam, by word AND deed than me. Not one.

  32. Exactly, the murderers/rapist etc can be forgiven for their sins and be christians. So can amway diamonds be forgiven for their sins. They are never considered true christians by other christians if they done bad deeds. Im not a expert but know a little more than someone who'd never been to church. But in a real business I havent heard of many prayer meetings going on(companies dont usually care what people do during their time off. Quite possible there are more prayer meetings than i know about)What i meant was while being a ibo ...if a person is non religious they usually are more critical. But at the same time none of that matters if they are heavily brainwashed by some cult. Not sure if annas hubby is into religion or not but they really messed him up. Religion is so often based on faith and the amway cult is based on faith also(faith that they'll be a diamond n financially secure). That's the only reason why i thought being a non believer is a bit of a advantage in getting out of this cult.

  33. Tex, i forgot christianity is like rocket science not everyone understands it. What i was trying to say was the amway cult find it easier to recruit from the church. Not here to trash your religion or compare what i do or dont know about your religion. The non religious types are a tiny bit better at seeing through the bullshit the diamonds kingpins preach. Christians often see good in people and are a bit more trusting. I dont know if being more trusting or having faith in people is a good or bad quality.

  34. They can be forgiven if they are truly repentant. All Christians have done "bad" deeds, my point is you can't methodically scam people for a living, murder, rape, etc., and "get it" at the same time. I think you're putting too much emphasis on whether the person is religious and whether they realize they are being lied to about the Amway Tool Scam.

  35. Colin, I think being more trusting can be a good thing but the diamonds use it against their own downline to get more tool money out of them.

  36. jc,

    Mainly, the upline uses lying.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!