Here’s a link to a list from Forbes on America’s richest families.
No one should be surprised to see the owners of Walmart are in the #1 slot. Their closest family competition is $50 billion less.
But lets get to the good stuff because Amway ambots are always stopping by here to brag about how Amway Diamonds are worth billions and billions. They’re missing from the list. How can that be? Ambots show up here bragging about their cult leaders riches all the time. Remember billions and billions. Wait a minute. There’s Duncan! #10 on the list worth $21.5 billion!!!! Wow!!!! OK Now don’t get too excited. Turns out to be some Texas oil family. Not some pyramid scheme kingpin!
Now if you go to the list of Forbes 400 you will see one of Amway’s biggest cult leaders DeVos at 107 with 5.4 billion. Then I got bored of looking but if anyone else wants to see it go here
Bottom line is none of the Amway cult leaders are as rich as Amway ambots claim they are!
I get outraged Amway ambots who show up here screeching that there’s a better chance of getting rich in Amway than there is in Walmart. Yeah tell us another fairy tale you dumb fucks! I still say the best way to get rich in Amway is to marry one of the heirs. That’s probably a good way to get rich from Walmart too. But say you don’t marry into one of these family fortunes and you’re an employee. We know from reading the small print on Amway’s literature that out of Amway’s commissioned sales force only a tiny fraction of 1% make money. I get Amway employees who work in the various warehouse showing up here complaining about their slave wages and shitty working conditions. It seems unlikely you’re going to get rich in Amway so lets look at Walmart. Walmart managers make around $100,000/year. I’m sure they get performance bonuses too which would probably bring them into the same range of what Amway publishes a Diamond makes. Store staff probably fluctuates all over the place depending on position, hours worked in a week, etc but most staff probably make thousands of dollars each year.
That would be thousands of dollars more than an Amway ambot makes!
Defenders of Amway are so fucking stupid that it defies belief.
ReplyDelete"Make billions" in Amway? In AMWAY? Anyone who believes that has a serious mental health problem. You'd make more money as a panhandler on a good corner than you ever would as an IBO in a half-assed pyramid racket like Amway.
Anonymous - you'll never find a pack of fucking stupid brainwashed liars than at an Amway meeting.