Monday, May 28, 2018

Career Choice: Amway Cult Leader

Here’s a comment that appeared on the posting QuittingAmway During Spring Leadership.

Anonymous said...
Just to let you all know, all of you dont have a life for bashing on people that are trying to grow an asset and want to be full time parents, and actully HAVE a life insead of chasing a paycheck for the rest of our lives. When people are trying to do somthing to benift their future why would you take the time outa ur day to diss somthing that could be helping someone?
Like serisouly?? lol Mkaes me sad. Porn and gossip are the number 1 money makers in world right now. And its all thanks to the negitive fat ppl that sit at home all day online and bash on people all day becuse no one cares about them and it makes themselves feel better.

It takes someone with a really low self image to think that have the right to talk shit about somthing like this. I wish all of you the best in ur life, even though all of you are going no where. I still love people, so there for i love you and wish all of you the best from the bottom of my heart.

I figured this Amspeak deserves its own post as a response! In typical chickenshit fashion I doubt I'll see Anonymous back at the blog again but I always enjoy pulling apart Amway speak as do many other readers.

I get tons of IBO’s showing up here after doing a search for Spring Leadership. What can I say? Top of the search engines, a fact that WWDB and Amway don’t appear to give a shit about otherwise they’d pay me handsomely to take this blog, shove it up my ass and go away.

Most IBO’s can read the tagline at the top of the blog and see this is a blogger who is intent on showing the world how the Amway upline are a bunch of assholes and they’re probably not going to find the information they seek here and so they leave. A few stick around long enough to leave a comment full of Amway speak. Like they think they’re so original and we haven’t heard it all before!

I can appreciate why they stay anonymous. It is very embarrassing to admit that you’re involved with Amway. Also their upline would ride their ass if they found out they were speaking (writing) negative. A HUGE no-no when you’re an IBO.

I don’t bash on people who are trying to grow an asset or become full time parents. I bash on the losers in the Amway upline who are a bunch of fucking assholes. They’re liars, they treat people like shit, they abuse their downline, etc, etc. Read more posts if you want more stories on those fuckers. There are other ways to grow assets like investing in stocks and financial products. Getting involved in Amway is over 99% certain failure. Becoming full time parents is something that both partners should discuss prior to having children. Already touched on this subject on another post. A couple should be financially and emotionally prepared to have children. Leave Amway out of the equation especially if you think its the only way that parenthood will ever happen for you. It ain’t the path.

I think most people who get involved in Amway do it under the false impression that they will make something better for their life. There is nothing wrong with trying to make a better life for yourself and your family. Unfortunately the fucking assholes in the Amway upline fail to inform prospects that less than 1% of IBO’s will actually make money at this poor opportunity. Instead they catch them up in the hype of numbers and millionaire lifestyles and retiring after 2 to 5 years while residual income and plenty of it rolls in for the rest of their lives.

Porn and gossip are the number one money makers in the world right now? I thought the illegal drug industry was.

Are you calling me a negative fat person who sits online all day? Someone who still looks hot in a size 5 mini skirt? Someone who is very active and very aware of how to keep my body in shape through exercise and eating well? Someone who swims several times a week has no problem putting on a swimsuit. Unlike you Amway motherfuckers I don’t fat shame oversized people who have the guts to put on a swimsuit and come to the pool or the beach. Good on them! Its people like this fucking Amway loser who look at women who wear clothes in the single digits and call them “fat” that are the problem. You undeservedly call people fat and are responsible for creating self image problems and creating eating disorders. I bash the fucking assholes in the Amway upline for their attitudes and their abuse. I don’t poke fun at their bodies except sometimes the cult leaders promoting the Amway diet plan when the lack of results is pretty obvious. There are many in my upline who tried Nutrilite’s Trim and the only thing they lost was their money not any pounds. I’m not bashing anyone for being “fat” the way you are. Talk about negative! Fuck you asshole!

In closing to the anonymous fucker - you will make an excellent Amway cult leader one day. Look at the negative you have to say, particularly critical of fat people, which is a probably a huge self image thing for many people who don’t need assholes pointing it out to them. For all the Amway bullshit propaganda about “don’t say negative” you came here to do that and then say “but I still love all people”. Apparently you don’t love fat people who watch porn. The fucking assholes in our Amway upline used to say “but we still love you”.  They’d be really critical of any small successes and totally make you feel like shit when you were feeling good about making a sale and then in the next breath say “But we still love you.”

Good luck with your career choice as an Amway cult leader you fucking son of a bitch!


  1. I wonder why an Ambot even has to come to this blog and read this if they are so happy and successful and fulfilled in Amway. Also love the blend of patronizing and projecting in: "wish all of you the best in ur life, even though all of you are going no where."

    1. Anonymous- it’s one thing to show up to a web page with a high ranking and then realize it’s not your thing and leave. Amway losers sometimes feel compelled to leave Amspeak and make are we know that they’re better than everyone else just cause they’re in the Amway cult. And according to an Ambot if you’re not in their cult then you’re not going anywhere LOL

  2. If it’s not fat people they are insulting, it’s the homeless. I read comments on an older blog of yours where the guy had it in for teachers. And I read a story of an ex ambot that called it quits because he was a firemen, which the upline said was meaningles and without value. Who else would they care to bash and insult? How about people that perform other valueable services like nurses, or aid workers? Or if they’re on about the homeless, how about the elderly, the disabled? I’m pretty sure they are not spared. What’s more, if it’s online and they know nothing about whom they’re talking to, they just assume things so they can insult. They assume “job”, they assume broke, and they assume fat. I’m none of those, but I don’t insult any of those either.

    They say people differ, each to it’s own, Amway “is not for everyone”, and then the next sentence the same person insults everyone that says no, and everyone that quit.

    If anybody is looking for an example of low self image, then surely these endless insults would be it. If I ever get approached again, I’m going to shut my mouth about it it being an obvious scam, and just say the reason I’m not interested is “all the negativity”.

    Perhaps I’d add the deal sounds way too boss worshipping for my liking, and I don’t want to become a worse person.

    1. Kwaiikat - you got it!

      Amway losers insult everyone who are not in the Amway cult.

      Around here we throw it right back at them and insult Amway losers and they hate that. Amway cult followers have an extremely high opinion of themselves and think they’re better than everyone else and hate it when us outsiders make fun of them.

    2. A "firemen, which the upline said was meaningles and without value" what a meaningless career...better to sell soap then save people from burning houses and car crashes and those damn cats who always seem to get caught in trees!

    3. Anonymous - yes Amway Ambots bash every career choice out there unless it has to do with being a "serious business builder" in the Amway cult making pennies selling soap and vitamins.

    4. I wonder if that stupid up-line has any idea how much a civil-service fireman makes per year. It's a goddamned helluva lot more than an Amway IBO, or his fat-assed Platinum.

      A fireman also has incredibly generous health benefits and a pension plan. Do the Amway shitheads offer that?

    5. Anon, could they even show their registered businesses that if you know somebody enough to the very point they covered their association with Amway that they set up? If they don't even have that then it's no point to believe in further.

      Entrepreneur they say? what's their Net Worth?

  3. Anna, from what you say, you sound like you are really sexy!

    Your husband Ambot is a lucky guy.

    1. LOL! You wouldn't have guessed that from his reaction when I announced I'd signed us up for stand up paddleboarding.

      SUP with that? LOL!

  4. Anna,

    Here is what I am going to do if ever approached by an ambot to show me the plan as they all lie.

    Ok, you can come over but if it turns out to be Amway I will pound the living pig piss out of

    Think I will get any takers?

    Come on we could make a spoof video of an ambot getting beat up and our dear Anna can write the screenplay he he...


    1. LOL the living pig piss. Reminds me of that joke about the monkey and the pig and piss and shit flying everywhere! LOL!

    2. I thought it was Simba from the lion king as if they were born to be rich...but that works too.

  5. Anna

    Found this on YouTube:


    1. Hey KMB - love that link! I’m going to bring it up in another post. That’s a very accurate depiction of how Amway Ambots treat others though I’m sure those Amway losers will deny it.

    2. KMB, I know that it really I do. It's also one of the most true things about my life dealing one of the stupidest young peeps on earth thinking they're what they are as I stare several feet away how they must ass kissing from their "mentors".

    3. The video is such a true to life enactment of how Amway Ambots really are. I love when Nancy flips the Ambots off. Fuck you assholes!

  6. Anna,

    Read the comments as the creator is an Amchild and he grew up with it because his parents were Ambots!

    The comments are rich with Amrage he he ...
    The Amrage against the Ambots on the comments board is instructive!

    Gosh Anna we need to invite him over here as I bet he would like our little Amwar!

    Yes as the more I see things all we can do with an Ambot is to Amshame them he he..


    1. KMB - there's been many Amkids stop by to leave comments about the hell they went through thanks to their parents being inside the Amway cult.

      Amrage turned to brilliantly depicting what Amway Ambots are really like.

    2. Next thing you know they'll be trying to partner up with SPAM meat company....They probably make call it as AmSPAM...does AmAutism counts too?

    3. Anonymous - I'm surprised Amway's owners haven't come up with AmSpam yet! Shit in a can!

    4. Such a lovely retort!! or called it AmPisston ya know? Wondering what kind of over does of food coloring that they will put in? what's the flavor? or is it a secret ingredient?

  7. A friend of mine told me that he had been approached by Amway freaks many years ago, and he swore he would never listen to their stupid shpiel again.

    Well, long after that somebody at work asked him if he would be interested in a "great business opportunity." My friend said "Is this Amway?" The guy swore up and down that it wasn't, and that it has nothing to do with Amway. Reluctantly, my friend went to the guy's house to hear about the "opportunity."

    Sure enough, it was Amway.

    My friend threw a shit-fit and screamed "Don't ever contact me again!"

    These Amway assholes claim to be true Christians. I suppose their version of Christianity is one that allows you to lie through your fucking teeth.

    1. Anonymous - all Amway losers lie that they're in Amway. LOL! Do you know of many other jobs where you lie about where you work because its so fucking embarrassing to admit you're an employee there! LOL!

      The Amway cult has their own twisted religious beliefs. No different than any other cult I suppose. Amway the Cult of Greed where all Ambots must worship the Great Amway God.

    2. Tell me about....Mine can't literally say he's an employee!! in fact he refuse to admit anything as he was interested in anything logical when it comes to honest discussions with actual concerns. By the way the Christian bible specifically did actually said that women shouldn't be mentors...I shit you's in there. I can go on forever with the Christian bible and no I don't believe in it...Good luck with this long list of read Anna! I would love to read more of you guys...thank you too Anons and KMB!

    3. Dogmatic pests that they are...they're not the best parts in society.

    4. Hi Anonymous - glad you're enjoying the entertainment here. You don't want to get caught up with an Amway loser and quote the bible. They'll twist it and throw it right back at you. And some of these fuckers are such convincing liars they'll almost have you believing!

    5. Anonymous - Amway losers are lower than the dog shit scum you accidentally step in at the park. Scourge of society.

    6. No need to worry that I'm going to believe in their attitude when I'm fully convince of their lies. Evidence my ass they say, but once they try to debate objectively it's mostly their over friendly fake smiles what will creep me out to do the talking as they remain silent, nod their heads aside and walk away. I know that they can't beat me in an honest debate.

    7. Anonymous - Amway Ambots have those creepy fake smiles they use when they're lying to you. Amway Ambots can never compete against anybody against anything honest.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.