Monday, June 4, 2018

WWDB World Wide Dream Builders Amway Family Reunion 2018

I figure brainwashed Amway cult followers are going to start looking for information on Family Reunion very soon so I thought I’d better get this blog as close to the top of Google searches as I can!

Calling the Amway WWDB function “family reunion” is very cultish. Its how the Amway cult leaders brainwash the followers into believing that their Amway family is their real family now. Many people join cults because they don’t have a good family and they’re desperate to join a family that will welcome them with open arms. Cults prey on these people. They prey on those who have good relationships with their family too. They're an equal opportunity cult! The Amway cult works hard at separating their followers from family members who are negative to “the business”. Separate and divide. We’re your new family now. And we’re throwing a big family reunion. You must attend. You will be love bombed all weekend. You won’t believe the love you’ll get from your new Amway family. This is how you show your loyalty to your cult leaders. Family reunion is for serious business builders. If you don’t come to Family Reunion we’ll know you’re not a serious business builder and we won’t work with you.

And the bullshit goes on. All good little brainwashed IBO’s must attend Family Reunion.

If anyone knows the new login and password for the WWDB website let us know so we can get the dates, location, and theme out there and make fun of it. Those Amway motherfuckers changed their guest log in.

Here’s what was on topic a couple of years ago and its probably still the main theme:


Yes in big capital letters. World Wide Dream Builders are SCREAMING at us! So what the fuck we’re supposed to believe?

Apparently if you believe your business will flourish and grow - it will.

Well holy shit! That was the secret all along. All you have to do is BELIEVE. None of this stalking recruits or selling overpriced Amway shit. All you gotta do is BELIEVE!

Nothing else!

OK I don’t want to get accused of infringing copyright laws by copying and pasting so I’ll paraphrase the bullshit from the WWDB web page. If you attend Amway Family Reunion you will be inspired to BELIEVE you can build an Amway business. You will be motivated to use your talents to help others BELIEVE.

Sounds like a bunch of brainwashed cult bullshit to me. But this Family Reunion claims to offer something that has never been heard of before at any prior Family Reunion. Apparently there will be sales, product, and technology training.

Ha! Unlikely! Family Reunion consists of an endless march of Ken and Barbies strutting across the stage in evening gowns and tuxedos bragging about their wealth.

What does it cost to attend WWDB Amway Family Reunion. Last year tickets were $560/couple so say around the same price this year. I recorded $850 for other costs for this bullshit event - hotel, food, travel. So ballpark it around $1500 for a couple. The sky is the limit depending on air travel and hotel and food costs.

Shit just last week I got an email on a Mexican cruise for $599 and that’s a week worth of hotel, food, and accommodation. And much more fun holiday for 2 people all for less than the price of wasting time, money, and brain cells at Amway Family Reunion.

But the ambots will come in droves, whipped on by their cult leaders.

WWDB Amway Family Reunion sucks!

Fuck Amway!

Fuck World Wide Dream Builders you fucking World Wide Destructive Bastards!



  1. It's funny how WWDB keeps the date and place of the "Family Reunion" function such a closely guarded secret.

    The reason is easy to figure out: they don't want IBOs to get their information and tickets from anyone except their up-line, and they don't want hotel arrangements made by IBOs except through certain approved hotels, where WWDB can get a kickback.

    The functions in themselves are meaningless fantasy-fetivals that merely hype-up the Amway racket. Their real purpose is to collect fees and other payments from IBOs to be split up among the WWDB hierarchy.

    The theme of a past fucntion was "BELIEVE"? That's a laugh. It should be this: "BECOME A MINDLESS JACKASS, AND GIVE US YOUR MONEY."

    1. Anonymous - WWDB sells (or used to sell) a Family Reunion ticket/hotel combo - same price and they'd choose the hotel. And yes WWDB'd get commission off the group bookings. But they make more money by selling off cheaper hotel rooms. It's usually a better deal for Ambots to book their hotel room separately cause you know everything Amway has a finger in will be a jacked up price.

      BELIEVE you can be a mindless Amway jackass! LOL! But very true!

    2. That much hate will wreck you and your life, not Amway. It doesn't matter who your target is, it's like drinking poison and hoping someone else dies. That amount of toxicity and vitriol will eventually consume you in a painful way. Maybe you could take what not to do from Amway, and start your own business on what people should do and help change it for the better. Anyway, good luck.

    3. Hi Unknown from Lafayette, Colorado. It's OK to hate people and companies that are pure shit evil and have fucked you over and stolen your money and brought financial and emotional distress to you. It's what you do with the energy from that hate. You think it will wreck your life. Here we turn it around to share our stories so that we can help others not get sucked into the Amway cult and be another victim of this shitty pyramid scheme. And thanks for justifying something we say a lot of around here - that it's inconceivable to Amway losers that there are lots of people out there in the world who own businesses that have nothing to do with Amway. Like our business that we've worked hard at for many years and gives other people jobs and contributes to the local economy and doesn't fuck people over equals nothing to Amway fucktards. Why don't you try pulling your head out of ass?

    4. To Unknown at 8:50 PM --

      Why have you come here to an anti-MLM blog? Just to give us a pious lecture about not hating?

      Go fuck yourself, Unknown. You're obviously an Amway partisan, and you've come here with your psalm-singing fake holiness just to be patronizing.

    5. Hi Anonymous - yeah again its that smug arrogant Amway Ambot attitude and they want to force their religion down our throats. These motherfuckers are so incredulous that there are people in the world who don't want to worship the Great Amway God.

    6. Glory be to the Risen one for the clips/videos r edited

  2. Amway diamonds should do pay per view porn on that bdsm or whatever they call it!

    Twood be a big money maker for em!

    These people have no shame!!!


    1. KMB - judging by the amount of searchers hitting this site looking for Amway sex and even Amway sex videos you'd think those pay per view porn would be a big seller!

    2. Even the name of their beloved Peter Island sounds like an Amway sex video.

    3. LOL! Pretty much. Amway sex fiends!

      And by the way it's not owned by Amway, but is owned by one of the Amway families, I believe VanAndel but I'm too lazy to double check that! So if any Ambot tells you Amway owns Peter Island - they're lying!

    4. Teaming up to run a home consist of creating rules and boundaries

  3. I remember when I was signed up for Amway and I couldn't afford to go to the quarterly conference my upline wouldn't take no for an answer. I said no once, then twice, they did not respect my boundaries (you know, boundaries, those things that psychologically healthy people are supposed to have and supposed to respect in others?) anyway one of my upline eventually said "what can you sell?" They funny thing is I couldn't think of anything to sell, except, well I could sell myself lol. Although I didn't say that, now I wonder if they would say "yeah, prostituting yourself is worth it for going to an Amway conference" lol.

    1. Anonymous - oh yes the fucking assholes in the Amway upline are ruthless when you say you can't go to Family Reunion or any other function or say you can't afford to go. Then they come up with all kinds of ideas for you to raise money like washing cars. Or as in your case selling your stuff. Whatever you have to do to show your devotion to the Great Amway God. The Amway cult leaders make the bulk of their income through tickets sales to these events so that's why the immense pressure for the Ambots to attend. As for prostituting yourself I've had woman leave comments here that they were basically told to do that.

      Yeah who wants to sign up and buy an Amway hooker.

    2. My husband is in world wide dream builders he just started it and I feel like he is brianwashed like I have been telling him I have a bad feeling about this but he won't listen to me.

    3. Hi Unknown - I know that feeling. Most of us here do too. Brainwashing. How do our husbands listen to these fucking Amway assholes instead of their own wives???!!!! There's a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. You'll see a link on the right side of this page under more Amway info. Read it so you understand more about the Amway cult. Try to get your husband to read it too. WWDB is about the most evil Amway cult sect out there. Nothing brings those assholes more happiness than destroying other peoples lives.

    4. To Unknown at 8:08 PM --

      If your husband has just started in WWDB, there's a chance that you can save him from disaster. Tell him very clearly that you DO NOT support this new fake business of his, and tell him that you will NOT allow Away products to replace those that you are already using in your house.

      This is going to be the fight of your life. If you lose, your husband will become a slave to WWDB, and he will go bankrupt.

    5. Anonymous - I think the more likely scenario that you mentioned is she'll be in for the fight of her life.

      He'll be quoting the fucking assholes in his Amway upline calling her an unchristian dreamstealer who doesn't support his business. And then the insults will go downhill from there.

      The only things Amway brings to people's lives is financial and emotional distress.

  4. Notice how obsessively greedy these up-line scum are. If you don't have the cash to attend a function, they insist that you sell something.

    Who the fucking hell do these Amway vermin think they are?

    Amway isn't a business. Amway is a goddamned disease.

    1. Anonymous - it's all part of being inside Amway the Cult of Greed.

      The fucking assholes in your Amway upline turn downright vicious on you when you announce you can't attend an Amway brainwashing conference.

  5. "As for prostituting yourself I've had woman leave comments here that they were basically told to do that."
    Holy F&#! That is disturbing. It brings a whole new perspective to their LOC cleaning product line lol.

    1. Anonymous - I believe loosely the comment left by the woman was that the Amway cult leader said women can sell their bodies to earn money for Amway functions.

  6. I wonder what "The Amway Christian Fellowship" has to say about that. Telling women to peddle their asses in order to make enough cash to go to "Family Reunion"? The mind simply boggles at this.

    It makes you wonder: How many of those Diamond couples being applauded up on stage have been pimping their female partners out? Maybe that's where they got the money for their mansions.

    1. Anonymous - Amway's head office and their owners don't seem to give a shit what their cult leaders say and do. Their position is that they're not responsible for what's said at Amway meetings. Like what the fuck?! Then who is responsible for what is said at Amway meetings!

  7. Maaan! Lmao! Looks like this blog is filled with nothing but a bunch of frustrated, angry at life, jealous and quitter people hahahahaha! Seriously though! I have NOTHING to do with Amway and WWDB, yet I know so many people that have successful marriages cause of their mentorship. More money and more time because of it too, and not because they just "believed" you idiots. You dont just "believe". You believe "AND DO THE FUCKING WORK EACH AND EVERY SINGLE DAY" Dumb Asses. Sacrifice and Work! Im sorry your husband didnt have the balls to stick through till he made it, and Im sorry for him for having listened to you about what advice to take when obviously you are nothing but an angry, frustrated and very jealous bitch. "It shows", and I have no idea why he would take advice from a bitter person like you. Not very smart. Dont have much to offer really but stress and negativity it looks like lol Crazy thing, is that as Im writing this from my own thoughts from what Ive seen people achieve in this organization, I am convincing myself that Im a fool for not doing it lol Would hate to end up like you, so thank you for posting and making me realize what I should be doing. You just stay in your cult of negativity and drown in it, and know that if they ever see you clowns making fun of them, it will not affect them. Ive seen it already. Determined people, lions, dont get distracted by sheep ;) You Sheep hehehe! It will NEVER change their reality, and neither will it change YOUR reality (and your reality sucks) lol Go accomplish something dummy, instead of talking all these shit about good, honest people that Ive seen change lifes and marriages. "Haters Gonna Hate"... BIAAATCH!!! ��

    1. Anonymous from Oakland - how do you know when an Amway Ambot is lying? Their mouth is moving. Or in the case of the Internet when they're typing something.

      You're not the first Amway loser to show up here and claim they have nothing to do with Amway and then spout off a bunch of canned Amspeak bullshit.

      We have so many Amway losers stop by and screech that we didn't do the work. People who are not in Amway aren't so fucking arrogant to say that because they know Amway is a scam and no matter how hard you work the odds are stacked against you. Amway has over 99% failure rate so it doesn't matter how hard you work you got to be a real good liar and scammer to make money and most people's morals they can't do it.

      People who are not in Amway aren't looking for information about Amway functions. People who are not in Amway don't know about WWDB. People who are not in Amway aren't spouting off bullshit they heard from Amway cult leaders.

      People who stop by here and say they're not in Amway usually follow it by saying they used to be in Amway or their husband/friend is in Amway and its destroying their life.

      It's really fucking embarrassing to admit you're in Amway and all Ambots lie and say they're not. If you're so fucking embarrassed by the company you work for - get another job!

      But thanks for stopping by and letting us know that the same bullshit the fucking assholes in the Amway upline were saying years ago they're still saying today and parrotted by the current crop of Amway losers.

    2. My son has been sucked in by this WWDB cult. He started going to meetings and they’re conventions about 4 months ago. My husband and I had to relocate with job and my son stayed in Texas. He’s only 19 and every time I talk to him he mentions the “Business “ and I really started feeling like they were definitely working on distancing family that don’t support or agree. So I’ve been reading all the blogs ect just to verify my gut feeling was right. I am just sick about this! We are a very close family and always have been but I’ve asked him if it cost him money to be in group and he always denies it. His girlfriend is also completely committed 6 weeks ago they decided they are getting married. We as parents knew that eventually that would probably happen but not that fast! When asked what the rush they just say why wait? They didn’t invite any of our family but my husband and I. Short notice is the excuse. This horrible cult is taking my son! What do I do?

    3. Hi Anonymous. Sorry to hear about your son. WWDB is the most vicious of all of Amway's cult sects.

      He's been in for 4 months and most Ambots quit around that mark, maybe give it a few more months. Once they figure out they got scammed and they're not making money cause the only way to make money in Amway is to scam others. 95% of Ambots quit Amway within 2 years. Any longer than that and he's probably a lifer.

      When you said you and your husband relocated, did you retain your house either if you own it or rent it and are allowing your son to keep living there? For free?

      The first thing you do is evict him and let go of any hold you have on that house. You don't need to enable your son by providing a free place for him to live so he can use his money to tithe the Great Amway God instead of for rent.

      Amway is no different from any other cult in that they separate the followers from their friends and families. The people who can reason with the Ambots and point out they've been scammed and are losing money. The Amway cult leaders know the majority of the participants will quit and they have to scam as much money out of them as they can before that happens.

      All Ambots talk about nothing but "the business". Amway is their whole life. Nothing else matters except Amway. If you have an emergency and you're in the hospital and he has an Amway cult meeting that night - guess where he's going?

      All Ambots lie. If their mouth is moving, they're lying. It costs hundreds of dollars a month to belong to the Amway cult.

      Your son would have had to get permission from his Amway cult leader about getting married. Likewise they'll have to get permission from the Amway cult leaders from everything like buying household items to having a baby. You're lucky you got invited the wedding at all.

      So the big thing for you is do not be an enabler. In their Amway scam or marriage. Do not offer them any help. Once they leave the cult then you can be more helpful but every penny they have is going to stockpile Amway products and attend Amway cult meetings so that's why they have to rely on the bank of mom and dad for their daily living expenses.

      If you haven't already done so, read a free ebook called Merchants of Deception to understand more about the Amway cult. See the link on the right side of this page under more information about Amway.

      Also check out Rick Ross website If you've been watching any of the documentaries that have been springing up in the last few months about Charles Manson and Jim Jones he's been interviewed cause he's a cult specialist.

      Good luck and remember the odds are favorable that he'll quit Scamway in the next few months. Also remember the longer you help him out financially, the longer he'll be able to stay inside the Amway cult.

  8. To the Anonymous asshole at 6:20 PM, September 1 --

    First off, you're a lying piece of shit. If you aren't in Amway or in some way involved in Amway, what the hell are you doing at this niche website, looking up the WWDB Family Reunion 2018 function? Did you just show up here accidentally, by hitting the wrong letters on your keyboard?

    Also, how do you happen to know so many people who have "successful marriages" because of their involvement in Amway? Is that just accidental too?

    OK, we've determined that you are a liar. You are definitely involved in Amway, but you are too scared to admit it publicly here. We'll give you a pass on that, since it really is embarrassing to be in Amway at all, and therefore we don't blame you for hiding the fact.

    Second, how did you happen to learn all the standard Amway jargon about "negativity" and "mentorship" and "haters gonna hate"? Did you pick up that crap independently?

    Third, you admit that you have some connection with Amway when you talk about what "I've seen people achieve in this organization." And you claim to not involved? You're not just a liar -- you're a stupid liar, and that's the least effective kind. People can see right through your fakery. How come you know so many people in Amway, and how come you are familiar with what they've "achieved"?

    You also say that now you are thinking that you ought to join Amway. Well whoop-dee-doo. Go ahead, asshole -- join up! We'll all have fun watching how you lose your shirt in about two years.

    Final thing -- Anna Banana has REALLY accomplished something. Single-handedly, she began the anti-Amway crusade with her website blog, and all of the others have followed afterwards. And guess what, you stupid schmuck -- Amway has been losing ten percent of its sales every single year since her website began! Ann Banana did that.

    That's more that a semi-literate shithead like you will ever accomplish.

    1. Anonymous - this asshole from Oakland who's "not in Amway" spouted off the same canned bullshit I've been hearing from years. Ambots are so obsessed with negative, and angry, and your life sucks speeches. Normal people don't have that kind of obsession and if they really think people are negative, angry or have lousy lives they stop and ask themselves how does this affect me. You can't control other people's actions but you can control your reaction to them. If it doesn't affect my life why should I give a shit.

      Yes an anti-Amway crusade! But to be fair there were other bloggers that were around before this blog began and are still around. This blog is more about slinging it back at Amway Ambots. We can talk all we want about how fucking assholes in Amway talk and act towards others, and people might be skeptical or think we're over reacting but time after time Ambots show up here and screech out bullshit that proves what we've been saying all along.

      People in Amway are the most negative, ugly, evil fucking bastards you'll ever meet in your life.

  9. Hey all. I am aware of the 99% failure rate of multilevel marketing "opportunities" like Amway. I also believe that multilevel marketing is a good way of doing business if you have a solid product line and price point and you work very smart and long hours (not short hours like they promise). I attended an amway quarterly (suck you in) meeting and I have had a few meetings with a sales rep for them. I thought I would come on here and do a little research for World Wide Dream Builders. It is funny, because they keep mentioning good marriage and faith etc. in odd times they just work it into conversations and act like it is some life solution. I have already been lied to a couple times by my would be mentor. At the quarterly meeting it was all people dressed in their best suits and I was told business casual. I think that is how they tell who is there as a guest and who is an ambot. I asked to see the income from the guy trying to bring me in and he would not show me. I can tell it isn't much. He has been in it for a very long time. Thanks for your website. Congratulations on showing up above the actual worldwide dream builders site on a google search of worldwide dream builders. That is impressive. I can see why Anna Banana would be upset and why the "non amway member" would be mad that you are trashing his or her cult....oops sorry "business" ha ha. Cheers and happy bashing to both sides.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Thanks for dropping by. Sure there are some MLM opportunities that aren't out to scam people and take a less aggressive approach to selling but pyramid schemes have given the entire industry a bad name.

      World Wide Dream Builders is the most evil and destructive of all Amway cult sects. All Ambots hate it when blogs like this share our true experiences because that helps warn others not to get scammed. The marriedtoanambot blog is very high on the search engines for just about everything you'd put in an Amway search. Ambots hate that! They show up here leaving comments screeching that this website should be immediately taken down. LOL! Dumb fuck Amway losers!

      And no Ambot will show you a profit and loss statement simply because they're discouraged by the Amway cult leaders to track their losses. If they did, they'd realize they're spending hundreds of dollars a month and making back about $10 commission from Amway.


      Legitimate businesses that are looking to bring in partners show you their books.

  10. Have a great life blogging about stuff u dont know about & making no money off it. Oh and when your jobs are taken by robots im sure the "ambots" will be the first one to help you once your competant enough to understand what success is. And last thing here folks. YOUR JOB IS A PYRAMID! at the top theres an owner who makes money off the structured pyramid from people who work harder than him.aka probably all of you. Get real. But hey we do need people to make our burgers and shine our shoes and check our groceries out. So thank you to all that rather work at a pyramid. Oops i meant job.

    1. Oh great. Another fucking Amway loser shows up to prove Amway Ambots are a bunch of dumb fucks who spout off bullshit Amspeak propaganda and make themselves and Amway look like a bunch of assholes.

      You fucking lying sack of shit saying we don’t know what we write about. Our true life experiences of sitting in Amway cult meetings and buying shitty overpriced Amway products would suggest we do know what we’re writing about you dumb fuck.

      And you’re right. We don’t make money blogging. We do this out of the goodness of our hearts and hope that people listen to our real experiences with Amway and that others don’t get scammed too.

      Why do you fucking Amway losers always show up here screeching your job is a pyramid? It makes you look like a bunch of dumb fucks because Amway Ambots have been saying that for decades. Just about everything in life could be referred to as a pyramid. Take school for example. At the top of the pyramid is the principal. Beneath the principal are the teachers. At the bottom of the pyramid are students. There are lots of things you can compare as a pyramid. The word you left out is scheme. Not all pyramids are schemes to steal your money. Does your boss at work steal your money? Does your boss at work force you to buy a monthly quota of his products as a condition to keep working there? If you answer no then it’s probably not a pyramid scheme.

      Bottom line it’s no skin off my ass if you don’t listen to people who got scammed by Amway and want to save you from going through the same financial and emotional distress. Drain your savings account and go into debt. It ain’t my money you’re fucking with. If you want to tithe the Great Amway God because you’ve been brainwashed to believe that’ll make you a gazillionaire in 2 years then you’ve chosen a life of being a broke Amway loser.

      And why are too fucking lazy to shine your own goddamn shoes anyway?

  11. Very entertaining blog to be honest. Not entirely fair though, in my opinion, if you are trying to have some journalistic integrity. (And maybe you aren’t).

    Truth is, different people have different impressions from the same experience at times.

    My experience with WWDB since 1996-2003 was generally positive. I had some success and created some lasting relationships. I am no longer involved with WWDB on any level. Today I run a successful financial planning firm.

    I have reflected on what I learned during my WWDB years countless times on my way to success in a different industry.

    Not trying to invalidate your experience or the others here. Just sharing my own.

    1. Hi Unknown. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences. Around here we aim to entertain and educate. We’re not looking for journalism awards. We’re not covering both sides of a story. Blogs are usually personal experiences. How is sharing our true life experiences not fair? You want journalism - look for websites of big news stations.

      WWDB is the most abusive of Amway’s cult sects. The only thing to be learned from WWDB is to be a lying scamming abusive cheat.

      You’re the 3rd person if I’m remembering correctly in all the years this blog has existed to say they left Amway and started a business that’s doing well. Which is obviously great news for you. I’ve always said that anyone who had the ability to make some money in Amway if they put whatever it is they have going for them towards a legitimate business they’d probably do really well. As long as it’s not scamming others.

      I still think the Amway brainwashing hasn’t completely left you because years later you still seem to think Amway is a good idea. Come on if you’re doing well in your line of business you should understand that any “business opportunity” that has over 99% failure rate is a scheme not designed for success.

      And I appreciate you saying you’re not trying to invalidate my experience which is the same as many other peoples experiences with Amway. There’s nothing worse than people who say well that’s not my experience so you don’t know what you’re talking about- the attitude of every Ambot who leaves a comment here. Real life experiences man. We were there. We saw what was going on. We suffered financially and emotionally.

      Surely you must feel better about yourself running a successful business than going through the embarrassment of telling people you work as a commissioned sales rep for Amway. Especially now that you know what it’s like to be a real business owner.

    2. I don't need any kind of Ambot's help if it involves scamming for such long years even.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.