Monday, September 24, 2018

How Do I Get Someone Out Of The Amway Cult?

There’s a podcast featuring Robert Fitzgerald of Pyramid Scheme Alert and one of the questions the interviewer asks is how do you get someone out of an MLM cult.

Fitzgerald’s answer goes something along the lines of that’s the million dollar question and if he had the answer he’d be a rich man.

I get dozens of searchers weekly looking for information on how they can get their husband/parent/child/friend out of Amway. What’s really sad is the number of people searching for that on Thanksgiving and Christmas when the Ambot probably didn’t show up for the family gathering or did show up with the arrogant asshole Amway Ambot attitude - and no one needs that shit at a holiday gathering.

People looking for a quick answer on how to get someone out of Amway or any other cult aren’t going to find it. Depending on how badly brainwashed the Amway cult follower is or if he’s showing signs of leaving the cult you might be able to reason with him and to the extreme hiring a specialist who kidnaps the cult follower and tries to deprogram their brainwashed Amway Ambot mind.

There is no one size fits all answer for how to get someone out of Amway. This is an evil cult. The Amway commissioned salespeople are built up to think that they are big important business owners instead of cult followers and are given this dumb fuck title called IBO = Independent Business Owner. The IBO attends countless Amway meetings where they are supposedly given business advice but instead are actually brainwashing sessions.

And yes I know because I was dragged into many Amway cult meetings disguised as “business meetings”. And no you can’t brainwash someone who can’t stand you and sees you for the lying scamming evil sack of shit scumbag that you are. No actual business advice is ever given at Amway “business meetings”. No information on getting yourself registered as a business, getting tax numbers, getting a business bank account, getting a business license, getting business insurance, writing a business plan, creating a profit and loss statement, etc, etc. Some “business advice” given at Amway meetings is to buy from your own store and buy tickets to the next Amway function. Don’t have anything to do with people who won’t support your Amway business. I have a whole bunch more dumb ass “business advice” given at Amway meetings such as don’t dress like a slut but they can be found on other posts on this blog.

Oh wait lets not forget this piece of advice that I have only heard in Amway not in any other business. You must ask permission from the assholes in the Amway upline before you do anything or buy anything. Cult cult cult cult cult!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People fall into cults for various reasons and commercial cults of greed like Amway have to do with getting rich. And getting rich with all their new ambot friends and in 2 years they’ll all be sitting on a beach drinking mai tais while bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway come rolling in every month and they can sit back and retire and do nothing forever except walk the beaches of the world with the other ambots.

Cults use something attractive and tempting to con a follower into joining. A cult like Amway promises unlimited riches. Other cults might promise a special place in heaven. All cults promise their followers something appealing or at least appealing to the prospect who signs up. If the Amway cult leaders were honest at Amway cult meetings they’d say over 99% of you will never make money, you’ll lose lots of money, your savings account will be wiped out, if you have a house we’ll send you into foreclosure, if you have credit cards we’ll run up your debt to the point you might end up in bankruptcy court, and if you’re married we’re going to destroy your relationship so you’ll get divorced. But Amway cult leaders aren’t honest. They’re full of lies and bullshit about how everyone’s going to be rich and Diamonds sell tickets to brainwashed Ambots and show slide shows of their riches or stuff they’ve rented for a photo shoot and sneer at the followers if we can do it so can you. If the Amway cult leaders were honest - LOL like that would ever happen! - they’d never sign anyone up. That’s why you’ve got to be a good liar if you expect to make any money in Scamway.

It’s no different than Jim Jones and the People’s Temple. Jones enticed his cult followers to move to Guyana where he conveniently named a compound after himself, Jonestown. A tropical paradise where the followers would be free from the evils of the outside world. A place where colored cult followers could live in peace and not be subject to racism. Utopia. There was about 1000 cult followers living there at the end. If Jones had been truthful he would have said we’re going to a hot, humid insect infected country where you’ll be using axes to constantly cut back the jungle and slaving away at hard labor all your waking hours and then we’ll all drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid and die. Jones would have had much less success recruiting cult followers if he’d be honest up front that they were joining a suicide cult and the end was coming soon.

Cult leaders are LIARS!

That’s the only way they can scam people to join their cults. Promising something they know that individual needs.

Around here we get a lot of search engine hits on how to get someone out of the Amway cult. That tells us there are a lot of desperate wives surfing the Internet who are fed up with the Amway bullshit. Although wives have the most searches other searches are how to get a family member or friend out of Amway.

I can’t offer substantial advice other than wait it out and hope your husband is one of the majority who leaves Amway within the year when he finally figures out he’s not making any money. Everyone has different tolerance levels and bank account balances. What pisses off one woman might have little effect on another. Mostly what really pisses off women is the attitude adjustment their husband goes through due to involvement in the Amway cult. Sweet, sensitive husbands are turned into angry, ugly, sneering creatures who constantly criticize everyone who is not in Amway or supporting their Amway business.

But how do you get someone out of Amway? Unfortunately all you can usually do is let the brainwashed ambot dig their own grave. Once they max out their credit cards and drain their bank account they can’t keep tithing the Great Amway God and then they’ll face the anger and wrath from the fucking assholes in the Amway upline when there’s no more money to be sent up the pyramid. They probably are facing foreclosure, bankruptcy, maybe divorce. When they stop listening to brainwashing CD’s and attending Amway cult meetings their mind starts to clear. And they quit. Usually happens inside a year maybe two years. Any longer than that inside the Amway cult the person is usually a lifer.

I’ve had a few desperate visitors leave comments asking how to get their loved one out of the Amway cult and there really is no answer but the links in the right side of this page under more information about Amway might help such as reading the free ebook Merchants of Deception, watching the Dateline videos, checking out the Pyramid Scheme website for resources, or looking for groups that can deprogram cult followers such as Steve Hassan who has helped deprogram former Amway cult members.

Wives who are married to ambots and going through the shit the asshole in his Amway upline are putting your through might have to see a lawyer for proper legal advice and get their ducks in a row for when things turn worse. Marriages are hard enough when going through money problems and even worse when the evil Amway cult is the main contributor to money problems.

Hang in there as long as you can and I hope things get better for you.


  1. It's very difficult to get someone out of a cult if they are still enthusiastic about it. You have to wait until they are disillusioned or doubtful, or until the effect of the love-bombing starts to wear off.

    Even then there are problems. A cult is a kind of religion, and people give up religious commitments only after great internal struggle and torment. An IBO who is losing $300 a month steadily in the Amway scam will still have a kind of "faith" in the business, and that faith is constantly being force-fed by functions, night owls, CDs and tapes, and all the dopey phone calls that up-line shitheads make to their down-line to keep them "fired up."

    This is why your Amway up-line is desperate to control all aspects of your life -- your family, your friends, your social activities, your purchases, your home, and even your choice of spouse or significant other. Only in this way can they keep the steady pressure on you NOT TO THINK CLEARLY about your situation. Amway up-line knows that if an IBO has any kind of independent life at all, there is a danger that he might start wondering what the hell is so good about losing $300 a month.

    1. Anonymous - that is all so true. And we need the real Amway experience shared on the Internet so others don't get sucked in. Amway is a cult! Like all cults, Amway twists religion to suit their purposes. Like all cults Amway offers instant friendships and a new family because you have to give up your real friends and family when you join the Amway cult.

      Amway is all about brainwashing the cult followers to worship and tithe the Great Amway God and to worship the fucking assholes in the Amway upline just cause they signed up to the Amway cult sometime before you did. The Amway cult controls everything in your life. There will be nothing more important to the cult follower than Amway Amway Amway.

      Getting someone out of the Amway cult is timing. When they've run out of money, they've gotten fed up with the abuse from the fucking assholes in the Amway upline. When they realize they got scammed. When they realize that no one wants to sign up to Scamway. When they realize the only way to make money in Amway is by scamming others.

      When the Amway cult followers become disillusioned that's when the Amway cult leaders step in and say you're about to go real big. Your business is about to take off. You can't quit now not when success is right around the corner.

      Cult cult cult! Stay away from Amway the cult of greed where you will lose your friends and your money.

  2. And your mind(Sanity)...

    1. Amway brings you nothing but financial and emotional distress. Lose your money, your friends, your sanity and your brain cells.

    2. There's one Asian dude saying that you can have unlimited money....LOL, but he never states how!! Alright tell me how this guy meant by that lol?! Oh's in their dreams. That's how you'll get unlimited money.

      If he meant in let's hear it.

      Anna say something about that.

    3. Anonymous - all Amway Ambots claim this unlimited income depending on how hard you work. LOL! Amway's brochures with the compensation plan show only a tiny fraction of 1% of participants make money. Amway is a system designed for failure. Ambots are more likely to have unlimited debt instead of income!

      Yup only in Ambot dreams do they have unlimited money and pay for everything in cash.

    4. Then there's no stupid reason for them to say we're dream We dream ever since we were children....but in Amway, I bet you it shows that the indoctrination got them so far deep...soooo deep that they can't dream themselves...only their "mentor's".

      Not my fault if any of them got arrested for doing something drastically stupid. They're not the type to go barging in a room when a lady is changing clothes then the Ambot said something stupid thus getting slapped in the face...later blames on the person from a distance that it's their fault...oh wait...I know such a person. Ah well good luck to him.

    5. Anonymous - here's the thing about Amway Ambots who do stupid things and get themselves arrested while doing things in their mind that the Great Amway God wants them to do. They think Amway will be there to protect them. Amway head office says they're not responsible for what is said and done at Amway meetings. Well then who the fuck is? Some of these Ambots got themselves into huge legal trouble claiming Proctor & Gamble is satanic and that's Amway's position. P&G not too happy and sued their asses. Did Amway head office come to their rescue? Nope. And there's tons of other stories where Amway cult followers think the law doesn't apply to them just cause they're in Amway. So let them get arrested. Maybe those brainwashed Ambots will finally come to their senses and get out of the cult. But there you have it. Amway Ambots think they're above the law.

      Yeah fuck Amway.

  3. The thing that is really hurting Amway badly is these blogs.

    The internet makes it possible for hundreds of Amway horror stories to be told and spread world-wide. And the real facts about how Amway rips people off financially can be laid out clearly and fully.

    This is why Amway up-line and all of the rotten little subsystems like WWDB, Network 21, BWW, and the rest make it a solemn rule that IBOs cannot look up anything about Amway on the internet.

    Amway and its little LOS rackets are jackrabbit terrified of the internet. They know that the horrible truth about Amway is being revealed there. The entire Amway racket (like all MLMs) depends on stupid and naive people with limited education.

    Amway has lost nearly 25% of its market since these blogs started to gain traction. And IBOs are finding it nearly impossible to attract new prospects into the business. Everyone has heard about what a corrupt and lousy fake business Amway is, and they are turned off just by hearing the company's name.

    Amway will collapse like a house of cards.

    1. Anonymous - the Internet has become Amway's worst enemy because it's easy for those who've been scammed to come online and share their stories and hope that others don't fall into Scamway.

      There are blogs, there are forums. So many people. So many similar stories. We're not coming on the Internet because we're paid and someone is paying us money for every person who doesn't sign up to Amway. We do not want others to go through the financial and emotional distress we went through in the Amway hell days.

      Amway losers who read these stories online just think it's a one off. Or that we didn't put the work in or try hard enough or whatever other bullshit that points to Amway being a blame the victim scam.

      10 years ago Ambots were told to decrease their Internet presence. Like get out of Facebook and don't go online. The longer someone's on the Internet searching for Amway shit, they'll find these blogs. Even a recent commenter was saying something about being at an Amway cult meeting where the followers were told to stay off the Internet.

      The Internet hurts Ambots scam others because too many true stories about living the Amway horror are online. Amway's sales have been dropping by about 10% every year for many years now, I'd say over 25% total since blogs like this gained popularity, and we got to credit people who hit the Internet sharing their stories so others won't get scammed.

      And here's the interesting thing. The only people who make money in the Amway pyramid scheme or the ones who got in early enough.

      Look at the bloggers who get the highest hits on search engines, the ones who've been around the longest too. And keep on going. And we don't do it for money. No one on this blog has made a penny off it. This is all volunteer work same as other bloggers.

      And we'll keep going until Amway collapses like that house of cards!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.