Thursday, September 20, 2018

Why Wives Want Their Ambot Husbands To Quit Amway

Separate and divide!

That’s the upline’s motto when a husband is more interested in being an Amway IBO than the wife is. When word is out that the wife wants her husband to quit Amway the upline kicks up their campaign to bust up their relationship. Can’t let her get in the way of their income, can they?

In many cases its the husband who has been prospected into the Amway business by a relative or friend. Sometimes the husband and wife are prospected together and shown the business plan. Usually the husband is eager to join Amway because the sponsor or upline has put the screws to him saying stuff like “Don’t you want your wife to be free from her job and be at home for your children?” Or “Don’t you want to provide for your family?” Or “If you don't do the business you’re risking your family's future and don't you love your family and want the best for them?”

The women tend to look at the numbers - dollars and the amount of people needed to make them - and might say it looks good on paper but in reality how likely is it that we can actually find enough people to sponsor as IBO’s and buy Amway products to actually make this business work.

If the wife isn’t all that interested in attending Amway meetings and buying products the cult leader brainwashes the husband to believe his wife is “negative to his business” and then starts the process of separating him from his wife.

Its a tough spot for a wife to be in. She wants to support her husband but she doesn’t want anything to do with those brainwashed cult followers who are hell bent on destroying their marriage.

The wife is likely negative to the business because the husband is spending hundreds of dollars a month on expensive Amway products, CDs, books, meetings and functions, monthly membership into whatever line of sponsorship he’s in, and any other miscellaneous tools that the upline decides he must throw his money at. The husband no longer has time for her, the family, outings, and events that may conflict with “the business” that the upline pressures him into making the number one priority in his life. The wife is not happy with the ugly personality change that is happening to her husband.

For all his efforts and money spent trying to build a business the husband is likely coming up zippo trying to convince people to come to board plan meetings, let alone sign up any new IBO’s. Its also hard to find retail customers. Once people know its Amway they’re usually not interested due to the high prices and Amway’s bad reputation as a scam. The husband becomes more aggressive hounding friends and family to buy those shitty Amway products and it doesn’t take long for people to start avoiding him. The husband undergoes a complete personality change basically turning from a sweet loving man into a nasty snarling ugly Ambot who becomes increasingly angry as he faces reality that his hard work is not bringing results.

The wife just wants her husband back. She wants those Amway cult followers out of their lives. She wants her husband to stop blowing their money on Amway tools and products.

She’s tired of being accused of being non-supportive, non-Christian, a people hater, holding him back, etc.

Enough is enough.

The breaking point is near. If it hasn’t already been reached.

Something has to give.

Will it be Amway? Or will it be the marriage?

Yup it’s a good time to send out a big old FUCK YOU to Amway and FUCK YOU to all those fucking Amway Ambots out there.


  1. I think many wives would love having their husbands in Amway or herbalife. Mainly cause it gets the fucked out of the house lol. Same with guys having bowling night. Only drag might be dealing with his goofy Amway buddies or having to attend functions also

    1. Hi Anonymous. On some level we want our Ambot husbands to get out of the house and give us a break.

      On the other hand we know when they go to an Amway cult meeting it's going to cost us money or more debt.

  2. Amway has broken up more marriages than the divorce courts.

  3. One of the (many) most disturbing aspects of Amway.

  4. The Japanese have a wonderful saying:

    "Husband and wife should be harmonious."

    Amway doesn't allow that. Instead it insists that husband and wife be brainwashed into total intellectual rigidity.

    1. Hi Anonymous. I've never heard that saying before.

      You are right. Amway does NOT allow husband and wife to be harmonious.

      Or to think freely and make their own decisions about what's best for their life.

    2. I know something similar, but I won't tell it here due to reasons.

      I know that the Japanese really hate liars to an extent and most of them take pride of honesty. Once you got caught in lying it's almost over in terms of credibility. In America, we're almost in a way forgiving or some times not. Either way, my cousin is a liar...If he wants to visit or live in Japan then he better beg for forgiveness...He's not going to get away that easily.

    3. Anonymous - well a lot of people from different countries hate liars. Really hate liars. That's why I never met an Amway Ambot I liked. Ambots are a bunch of lying scamming fucking assholes.

    4. Then you're gonna hate mines, but that's an understatement. He's probably reading this (again) and anyways, for all I know he's not going to leave for a new place to live due to Amway hassling on his "income".

      Once upon a time he told me he doesn't give a shit to anyone...He's in Amway and he's giving a shit to them. What happen to the good old badass version of him?

      Either way, he's either working with them on purpose to fuck with people or he wanted to be special. He's a control freak there's nothing good come out of him unless you have something that he needed.

    5. Anonymous - Amway Ambots are all control freaks. Or depending on the fucking assholes in their Amway upline they're wannabe control freaks. And all Ambots think they're special and better than everyone else just cause they're in the Amway cult.

  5. I’m stuck in this exact situation.. granted she is not my wife. She never understands. She always makes me feel like shit for wanting to spend time with her and getting mad when things come up.. like hello, I planned this trip THREE MONTHS IN ADVANCE but you’re pissed at me because two weeks before it they now schedule a meeting and I feel some type of way because you’re no longer going or you’re making us leave early so you can attend? What sucks even more is I’m also a female.. God forbid anyone find out about me. “They’ll know once I know you’re in it for the long run” or “well of course when we’re married they’ll know” or “if you join the business I don’t even know if they’ll let us both on stage”.. it’s freaking annoying. Don’t get me wrong, I respect everyone’s views on same sex marriage because I too was brought up in a Christian family.. trust me, if anyone knows that I’m living a sin, I DO! I really wish I could talk to you more about all the struggles you went through because I see it.. I’ve lived it for a year now. I need someone else to just reassure me that I’m not crazy for feeling some type of way...

    1. Hi Anonymous. I'm glad you found us.

      When a person is inside the Amway cult, nothing is more important than Amway and worshipping the Great Amway God and attending cult meetings. Forgot about family events. They're not in even in the top 10 of the most important things to an Amway Ambot.

      Amway the Cult of Greed. Where nothing is more important than scamming others to make a few pennies commission.

      An Ambot must obey the Amway cult leader or they'll be put through sheer hell of punishment and public ridicule.

      The rest of the free thinking world would just tell those Amway losers to fuck off but a brainwashed Ambot would not dare disobey.

      Now lets get to something more important. Amway is an equal opportunity scammer. They'll take anyone's money but a member of the LGBTQ community will NEVER reach any level of significance inside the Amway cult. Amway is a homophobic cult. They do not support unions outside of what they consider to be a traditional family. That would be a married man and woman and probably kids that were conceived by them. Amway contributes heavily to a cause that is all about supporting what they believe to be traditional families to the extent of Amway family sitting on the board.

      You need to have your significant other take a look at

      This web page is created by the LGBTQ community who are outraged that Amway donates to this cause. Though I don't believe the group mentioned in their website is the same group that Amway also contributes heavily to and sits on the board. Ask your significant other why she wants to work for a homophobic employer. Like really stand up for yourself and say Amway's homophobic views on same sex relationships SUCK! Outdated morals.

      And here's what else is going on that you probably don't know about. The fucking assholes in her Amway upline are "counselling" with her to "go straight". And before anyone considers saying that's bullshit, one of the men in our group was gay. Well hell he probably still is gay and he told us that he was being counselled and that the fuckers in the upline were putting locks on his computer so he couldn't access what they perceive to be immoral websites. You know sites where he can check out other men to get into a relationship with. Then it became a game to him to try to crack the lock out passwords.

      You're not crazy for feeling the way you do. Amway will bring you nothing but emotional and financial distress. Most Ambots quit within a year. 95% quit within 2 years so the odds are on your side. How much longer you can put up with it... Everyone has different tolerance levels.

      If you haven't already done so, download a free ebook called Merchants of Deception to understand more about the evil Amway cult and how it'll be impossible for your girlfriend to make money, even if the fuckers in the upline do manage to "counsel her straight". The link is on the right side of this page under more info about Amway. Good luck to you.

    2. I’m just stuck on not knowing what to do.. she’s unfortunately in this for the long run. She’s been in for 2 to 3 years I think. They have her SO brainwashed in this cult that it’s crazy. What’s even better is she used to fuck her femal upline when they were in college.. while the upline was dating her now husband LOL.. just add some spice to the tea, ya know? I don’t think anyone knows about it. She keeps saying she doesn’t want people to judge me because I’m not in the business but bet I’ll spill all the tea about them if they come for me. No one knows that she’s dated females so I don’t think the straight counseling has started, but I know they preach family and wives should worship their husbands. I always ask her does she think she’ll actually succeed being with me and her response is “they’re still going to pay me”.. god forbid I show her that website because all hell would break lose because I’m talking bad about the business. I went from wanting to marry this woman to fighting just last night, packing a bag and almost leaving. What do you do when love is not enough?

    3. Hi Anonymous.

      I think you know what to do. It's just hard though it looked like you got pretty close last night.

      Anyone in Amway over years is pretty much on their way to being a lifer.

      If she's thinking of quitting the fucking assholes in her Amway upline will talk her out of it. They'll tell her she can't quit now, not when success is right around the corner. Or that she's about to go really big, her business is about to explode, they can feel it.

      This is what scammers do to keep the money rolling in to them.

      She has to hide who she is from the assholes in her Amway upline. What does that tell you? She knows it's a homophobic cult and her days will be numbered if she comes out to them.

      Now it's up to you. Do you really want to be attached to a broke Amway loser? Do you want to be attached to someone who works for a company that is morally opposed to who you are as a human being? The Internet is full of people sharing their true stories about how Amway destroyed their relationships. When one person is inside a cult, love is not enough.

  6. I, too, am dealing with a husband ambot. Everything I have read above resonates for me. Our relationship is on the rocks. We have met with our pastor and church leadership and in the two hour meeting my husband spent 1.5 hours trying to convince them that Amway is the way for him. The level of self-imposed brainwashing is terrifying and sadly, very effective on him. He has the audio files downloaded to his phone and he listens to them constantly (while showering, eating breakfast, in the car, etc). He reads all the books. He attends functions, even ones up to a 10 hour drive away. Even when authorities warn people to stay off the highways because of poor conditions he'll go, despite my pleas that he not risk it. Then I go to bed half expecting a knock at the door notifying me that he was killed in a crash. We have now separated, although he actually refuses to leave the house, again, controlling the situation. The next step is that he is being brought before the church membership for discipline. So ironic, he has always said how he dreads ever having to be in the position of having to take part in the church discipline of another member, and here he is about to become the disciplinee. I'm so grateful to God that I am not left on my own to deal with him, my church loves him and wants to get him out of this cult, too. Maybe losing his family and his church family will be the "rock bottom" that breaks through the tungsten hard wall of delusion he lives in. Here's to hoping.

    1. Hi Anonymous. I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

      Marriages are hard enough without throwing a cult in there trying to control your money and your lives.

      Have you been watching any of the recent documentaries about Jim Jones. I guess they're all playing on TV because the 40 year mark is nearly on us. See if you can find one that aired last week on ABC (I think) called Truth & Lies. Jonestown Paradise Lost. They played a lot of tapes of Jim Jones preachings and you can really tell that the Amway cult leaders are using the Jim Jones handbook.

      If you haven't already done so, download a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. You'll see a link on the right side of this page under more info about Amway. It'll help you understand more about the Amway cult and how your husband is being brainwashed.

      I'm amazed that he actually that he's agreed to meet with your church pastor and leadership. Usually Ambots are really stubborn and refuse to counsel with anyone except the Amway upline. See if you can get your pastor and church leadership to read the book too so they have a better understanding of the Amway cult and how nothing is more important to your husband than worshipping the Great Amway God.

      Ambots constantly listen to Amway recordings. My Ambot had them blasting all the time like in the car when we had guests. How rude! But Ambots feel their entitled to do that.

      Also if you haven't done so, you need to get a lawyer involved. If you're separated your husband needs to be out of the house. He an find an Ambot commune where other Amway losers are living.

      Good luck to you!

    2. Yes Anna -- I agree. The woman should not allow this man to stay in the house with her. Legal separation is meant to be real separation, not a fake one. Let the guy know that he is in the process of wrecking his life.

      The situation that this woman describes is one of the most extreme examples of Amway brainwashing that I have ever heard about. The man seems to be possessed! His fanaticism is out of control, and not even the respected figures of his church are able to break him free from his delusions. This a very serious and intense addiction here.

    3. Hi Anonymous. In addition to possible legal ramifications down the road like him claiming they were separated but he stayed in the house while trying to reconcile the woman shouldn't have to put up with Amway shit in her house or listening to Amway brainwashing tapes played at top volume for all hours. The home should be a place for peaceful enjoyment without constant reminders of the cult that is destroying it.

      It's like if your husband is having an affair and he flaunts it at home by putting up photos and other reminders of the woman he loves more than his wife. In this case he loves Amway more than his wife. No one needs that shit.

      Get him the hell out of the house and maybe he'll come to his senses on how Amway is wrecking his life.

      You know what I didn't think this story was any more extreme than any other story I've heard of Amway destroying a marriage. Sure there's church elders who are unable to get through to this Ambot but his obsession is no different than any other Ambot's devotion to Amway. When dealing with a brainwashed Ambot we all think our husband are out of control fanatics when the reality is they're no different than other brainwashed Ambots.

      Yes anytime Amway is involved in destroying relationships it is very serious.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
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