Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Anna Banana Is Miss Popularity?

The Married To An Ambot blog started out as a way to get a few things off my chest about the fucking assholes in my Amway upline and totally took off in a way I never would have imagined. Before the blog got rolling a couple of bananas had met on another forum and we had plenty to say about the fucking assholes in the Amway upline and getting sucked into a pyramid scheme thanks to our gullible husbands. We took it and flew. A lot of people find marriedtoanambot by doing Google searches and this blog is at the top of many searches. This blog is usually right behind the Amway propaganda when people search for Artistry.

You’d think these statistics would be somewhat alarming to Amway especially since this blog has regular readers from Alticor in Ada and Buena Park and Grand Rapids and Missouri City and even Amway Germany’s head office who just love reading about what we really think about the fucking assholes in the Amway upline.

But oddly enough Anna Banana’s popularity doesn’t seem to bother Amway enough to offer us the right amount of money to just go away and stop blogging. People sell websites all the time for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Millions of dollars to sell a website. I’m open to it. Anna Banana can be bought!

I’m used to apathy from Amway head office employees. We reported our Platinum right about the time we were getting out of Amway and the official response and here I’m paraphrasing: “We’re not responsible for what is said at Amway meetings.” To some extent that is true. People can’t be responsible for lies that someone else has uttered. But who is responsible then? Who at Amway head office will take responsibility for complaints about lies told at Amway meetings? No one! Apathy central! Platinums and higher up Amway cult leaders can say whatever lies they want at Amway meetings and head office isn’t going to take any action. Even when we have it recorded. Nope. Apathy city! Not interested. Not going to rock the boat. The upline brings in lots of money. Amway head office doesn’t give a shit about pursuing complaints made about Platinums and higher and that’s probably another reason why IBO’s walk away - no support from Amway head office! That’s why bloggers take to the Internet and share our stories to warn other people what lies ahead of them. Others take more extreme measures judging by the lawsuits out there.

Our regular readers know we weren’t in Amway very long. We never reached any significant level. Between 100PV and 300PV each month depending on how much Ambot charged to the old credit card. We never signed up any downline other than one person who quit a couple of weeks later after getting scolded by a fucking asshole in the upline for missing a meeting. We never met anyone of significant levels either. Though the pompous sack of shit Platinum would disagree and point out he’s been [in and out of] Platinum [qualification] for years and how he’s King Shit and we should have been honored to be in his presence. However we hadn’t “earned the privilege” to meet anyone of higher levels in the Amway house of cards.

So a few months involvement, never meeting anyone significant in Amway, and not attaining any level of significance, I only have limited stories. There’s only so many ways you can tell the Amway upline to fuck off! I think I really got a lot of it out of my system with the post Fuck YouIBO! It felt so good writing that down and letting go of it!

Have my stories all been told? Have all the bananas stories been told? I wasn’t in Amway long enough to have scads of stories. I wasn’t privy to any secret meetings. I didn’t meet any king pins. Although I went to major functions, monthly rallies and about 50 living room meetings I have covered a lot of Amway penance.

Don’t worry. We don’t plan to disappoint my readers by stopping blogging, unless of course Amway pays us some big bucks to go away. We keep the stories coming in reruns. Sometimes new posts as something jogs a memory about a horror tale during our Amway dark days or a dumb fuck Amway Ambot leaves a comment that deserves a post of its own to be ripped apart.

We even thought about collecting all the posts and turning them into a free ebook. But you know we got lives. That’ll take too much time.

Thank you to all the marriedtoanambot readers for your support - love having you stop by!

And we know Amway and fucking Amway losers just HATE that Anna Banana and Married To An Ambot is so popular! Like we give a flying fuck! That’s what this blog is all about. Giving a big old FUCK YOU to Amway and Amway Ambots!

To the courageous women -and sometimes men who are marriedtoanambot - who have shared their stories, thank you and we hope to keep hearing from you. I wish you well and hope you get your lives under control without the Amway black cloud following you everywhere.


And we can’t resist! Again from marriedtoanambot let’s just send another big old FUCK YOU out to Amway Scamway and their scammer army of Ambots.

Fuck all of you Amway assholes!


  1. I was thinking of doing some writing about my time in Amway/WWDB. I've been published in a couple of non-fiction journals...nothing too big but writing is a hobby of mine. At the end of my time in Amway I was talking to my mom on the phone telling her what was really going on and how bizarre and cult like and controlling it had gotten and she said something to the effect of "I think you have some material here" (non-fiction writing material about my time in Amway). I'm the person who's commented in your blog about how I am afraid to name myself because of my fear of my upline, but fear is not a good thing at all!!!!!! BTW I don't have scads of stories, but some of the s&*# I saw was funny (and disturbing) as hell!

    1. Hi Anonymous. It’s always good to get as much information out there as possible as Amway so you should write about your experiences. Maybe even call your local TV news. Many of them do consumer reports. You could ask to be disguised due to expected retaliation from Ambots who are furious whenever victims share their stories. That would make for a good news story. Would warn others not to get scammed AND what people in Amway are really like. The most evil vicious bastards around.

  2. This blog is AMAZING!!! Please keep it up! I have been asked by a couple ambots from back home to join this scam. aka be under me and pay a monthly fee so me and my upline can make money. Go to hell. They all claim to be business owners with tons of people under them yet most of these idiots dont even know what EIN stands for. Businesses have to have a tax plan???? Yes they do you stupid ambot. I always refer people to this blog if they need a good laugh. It is Incredibly accurate and straightforward.
    Oh and btw I do own an old 2003 BMW and a 2009 Audi but thats not because I'm trying to appear rich like the ambots;) it's because I just love working on cars and I love the old V6 German engines but if that's all it takes to be labeled an ambot I'll wear it;) hahaha

    Keep it up Anna! The world deserves to know that amway is in fact a money worshipping cult! No one is a business owner. It's all just brainwashing poor people into believing the only way of accomplishing their dreams is to worship money and to hand all of their time, relationships, and hard earned honest money to the AMWAY CULT.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Glad you're loving the blog! We aim to educate and entertain around here.

      Amway Ambots like to play make belief. They pretend they're business owners. As you noticed, Ambots don't do the things that real business owners do. There's a big difference between running a real business and being an Ambot with a pretend business.

      Here's a big wake up call. Unless your last name is Devos or Vanandel - you do NOT own an Amway business! LOL! Dumb fuck Ambots don't understand that.

  3. I met one couple who where in Amway . But mainly acted like they are hardcore Christians. They both bragged about church yard sales,potlucks,and their charity work. Later I found out when his old geezer hubby was dying . The wife put up a bogus act and never was Christian. Dunno how these people can live with themselves. Going to church and Amway .....pretending to love being in it. It's like the most boring sh it ever.

    1. Anonymous - being inside the Amway cult is all about lying to scam others. How can they live with themselves? Honest people who have a conscience can't. Scammers can do it. You have to be a good liar if you hope to make a few bucks in the Amway scam.

  4. Consider how stupid your up-line was, Anna.

    You had recruited a new IBO, and just because he missed a dumb meeting somebody in your up-line antagonized him and drove him to quit.

    How did that help anybody? It was financial loss all around. I realize more and more that Amway isn't about money, primarily. It's about OBEDIENCE and SLAVERY.

    1. Anonymous - that is so right on so many levels. Obedience to the Amway cult leaders is huge. And scoldings when you're not.

      Adults don't need to be scolded by some motherfucking Amway loser. Especially when they got better things to do that attend an Amway cult meeting and worship the Great Amway God.

      Part of the reason why those fucking Amway losers didn't like me. It's hard to get someone to be obedient when they can't stand you. And don't won't be part of your pyramid scheme.

  5. Hey all,

    In regards to fear of any Amway upline and their bs I suggest a hand gun such as a Glock with a 17 round magazine and a concealed carry permit and some training by a professional gun range instructor about the responsibilities of a carry permit.

    Aim for center mass to prevent any Ambot violence as would be covered by your instructor at the range!

    Me personally? I live in a safe area and don't need a gun and I would publicly mock any Ambot that would dare talk to me about the scam. I would loudly and publicly give them a rousing Anana B "fuck Amway" cheer!

    Count on it! And if an Ambot would dare attack me physically then I am confident that I could deliver a well deserved beat down!

    Ambots are cowards when it comes right down to it!

    Mock them and do it publicly.

    It's what they deserve!



    1. Hey KMB. Ambots are no different than other bullies. They're all shitless cowards.

      Mock them publicly. Ambots hate that because they think they should all be treated like royalty.


    2. And Narcissists too. They're annoy as fuck!! Especially if they are desperately want to be known in any way possible even if it means lying!!

    3. Hi Anonymous. The fucktard who sponsored us was always an arrogant prick. He just dialed it up a few notches after signing up for Amway.

  6. Thank you for making this blog, but is there a chance for redemption for a former Ambot?

    1. Hey Anonymous. Well that all depends on whether the Ambot was an asshole before joining Amway. They’ll still be an asshole when they quit Amway. If they were a nice person before joining the Amway cult to become an asshole they’ll probably go back to being a nice person when they quit.

  7. Many former Amway members have dropped out of the cult after realizing what a rip-off the whole thing is. It shows that they are intelligent and sensible, even if they made the mistake of joining Amway in the first place.

    It's precisely the work of these former Ambots that has created the vast network of anti-Amway and anti-MLM websites. Without their bitter experiences (recounted here and elsewhere), the general population would have no idea of what a horrible thing Amway is.

    The same thing happened in the 20th century with Communism. It was ex-Communists (along with their revelations) who were the best fighters against Communism, and the ones who made it possible for the rest of the world to fight the evil thing clearly.

    1. I'd say so Anonymous. It's always good if you can make your Amway experiences known to the world - get it out on the Internet. So hopefully others can figure out if so many people lost their money then Amway is a scam.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.