Monday, July 22, 2019

Easier Jobs Than Amway Sales Rep - Where You’ll Actually Make Money!

At every Amway meeting the cult leaders used to mock the ambots and say Amway is so easy anyone can do it. Though that message is more to the point of “I’m a fucking loser and I can do Amway and if you can’t do Amway then you’re an even bigger fucking loser than I am!”

So I found an article that shows some jobs that I think are a lot easier than being an Amway IBO. Pays way better too! Hell digging ditches is probably an easier job than being in Amway! I’d say any job where you don’t have to put up with a bunch of fucking assholes from Amway is a much easier job. Because that is the hardest part about being in Amway. Putting up with the fucking Amway upline assholes.

Since this article was first published on this blog, the Yahoo article has gone AWOL so no link provided. Oh what the hell here’s the link but don’t bother clicking on it. Yahoo has done some page restructuring.

  1. Professional sleeper, mattress tester - if you’re practically falling asleep at Amway meetings because the upline assholes are boring you to death, then at least being a mattress tester is something you’ll get paid for sleeping. Unlike Amway meetings where you have to pay the cult leader to show up and sleep.
  2. Chocolate tester - sure the hell beats being the poor bastard that has to test the Amway food bars. “Phewwy! Yucky! Tastes like shit!”
  3. Cute pet photo picker - sure the hell beats being the poor bastard that has to sift through Amway photos and decide which one they like the best. What! How the hell do I choose from this fucked up mess!
  4. Mansion sitter - kind of a step up from a regular house sitter this person takes care of luxury homes while the owners are away. Hmmm. Maybe Amway Diamonds already do this and use the opportunity for a photo shoot for one of those videos shown at Amway functions to bullshit the Amway cult followers.
  5. TV watcher - and those fucking assholes in our Amway upline used to mock their cult followers and say how much money are you making sitting at home watching TV. Well $10/hour if you’re doing research for Nielson! That’s the same amount of money you’ll make in one month of commission from Amway if you’re CORE and putting in about 100 hours in that month on Amway related shit! Looks like Nielsen’s only qualification is owning a TV set so if you don’t have one you can go out and buy one for $300 coincidentally the same amount of money on a minimum you have to spend each month buying shitty overpriced Amway products.
  6. Professional know it all - well every Amway asshole I met all claimed to know everything! Oh wait maybe I mean the people I knew in Amway were all smart asses! Put together DIY videos for youtube. Hot damn! How come some Amway cult leader hasn’t tapped into this market yet!
  7. Spa critic - I guess this is like a secret shopper for massages! I’d rather get a massage than go to an Amway cult meeting!
  8. Resort consultant - I think this is kind of like a secret shopper thing too. Provide feedback on resorts and the services they offer. Well I’m an Amway upline consultant. I provide feedback on what a bunch of fucking assholes the Amway upline are!
And some of these jobs you can even combine more than one. Chocolate tester by day. Mattress tester by night. Double the income!

Beats the hell out of being in the Amway cult. J.O.B. by day. Amway (phony) “business owner” by night. Use the day job income to tithe the Amway cult leaders and go into debt, lose your house to foreclosure, marriage end in divorce court.

Hmmm. Whichever one should I choose.....


  1. Dog walker: You go around with some mutt, picking up his shit. This is pretty much the same as in Amway, where you follow your up-line creep around, taking shit from him. No big difference.

    1. LOL there’s a lot of shit when it comes to Amway.


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1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
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