Wednesday, February 12, 2020

23-Year-Old Has Amway Success Story. Or Not.

Today’s blog post has two different point of views from 23-year-old Amway cult followers. One of them is living the Amway dream of lie, deny, distract and defend. See if you can figure out which one.

A comment from one of our readers:

I was 23, debt free, and got involved with WWG. My upline convinced me to "do what it took" to get to a function in Portland. 1 year later... $10K in debt, but had been to all the functions, had all the propaganda. Glad my wife had the brains to go "Fuck this shit, we're out".

We make "ruby" income in the work world, have a good work/life balance, and won't go near an MLM with a 10 foot pole.

All of the upline here... most of their businesses fell apart.

And here’s what Amway loser - Tori - the same age has to say:

Poor unfortunate souls. I wish that people like you would open their eyes. I was free at 23 thanks to WORLD WIDE DREAM BUILDERS. But enjoy working until you're 50! I'll be on the beach in Naples next week

Anna Banana responds (and there’d be a recent hurricane devastation at that time):

Tori - that sounds exactly like something a greedy ass Amway bastard would do. Go to a part of the state that wasn't hit by the hurricane and lie on the beach instead of going to more devastated areas and help with the clean up.

And if World Wide Destructive Bastards really had a recent retired fucking asshole only 23 Amway's media machine would be blowing it out their asses. So go flog your lies and bullshit somewhere else. Fucking Amway loser!

And here’s a response from Anonymous (and yes the 23 year old Ambot originally posted with the name Tori Williams, whether or not it’s their real name, well only Amway losers give a shit):

Hey, Tori Williams --

You're 23, and you're already a millionaire as a result of being in World-Wide Douche Bags?

You're a lying sack of shit.

As a lowly Amway IBO in the WWDB subsystem, you're just a commissioned salesperson who nets about $10 per month. The only beach you can afford is Tar Beach, on the roof of your tenement flat.

You think you can come here with a bullshit story like that, and we'll believe you? Smarten the fuck up, asshole. Everyone here knows a lot more about the Amway racket than you'll ever know, and nobody can make an absurd statement that they are rich from an MLM scheme at the age of 23. It's pure fantasy and wishful thinking on your part.

So grow up, become a little more mature, and stop dreaming.

Anna Banana gets the final word: 

Hi Anonymous - the thing this dumb fuck Tori doesn't get is this blog sees an overabundance of lying scamming Amway assholes between 19 and 25 who all claim to have made it big in Amway and just retired. If that was true WWDB, Amway, Amagram would all be doing major shout outs to prove young guys have just retired thanks to their pyramid scheme. But we're seeing silence from the places who are the news source for when these things happen. LOL or don't happen is more the case.

I'm not sure why these fucking Amway assholes want to give their employer an even worse reputation by spreading their lies on the Internet.

But these fuckers all think they're original when they show up here saying they're 19, 21, 23 and are now making bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway rolling in every month and now they're retired and can sit back and do nothing for the rest of their lives. Original NOT. Too many Amway fucktards ahead of them already showed up here with the same bullshit story.


  1. Part of the problem is that Amway and its AMOs tell these young new members to "Fake it till you make it." In other words, tell non-Amway persons that you are rolling in dough from your Amway business.

    Another example is how IBOs hold a cellphone to their ear, and pretend to be talking over big deals with their private assistant, who is named "Kate." How phony! This "Kate" is nothing but an out-of-date answering machine that you are forced to rent from Amway.

    All of this lying reaches a pathological level when you are told "Never say anything negative at all, on any subject!" So if you have a cold, don't tell people that! Tell them that you have a "warm."

    Talk about a brainwashed cult? Amway is the perfect example.

    1. Hi Anonymous. One of Amway's mottos: Fake it till you make it.

      Its just these lying scamming little bastards think they can show up here and tell us they're triple executive diamonds and that we're a bunch of dumb fucks who will believe it. If someone has reached a high level on the Amway pyramid they want to brag and gloat about it. Not be anonymous. Or post a name like Tori Williams who's not showing up on the schedule of major brainwashing conferences that WWDB holds.

      Yup Amway is a huge cult full of brainwashed Ambots.

  2. When I was Tori's claimed age, I was Pentecostal. We got taught the exact same thing: fake it till you make it. We called it "speaking truth to power." This phrase now means "telling those in control of toxic groups that they're Jesus-ing wrong" or "speaking aloud all the dark, dirty secrets the cult's been trying to hide for years." But back then it meant "claiming the promise."

    Basically, our scamming leaders taught us to lie as if we'd already gotten the fulfillment of the promise involved. If we did that, it'd tell Jesus, our imaginary friend, that we were SUPER devoted and faithful, and he'd maybe lift a pinky finger to make our lies come true. If we told the truth about the situation, he'd get petulant and pouty, and then we'd NEVER see the promise's fulfillment.

    If we wanted to see his promises come true, we had to behave as if they already had. Or else they never would.

    But it meant lying our asses off about everything.

    I wasn't really good at lying and didn't like doing it, so generally I just avoided those occasions altogether. Eventually, the lies got to me and I just quit the whole religion. A couple months later, I met an Ambot.

    Years later, I'd watch this Ambot "friend" (in reality he was just trying to recruit me and get in my pants) lie his ass off in exactly the same way to potential recruits. He'd talk about the lavish life he led, when I lived right across the way at our apartment complex from him and knew he was this " close to homelessness, had no furniture cuz he'd sold it to pay for Amway shit, and barely managed to survive from day to day. Right away I saw the similarities there to the lies my previous religious cult had been taught to tell. A lot of similarities exist between Amway and that flavor of Christianity, in fact. I steered clear of Amway because of them all.

    Eventually he "borrowed" rent money from me--he kept calling it a loan, but I never did, because I knew I'd never see it again from the very beginning. Many years later he caught up with me, thinking that cuz my marriage at the time had broken up that I was now waiting for him to swoop in and marry me. (LOL NO.) He was still involved with Amway, but had moved in with his retired father shortly after I'd moved away from that town. Still an Ambot, still claiming he'd be totally retiring in 3-5 years ten years after I heard him first claim (and he'd been an Ambot for a couple years by then!).

    Ambots lie. They must. It's the only way to get recruits, but it's also taught to them as a way to help ensure that one day their lies come true. Anything else is what that Ambot "friend" of mine called "stinkin' thinkin'." They're not allowed to be truthful.

    And neither are any other MLM victims/scammers.


    1. Hi Cas. Thanks for your interesting comments. All cults twist religion to suit the cult leaders purpose - usually to steal money and property from their followers.

      LOL on your ex thinking he could swoop back in and sweep you off your feet. That's the overinflated opinion these Amway losers have of themselves.

      Who wants to hook up with a broke Amway loser?

      Yup never loan money to an Amway Ambot cause you'll never see it again. they're too broke to pay you back.

  3. Pentecostal and Evangelical sects have a great deal in common with Amway. All of these groups place a strong emphasis on "following the Spirit" and "being open to the Spirit's call."

    None of this is connected with logic or rationality or the simple linkage of means to ends. It's pure emotion, expressing itself in wild enthusiasms and fantastical beliefs. That's why Amway freaks can defend the "Fake it till you make it" philosophy, and why they have no real conscience about pretending to be rich and successful. You might call it lying for God, except that in the case of Amway it's lying for the company. Everything about Amway screams out wild religious enthusiasm, especially at those stupid functions.

    Over the years, the Amway brass in Ada, Michigan has tried to pull back on some of this stuff, since they don't want prospective recruits in non-Christian countries like China or Japan or India to be turned off. But in North America, you still notice that most Amway recruits do come from some kind of Evangelical background. They are ripe for this kind of appeal.

    1. You're right Anonymous. Pentecostal, Evangelical, worshipers of the Great Amway God are all open to illogical and irrational beliefs that they express with wild enthusiasm to reel in others. And yes the way Amway Ambots scream with wild religious enthusiasm at Amway cult meetings is beyond creepy.

    2. 100%.

      I could go on and on about this exact topic. The similarities between Amway and fundagelicals are downright shocking in their number and intensity.

      One of the scariest is their common susceptibility to "alternative facts" that can't be verified objectively. Not only do the recruits of both groups get taught that it's totally okay to hold beliefs that contradict reality, but they learn to deeply distrust objective truth itself. Their entire apparatus for evaluating claims gets dismantled and thrown out the window. Then they have NO tether to reality, and they become completely vulnerable to any whackadoo claim. At that point, they can only judge new claims by how well a new claim fits their existing beliefs. (Claims that make them spiral into further extremism are generally well-received. It's an eternal game of "more-hardcore-than-thou".) If reality just doesn't match the claim, then the recruits get taught to ignore that inconvenience or to hand-wave it away with various thought-stoppers ("his ways are higher than our ways" and "but success is just around the corner!").

      It's only pure luck that I avoided getting recruited. I know that. I'd only just deconverted from that kind of religion. I didn't even know what that word was and didn't yet even consider myself an ex-Christian. It was that soon afterward. I was still raw and bleeding from the deconversion, so the similarities really stood out to me.

      I'm very thankful Roy tried so hard to recruit me. His efforts ensured that I'd never return to that awful religion, yes, but it also kept me from all MLMs.



Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.