Thursday, February 13, 2020

Your Dreams Will Have An Expiration Date If You Join Amway

Amway is a scheme to sell you on a dream. A dream to have your own business. A dream to have a mansion, fleet of sports cars, luxury vacations, what have you. Amway cult leaders promise that the answer to making your dreams come true is becoming an Amway Ambot.

The reality is Amway is all about having your nightmares come true!

At Amway meetings the Amway cult leader is all about selling dreams. Many times they’ll go around the room asking people what their dreams are. And some of them are very normal stuff that most people want like a house, a nice car, vacations. Then there’s the stuff you have to have mega movie star income to buy. Dream big in Amway. Whatever. Daydreams. Pretend business.

The Amway cult leaders always want to know what your dream is so they can use it against you at a later date. Maybe you’re living in an apartment and your dream is to buy your first house. Probably you’re thinking a smaller house but the Amway cult leaders will encourage you to dream about mansions worth millions of dollars. Paid for in cash LOL!

After a few months the Ambot figures out Amway is a scam. The Ambot is sinking hundreds of dollars every month buying Amway products, investing in the tool scam, going to Amway meetings. And all for a measly commission of about $10/month back from Scamway. Maybe the Ambot finally looks at the small print on Amway’s literature and realizes that only a tiny fraction of 1% of IBO’s will make money. Maybe the Ambot goes online and finds information from other people who got sucked into the Amway scam and reads stories of their financial and emotional distress.

Yup time to get out. Any business opportunity with over 99% failure rate was a bad idea to get involved with. Should have read the small print. Should have read the former Amway cult members stories sooner.

The best thing to do is just leave the Amway cult quietly. Don’t buy no more shitty overpriced Amway products. Don’t answer phone calls and texts from the assholes in the Amway upline. But most ambots end up telling some asshole in their upline that they’re quitting. Then the ambot is told you can’t quit now not when success is right around the corner. “You’re about to go really big I can feel it.”

Maybe the ambot hangs in for a little while longer so the assholes in his Amway upline can make a few more bucks off him. Or maybe he just says fuck you I’m outta here.

At some point the assholes in the Amway upline taunt the Ambot, I guess your dream just wasn’t big enough. And then the bastards insult you:  I guess you’re never going to own a house. Just think of all those houses out there that will never have anyone living in them and its all your fault cause you quit Amway. Loser!

It doesn’t matter what your dream is or how big it is, there’s over 99% chance it’ll never happen as long as you’re in Amway. There’s only a few cult leaders at the top of the Amway pyramid who are making money, mostly from selling tickets to ambots to come to a meeting and hear them speak. That’s where the money is. Not from begging everyone you know to buy overpriced vitamins and laundry soap and scam others to sign up to the Amway cult.

The ambot is now dealing with the fucking assholes in his Amway upline sneering at him about his dream not being big enough because he couldn’t fund that mansion after getting scammed by Amway.

That dream had an expiration date on it. That dream was probably only good for a few months during the time inside the Amway Cult of Greed.

Quit the Amway cult and the dream expires. If it was even the Ambot’s dream to begin with.


  1. It is more achievable to stay where you are and achieve some of your dreams then go with Amway. You wont do ANY of your dreams with Amway. "delayed gratification" is what they called it. Yes, I do believe in the term but not to benefit the Amway Devil.

    1. Hi Red Rose. Yes. You have a better chance of achieving more of your dreams if you stay away from scam MLMs like Amway. All these pyramid schemes do is steal your dreams. At Amway cult meetings all they do is bitch about dreamstealers when Amway is the biggest dreamstealer most people will ever encounter.

  2. When I went to my first Amway meeting (held in the back room of some crappy diner), one of the older IBOs present insisted on asking me, in a very loud and public way, the following question:

    "Are you going to be success in Amway? Will you achieve your dreams?"

    I answered: "Well, I certainly hope so."

    He then screamed in a louder voice: "ARE YOU GOING TO BE A SUCCESS IN AMWAY!?!?"

    I answered "I hope so. But no one can predict the future."

    Once more the Amway asshole bellowed out: "ARE YOU GOING TO BE A SUCCESS IN AMWAY!?!? YES OR NO!?!?"

    I was now a bit angered, and replied "I don't know, and neither do you. If you weren't such a pig-headed jerk you wouldn't be asking me the same question thrice!"

    I then got up and walked out. My silly cousin, who had brought me to the meeting as his first "sign-up IBO," was furious with me, and said "You've embarrassed me in front of my entire group and up-line!"

    I then said to him "Fuck your up-line, and fuck Amway. I don't want to be a part any organization that includes arrogant, pompous shitheads like that guy!"

    I went on to become a professor, a scholar, a translator, a published poet, and a teacher at major universities.

    My cousin? He stuck in Amway for about a year, failed miserably, and then went on from one lousy half-assed job to another chasing the dream of residual income. Amway really fucked him over, because he never was able to break free from that absurd dream.

    1. LOL Anonymous. Love your style. Fuck your upline and fuck Amway! And fuck arrogant pompous shithead Ambots!

      Yeah really if we could predict the future we'd all be powerball winners!

      You can't know what curves life will throw at you. Amway's Double X isn't a cure all for everything.

      Guys like your cousin are always on the lookout for the next scheme that's going to make them rich. I dated a semi-professional gambler when I was younger. Sometimes he'd have a good deal of money on him and he treated me really well. And other times he'd be trying to scrounge up $500 for the next buy in. And the next one was always going to be the big winner to buy the estate he craved to live in. It's not a lifestyle for everyone.

      And he still made way more money than Amway losers.

    2. Yikes Anon, that's straight-up cult indoctrination shit right there. They're not even subtle about it. Getting recruits to scream mantras and slogans is a good way to get those words imprinted in their minds. That, and it gets the recruits screaming them to feel like now they "own" those words, that those words are true and completely binding.

      We don't normally scream out slogans unless we really believe them. Raising our voices generally means we extra-mean whatever it was we said. But they're trying to get recruits to scream stuff they don't actually believe yet.

      I'd consider it a big huge red flag if a group leader demanded I individually scream stuff like that in any context. It's not appropriate and it's not what I'd consider legitimate business training in any way.


    3. You're right Cas. Who screams out slogans? Besides brainwashed Amway losers! I mean it's one thing to scream when you're at a rock concert or if you're mad at some asshole that cut you off on the I-5.

  3. Anna - in addition to the screaming comment I just left, also wanted to say: other MLMs do this exact same thing. It's a very common way to gain emotional buy-in from marks. Sometimes they call it "their why," as in "my children are my why!" in answer to "why in the world would you ever sign on to a scam that actually admits to having less than 1% chance of success for participants?"

    It's so sleazy and cruel, but if MLM scammers couldn't be sleazy and cruel they'd never be able to talk at all.


    1. Anonymous - the screaming from the pulpit also happens beneath big white tents usually in the deep south.

    2. S'truth, utterly.

      There's a real art to religious oratory. Once you learn the reason why preachers use the cadence they do, why church services pick the songs and the order-of-songs that they do, you can't ever un-see a flim-flam operation in full swing every Sunday morning.

      And Amway's leaders have all but mastered it. That Ambot who liked me that I mentioned earlier, Roy, took me to some of the meetings and I got to listen to their tapes and voicemail messages -- this was in the mid-90s when they still used cassettes and also had that silly voicemail box that Ambots "who were serious about THE BUSINESS" had to rent. It was so ridiculous.

      Roy thought he was showing me what wonderfully astute businessmen led his scam. What he showed me instead was that they were using exactly the same pattern of speaking that I'd spent eight years listening to in Pentecostal churches! It freaked me out so bad.

      I was married at the time, incidentally--and not to Roy! My then-husband joined the military and while he was away for boot camp, he asked Roy to look after me since we lived so close by. He didn't realize Roy would take that request as a license to try to recruit me for his financial-religious scam downline (which, if he had, would have consisted of ONE person -- ME!). Roy developed a huge crush on me during those months -- which I didn't notice because I'm just oblivious anyway to that stuff.

      Roy wasn't an awful guy, but man he took the Amway shit to heart. You wouldn't even believe the shit he did as an Ambot -- pretending to buy luxury cars and handing out business cards with "(His Initials) Enterprises" on them. Actually, you probably would.

      And he was 100% sure, when he heard I'd divorced my ex, that I was now waiting for my Crusader-Knight Ambot Roy to come sweep me away into my next marriage as Mrs. Roy Ambot. I was horrified. He was crushed when I flat refused to play along. In retrospect it's funny, but at the time I was wondering if he'd turn into a stalker like the ex had. He was living in a delusional dream world. There, he was eternally 3-5 years from retirement as a kazillionaire and women's drawers dropped soaking to the ground without fail if they got too close to his luscious presence.

      In reality, he was broke as a joke and always had been, and NOBODY wants to fuck Amway losers.


    3. LOL Cas. I'd believe any shit about Roy because all Ambots pull the same shit. Mostly lie and scam others. All in the name of worshipping the Great Amway God.

      Ambots are broke losers. They're brainwashed by the Amway cult leaders to believe they're winners just by showing up to cult meetings and buying shitty overpriced Amway products. They drain their savings and go into credit card debt to tithe the Great Amway God.

      Ambots have an overinflated opinion of themselves like Roy who thinks that women are going to be attracted to him because he's in the Amway cult when all that is is a turn off to women. Who wants to be stuck with a broke Amway loser who's always spouting off bullshit Amspeak and rushing off to spend time with his Ambot buddies.

      Roy was an awful person just by virtue of being inside the Amway cult. Ambots might not have started out life as awful person but once they sign up with Amway that gives them a license to turn into an asshole.

  4. After reading the account that Cas gives of her experience with Roy, it strikes me that Amway depends on a very American belief: namely, that everyone has the potential to do anything they want to do, if they put their mind to it.

    This is false and misleading idea, but it seems to be drummed into the head of every child who goes to school these days. Nothing can stop you! You're a success! You're going places! Your dream is your energy to making it big!

    There's nothing wrong with hope, but some things are simply not in the cards for some people in certain circumstances. You can't be an Olympic-class runner if you are hopelessly crippled. You can't be an operatic singer if you can't carry a tune. You can't be a nuclear physicist if your IQ is 68.

    Amway makes the bullshit claim that anyone can succeed in the business and become a hotshot Diamond or other big pin. But with a 99% failure rate, how is that true?

    So naturally Amway promotes fakery and lying -- both to yourself and to others. "Fake it till you make it" is a major Amway slogan. And when Roy goes around in rented luxury cars and hands out bogus business cards, he's lying to others around him, but also he's lying to his own inflated ego. And believing that women are going to be hot for you because you're in Amway is like thinking that they'll be excited if you have a two-inch dick.

    1. Anonymous - yeah who comes up with this shit that you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. I'd like to put my mind to being a faster runner, smarter, or bigger boobs but that doesn't seem to be happening!

      It's like quit filling a kid's head they can be an astronaut or pro baseball player and quit filling an Ambot's head they can have bazillions of dollars rolling in every month in residual income from Amway when Amway's own literature shows there's less than a 1% chance of getting rich in their pyramid scheme.

      No woman is going to be excited over a broke Amway loser or a two inch dick. Maybe not even a three incher!

    2. S'truuuuuuuth.

      There's some theorizing going around right now in psych circles that this mindset Anon describes might be responsible for the tidal wave of depression hitting 40-55-year-old white men. All their young lives they got told they could get out there and accomplish ANYTHING they could put their minds to. Then they hit their mid-30s and realized that wherever they were right then, that was probably as good as it was gonna get. And the depression began to claw at them.

      I'm grateful that I grew up before that kind of nonsense entered education. I still thought I was totally going places and that my generation would change the world (Narrator: They did not), but as a woman I also knew that the playing field just wasn't even for me, so I'd have to work twice as hard to get as far as the white boys in my classes. I think my dreams were a lot more realistic than theirs (barring that year in 1982 when I was jonesing to be the first female astronaut -- Sally Ride beat me just a year later). I've achieved my dreams. I've got pretty much everything I ever wanted. I'm happy and content and looking ahead to get the rest of it in manageable ways.

      But those boys in my classes were born 6" away from the finish line -- and many of them still didn't achieve their dreams. I can easily see why, with all those advantages they had and all the rhetoric they absorbed from parents and teachers alike, they could get really down on themselves when the reality didn't live up to the potential they'd been told they had.

      Then along comes an Ambot recruiter to tell them that YES, they can TOTALLY achieve those dreams, and won't the other kids be so jealous of their wild success! Sure, they'd all fall like dominoes!

      There's a reason why you don't see a lot of female Ambots, is what I'm saying, except as (usually-reluctant) partners of male Ambots who got sucked in first. I don't think Amway's pie-in-the-sky rhetoric works well on us.


    3. You know Cas being happy and content with your life is the big dream for everyone to achieve.

      Of course everyone measures that differently.

      If we've become debt free and we have enough money to buy what we need without being stressed and feel that we've planned well for our future these are huge things to accomplish.

      Not good enough for Amway Ambots of course. They sneer at people who lead average ordinary lives. They sneer at people who live in houses instead of mansions. The sneer at people who are still working while they brag (lie) about retiring at 21. Nothing is every good enough for an Amway loser!

      Amway is all about stealing your dreams and stealing your nice lifestyle. Nothing brings Ambots more happiness than destroying other people's lives. Amway Ambots are sick evil bastards.

      I think women are more astute that while Amway's "business plan" with all the circles might look good on paper we can look at it and ask how likely is it that can be pulled off in real life. The reality is most ambots will never be able to sign up one downline. And if they do it's really hard to keep them motivated to buy enough Amway shit every month to earn commission.

      Reluctant Ambot. That sounds about right for females who got dragged in by their Ambots.

    4. Concerning what Cas said about men from 40 to 55 -- this is the "Generation X" group that was born right after the Baby Boomers.

      They had the terrible misfortune to be hit with the collapse of traditional education after the 1960s cultural revolutions. Their schooling was all feelgood crap and mindless games, with no discipline or serious preparation. And yes, they were filled with hot air about their limitless "potential," and their inevitable "success."

      If that's the kind of bullshit you're taught in school, you're basically being programmed for failure.

    5. Anonymous - what's worse? The bullshit being taught in school or the bullshit being taught by Amway cult leaders?

    6. Well.... I mean, I'm 50. Just got my AARP membership offer in the mail last week! Ouch! So I'm Gen X myself, born smack in the middle of that cohort. I just didn't get stuffed with the same rhetoric boys did, I don't think. I perceived very early on that women got stuck with most of the housework and childcare tasks in their families--and also frozen out of top level positions in business, industry, etc. So if teachers were trying to feed girls that "you kin be INNYTHINNNNG!" bullshit that boys heard, I very clearly saw right through it almost immediately.

      I really think boys in my school years believed that bullshit more fervently than girls would have. Girls' expectations were tempered right out of the gate. Like this: my mom made sure my sister and I both learned to touch-type so we could fall back on secretarial work if needed. If any boys in my classes got a similar home education for similar reasons, I sure never heard about it.

      It's backfired hard on boys, though, this rhetoric stuffed down their gullets so early and so intensely. Now they're middle-aged/retirement-aged and going "wait, this is it?" I feel awful for them, and angry at the people who fed them those expectations about their futures.

      And yeah, I think it's why we find more men than women in scams like Amway, Primerica, those investment and travel scams. Getting filthy rich, traveling the world, being a bigshot investor, owning tons of sports cars and expensive watches and mansions: those are serious marks of status for many men--but not to be gender-essentialist or whatever, but I don't know many women who ache for that stuff as a way to PROVE YES PROVE their superiority over other women. That's why Ambot conventions parade Diamonds onstage who talk about those coveted marks of status -- it's a way to remind the men trapped in the scam why they're paying into it month after month.

      Again, not to be sexist, that's not what I'm about, just I saw some very real differences in how girls and boys got educated and raised back in the 70s and even early 80s. I think Amway's come-ones probably appeal a lot more to men because of their deep disappointment with how life turned out for them vs. how they got told it'd turn out.


    7. Cas - Amway is very sexist. It's a good old boy's club full of male chauvinist pigs. There is no way they'd ever let a single woman claw her way to the top of the pyramid.

      When it comes to money there's a real different attitude in men who are baby boomers versus millennials. And the whole entitlement thing. And much of that belongs to education during that decade they were growing up and family values. What did mom do? Stay home and take care of the house and kids or did she have a full time job? If parents could only afford to send one kid to college was it the boy or girl who got to go? If they owned a family business who stood to inherit it the son or the daughter?

      Amway is looking for recruits who want the type of family like it was over 100 years ago.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.