Thursday, September 24, 2020

Strike It Rich In Amway? Unlikely

Have you ever had an Amway Ambot ask you if you’ve ever wanted to be your own boss and be rich? That’s a common line used in Amway the Cult of Greed when prospecting new cult members.

Unless your last name is Van Andel or DeVos you don’t own an Amway business. And you will never be your own boss as long as you’re working for these shysters as a low paid commissioned sales rep.

What about being rich? Again unless your last name is Van Andel or Devos you’re unlikely to strike it rich in Amway unless you’re a Diamond who’s started his own cult sect and sells tickets to suckers who want to listen to him spout off a bunch of canned Amspeak bullshit.

Can you get rich from Amway? To see the Scamway “business plan” on paper or drawn on a chalkboard and all these circles and you find 6 people and they each find 6 people and so on and so forth and then you’ll all be rich it looks good. The reality of actually executing it is pretty much impossible. 

You got a better chance at winning the lottery than getting rich in Amway.

But what does rich mean? Well it means different things to different people. Just like the word success. People define it differently.

As for rich, well let’s start with fucking Amway losers and their definition of rich. Or more precisely their definition of broke. Those fucking Ambots show up here sneering at me for being broke. An Amway Ambot’s definition of broke is someone who owns their own house, a real business (NOT a pretend Amway “business”), has nice cars, income of around the same amount that Amway’s brochures say a Diamond earns, has savings and a net worth in the mid 6 figures. That’s the Amway Ambot definition of broke. 

However there are many people out there who could say that the Amway Ambot definition of broke actually sounds pretty decent to them and compared to their current circumstances might be considered rich to some people.

Amway Ambots apparently have very high standards of what they consider rich. Or broke.

For some people they might define rich as running their own business, able to pay all their bills and not having to work a day job to get by.

That above definition will never apply to an Amway Ambot as long as they’re playing pretend Amway “business owner”. Shelling out hundreds of dollars a month to make $10 commission will not allow them to pay their bills and they’ll have to work a day job to afford their expensive Amway habit and struggle to pay down the credit card they’re using to buy shitty overpriced Amway products.

For some people striking it rich might mean the freedom to set their own hours and not answer to a boss ever again.

The above definition is something that Amway Ambots aspire to be but won’t happen as long as they’re playing  pretend business owner and answering to an Amway cult leader.

On another level some people say their idea of rich is working a part time job or running a business part time so they can spend more time on their hobbies and family and friends.

What is more valuable to us than time. That’s how some people define rich. Time. You can’t make more of it.

Other people say being rich is earning enough money to take nice vacations or savings for their retirement.

Some people say their idea of rich would be making 100k either from their job or running their own business. Others say that 100k is too much for their idea of rich, they don’t need that much to live a nice life.

Anyway you get my drift. Everyone has different ideas on what they consider rich. An Amway Ambot has fucked up ideas on what they consider rich and broke. But their idea is actually the idea of some fucking asshole in their Amway upline. Brainwashed Ambots aren’t allowed to have original thoughts.

Yup let’s just send out another big old fuck you to every fucking Amway asshole out there.





  1. In the insane philosophy of Amway, the definition of "broke loser" is anyone who isn't involved in the Amway racket. That would include millionaires and others who are fabulously wealthy.

    The entire thing is cult-based. Cults say "Whoever isn't in our little group is NOT SAVED! They are DAMNED!"

    Amway is basically saying the same thing about anyone not in Amway. You aren't SAVED!

    1. That's right Anonymous - Ambots refer to everyone who isn't in the Amway cult as a broke loser including people like Bill Gates and Oprah who are labeled broke losers just cause they're not in the Amway cult.

      Yup Amway is all about preaching the gospel that outsider of the Cult of Greed are damned, aren't saved, broke losers who will be dead by age 65. It's my general impression that there are many people over age 65 who aren't Amway Ambots and aren't dead either.

      Just another of the many lies taught by Amway cult leaders.

  2. More and more people are beginning to realize that Amway is a religion masquerading as a "business opportunity."

    1. Anonymous - some people would call Amway a business cult. All cults twist religion to suit their purposes. In Amway all Ambots must worship the Great Amway God who oversees the Cult of Greed.

  3. Most Amway meetings begin with a pitch from some asshole Platinum or Diamond about how "I was once poor and powerless, stuck in a dead-end job. But then I got involved in Amway, and my life changed forever! I went from wage-slavery to an independent income!"

    Analyze the above bullshit, and you'll see that it is simply a secularized version of the old "salvation story" that one hears at a Pentecostal revival meeting held in some tent in the Bible Belt. Here's the original evangelical version:

    "I was once a poor sinner, powerless in the tangles of the Devil and his lies! But then I heard The Word, and I was SAVED! My life changed forever!"

    Here's a guide to understanding the scam:

    "Poor sinner" = somebody stuck in a J.O.B.
    "powerless" = not making enough money
    "the Devil" = somebody else's business
    "The Word" = Amway
    "I was SAVED!" = I signed up as an IBO
    "My life changed" = I'm now a hopelessly broke Ambot

    1. Anonymous - there are so many lies and bullshit in Amway it's hard to know where to start and end!

      In addition to what you mentioned the pitch at Amway meetings, the cult leader usually lies about being debt free and paying for everything in cash.

      Good guide to understanding the Amway scam!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
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