Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Who Wants To Haul Ass to Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days FED 2020?

Who remembers wasting money to go to an Amway cult meeting called Free Enterprise Days? Or because Amway Ambots are too fucking lazy to say it, call it FED. I really don’t remember much about the event itself. The journey and events leading up to FED (yeah! I can be just as lazy as any fucking Amway asshole out there!!!!) was more memorable. The upline were riding our asses to go to FED. The huge event of the year. Yeah, weren’t they all! I could have sworn those Amway fuckers said the same thing about Dream Night, Spring Leadership and Family Reunion. It didn’t take much to convince Ambot because the brainwashing was well ingrained.

All “serious business builders” must attend WWDB Free Enterprise Days. This is how the upline knows if you’re a serious business builder or not. If you don’t attend they won’t work with you. We could have stayed at home, saved our money, and those bastards would not have worked with us. Hmm, I’m pretty sure that’s a violation of Amway policy. Somewhere in Amway’s procedures it says purchasing tools and attending functions is voluntary and if you don’t purchase them your upline is still obligated to work with you. Our upline were a bunch of fucking assholes and very comfortable breaking Amway’s rules.

Ambot was all fired up about FED coming up in October and blabbed about it to everyone. Like who gives a shit about a fucking Scamway brainwashing convention.

This blog is getting inundated with desperate Amway ambots who want to find out what WWDB FED Free Enterprise Days is all about. That’s because the assholes in their upline taunt them with you have to go and see it for yourself. Going to FED will put you 6 months ahead in Amway compared to all the losers who didn’t go according to the lying scammers in your Amway upline – I disagree with those fuckers no surprise there. The assholes in the Amway upline will also say its a once in a lifetime opportunity and not to be missed event.

BULLSHIT!!!!!!  You fuckers said that about Family Reunion a few months ago too. Fucking duplicating yourselves! But lying scamming Amway assholes say that for every Amway conference.

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days is a fucking waste of time and money. Unless you’re a Diamond and get to speak at this Amway function and make money off the ticket sales profits.

Not everyone wants to go to fucking WWDB Amway FED and listen to a bunch of fucking assholes brag about how rich they are and show slide shows of their riches and taunt the audience with “if we can do it then so can you.” And then they finish up with buy more tools and wave around whatever book it is they’re flogging so the ambots will go out and spend more money on the Amway tool scam.

All cults are very secretive so it’s unknown how Amway is holding the pandemic version of Free Enterprise Days 2020. I suspect Amway losers are violating emergency laws about large groups gathering though it would be hard for the Amway cult leaders to find arenas and hotel rooms that are willing to risk being fined for renting out to large groups. It’s my guess that the Amway WWDB cult leaders are doing a webinar they’re selling tickets to. It would be rather ingenious to do that as it’s lower cost. They can set up a camera in their own house to broadcast out. Save a lot of money and still charge top dollar to Amway losers to buy tickets to access the webinar.

If anyone knows that the Amway cult is up to for Free Enterprise Days FED 2020 let us know.

Time for more keywords and because ambots are so fucked up they don’t know what year it is I’ll hit past and future.

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2020

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days 2020

Amway FED 2020


World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days 2020

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2019

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days 2019

Amway FED 2019


World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days 2021

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2021

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days 2021

Amway FED 2021


World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days 2021

Remember whenever you can escape an Amway function that means you’re not wasting your money, your time or your brain cells and you’re not making those sitting on top the Amway pyramid richer with the money they get from selling you a ticket.



  1. WWDB can break Amway's rules because it is a separate legal entity that merely uses Amway as a supplier of products. They can claim that FED or any of the other stupid functions aren't the concern of Amway at all, and therefore WWDB can refuse to work with those who don't attend.

    The jerks in Ada, Michigan don't really give a shit. As long as WWDB is funneling cash upwards to them, they are totally unconcerned.

    If the WWDB scammers are going to use the abbreviation "FED," we should come up with some alternate meanings for it:

    Fake Enthusiasm Day
    Fraudulent Enterprise Day
    Fucked-up Embarrassment Day
    Feelgood Emotion Day
    Flatulent Enema Day
    Failed Erection Day
    Freaked-out Energy Day
    Fart Emission Day
    Feeble Exhaustion Day
    Flim-flam Exhibition Day

    The notion that these Amway assholes are interested in "free enterprise" is a joke. No freedom is allowed in Amway. Your up-line are fanatical control freaks.

    1. Anonymous - yes Amway corporation refuses to take responsibility for what is said at Amway cult meetings and WWDB functions. Most of the WWDB functions have someone from Amway's head office attending and they introduce him so unless the fucker heads back to his hotel room after the applause he knows what's going on. Does he report the creepy shit to the bigwigs back in Ada? Who knows? It's not like Amway's head office gives a shit.

      The whole Free Enterprise Days is just a bunch of bullshit. Ambots have less freedom in Amway than they do in their regular job. Their boss at work doesn't control their lives the way Amway cult leaders do. It's laughable that WWDB and Ambots are all screeching about "freedom" and the desire to be free from their jobs and free to do everything they want. Well that kind of freedom costs money and they'll never make the kind of money to be that kind of free while working as a low commissioned sales rep for Amway. These scam MLMs are set up that the seller only makes pennies commission when they find a sucker to sell the overpriced shit to.

      Those are good abbreviations! LOL! They'll make a lot of brainwashed Amway losers pretty angry that we've found more ways to make fun of them.

    2. I can say that one organization is doing their FED virtually and charging full price ($93). Nothing like sitting in a Zoom meeting for 20 hours over the course of a weekend hearing such drivel. Oh...and you better by your Winter Conference ticket the second it goes on sale on Saturday to show your coach and mentor that you are All IN!!!

      Also, you will be happy to know that this same organization that I am referring to can no longer use, "Dream Night". The organization rebranded it as "Winter Conference" years ago and mentioned that the company told them they could not use that title.

      And then finally, when you have the heads of most of the different AMOs on the IBOAI, they can easily make the rules that they want to abide by.

    3. Anonymous - thanks for the info. FED used to cost $250 and that included one night hotel sharing a room of course LOL!

      Interesting the name change of Dream Night to Winter Conference. I guess too many Amway losers dreams weren't coming true unless they were dreaming of bankruptcy! Nightmare Night was a more accurate description though it'll be hard to hold this year too. Usually held in hotel banquet rooms and included a cheap rubber chicken dinner for about $75, meaning that the Diamonds were making a profit of about $50 to $60 on each ticket sold.

    4. $93 is just for the ticket. It doesn't count the room or food (oh wait...you can only bring Amway products because no negative products are allowed).

      But I hated conferences. Early on, I would be stuck five and six to a room. Sorry, I am a guy and don't care to share my bed with another guy. This was generally $60 per person. But then you had to pay for parking at the hotel and try to sneak in a pizza late night if the hotel allowed it to be delivered.

      But TAX WRITE-OFF they say!

      It got to the point where I got my own room. That was lovely.

      And towards the end when the fed-up factor was high, I would go to a conference and stay in my room for most of the weekend.

      Then I threw in the towel and realized it wasn't worth it.

      Actually, I realized it wasn't worth it about a year before but only stuck around because my upline was an old co-worker.

    5. Anonymous - I'd say a lot of Ambots stick in longer than they should have only out of some misplaced loyalty to the person who signed them up to ScAmway or another asshole in the Amway upline.

      My ambot booked a solo hotel room once to an Amway function and then some fucker in the upline cancelled that room and put him in a group room with other Ambots so he'd be sharing a bed with another guy which he wasn't too happy about either. The reason the assholes in the Amway upline did this? So they'd have available rooms for all the "guests" that would be showing up for the function LOL! Anyway I ended up going along and the assholes in the upline were FURIOUS when Ambot told them to either give him back his room or we'd be booking our own room. We'd called the hotel and confirmed they had availability even though the upline assholes lied and said hotel was fully booked. Amway Ambots lie about everything!

      And sure you can write Amway shit off on your taxes and then hope like hell you don't get audited. The IRS has already determined that Amway functions are social gatherings and no participant has been able to prove an increase in Amway income after attending.

    6. Notice how Amway up-line is goddamned OBSESSED with controlling people! Your husband couldn't even book his own room in a hotel -- his arrogant up-line cancelled it without consulting him at all. That really takes the cake.

      Who the fucking hell do these stupid up-line scumbags think they are? God? They have the right to tell you where to sleep?

    7. Anonymous - and that rearranging the sleeping arrangements really pissed him off. The hotel rooms were a block reserved by the WWDB cult sect so the upline assholes obviously had some way of manipulating their block of rooms and who could sleep where no matter how individual ambots had booked the rooms. So its always better to say fuck you to Amway and their block of hotel rooms and book directly with a hotel because the Amway cult leaders can't fuck with your room then.

      Telling people where they can sleep has always been a role for cult leaders.

    8. Was in college in 1981. Best friend at the time (no longer friends after being ripped off in Scamway) conned me to get in. The first function that we went to was in Kansas City. At that time the tickets to get into the function was $15 per session. There was a Friday night session, $15. A Saturday morning session, $15, Saturday morning session, $15 and a Saturday evening session, $15. Oh, and there is a Sunday morning session or church service as the up line referred to it, which was really “the Gospel according to Amway” and since the Sunday morning session was a church service, you did not need a ticket! However, you could put a free will offer in in the collection plate if you wanted to. (I wonder where that free will offering went to?) Anyway, back to the simple math. The total amount of money you had to pay to go to all of the sessions that week was $60. The arena in Kansas City held 10,000 people and they filled it. After Yager and Britt paid the rental fee to rent the arena for three days plus other expenses, that left a good sum of money on the table to split up among the big pins that spoke at the rally …and that, my friends is where the money is in Amway.
      P.S. I was fortunate to have been in “the business” a short time. I signed up in 1982 and was out in 1985 as I was able to get the soap out of my eyes. Best wishes to all and thank you for this site and place to comment. Hop we can help others see the light and “get the soap out of there eyes”

    9. Hi Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by to share your story! Yup ScAmway is all about nickel and diming to death the Ambots. And the functions are still the same decades later with the Sunday Amway gospel on worshipping the Great Amway God and the hat passed around for donations to make the Amway cult leader preaching that sermon even richer. You didn't actually think that collection was going to help feed starving children in Africa did you. Nope that Sunday sermon collection gets the fat cats fatter. But way to go for realizing way back then that the only money to be made in Amway is for those at the top of the pyramid who make the bulk of their income selling tickets to these brainwashing conferences.

      3 years is still a long time to be in Amway. Maybe it wasn't so ruthless in the 80s. By the 90s Amway upline abuse has been well documented.

    10. Like all cults, Amway is deeply abusive of its members.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!