Tuesday, August 3, 2021

101 More Ways Amway Ambots Love To Say Negative

The last time this post appeared here we called it 166 more ways Amway Ambots love to say negative! 166? Why the weird number? We used to make these posts 101 Ways Amway Ambots Love To Say Negative or 100 More Ways Amway Ambots Love To Say Negative or Another 100 More Ways Amway Ambots Love To Say Negative. But now when one comes up in the rotation we just add on however many comments have come up since the last time we ran this kind of post which is why the oddball number. When the posts hit 200 then we’ll break it back down to 100 for ease of reading. But actually readers were complaining once it got over 100 like that so we’ve bust it back down again. And those were normal readers. If Amway losers were bitching about we’d have just told them to fuck off!

It used to only take a few months from the last post 100 ways Amway Ambots love to say negative to do a follow up with another 100. The message to ambots is getting through from the Amway cult leaders not to visit web sites like this and leave comments because it drives up the ranking in search engine results. And gives us more blog content to make fun of Amway losers LOL!

Spelling errors and unable to get the caps lock button under control all belong to the Amway assholes. Got the usual horny Amway ambots obsessed with sex to the point they’re obsessed with my sex life. Talk about fucking Amway losers! LOL! And the usual claptrap where Amway Ambots bitch about us not being educated. Yup these are the same people that are always “counselling” their cult followers not to waste their money going to college. Don’t need no stinking education when you can go to the high and mighty Amway University and become an immediate expert in everything. Sometimes you just look at things Amway Ambots write so badly and go what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Talk about NOT educated LOL! Plus in keeping with the theme about how Amway is a blame the victim scam, Ambots blame the fucking assholes in our Amway upline. And the usual bullshit Amspeak about losers, quitters, not trying hard enough, etc. So if it looks familiar it has more to do with Amway Ambots not being too original in the insults they hurl. Brainwashed Ambots all think alike repeating what they’ve heard from their Amway cult leaders. I heard these sneers and slurs myself years ago at Amway meetings and I hear them frequently on this blog. They might look the same but they came from different ambots aka different asshole same shit. Cut and paste to a Word document as they come in until they add up to 100 or more.

We’re also seeing a trend from extremely ANGRY fucking Amway losers who show up here accusing us of lying. These motherfuckers don’t get it. Tens of thousands of Amway victims leaving similar comments all over the Internet about their Amway experiences being scammed and the financial and emotional distress. It’s not like tens of thousands of us got together to coordinate our stories. They are true stories for a reason – we all have the same story maybe told slightly differently depending on the circumstances and the fucking assholes in the Amway upline.

So let’s give a big shout out to the Amway Corporation’s head office. You must be so proud of your IBO’s! This is the best bunch of your commissioned salespeople. A true reflection of what Amway Ambots are really like. Not the sweet little ass kissers you think – they’re mean, nasty, hateful, evil motherfucking bastards! And they really are exactly what people in Amway really are like and your Ambots are a big reason why word is out to avoid Amway.

1.      you guys aren’t doing it right

2.      enjoy your angry bitter life!

3.      Just goes to show how ignorant you are and how you really dont know what you are talking about.

4.      what what a great wife,, loser.

5.      you are so bitter is disgusts me.

6.      go do something useful with your life instead of bloggin

7.      haha sooo pathetic

8.      One day, anna, you’re going to be lying on your death bed looking back and realizing what a misserable bitter life you lived,

9.      You must live one sorry life

10.  This is a very lame blog and you are a very unsupportive wife.

11.  I feel bad for you that your life is really that pathetic.

12.  you deserve to be a lonely misserable fuck

13.  i hope you dont live to see another day.

14.  Surely you wont be missed

15.  I feel bad for your husband.

16.  i am sick of people like you.

17.  You just sound so miserable, cursing and carrying in with insults.

18.  those ignorants would have commented just for the sake of feeding up their own ego

19.  what a pity life they led

20.  You need dick..... badly.

21.  Anna what a POS

22.  I’m reading through this and seeing how ignorant some of you people are.

23.  Please do the world a favor and die.

24.  i feel bad for your husband having to put up with this bitter, negative sorry excuse for a life, 24/7

25.  Sad you have nothing else better to do than bitch!

26.  You guys are all idiots

27.  Shut up and look a life (hunh? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?)

28.  The best part about this is you are a bitter lady

29.  You guys shut the hell up you all are broke


31.  God have mercy on your negative attitude.

32.  I hope you get educated and learn some proper language someday.

33.  If someone as miserable as you can get out of bed every morning then I suppose my life isn’t so bad :)

34.  you are a bitter person who needs to learn how to talk properly

35.  you’re poor husband deserves a medal to be married to you.

36.  I feel bad for you

37.  Please shoot yourself already.

38.  you are sure a rude lady

39.  if you quit or just gave up then you have no reason to complain because it’s your own fault

40.  Anna, you are an idiot, plain and simple.

41.  What a loser you are and killed your husbands dream.

42.  Just felt people here are bunch of failures....

43.  you are just lonely in the real world, begging for attention here in the virtual world...

44.  another usual failure of people

45.  Anna. So simple minded.

46.  you need to man up take responsibility and ownership for your lack of drive.

47.  I’m reading through this and seeing how ignorant some of you people are.

48.  Maybe get a life other than posting all of this crap all over the internet.

49.  This whole blog has no purpose only to feed your negative soul.

50.  he’s not dicking you right if you have the time to do this stupid shit

51.  you’re just an asshole yourself

52.  put ANY type of makeup on and get a new husband

53.  try to stray away from so much negativity, maybe you’ll live longer

54.  Anna, Anna, Anna. So simple minded.

55.  Most of what you post is biased crap I’d expect of someone that just had their dipaper changed got a rash and wrote a bad review because they shit.

56.  you come off as an angry child.

57.  I suggest you mature, your attitude and your vocabulary

58.  it’s the fact that you don’t have what it takes

59.  you can go fuck me all you like chicky babe

60.  just be an angry little shit head like you

61.  You are a idiotic loser who quit with your same satanic negative attitude.

62.  Wow you are not very educated

63.  you didn’t try hard enough

64.  You had an opportunity to be debt free living the life of your dreams but you chose to work until your older than dirt and doe with nothing to pass on to your family just your last name.

65.  You stole your husbands dream and killed your future

66.  your an idiot

67.  you didnt make anything because you didnt do the work

68.  it sounds like your sexually frustrated due to being unattractive in many aspects of your sad life

69.  lose some weight

70.  moron

71.  You’re a real hater if you’re going to spend this much time & energy on s blog blasting Amway.

72.  your broke and waste your time being skeptical

73.  you have a low self confidence and haven’t acvomplished anything great in your life

74.  Thanks for your non educated decision.

75.  you weren’t educated to be successful

76.  shows how little your brain is

77.  you gave up on your dreams and now you live doing this?

78.  If your upline screwed you over then that’s too bad, but it wouldn’t have changed the fact that you were never going to be successful in life

79.  Jesus, what a waste of an amazing life you could be living.

80.  sorry to hear you had bad upline that did not properly work with you and help you

81.  I have not yet me a sungle peraon with such a limited vocabulary as yourslef and hope I never will.

82.  come everyone lets fuck

83.  You have a negative view of life in general.



86.  You have no class or manners

87.  you should be mad at yourself for being so lazy to not want a better life for yourself

88.  if you don’t want a want the life of your dreams fine

89.  don’t be an employee natzi that you tell a winner that they can’t have a better life because you DECIDED TO QUITE and be a loser

90.  Have fun the rest of your life being a job person

91.  Bunch of haters.

92.  Your ignorance is comical

93.  And now I have found a loser in life that has nothing better to do

94.  haters only hate the successful

95.  find a better hobby

96.  you wipe your ass with your own tongue.

97.  all you like to do is blame others for your failure and not yourself.

98.  you don’t have enough brain cells

99.  u will be call a branded dork

100. You should just get out of America and stop ruining other peoples opportunities



  1. I notice a common theme that seems to run through most of these comments -- it's a generalized anger and resentment against anyone or anything that might burst the Amway bubble. These people are obviously true believers in the Amway "dream," and when anything is said that suggests skepticism about it, they freak out and become abusive.

    Normal people don't react that way. If skepticism about something is expressed, normal people deal with it by arguing or debating. But the jerks who left the 100 comments listed above react emotionally and irrationally, like little kids.

    If this is the intellectual level of Amway IBOs, then no wonder 99% of them fail in the business.

    1. Anonymous - the most angry, negative people I've ever met in my life have all been members of the Amway cult. And we can say that all we want because we've seen, listened and lived it. But when those Amway losers show up here and leave comments proving that people in Amway are really fucking nasty then they've shown the proof for us!

      As you mentioned, normal people do not react and behave in such an evil, nasty manner if you have a different opinion or you've tried the products and don't like them or if you've been a victim of a scam.

      Member of Amway the Cult of Greed see us as taking away their income because we're getting the word out of what we experienced in Amway. But that income wouldn't have happened anyway. Only a tiny fraction of 1% of MLM participants make money and that's usually because they got into the pyramid scheme early enough. It's like when was the best time to buy Facebook stock? When it first started trading and was around $20 or yesterday at $360. Was the best time to buy $20,000 in Facebook stock in 2012 or today? It's all about getting in early enough.

  2. If Amway worked, and these people were actually getting rich, do you think they would be so obviously angry and bitter and defensive?

    These Amway assholes are filled with rage, and it is rooted not in anything we say here at Anna's blog. It's based on the fact that, deep down, they know very well that the entire Amway racket is just a fraud, and that it's bleeding them dry of funds.

    Amway is a massive load of horse shit.

    1. Anonymous - the Amway cult is full of angry, bitter, defensive losers who screech their rage at everyone who shares their Amway experiences online. We do this so others don't get sucked into the Amway scam. We don't want others to go through the Amway hell hole. And Amway Ambots who spew out their venom and negativity on this blog are just like this in real life too. Is this the type of organization you want to belong to with angry employees who are dumb enough to think they own their own business? I'll pass.

  3. Wow, this is definitely the most sad and pathetic post I've read on your blog because it's the ambots speaking instead of you. I've also noticed that, seemingly more than anyone in any other country, senselessly angry Americans seem to forget their grammar and spelling more than anyone else. When I read posts written by angry people speaking Spanish and French they lack this level of utter ineptitude or neglect of proper language skills. There might some there, but not often to this extent.

    I spend a lot of time on reddit and have noticed that those speaking English as a second language don't even fail at it to the extent of "since birth" Americans. And most Americans don't seem to fail it at the level of those involved in disinformation/antifact based cults. Of course this is all anecdotal and based on my own experience but it is an interesting conundrum. These fools featured here are hopelessly belligerent. I'd find it more sad if they were a bit less hateful.

    1. When people get angry, they often speak so quickly that they neglect proper grammar. This can carry over into their written posts on the internet, especially if they have not been carefully trained in prose composition.

      American schools no longer take the teaching of prose composition seriously, so that may be why the posts of French and Spanish persons in their languages (even when angry) tend to be more carefully done.

    2. Hi Anonymous. We have several incarnations of this post topic. 101 ways, 101 more ways, another 101 ways... LOL! Amway losers have hundreds of ways to speak negative! And it's very important that we get the word out there what Amway Ambots are really like. I can say they're nasty evil vicious motherfuckers and then they show up here and leave comments proving exactly what I say. Amway's head office must be so pleased at the reputation they get from their commissioned sales reps running amok online.

    3. 2nd Anonymous - I agree with that. I tend to think carefully before I speak in Spanish to make sure that I'm grammatically correct or not getting my feminine and masculine nouns mixed up with verbs or prefixes. So I tend to speak slowly. But correctly. I hope.

      But getting back to Amway Ambots - they're all so angry that's why they're pounding away on the keyboard sputtering their negativity they can't get spelling and grammar correct. At least I can properly string a sentence together. In two languages LOL!


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!