Amway World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2021 or Motivational Days or whatever the fuck the Amway cult is calling it probably wrapped up in July and the upline assholes already have their hands out demanding payment for the next Amway function, Free Enterprise Days or FED. Or maybe the Amway Cult prefers Freedom Conference.
Hmm that last one sounds like something that would have been
held 40 years ago for people trying to escape Russia.
Amway losers have already been here searching for World Wide Dream Builders FED
2020. See that’s the thing when you’re a card carrying Amway IBO fucking
asshole. These arrogant pricks think just because they’re in Amway it gives
them the power to turn back time which is why everytime we post about Amway
functions Spring Leadership, Family Reunion, Free Enterprise Days FED or Dream
Night we put in plenty of keywords and years past, present and future. Amway
Ambots are so fucked up brainwashed they don’t know what year it is.
Like all cults – Amway is very secretive about where it
holds their cult meetings. WWDB World Wide Dream Builders or more accurately
World Wide Destructive Bastards usually hold their major cult functions in
either Portland, Oregon or Spokane, Washington. Yeah look on the map for that
one LOL! Apparently these cities are close to where some of Amway’s top cult leaders
live. There used to be a guest log on at the WWDB website to find more
information but they’ve locked it down tight so infidels can’t find where the
Amway cult is planning to get together and plot how to destroy lives. Due to
dwindling attendance the larger venues where the Amway cult hosted their major
functions are no longer being booked. Which sucks because those convention
centers have online calendars to show what dates are booked and by who. As
pandemic restrictions are easing the Amway cult leaders are anxious to book arenas
and convention centers because it’s easier to brainwash the Ambots at live
events instead of video conferencing. And keep them up all night with Amway
Night Owls. The more tired people are, the easier they are to brainwash. It’s
an old trick that cult leaders use.
The tickets to WWDB FED used to cost around $125 give or take around $25 but
probably on the upswing side. Amway prices don’t go down in price! I’m sure
someone will eventually show up to the blog with this years price.
Amway Free Enterprise Days is usually held in October except one year someone
in WWDB fucked up and didn’t book the arena in time and it was held in November
instead. Its one of the 4 major Amway World Wide Dream Builders functions for
brainwashing the Ambot masses. Its important for the assholes in the Amway
upline to get payment from their downline either at Family Reunion or shortly
thereafter while the ambots are still high from the Family Reunion
brainwashing. They’re motivated. They’re FIRED UP!!!!! They’re going big!
They’re going Diamond! They’re gonna get Amway rich quick!!!! Success is just
around the corner! WOO HOO!!!!!
Meanwhile the assholes in the Amway World Wide Destructive Bastards upline got
their hands out. Gimmee gimmeee gimmeee!!!!! Where’s the cash for FED? NOW!!!!!
Ambots pay up NOW!!!!!!
There’s a reason why searches for “how to quit Amway” go up around the times of
Amway functions. And the upline Amway assholes want to get the ambots money now
for the next function before they get a chance to quit.
Once the greedy assholes in your Amway upline have your cash for the next
brainwashing function, in this case we’re picking WWDB Free Enterprise Days FED
its really hard to get it back if you decide to quit. The better option is to
tell those fucking assholes in the Amway upline you’ll buy the ticket from the
World Wide Destructive Bastards website when the time gets closer no matter how
much they screech at you you’re taking your chances they’ll be sold out. Come
on its not a Madonna concert. A stinking Amway function ain’t gonna sell out.
LOL! One can only hope the tickets will be sold out before you buy but you
probably ain’t gonna be that lucky! LOL!
Of course the best option of all is to tell the fucking assholes in your Amway
upline you’re not going to FED at all and won’t be buying tickets to Free
Enterprise Days. Then watch the hissy fit those bastards throw when they
realize their beloved cult leaders won’t be making money off this ticket sell!
That’s how the real money is made in Amway – the tool scam! Tickets sold to
hear the Amway cult leaders talk are big profits for the cult leaders.
Save your money. Don’t buy tickets to WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days 2021! Or
any other year!
Do you know what happens at WWDB FED? The same bullshit that happens at every
other Scamway function. A bunch of Diamonds will stomp across the stage with
very similar stories about how they were dirt poor and in debt and now they’re
filthy rich. Yeah they’re filthy all right! Got rich by bringing misery to
other peoples lives who are at the bottom of the pyramid.
There is no training. There is no business advice. There’s nothing but a bunch
of rah rah motivational if I can do it so can you bullshit.
You been to one Amway function - you been to them all.
We don’t know for sure but believe it is possible that Amway
might be holding their cult meeting in Spokane Convention Center on October 15 –
16, 2021. If you click on the event calendar for October and scroll down to the
15th you will see the date booked using a keyword commonly used in
the Amway cult. The event is called Freedom Conference. When you click on it there’s no further
information about who is holding the event. Cults are very secretive. This is
guesswork. That event could be unrelated to Amway WWDB and some other
organization was dumb enough to book an event around the same time FED is held
in a city it is held in using key words used by Amway cult leaders and keeping
the organization that booked the dates anonymous. Could be coincidence. Or
could be Spokane is about to get an influx of Amway losers to their town in the
middle of October. What we do know is that the Amway cult is changing up some
of their names for their cult sects and brainwashing functions.
So let’s get a few keywords out there to reel in Amway ambots. And because
they’re so fucked up brainwashed by the Amway cult leaders and don’t know what
year it is I’ll throw in last year and next year. And don’t laugh. Searchers
are still looking for 2011 and 2012! That’s what happens in Amway. The assholes
in your upline brainwash you into believing just cause you’re in Amway that
gives you the power to turn back time! Holy fuck!
Free Enterprise Days 2021
Amway Free Enterprise Days 2021
WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2021
FED 2021
World Wide Dream Builders FED 2021
Amway Freedom Conference 2021
WWDB Freedom Conference 2021
Free Enterprise Days 2020
Amway Free Enterprise Days 2020
WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2020
FED 2020
World Wide Dream Builders FED 2020
Amway FED 2020
Amway Family Reunion 2021
WWDB Family Reunion 2021
Free Enterprise Days 2022
Amway Free Enterprise Days 2022
WWDB Free Enterprise Days 2022
FED 2022
World Wide Dream Builders FED 2022
Amway FED 2022
Amway Family Reunion 2022
WWDB Family Reunion 2022
Free Enterprise Days sucks!
WWDB sucks!
Amway sucks!
All Amway functions suck!
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Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!
If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
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