Monday, June 10, 2024

Eat Snacks Much?

Do you know someone who eats snacks and drinks every day?

At Amway meetings our sack of shit Platinum would ask questions like this to everyone in the room. The old amiable brainwashing approach to get the followers to agree with everything you say.

What does he expect people to say? No I don't know anyone who drinks something every day. Every one I know is dehydrated!

Do people eat snacks every day? One person's definition of a snack might differ from someone elses. There's been tons of articles written about what constitutes a healthy snack. Ambots go around screaming about how Amway offers healthy snacks.

When I want to eat a bag of tortilla chips one of those nasty styrofoam Amway snacks ain't going to do the trick for me. Same if I want a ginger ale or a coke. Drinking XS piss water just isn't the same thing!

Then the sack of shit taunts the cult followers by saying how easy it is to find someone who wants to eat an Amway power bar and an Amway drink every day. He then fills in a chart about how much money these snacks costs if you were to buy them from a grocery store or a coffee shop.

Well holy shit I don't know where he buys his groceries but I can buy a box of granola bars from Walmart for around $2 and that's 5 or 8 bars depends on the brand. Amway has a box of 5 or 6 bars too but they cost $30. Walmart granola bars taste way better too. What about that Perfect Water? Costs around $50 for a case of 24 and the sack of shit tries to break that down by $2 a bottle so that's not too bad about the same cost as buying a water from 7-11. However I can go to Walmart or Costco and buy a 24 pack of water for under $5 so maybe 20 cents a bottle is the breakdown.

It takes the Platinum at least an hour into an Amway meeting before he even starts talking about Amway and the business plan. Once he gets all gung ho on the eat and drink a shitty Amway product daily then he gets all excited about how many points (PV) you get and how much money you make.

The numbers keep going higher and higher based on how many people an ambot can scam into eating one Amway bar and drinking one Amway beverage a day.

Realistic chances of finding other people to eat and drink that shit? Not good.

Realistic chances of finding people willing to pay 3, 4, 5, 10 times more money for a shitty Amway product that they can buy a similar better tasting product in the grocery store? Even worse.

The sack of shit Platinum gets the cult members so focused on the numbers that he is tossing around and all excited about the gazillions of dollars they can earn by flogging the Amway snack plan that before anyone can really digest the bullshit he is trying to brainwash them with he moves on to another topic. That sack of shit gets easily distracted.

Or perhaps its just part of his master plan in the Amway scam.




  1. It's crystal-clear to anyone with a brain and a basic knowledge of mathematics that Amway energy bars and snacks and water are insanely overpriced. You can buy higher-quality stuff at any grocery store or supermarket or Costco or Walmart, and it will not only be much cheaper, it will taste really better.

    But this is why Platinums have to lie to IBOs and potential recruits at those meetings. If they didn't make up all those half-assed and twisted fake figures, how could they convince anybody to join Amway, or stay in it while losing money? People who are stupid tend to believe anything they hear in a speech, especially if it is delivered by some quick-talking Amway con-man.

    Of course, you have to be really stupid to spend $50 for a case of Amway's bottled water when you can get the exact same thing for $5 elsewhere.

    1. I agree Anonymous. Anyone with a brain and basic math knows Amway snacks and water are outrageously overpriced and shitty quality. Well water is water. The food bars are the shits! But we're talking brainwashed Ambots here. Not a brain between them in the flock.

      Biggest liars around are Amway cult leaders but only the best dammed liars are making money at it. And they have to spin lies about the potential income to rope in gullible ambots.

  2. Anna, you're giving me PTSD with this post! Memories of quarterly functions when I was in URA / URAssociation / UR Association.

    My Upline with yell at me if I had an empty clear water bottle.with water in it. "YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT IN HERE!", she would cackle.I had peeled off the branding just to not get yelled at. I guess that wasn't good enough.

    And it was painful going an entire weekend just by eating Amway snacks. You have documented multiple times the intentional sleep depravation that takes places at these things as well. That adds to the pain.

    Our Upline had us so scared of getting yelled at, that I would head downstairs early in the mornings when the hotel restaurant opened and grab breakfast. My hotel status allowed me free breakfast and I would be damned if I wasn't going to take part in it even if I would have gotten dirty looks if caught.

    We also rarely had the chance for food delivery as most of our hotels would not allow it. After long days, I certainly didn't want to walk the streets looking for food after most places had closed. And because the sessions lasted from morning until night, you didn't have a chance to have a real meal. And because as things went on, we were not allowed any outside food and drink into some of the convention centers and ballrooms, you had to scarf down what you could, when you could.

    Looking back, I should have a) not joined, and b) realized the scam earlier and decided to not give a F, and c) bolted as soon as I realized the scam was in while seeing how Upline treated people.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Well you've come to the right place to work through your Amway PTSD. Feel free to curse out the fucking assholes in your Amway upline or live vicariously while we do it for you LOL!

      Oh yeah if you're an Ambot you're not allowed to be in possession of any "illegal" products. You should have just kept refilling a Perfect Water bottle or brought a Contigo or Brita bottle and filled it with tap water from home.

      At least you got a decent breakfast. It probably depends on the venue if you can bring in outside food. I remember being at a stadium and leaving because I was bored and found a take out place on my walk and picked up lunch and brought it back inside so Ambot could eat. And yes we got dirty looks and did I give a shit? Nope! LOL! The stadium had places to buy food like hot dogs but there were no staff guarding the doors and telling people not to bring food in. Jesus it's hard enough for these places to get staff to work once word is out that Amway has rented the place. But these days Amway attendance is dwindling at the brainwashing conferences so they're being held in smaller places like hotel ballrooms where outside food might not be allowed because it's competition for their own food services.

      And you brought up a good point at the Amway cult leaders yelling at the Ambots for every infraction. How many people stay at a job where the boss rides their ass and yells at them all the time? But it's a different thing when it's your religious leader. Amway the Cult of Greed.

      Being abused by the Amway upline is well documented all over the Internet. And we do our part here to get the word out.

  3. Anna, I’m so sorry this 💩 cult caused so much damage in your life. But I want to say, I periodically visit your blog just for the laughs. You have a unique gift of hilarious potty-mouthed therapeutic rage and I love it! 😂 Keep up the great work sister!

    1. Hi Andy. Thanks for stopping by and reading the blog! Around here we aim to educate as well as entertain. We love cursing out Amway assholes. And those who wish they could curse them out can live through us vicariously! And of course it really pisses off Ambots that we care disrespect the Great Amway God and all the Amway cult leaders by cursing them out LOL!

  4. URA is one of the very worst Amway LOS subsystems. Its reputation for viciousness and nastiness is well known. They demand a lockstep obedience and servility from all IBOs, and they squeeze money out of members like a sponge.

    1. Anonymous - every Amway cult sect is nasty and vicious. Being abused by the fucking assholes in the Amway upline isn't just exclusive to WWDB World Wide Destructive Bastards. Our stories of abuse are all very similar.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.