Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Reader Shares Their ScAmway Story

One of our readers talks about their time in ScAmway:

Jumping in kind of late here, but I am a recovering Ambot. Got in in ‘94, and out in ‘96. The company itself is not the major problem, it is the sales organizations. Yes, a Diamond who follows the instructions, which includes having 10 RETAIL customers every month and builds that ethic into their downline could make $150 K per year. Not bad money, but the sales organizations sell a mammoth sized lie. first there are taxes, and the expenses of running such a business, so that $150 K gets whittled down to 100 PDQ.

However, most people in the organizations do NOT bother with the 10n retail customer rule. In fact most uplines will say. Forget that. That’s from the old days. Show the the plan , show the plan.

And they will rip you off with the books, tapes and functions. That is where the real money is, and it only goes to a fdew select “A-list “ diamonds. These are the guys with the lavish lifestyles that few will ever achieve. Kind of like the Masons. You need to be asked to join the elite, and you are sworn to secrecy. So most people male nothing, and actually lose money because they are not taught to retail to 10 customers a month ( ewwwww.) so now product is actually moving and no real income is generated

You get no PV for signing someone up and selling them a startup kit. But you are expected to dump a poopload of money into motivational tools (books and tapes) and atten some very expensive functions. Of course, it is “strictly voluntary” but it is understood that your uplines won’t give you the time of day if you don’t. And that is how the elite make the money. Amway makes their money on selling startup kits and personal use of products by distributors.

One reasn why the products are so expensive, is because there was a confrontation between the Devos/van Andels and the bigwig distributirs making money off the tools, and the latter threatened to leave and take their organizations with them, so the company had to accept that, and they had to raise their prices to offset it.

Until the motivational tool scam is dealt with, Amway will not live up to its promise.

Anna Banana responds:
Hi Anonymous - its never too late to join in. This is the 2nd most popular post on this blog for views and comments. It makes Amway Ambots very angry that its so high on the search engines when they’re probably looking to find out how much an Amway Diamond makes. Not quite what the ambots had in mind when they show up here thus the many angry comments they leave behind. Amway Ambots love to say negative no matter how much they preach about never saying negative. That rule of course only applies to Ambots. Around here we love to say negative and piss off everyone in Amway.

Not to mention this is the post where the infamous executive Diamond Theo showed up bragging about his riches that was so priceless he earned himself his own post.

You’re right. No one every enforced the 10 customer rule in order to get a commission from Amway. Otherwise no one would be making money because nobody who’s not an Ambot wants to buy Amway product. Making $10 commission after buying hundreds of dollars in overpriced shitty Amway products and investing in the Amway tool scam is not “making money”. Its being ripped off by the scam.

Yeah I remember the Amway cult leaders preaching over and over to show the plan. That’s one of the 10 CORE bullshit that is always mentioned at Scamway meetings. It’s one thing to say show the plan and its another thing to actually find a sucker willing to take a look at it.

That’s interesting why Amway’s owners jacked up their prices. We always knew it had to do with everyone in the upline getting a piece of greed pie after the lowly Ambot at the bottom of the pyramid did a lot of work to make a sale. The thing is Ambots are leaving Amway and taking their downline with them. Our sack of shit Platinum got fired from Amway a few years ago and took most of the downline with him. Same bullshit, different company. These MLM scams are all the same.

Amway’s got no motivation to get rid of the tool scam. They flog overpriced shitty products to Ambots who are bullied by the upline to keep buying. Only 3 or 4% of Amway’s customers are not registered IBO’s. As long as they have a steady stream of suckers paying too much money for generic and substandard Amway products they’ve got no reason to make changes.

Anonymous says:
Absolutely correct! When your Amway up-line tells you that you don’t have to bother making actual sales to retail customers, alarm bells should go off immediately in your brain!

Those alarm bells should tell you: “This company isn’t concerned with product quality, or even with product movement. It is only concerned with getting me to sign up, and pay for CDs and books and functions for the rest of my life.”

It’s quite true: De Vos and Andel tried to rein in the criminal bigshots like Britt and Yager and Duncan and Puryear, all of whom were making a fortune on nothing but signing up new IBOs and browbeating them into buying $300 worth of Amway products every month, without even asking those IBOs to sell those products to the public. Add to that the demand that IBOs buy all the damn “tools,” and those bigshots made a fortune.

They told De Vos and Van Andel to go to hell. They were going to continue, and if Amway didn’t like it Amway could fuck off. De Vos and Van Andel collapsed like a cheap camera, and so the “Tools Scam” continues unabated right now.

Let this be carved in granite: DON’T EVER SIGN UP IN AMWAY. It is a complete fraud.



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1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
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4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
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