Thursday, August 29, 2024

Amway Courier Fucks Up

A friend works in an office building that’s about 14 or 15 stories high. Her company is spread out over 3 or 4 floors I think of the building. There’s retail stores and a coffee shop on the ground floor and all kinds of different businesses and offices on the upper floors.

I went to her building to meet her for lunch. I went up to the floor where she works and chatted with the receptionist while I waited for my friend to come out. The mail girl showed up pushing the mail cart and dropped off some things to the receptionist. One of the things she pulls out is a courier card and she’s not sure how it ended up in her cart, who put it there, and the two of them are having a discussion about it. It appears the courier tried to drop off something after hours. After 5pm the building’s elevators shut down and have to be activated with a security card. Staff in all the companies get security cards specific to their floor so if they come in before or after their shift they can get to their floor but they won’t be able to get to floor of other companies.

First of all I’m thinking what the hell courier is dropping off after 5pm. I know a man who drives a courier truck and he says they make their deliveries in the morning and pick ups in the afternoon. Then he has to get to their warehouse by 4pm for sorting and to make sure the packages going by overnight air courier get to the airport.

But then the mail girl floors me. She says the dreaded “A” word. You know the word that ambots avoid saying. Amway! Its an Amway courier. Now that catches my attention. Amway has their own courier company delivering packages of shit to nasty little ambots. Doubt it.

As far as I remember we used to get Amway’s packages of shit delivered by good old USPS. So I don’t know if Amway has abolished the mail and delivering everything by courier now or if whoever ordered the shitty overpriced products was in a big hurry to get them and begged Amway to send them by courier. Did he run out of prestige toilet paper?

And why would an ambot want to embarrass themselves and have Amway send the package of shit to their workplace so everyone knows you’re a loser who bought overpriced shitty Amway products. We never had Amway shit delivered to our shop. Always to our house. If we weren’t home the mailman just left the box of shit on our top step its not like we had to sign for anything. Nobody every stole it. Damn it! Who would want shitty Amway products unless they’re a brainwashed Amway ambot.

It would be just too fucking embarrassing to have something with Amway written all over delivered to the workplace. And why would a person who works in a company where it can’t be delivered to their desk want their box of shit delivered there. Talk about fucking embarrassing having a box with Amway written on it delivered to where you work and all the hands its got to touch before it gets to your desk. Mailroom person, receptionist, etc. Embarrasment aside, its causing extra work for coworkers to handle a package which is clearly a personal thing and not something work related. Amway ambots are inconsiderate pricks that way. They don’t give a fuck about anyone else if they’re not making a buck off them. They think they’re better than everyone else and that’s why the rest of the world should cater to their every need. So let their lowly coworkers be inconvenienced. None of their coworkers are big shot hot shit business owners like they are.

So the mail girl is standing there holding a courier missed delivery card because the courier arrived sometime after 5pm. Isn’t it just like Amway to contract the services of a courier company that can’t get their deliveries completed during normal working hours.

Mail girl and receptionist look at the card and there is no clue which of the several hundred employees it should be delivered to in their company though why anyone would want a box of overpriced shitty products is another mystery and one that they weren’t trying to solve.

As you might guess I came to the rescue with my suggestion. There’s only one thing you can do with anything Amway.

“Throw it in the garbage.”

And the mail girl crumpled up the card and dumped it.

Don’t we all wish it could be that easy to get rid of everything Amway!



  1. A lot of the people in Amway are just not that bright.

    After all, who would spend $300 a month for products that they don't want and can't sell, just to get a ten-buck refund check? And do this for years and years?

    You have to be a 24-carat asshole to do that.

    Remember -- the big pins in Amway DO NOT WANT really intelligent persons in the business. Intelligent people won't tolerate bullshit, and they won't be satisfied with speeches from Diamonds in place of profits.

    Your up-line wants simple-minded, unsophisticated types who will be emotionally motivated to lose money regularly, and who will be happy with "hopes and dreams."

    Those are the 99% of Amway IBOs who never make a dime, and who provide the cash flow for the small group of big pins who get rich in the racket.

    1. Anonymous - that's pretty much true except those Amway losers have high opinions of themselves and think they're smarter than the rest of the world because they're inside the Amway cult.

      Every now and then an ambot signs up a career professional and then they go around bragging that this doctor or lawyer or cop wouldn't have signed up if Amway was really a scam. Well maybe they only signed up to enable an ambot relative.

      Amway cult leaders have a great deal of difficulty convincing smart people to sign up. Or anyone who's good with numbers. I looked at the pyramid scheme and it looks good on paper but the reality of finding 6 suckers let alone one sucker to join the Amway cult and buy overpriced shitty Amway products is very low.

      The only people getting rich in Amway are those at the top of the pyramid.

    2. I just finished reading, 'Amway, the Cult of Free Entrepreneurship' by Stephen Butterfield. I think this was one of the first books to really examine the Amway phenomenon. It is written with some humour. It was written in the early 1980s and was published I think in 1985. Obviously a lot of what he talks about is long gone. References to a forthcoming Reagan presidency for example are interesting from a historical point of view but the predictions of what might occur are now matters of record.

      Lots of things stand out though in the book. The emphasis on couples doing the business together, the rigid conformity, the cult-like obedience required and the constant reminder that Amway is the only thing preventing the US from succumbing to socialism.

      It is never quite clear in the book why good quality public education and health are socialism and further if these are socialism why they are so bad. Surely the only people who can benefit from an uneducated and unhealthy population are corporations that benefit from a large desperate and poor cohort.

      Butterfield makes clear through the book that no one is likely to get rich from this scheme. Consider that no matter what your economic circumstances and no matter how much you love or hate your job, the hours that you put in at work generally lead to your bank account being added to once a month or fortnight. Whether in Amway or not you need that job to start participating. If you decided to do Amway you would do your job and then spend every extra hour you can to try and convince others to join up. At the end of 2 years you might have developed your skill and knowledge by some tiny amount. If on the other hand you used those spare hours to learn some skill such as a musical instrument or to speak a language or to research some topic of interest, at the end of those 2 years you would at least be moderately competent.

      In the case of the Amway career you are probably poorer than you were at the start of the 2 years. In the other case you are as poor or slightly less poor (due to salary increases) than you were at the start and you have some new found skills.

      There is no contest between the two options. The only reason why anyone would remain in Amway is that they have become convinced in a cult-like way that Amway is not utter lies and deception.

    3. Aussie Hillbilly - that's right. If everyone invested the same amount of time and money for two years into something productive, they'd be way ahead of Ambots who spent two years stuck in the Amway pyramid scheme.

      People in Amway are very opinionated whether it's health care, education or real business owners who own real businesses.

  2. Anyone who knows how to keep an income-and-expenses budget book, or who can read a business spread-sheet, will not sign up in a blatant fraud like Amway.

    There is NO PROFIT in the Amway business except for highly motivated salesmen who can sell lots of products to total strangers, or for lying con-men who are good at convincing simple-minded folks to part with their money by joining up.

    The Amway Corporation knows this but won't admit it. Their only aim is to move their products into the AMO subsystems, and to allow the the organizers of those subsystems to force-feed the products to IBOs who have to buy them.

    This is why Amway will not listen to any complaints brought to them by IBOs, but will just say that the IBO has to work the problem out with his up-line.

    1. Anonymous - can you imagine an Amway Ambot going to their bank and asking for a small business loan and then showing the loans officer an Amway brochure with all these circles showing their downline.

      Amway cult leaders have to focus their efforts on recruiting younger people who are not business oriented and would never have a hope of owning a real business. So they pitch them a pretend business.

    2. These are the typical persons who are most easily recruited into the Amway racket:

      Newly graduated college students who are at loose ends, and haven't found a career yet.

      High school graduates who are in dead-end jobs with no hope of advancement.

      Recent immigrants who are clueless about MLMs, and think of Amway as a road to riches in their new country.

      Small-town schmucks with nothing to do.

      Bored housewives who want to be "boss-babes" with their own business.

      Over-hyped crackpots who think that they can becomes Diamonds in six months.

      Desperately lonely persons who are very vulnerable to love-bombing, fake friendship, and control by stronger personalities.

    3. Anonymous - you have nailed the targets that are easy prey to be recruited into Amway. Bored housewives maybe not so much. They'd have to fit into other categories as well. Generally women don't get sucked into Amway because it's a good old boy's club. No one's heard of any woman who single handedly reached any level of significance in Amway. That's because the good old boy's club won't let it happen. They're happy to take a woman's money but not let her be in any position of authority because that's man's work.

    4. As a general rule women tend to be attracted to those MLMs that deal with products that appeal to the female market: Avon cosmetics, Mary Kay, LuLaRoe clothing, scents and essential oils, skin creams, jewelry, etc.

      These MLMs are especially designed to appeal to the ladies. But all the same corrupt and evil practices are in them, just as they are in Amway.

    5. That's right Anonymous. Women are more attracted to MLMs that are attractive to the female market. And Avon never used to be bad until about 15 years ago when it started to become more about the recruitment. However Avon's prices and selection still appeal to women shoppers. Compared to Amway's shitty overpriced products that seem to only appeal to brainwashed male ambots.


Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. Like we haven’t heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!

If your comment didn’t get published it could be one of these reasons:
1. Is it the weekend? We don’t moderate comments on weekends. Maybe not every day during the week either. Patience.
2. Racist/bigoted comments? Take that shit somewhere else.
3. Naming names? Public figures like politicians and actors and people known in Amway are probably OK – the owners, Diamonds with CDs or who speak at functions, people in Amway’s publicity department who write press releases and blogs. Its humiliating for people to admit their association with Amway so respect their privacy if they’re not out there telling everyone about the love of their life.
4. Gossip that serves no purpose. There are other places to dish about what Diamonds are having affairs or guessing why they’re getting divorced. If you absolutely must share that here – don’t name names. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. Lets not help them find this shit.
5. Posting something creepy anonymously and we can’t track your location because you’re on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. Lets keep it safe for everyone. Anonymous is OK. Creepy anonymous and hiding – go fuck yourselves!
6. Posting something that serves no purpose other than to cause fighting.
7. Posting bullshit Amway propaganda. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. Not interested.
8. Notice how this blog is written in English? That's our language so keep your comments in English too. If you leave a comment written in another language then we either have to use Google translate to put it into English so everyone can understand what you wrote or we can hit the Delete button. Guess which one is easier for us to do?
9. We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.
10. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. Gets checked occasionally. We’ll get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isn’t spam.