A reader decides to even the score after an Amway loser wasted their time. Here's their Amway story:
Hi Anna,
Love your blog. Its hilarious and eye opening. I was reading your older blog
and thought I would like to share my story with you. I am an Indian, and I used
to work as independent management consultant for other business, I was doing
pretty good, so I decided to come to US for my masters degree and also lowkey
to get some connections for my consulting.
I was approached by a lady on LinkedIn, about a business opportunity. I, being a businessman myself, replied and agreed to meet with her and her husband. we talked about financials and mindset for business blah blah. then they gave me a book by Robert Kiyosaki, and asked me to meet again next week.
I read the book and found out it was about MLM, I was furious...... five fucking hours of meeting and I get hit with this shit, and here I was thinking maybe I am getting sponsors for my business expansion. Wasting 5 hours of a masters in engineering student and a businessman, where i get to sleep no more than 3-4 hours in night and work tirelessly remaining time.
I decided to waste there time, in next meeting I told them my financials, (some million rupees I saved for my education in US, around $500,000), and I think they saw me as a loose slot machine, So I became their "best" friend, spent countless hours with them, having drinks, nightouts, even spent a couple of nights in their house playing pool and drinking their overpriced shit XS drink (which I poured in their house plant when they are not looking, poor plant.... I am so sorry).
I was new in the US at that time and they were showing me around on their expense (the husband had a JOB, but was planning to leave in 3 months). this went on for 2 weeks, after two weeks they asked for my response and I told them, that I am a businessman and I do not put my foot in a sinking boat. they were very angry and started retaliating that they are not loosing money and I am the one who is going to regret about leaving.
I called my accountant, showed them that infact they are neck deep in horseshit and they are loosing money faster than a drunk in Las vegas casino. the wife started crying at that point. I told them good luck for their life and left. I think they are still with amway.
after reading your blogs that ambots are broke ass pieces of shits and don't spend money on other people, I think they did all of that because I am well off and they could use to recover all the money they lost on me when I become their downline and waste all my savings and income in buying from them. too bad for them, they counted their chickens too soon.
once again Anna, Love your blog, its bloody entertaining. Keep up the good work. I hope you publish this.
Notice how when an Amway freak wants to recruit you, he never tells you that it is Amway, or even that it is an MLM scheme. He simply talks to you in vague generalities, and then says that you "have to come to a meeting."
ReplyDeleteThis should always be a red flag. Why shouldn't you hear the entire business proposition immediately, without any hesitation or postponements? And why do you have to go to some mysterious "meeting"?
The generalities are designed to cloud your judgment, so that you will be inclined to think that the proposition is something special and secret. And the follow-up meeting is to get you in a social situation where you can be massaged and manipulated with a lot of love-bombing and jargon.
Both of these things should tell you that Amway is a scam and a racket that depend on deception. A real business proposition is presented clearly and fully, with all your questions answered directly and honestly. In a fake business like Amway, everything has to be disguised and sugar-coated.
Also, anyone who tries to show you that stupid Kiyosaki is a con-man.
Anonymous - part of the "training" at Amway cult meetings is to never say the A word to prospects. If people know it's Amway - they won't come to the brainwashing meeting.
DeleteAs you said why shouldn't a person be honest upfront about what company they work for and income expectations. That's because in Amway it's all about lying and scamming others to join their cult. As you said a real business proposition is presented in an honest manner and questions are also answered honestly. But in Amway its all about lie, deny, distract, and defend.
Amway recruiters won't tell you about the way to sell products for a profit, and they won't tell you about what kind of financial success most IBOs have.
ReplyDeleteThey refuse to do these things because the actual business of Amway isn't the products. The real business of Amway is "the Plan," and convincing as many persons as possible to sign up for "the Plan."
The few successful types in Amway care very little about Amway products or how they do in the marketplace. But they care very much about how many foolish believers they have in their down-line, and how much money these believers will shell out every month and year for membership dues, tapes, CDs, voicemail systems, books, meeting fees, PV requirements, and functions.
Those are the real things that Amway is about. The products are mere camouflage.
Anonymous - those products are the only thing crossing the grey line that keeps Amway from being an illegal pyramid scheme. Amway is a pyramid scheme with the sole purpose of recruiting more members into the cult. And that's how pyramid schemes operate when "the Plan" is all about recruitment over sales.
DeleteI always thought Amway was a good fair and honest company.
ReplyDeleteOnly fucking losers think that about ScAmway. Intelligent, compassionate people know pyramid schemes bring much suffering to the lives it infects.
DeleteYou think Amway is "good and fair and honest"? That's like thinking the Mafia and the Mexican drug cartels are benevolent and charitable organizations.
DeleteJust curious: I made several post and have not seen them posted. Wondering why? Could someone tell me?
ReplyDeleteHello to Anonymous from Georgia. When you leave a comment you will notice below the comment box that we have reasons why comments don't get published. Seeing as how you said you've left several comments that we haven't seen my guess is it's #10 - Your comment got caught in the spam filter. There's over 1000 spam comments left here each month. We don't check them. We just delete them. If your comment landed in spam - sucks to be you!
DeleteBlogspot has spam criteria plus we've had trolls leave comments that we've marked as spam so that blogspot picks up the criteria and sends right to spam. Some spam comments get through and published. We get at least 1000 spam comments a month that are deleted unread. If your comments don't get published they're in the spam filter never to be seen.
Just curious: why would you keep coming back to a blog where your comments go right to spam never to be seen?