Yes we actually had a searcher end up at the blog after doing
a search for “Freedom! Flush That Stinkin Job!” In fact it took the searcher to
the post about GetYour Wife Free.
Actually here I’m going to pretend I’m our Platinum and go off topic. The
damnedest thing about that particular post is it gets tons of hits from (I
assume) men looking for information on how they can get a free wife. Sure there
are some countries where the groom buys a bride from the bride’s parents but
some of the searchers are here in the USA! Boy did these guys end up in the
wrong spot if they’re trying to go el cheapo when it comes to buying a bride!
The only time I’ve ever heard the phrase “Freedom! Flush That Stinking Job!”
was during the NBC Dateline story about Amway. For anyone looking for those
links, its on Youtube:
Part 1
Part 2
And don’t all those morons look like they’re in a trance while they’re
Even more disturbing is what legitimate business operates in this manner? Amway
the corporation tries to convince themselves and everyone else that they’re a
legitimate business and for sure their ambots try their damnedest to convince
everyone that Amway is not a scam but then you see a video like this. It
screams CULT! I’ve been to a few business meetings over the years and never
have I witnessed anything like that with any legitimate company.
To the best of my recollection I never heard that chant at any Amway meetings I
attended. Could be another line of sponsorship that gets the cult followers to
scream out that chant or perhaps the cult leaders decided to lay off the
chanting for awhile following the Dateline story.
Those Amway cult leaders stand on the stage and get their followers fired up
leading them in the chant “Freedom! Flush That Stinking Job!”. The unfortunate
reality for the cult followers are that they won’t find freedom and they won’t
flush their stinking job. This is a scam! The only people in the arena who have
the freedom to flush their stinking job are the cult leaders on the stage. They
are ripping off their cult followers charging them big bucks to come into the
arena and listen to their bullshit motivational speeches. The cult leaders are
peddling dreams that won’t come true for their followers.
Don’t flush that stinking job! You need it to pay for functions like this and
make your cult leaders rich!
“Freedom! Flush That Stinking Job!” That’s the battle cry of Amway warriors.
Those ambots need to stop chanting and get a clue.
Even your Amway up-line knows that the statement "Flush that stinking job!" is meaningless. They are all well aware that an IBO's non-Amway job is what makes it financially possible for him to stay in the Amway racket, buying stuff and paying fees month after month.
ReplyDeleteSo why do they keep repeating it? Simple -- it's a mantra, like those religious chants that are said over and over by cult members, as a kind of self-hypnosis. And when you get people to keep chanting mantras, they cease to think logically and realistically.
Amway is very concerned that its IBOs should never, ever think logically. If they did, what might happen?
Hi Anonymous. Yes the mantra of the Amway cult. Keep chanting. Without a J.O.B. Amway Ambots could not buy overpriced shitty Amway products and snap up shit from the Amway tool scam. Once that job is flushed it's nearly impossible to afford to stay in Amway. If IBO's think logically then they'd read the small print on the Amway brochures and realize they'll never be in that tiny percentage of 1% of the participants who make money and that they got scammed. Then they'll quit and the upline assholes lose another income stream.
DeleteHey, you stinking' Ambots -- the job you really ought to flush is your fake Amway business.
ReplyDeleteLOL Anonymous! That is right!