My story of what its like to be married to an Amway cult follower. I expose the lies that our upline told and what happens at Amway meetings and functions. I leave the explanations of why Amway is a poor business opportunity or the tool scam to other bloggers. This blog mainly exists to curse out my former upline, aka the cult leaders, and to let everyone know what kind of idiots I had to put up with. Feel free to join in or live vicariously!
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Things To Do In Denver Instead Of Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2019
Marriedtoanambot is featuring some older posts of cities where Amway WWDB Spring Leadership used to be held. We don’t know if all the cities featured over the next few days are still on the World Wide Dream Builders agenda. We suspect not but what the hell we’ll rerun them anywhere for the search criteria. WWDB changed the guest password on their website so the cities for Amway functions can’t be viewed. This is what cults do. It’s all very secretive.
So if you’re an Amway loser and you know that Amway isn’t holding Spring Leadership 2019 in one of the cities that’s being featured in an upcoming post, don’t show up here bitching about it. Tell us when and where the Amway cult meetings are being held.
Last we knew Amway WWDB held World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership 2016 in Denver Colorado in April. Actual date and the arena or hotel they held it in is top secret for people not in the Amway cult so the infidels can’t crash the brainwashing convention. Or mock it online.
Keeping up with the theme of finding better and lower priced things to do in cities holding Amway functions, instead of going to the brainwashing convention I rounded up a few fun things to do in Denver, Colorado. Most of the fun things seem to involve driving out of Denver and hitting the ski slopes! Hmm kind of getting towards the end of ski season. I’ll see what else I can find.
Who saw the movie Cliffhanger? The Denver Mint was featured in it transporting out of circulation money. Hijacking and plane crashes and action packed scenes. So the United States Mint is a good choice. And its free! Woo hoo! Sucks that you can’t bring your purse into this place. Where you gonna stash some cash! I love that you are allowed to bring your cell phone inside but if you whip it out you will be escorted out by Mint Security. If ambots are visiting they’d have to call in extra security to escort out those damned ambots because of their fuck you I’m better than everyone else attitude and I’ll use my fucking cell phone if I want to! Can’t miss those important texts and phone calls from the assholes in my Amway upline!
Coors Brewery Tour – OK sometime between 2016 and now the tour is no longer free! Like fuck! Free tour. Free beer. Was there anything else to say? Now it costs $10, less if you’re a Colorado resident and free for active duty or veterans with military ID so can’t bitch too much about companies who honor our heroes in a better way than Scamway does. At least you still get beer and a souvenir glass so it’s probably worth the ten smackers. Here’s the website for more info.
Denver Zoo - Oh how I love a zoo! As long as its not the Amway zoo! It is nice that most of the places Amway holds functions have a zoo. Coin toss! Should I visit the baboons at the Denver Zoo or the baboons stomping across the stage at Amway WWDB Spring Leadership? Admission is $20 or slightly cheaper if you’re over 65 years or younger than 12 years. A couple could spend a day at the zoo and go out for a really nice dinner all for less than the cost of one $125 ticket to Spring Leadership.
Denver Art Museum - if you’re into looking at works of art this is the place to be. It costs $13 or slightly cheaper if you’re a Colorado resident. Where’s that coin for the toss? Museum or zoo? Goodbye Picasso hello lions.
Wings Over The Rockies Air and Space Museum - I’ve visited a few aircraft museums and this is something I’d consider seeing as how I still haven’t gotten over the Spruce Goose being moved out of Long Beach! Not that goosie is in Colorado. I think it went somewhere in Oregon. Admission is $15. Slightly cheaper if you’re over 65 or under 12.
Molly Brown House Museum - If you’re a Titanic trivia buff you’ll enjoy this museum where the unsinkable Molly Brown lived. Admission is $13, slightly cheaper for other age groups. Lets see. We already know Amway is a sinking ship. We have our choice. Going to an evening of Amway horrors for $125 or going to a place where someone lived through the horrors of the sinking Titanic. I know which one I’m choosing!
Want to do some shopping? Denver’s 16th Street Mall is a much better place to spend the day than stuck inside an auditorium listening to a bunch of aging Diamonds who use Amway functions to make their real money. Free shuttle buses and free Wifi anywhere up and down the pedestrian mall.
Here’s some more key words to help Amway IBO’s find their way because the assholes in their upline don’t help out with this top secret information. And because there are a bunch of dumb ass Amway ambots that think they have the power to turn back time and put this into their Google searches: Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2018! And one more for the Amway asshole who is thinking ahead to next year! Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2020. Yup ambots are so fucking brainwashed by their Amway cult leaders they have no clue what year it is!
Las Vegas
Calgary, Canada
Fort Lauderdale
Amway sucks!
WWDB sucks!
Spring Leadership sucks!
And one more time from marriedtoanambot let’s just send another big old FUCK YOU out to Amway Scamway and their scammer army of Ambots.
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